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Integrated Subject.

Dra. Aralí Larios Calderón.

Unit III

Analysis of the Statistical Information

Abril Andrea Vazquez Marun.

Alberto García Piña.

Kevin Lucero Ascencio

Antonio Garrido Irola.

Analysis of the Statistical Information.

Based on the statistical data that were previously carried out as part of the
investigation and taking into account the Rio Secreto establishment, we can
conclude that in recent months or it could be said that the years have not been
going very well throughout the Riviera Maya, either by various problems, such as
sargassum and the current pandemic that we are experiencing thanks to
COVID19, the influence of tourism has been affected and has also been
decreasing, generating large losses to all tourism companies as well as to the
population itself , since as we know, a large percentage of the people who live in
Playa del Carmen have jobs directly linked to tourism. So taking into account the
statistical data in the previous document, a little more than 60 percent of the people
who visit us come from the United States, Europe and Canada and are between 30
and 49 years old, which leaves us something to think about that It is if all these
people are willing right now to take recreational trips even keeping in mind how the
places are due to the pandemic and the new modality, both in their country and in
ours. According to the low occupancy rate of FEMATUR from 2 to 4.8 points, as a
result we can predict that the Rio Secreto establishment will be seriously affected
in terms of the number of its estimated daily visits for this year and the first months
of the following, leaving as affected to all the collaborators of that establishment,
which is why a large number of tourist establishments, in addition to this one, are
making huge cuts in personnel, as a result of tourists not coming to visit and there
is no economic income from them. The economy is slowly activating and the
income generated by them is still very low, so it is not enough to pay all the people
who have a job there.

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