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TCdata360: General infrastructure. (n.d.). TCdata360.

Retrieved November 18, 2021,


Viết một bản phân tích ngắn gọn tóm tắt những phát hiện của bạn, trích dẫn bằng chứng
cụ thể về những gì bạn tin là bốn (4) vấn đề quan trọng nhất đối với công ty của chúng tôi
khi chúng tôi xem xét đầu tư vào quốc gia này. Hãy cho tôi biết những vấn đề này có thể
sẽ ảnh hưởng đến chúng ta như thế nào. Không bao gồm đánh giá của bạn về Việt Nam
trong bản ghi nhớ của bạn. Cung cấp danh sách các tài nguyên được sử dụng để tạo hồ sơ
của bạn. Tuân theo kiểu tham chiếu APA

Infrastructure is a general term that refers to roads, railways, hospitals, schools, irrigation
systems, water supply, etc., accumulated from investments by central and local government
Infrastructure also includes intangible assets such as human capital, that is, investments in
workforce training. Infrastructure plays an important role in achieving high rates of
economic growth and raising the overall standard of living of a country.
The construction of modern and efficient infrastructure is seen as an important foundation
for the success of an economy. Infrastructure covers aspects such as the ease of
transportation, communication networks, sewage, water, and electric systems… that is
crucial in the operation of any business. For Masan Consumer, a set of good infrastructure
is important for its foreign business activities as it can help lower the cost of transportation,
transport their goods easily to stores and supermarkets.
We gave Singapore a perfect score because of its excellent infrastructure condition in many
aspects. Singapore invested around five percent of its GDP on infrastructure, equivalent to
US$20 billion in 2015, and this continues to rise. By 2020, Singapore continue to invest six
percent of GDP, the equivalent of US$30 billion, which strives to make the market more
attractive for foreign investment. Access to electricity (% of population) in Singapore was
reported at 100 % in 2019. Currently, the government is continuing to invest in developing
the country’s infrastructure.
According to the World Bank, Singapore ranks eleventh out of 131 countries in 2020 for
general infrastructure quality which is assessed by electricity supply (the average of
electricity output and consumption in kWh per capita); composite indicator on logistics
performance; land improvements (fences, ditches, drains); plant, machinery, and equipment
purchases; and the construction of roads, railways, and the like, including schools, offices
hospitals, private residential dwellings, and commercial and industrial buildings. In
particular, Singapore ranks second out of 137 ranked countries for quality of port
infrastructure and air infrastructure. Because Singapore is located at the intersection of
major sea lanes in the world, the government has stepped up investment in port
infrastructure. As a result, Singapore now has over 1,000 berths and 300 cranes and leading
port facilities in the world. Besides, the Singapore government has strongly invested in air
infrastructure to keep its position as an important air gateway of the world. A prime
example of the result of this policy is Singapore's Changi Airport becoming the most
important and modern hub in the Asia Pacific.

New Zealand
The infrastructure in New Zealand is considered to be quite complete and modern. In 2019,
New Zealand's government has announced plans to invest US$4 billion in the country's
infrastructure. The Government will also invest an extra US$12 billion in infrastructure
over the next four years, including USD 6.8b in transport. New Zealand has gradually
improved its infrastructure to be more attractive to foreign investors.
According to the World Bank, New Zealand stands in the twenty-first rank among 131
countries ranked in the world for general infrastructure quality in 2020. In addition, New
Zealand was ranked seventeenth and twenty-second for port and air infrastructure
quality, respectively.

Throughout the country there are 62 airports, with 5 of these are the international airport.
Six leading ports
đứng thứ 2 Châu Á về thu nhập bình quân đầu người, đứng sau Nhật Bản.
New Zealand

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