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Two friends

There are two very close friends who hit it off with each other.One of them is smart and the
other one is simple minded.One day, the smart one drops in on his friend and brings up that
he has trouble at work, so he needs money. His friend counts on him and never lets him
down. He gives him all the money he has. This case sets out exactly how much he likes his
friend, indeed. The smart one gets the trouble over with as quickly as possible and things
look up for him. Some time later, the smart one comes to his friend again and an unexpected
situation crops up. He tells that he really likes his fiancee to talk him into leaving her. His
friend is really surprised since this does not add up. He breaks down but their friendship is
so strong that he can't say no to his friend and leaves his fiancee he falls for. When the times
goes by, the simple minded has trouble, his money gives out and apparently his friend
comes to his mind. He looks on helping him out when he is in trouble, he looks his friend up
at the working place and asks for work, but his friend turns down his application and has got
it for him. Our friend doesn't realise that his friend gives away some secrets and this situation
puts him off, but he still can't be angry with his friend and stands for this ignorance by his

To be continue...

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