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PGE 301 – Engineering, Energy and the Environment

Spring 2011
Course Description: Overview of energy supply and demand. Studies subsurface
engineering and engineering problem-solving methods, with an
emphasis on fossil energy exploitation and geologic CO2 storage.
Includes aspects of basic petroleum geology.

Class Schedule: Lecture: Monday-Wednesday, 12-1 pm, CPE 2.208

Final Exam: Thursday, May 12, 9:00-12:00 noon (no exceptions)
Textbook: Required: Fundamentals of Petroleum, Kate Van Dyke,
Petroleum Extension Service
Course Web-site: (Blackboard)

Instructor: Jon E. Olson

Office: CPE 5.168B
phone: 471-7375
My Office hours: MW 10-12, or drop in
TA’s: Iona Williams, Ben Bahorich, Cathy Coussons, David Livasy
TA Office Hours: TBA

Goals: By the end of this course, students should be conversant in energy

supply fundamentals, basic oilfield terminology, the range of
petroleum engineering technology, and the principles of petroleum
geology. Students should also be skilled at basic engineering units
and conversions, fundamental engineering problem solving
techniques, and spreadsheet computation.

Grading: Preliminary grading scale: A>=93, A->=89, B+>=85, B>=81, B-

>=77, C+>=73, C>=69, C->=65, D+>=61, D>=57, D->=53
Exam 1 – 15%
Exam 2 – 20%
Final Exam, 20%
Labs and Homework, 35% (due at the beginning of class or lab –
10%/day reduced credit for late assignments)
Quizzes, 10% (no make-ups will be given – will drop lowest score)
Students with Disabilities
The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate adjustments
for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office
of the Dean of Students at 471-6259 at 471-4382.
Scholastic Integrity
Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and incidents of dishonesty will be
reported to the Dean of Students. You are expected to do your own work on all of
your assignments unless told otherwise. You can ask one another questions about
homeworks and labs, but you should never copy another student's work, nor share
your paper or spreadsheet or computer code with other students, nor do
assignments as a team (unless specified). Any interaction with other students
concerning assignments should have the purpose of teaching one another, not the
purpose of unearned grade improvement.

Preliminary topical outline

1. Energy
a. units of measure
b. sources (primary and secondary)
c. current supply and demand
d. environmental impact
2. Petroleum geology
a. origin of petroleum
b. petroleum systems
c. reservoir fluids
d. reservoir pressure and stress state
e. porosity & permeability
f. well logs
g. cross-sections
h. maps
i. seismic
3. Drilling
a. making hole
b. casing & cementing
c. directional drilling
d. controlling formation pressure
e. offshore operations
4. Production
a. well completion
b. reservoir drive mechanisms
c. well testing
d. well stimulation
e. improved recovery
5. Economic analysis
6. Other engineering topics to be worked in throughout semester
a. units
b. significant figures
c. the art of estimation
d. error quantification
e. problem solving techniques
f. ethics
g. data logging and note-taking

Preliminary list of lab exercises (lab attendance required)

1. Measuring rock density and porosity
2. Darcy’s flow experiment
3. Residual water saturation and capillary tubes
4. Production drive mechanisms
5. Hydraulic fracture proppant design
6. GPS positioning and Google Earth
7. Reserve estimation
8. CO2 sequestration
9. Plotting geologic data on stereonets and rose diagrams
10. Seismic interpretation for petroleum exploration
11. Basic well log interpretation

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