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My Captain Sim FMC Tutorial


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papatodd427 Po sted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:23 am Po st subject: My Captain Sim FMC Tutorial

Okay folks here it is. This is a step by step tutorial to the Captain Sim 757 FMC. The route was made in FSX, with SIDs and STARs
added in the FMC. You can also use a route planning program and program your SIDs and STARs into your flight plan there. All that
would be required after entering your flightplan into the FMC would be to choose your departure and arrival runways. I found a
freeware program called Super Flight Planner on AVSIM which works pretty well. I also have vroute, but I don't think that has the
ability to program SIDs and STARs. Anywho, enough chatter:

1. I start with a cold and dark cockpit. Press Shift+m to turn on battery power and the avionics:
Joined: 15 Jun 2008

Location: Superio r, WI, USA

2. This is the cockpit after switching to battery power. Press Shift+6 to bring up the overhead panel.

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3. Here is the overhead panel. We'll want to focus our attention to the IRS panel on the top left.

4. We need to align the IRS. To do so, turn the switches to Align.

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5. After a few moments the Align lights will go out (only the R Align goes off on battery power, the others will go dark once you fire
up the engines.). Once they do, turn the switches to NAV.

6. This is what you will see once the IRS has been aligned. The HSI and NAV screens will now have detail on them. The quick menu
in the bottom left can be brought up by pressing Shift+2.

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7. Bring up the EFIS panel by clicking the button for it on the quick menu or Shift+5. Switch the range to 20 NM and the display
mode to PLAN.

8. Now call up the FMC by pressing the CDU button or Shift+7.

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9. It might be helpful to call up your NAV screen for reference when you are inputting your route to the FMC. Bring that up by
clicking it as you do in default FSX aircraft.

10. Now press the bottom right Line Select Key (LSK) on the FMC to get to the route page. This is where the FMC is asking for you to
enter your route. Now press the LSK next to "Request Send" to load a flightplan into the FMC:

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11. Press the LSK next to "FLTSIM FPLS" to load one from your FSX files folder.

12. Once you find the appropriate flightplan, press the LSK next to it. Mine was on the top of this list:

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13. Now press the LSK next to "ACTIVATE" to activate the route.

14. Once you activate your route the EXEC button will light up. Press this to execute the changes. Once this is done, the route now
will be a solid pink line on your NAV screen

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15. Now is where we'll program the SID and STAR into the route. Push the DEP/ARR button to get to your Departures and Arrivals
screen. It automatically goes to the departure procedure, and then we'll do our STAR after that.

16. Now we'll want to listen to the ATIS to find out what the active runway is. In my case it's runway 10.

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17. Now I'll choose Runway: 10, STAR: RW10 with a TRANS of LIF2E. The proposed route will show up as a white dashed line on the
NAV screen. It might take a few tries to find a SID that doesn't take you all over hell, and if you try one you don't like just push the
LSK next to "ERASE" to cancel that SID. Once you're pleased, push the EXEC button to execute your changes.

18. Now push the LSK next to "INDEX" to get back the Departures and Arrival index.

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19. Here is the DEP/ARR Index. You'll want to push the LSK next to "<ARR>" of your destination airport to get to the STAR screen.

20. Once there you'll have a few choices to make. I'll first select my Approach: ILS20.

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21. This will give you some TRANS to choose from. I chose TRANS: FLO.

22. Next we'll choose our STAR. I went with the first one: ARVL10. It might give you some TRANS for your STAR to choose from,
but in my case it didn't so we're good. After that we'll push the EXEC button to execute our changes.

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23. Now it's time to clean up the route. Looking at my NAV screen I can see that DUB is not lined up with my SID. To delete it push
the DEL button, then the LSK next to the DUB waypoint.

24. Now we'll copy the "TOLKA" waypoint into the discontinuity. Do this by pressing the LSK next to "TOLKA" and then pressing the
LSK next to the discontinuity.

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25. Now press the EXEC button to execute your changes. I find that doing this often helps me by getting rid of the clutter on the NAV

26. Here is our cleaned up departure (next 2 screens). Looks much better doesn't it?

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27. Now on to our STAR. Move down your leg list by either pressing the bottom left LSK next to STEP (this steps though each leg) or
by pushing the NEXT PAGE button. Arriving to page 4 we can see that we have a discontinuity. Waypoint "AKOVI" is out of the way,
so we'll just delete it. I trust that I don't need to describe how to do this again.

