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when Sam is finally accepted and comes into

NCM 108 MIDTERM WEEK his true gender identity, it's realized that his
twin brother was Sam's inner self all along.
Bioethics and Its Application in Various Health SEXUALITY AND HUMAN
Care Situations
1. Sexuality and Human Reproduction Video Lecture 1
2. Dignity in Death and Dying Week 1 Lesson 1
3. Nursing Roles and Responsibilities
- Human Sexuality
4. Ethical Decision- Making Process
- Reproduction
Watch the “The Story of Sam” and make
a short Reaction Paper using this guide Learning Outcomes:
questions: At the end of the video lectures the student will
a. What is the moral lesson of the be able to:
- describes how a society deals with
b. What ethical principle can you
apply in an outsider’s point of issues on human sexuality, reproduction
view? Explain briefly. and marriage
- apply bioethical principles in issue on
‘As they grow older, Sam struggles with human sexuality and marriage
the same emotions that many trans
children experience – and the same ones
represented by the toy – eventually pulling
away from her family, friends and even her
What is Human Sexuality?
- It plays as an integral part of one's
‘Sam helps children empathize with the personality
emotional challenges of being born a - Experience and express selves as
transgender or gender-diverse person,’ it sexual beings
says. (-This is the way we experience and express
selves as sexual beings, whether you are a
‘Most gender-questioning children are
male or a female
born into cultures that don’t accept them.
- This has a major influence in the
They are often subjected to physical,
verbal and sexual harassment leading to development of your sexuality as an individual)
feelings of rejection, isolation and
Each of Sam’s layers represent a different • Sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions
stage of gender exploration. The toy and behavior towards other people
comes with a booklet and e-book
explaining to parents how to deal with • It is a diverse yet important part of who
children who identify as transgender. you are
(Sexuality covers a broad spectrum it is
In the viral short film explaining the toy's understanding of who you are and what your
backstory, we're introduced to a child named feelings are towards other people)
Sam, along with Sam's twin brother. As they
grow older, Sam begins to question the idea of
gender, experiencing the very same emotions Other sources say that Sexuality is:
represented in the toy. At the end of the film,

Created with
- an expression of sexual sensation and 3. Nursing Roles and Responsibilities
intimacy between persons
- expression of identity through sex
4. Ethical Decision making process

Sex means different things with different
people, on the medical point of view generally
it refers to:
• biological difference between male and
female such as genitalia and genetic
(in others it is an intercourse or love making)

Sex is considered as taboo

o Sex is unmentionable
o Not to be discussed in public
o Seldom topic between children and their
parents and is considered as mortal sin
o Open and sane discussion of sex is
"verboten" (bawal)

Meaning of Sex to the Individual

(Timbreza, F.)
− Method of experience of each others
worth (realizing that you need that
person to complete you and in return
this person's values you as part of his
being to complete his life)
- An appeal for mutual care
(mutual care - this is how you give
yourself to a person who you love as if
you are sharing each others being)
- Sharing each other's being
(not merely the intimacy but rather with
that of respect, with that of giving
oneself to that person which will make
you whole. )

Health Care Ethics

Bioethics and its Application in
Various Health Care Situations
1. Sexuality and Human Reproduction
2. Dignity and Death in and Dying

Created with

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