Act 1-Unit 1 Judith Abrl Bayron Antonio Tu43

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Technological Univercity Of The Riviera Maya

Vazquez Marun Abril Andrea
Velasquez Colli Judith Adriana
Castro Garcia Bayron Jassiel
Garrido Irola Antonio

Teacher: Betsy Yanet López Manzanero

Subject: Qualiy in hospitality service

Activity: The importance of quality Tourism

Delivery Day: 20-01-21

The Impact Of ServiceINTRODUCTION
Quality On Tourism Industry

Why Quality Is Important For The Most Important Dimensions Of

Your Definition Of Service Quality
Turism? Quality in hospitality services is the most important factor to take in consideration, as clientService Quality
as well as the
provider. It is above all the heaviest trace in the customer mind at the moment of choosing an accomodation
and even a destination to stay.
The dimensions of the quality of the service can vary
Quality of service is the degree depending on the service or product that is being offered,
to which service meets or since not all times is met with all dimensions or
exceeds quality of service. satisfaction standards, the dimensions are those that give
Quality is important because is the There is a difference in size us an indication of how to measure the quality.1.
criteria or standard used by the between the customer's needs or EmpathyThis dimension tells us how personalized and
visitors and tourists to grade the expectations about the service adapted to the needs, is the customer service.2.
services and goods we have to and their expectations. Confidence (reliability)It tells you if the service is done
offer as a country and culture. The According to the meaning of with the necessary measures, if it has the ability to carry
quality perceived by a tourist can quality, it provides tangible out, if it fulfills the brand promise, if it is delivered properly
stablish the fate of a region, city or benefits to consumers for the or if the prices are correct.3. Tangible elementsThe
country in the touristic industry. purpose for which it has been quality in appearance of the physical facilities where the
created or fit for use. When service is provided, of the personnel, equipment used,
consumers or users buy it, there infrastructure4. Ability to respondIt tells us about the
should be no flaws. The service willingness to help users, whether it provides speed and
is a competitive stimulus. immediacy in the service, and whether it solves their
problems and complaints.5. SafetyThe credibility and
trust that your employees and company in general
provide; if they show knowledge, they provide adequate
attention and you have the necessary skills.
The Impact Of Service Quality
On Tourism Industry

Your definition of coustomer The factors affecting service

satisfaction quality in tourism

Customer satisfaction is the 1. Destination The location where the event will take place must be accessible.
perception of how an And of course, some destinations are more accessible than others since there are
organization delivers on their several airlines with multiple destinations.. Any destination should be easily
offered services and products. reached, by any method of transportation. With correct signage of all points of
It is important to remember is a interest in the area.2. Hotel The location of the hotel can be positive or negative in
preception and it varies terms of tourist satisfaction. And you can evaluate things like: ease of access to
depending on the client and the your room-restaurants-parking -transport stations (bus stops, airports, train
service given. stations, etc.)3. Quality of accommodation Accommodation refers to hotels, but
can also refer to other accommodations, such as motels, cabins, hostels, resorts,
It is based in two factors: etc.To judge accommodation tourists can rely on various considerations, such as:-
expected value and delivered evaluation of interactions-the hotel environment- the value associated with the
value. Is the organization that stay in this place.4. Interactions Hotel staff can include all employees in any
actually builts the expected department, it is important that the staff have a good relationship and interaction
value through the propositions with the guest, as it can directly influence the quality of the visitor experience. As
well as other guests who can be a source of dissatisfaction.5. Environment
Variations in the physical environment can affect the perception of an experience
independently. Environmental conditions, facility design and social conditions
directly influence this environment.
The facilities include items such as
Why do we focus so much on the qualities of a restaurant or a hotel in terms of service? Within the other
industries, tourism is considered the highest quality in customer service. Therefore, the importance that
this should have is obvious, because in order to achieve the highest possible customer satisfaction it is
necessary to maintain a high level of quality through a standardized system.
In conclusion, the tourism industry promotes the professional growth of each of those involved in the
provision of any tourism service, hence the importance of generating professionals who promote the
development of the activity.


1. Airlines: Company or company dedicated to air transport.
2. Flaws: Imperfection or lack that someone or something has somewhere or of a quality or
3. Value propositions:a reason given by a seller for buying their particular product or service,
based on the value it offers customers.
4. Willingness: Situation of being available someone or something.
5. Yield: Fruit or utility of a thing in relation to what it costs, what it spends, and what it has
invested in
(s.f.). Obtenido de
2020, C. J. (s.f.). Obtenido de Coria, J. V. (2020). Calidad en el Servicio. Encuesta de cinco dimensiones. (SERVQUAL) |
Blog de investigación de mercado y satisfacción del cliente. Unknown.
Calidad en el servicio. (s.f.). Obtenido de Azam Haghkhah (2011) Factors Affecting Service Quality in Tourism.
service, C. (s.f.). Obtenido de

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