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28. Now we'll copy waypoint "RODRI" into the discontinuity to join the route.

29. Press the EXEC button to execute the changes. Now our STAR looks better!

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30. With our route cleaned up, onto the PERF INIT screen. Get there by pushing the INT REF button.

31. You'll need to calculate your Zero Fuel Weight and enter it into the FMC by typing the number (decimal included) using the
number pad. It will display in the bottom left of the screen. To input, press the LSK next to the "ZFW" field. Next input your
reserves, cruise altitude, and cost index. Your screen should now look something like this:

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Now press the LSK next to "TAKEOFF" to get to the TAKEOFF REF screen
32. Here you'll need to enter your desired flaps on takeoff, thrust temperature, and center of gravity ratio. Once entered the FMC
will give you REF speeds and trim setting. Set your trim to the indicated setting.

33. Now press the LSKs next to the three REF speeds given (V1, VR, V2) to accept the settings. Pre-Flight is now complete!

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34. One thing I noticed in a previous attempt was that the FMCs calculated descent had me descending a little too late for my liking.
You can change these setting, as well as your airspeed, for a particular waypoint. Open up your Navigation Log, and follow those
altitudes. To enter them into the FMC, you must first type in your airspeed (mach or KIAS), then a forward slash , then your
altitude. See the screen below for an example. To enter it into the FMC, push the LSK next to the desired waypoint.

35. We're pretty much ready for departure now. Arm autothrottle, turn on the flight director, and set your speed to the calculated
VR speed. In my case it was 136 KIAS.
36. Get your proper clearances and taxi to the runway. Add appropriate flaps while taxiing. Once on the runway and aligned with
the centerline you can use autothrottle or advance throttles manually. For autothrottle, push TO/GA and the EPR. The aircraft will
accelerate on its own.

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37. Once airborne and positive rate of climb has been established, retract landing gear and arm the autopilot. Push LNAV, VNAV,
Then the center CMD button. Your aircraft should now be flying on its own. It will ascend/descend and change speed as designated
by the FMC. Retract flaps appropriately.

38. You can see now that the aircraft is now following the flightplan, and you can monitor its progress by pushing the PROG button
on the FMC. This will give you distance remaining of the current leg, next leg up, and distance to your destination.

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39. When nearing your destination, push INT REF on the FMC. This will bring up approach setting. Here you will choose your flaps
and speed settings.

40. I did not get any good screens of my approach/landing, but you will need to program your radio frequency and runway heading
into the ILS radio on the radio stack. When you are on your ILS intercept course, push LOC and then APP on the autopilot panel to
engage the ILS approach system. Disengage above 500 feet and hand fly the rest of the way down!

Well I hope this was helpful to you. Please keep in mind I am in no way an expert at this, and if any of you have any refinements
feel free to add them. I will compile this into a document if anyone is interested. Thanks guys, and catch screenies of this flight over
at my World Tour!

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ASUS G73JH Notebook|Intel Core i7 720QM processor @ 1.6 GHz (2.8 GHz w/ Turbo Boost)|6 GB DDR3 SDRAM @ 1600 MHz|ATI
Mobility Radeon HD5870 w/ 1 GB GDDR5|2 - Seagate Momentus 7200 RPM 500 GB Hard Drives

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Faucett Po sted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:32 am Po st subject:

Mo derator

Incredible work, very detailed and well explained!


Joined: 04 Oct 2006

Location: Misso uri, USA Ludo62

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RadarMan Po sted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:43 am Po st subject:


Fantastic!! Thank you!

I'll move this to the Tips And Tricks forum.

Joined: 03 Oct 2006

Location: U.S.A. _________________

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fatcraft man Po sted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:24 am Po st subject:


I still can't get the LNAV and VNAV and the autopilot master switch to engage. I also have more errors on my Engine screen than

I have.

Joined: 14 Jan 2008

Location: Australia, Perth,

Turn on the stuff on the overhead panel doesn't help.


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