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Rozdział 2 Imię i nazwisko: 

MiniMatura Wynik/50
Grupa A Klasa: 


SŁOWNICTWO 4 Wybierz poprawną opcję: A, B lub C.

Our house is a mess. My parents 0 the living room all
1 Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym słowem. Pierwsze litery
morning. Well, actually, they 1 . At the moment, dad
brakujących słów zostały podane.
for the paint the he bought yesterday. He 3 where
We live in a 0detached house in the countryside. It is a very
it is. I think mum 4 it because she doesn’t like the colour.
rural area and there isn’t much public 1 t
Luckily, they 5 me to help them yet, so I’m in the garden
– just two buses a day! It’s in a great 2 l
reading a book!
if you like peace and quiet and the 3 v
0 A are painting B
have been painting C paint
of the countryside is wonderful.
1 A have been arguing B have argued C argue
Our house hasn’t got central heating but we keep wood in
2 A looks B has looked C is looking
the garden to burn in the winter and it’s very warm and
3 A isn’t knowing B doesn’t know C hasn’t known
c .
4 A has been hiding B has hidden C is hiding
Even though the house is old, I love it. It’s got real character,
5 A aren’t asking B don’t ask C haven’t asked
not like these 5 m houses that are so
popular. They all look the same to me. /5

/5 5 Z podanych elementów utwórz poprawne pytania.

Jeśli to będzie potrzebne, dodaj inne elementy.
2 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując jedno słowo w każdej luce.
0 How often / your brother / tidy his room?
0 I live in the city centre.
How often does your brother tidy his room?
1 Which floor do you live ?
1 A: you often / stay in at the weekend? 
2 We found a nice house the outskirts of the

B: No, I don’t.
3 I like staying the sea.
2 What / your parents / do / at the moment? 
4 I wouldn’t want to live the countryside.

It’s too quiet.
3 A: Your room looks tidy. / you / just / clean / it? 
5 We live walking distance of the cinema –

but it takes a long time to get there!
B: Yes, I have.
/5 4 A: we / pay / this month’s rent yet? 

3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki. W ramce podano
B: No, we haven’t.
cztery dodatkowe czasowniki.
5 A: your mum / ever use / this microwave? 
mow empty lock take do 
share draw switch clear make B: No, she doesn’t. She prefers the oven.
When I get home in the evening, I 0 lock the door,
the curtains and 2 on the lights.
I feel safe and warm. I live in my own flat. I don’t have to
a room with anyone and I can do what I want. 6 Przetłumacz zwroty podane w nawiasach na język
I haven’t got a garden, so I don’t have to 4 the angielski.
lawn like I did when I lived with my parents. I don’t have to
0 It’s your turn (żeby wyprowadzić psa na spacer) to walk
the cooking or shopping either because
the dog .
I have takeaways every day!
1 We live (na przedmieściach)  .
/5 2 The house (jest na rogu) 
Park Street and Station Road.
3 (Nie kupiliśmy) 
the house yet.
4 John can’t go out now. (Czyści odkurzaczem podłogę)
 in his bedroom.
5 Hurry up! (Czekam) 
to use the bathroom for ages.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy
MiniMatura Rozdział 2 Grupa A


7 Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, które zdania (1–5) są zgodne 8 TRACK 03 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Becky
z treścią tekstu (T), a które nie (F). i Chrisa. Odpowiedz na pytania (1–5). Zaznacz
znakiem (7) odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli.
1 Homeowners have to find Who… Chris Becky
holidaymakers themselves. 1 would like to have more time on their
2 Holiday apartments are generally own?
cheaper than hotel rooms. 2 likes the other person’s idea about
3 The location of private flats isn’t cleaning?
necessarily a bad thing. 3 advises the other person not to do
4 Homeowners have to clear away all something?
their possessions before they rent 4 criticises the area in which the flat is
their flats. located?
5 The writer doesn’t recommend 5 has no plans to buy somewhere to
homestays for everyone. live?


Would you let a stranger stay in your house while you

weren’t there? More and more people are doing just
that. Several companies now bring homeowners and
holidaymakers together. The homeowners want to earn 9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.
a bit of extra money. The holidaymakers get a cheap, Twój przyjaciel wyjechał na uczelnię i teraz mieszka
pleasant place to stay. The only difficulty is choosing
w wynajmowanym do spółki mieszkaniu. Jest w tej chwili
where to go!
trochę zdenerwowany, ponieważ ludzie, z którymi
It works, although there are so many people offering flats wynajmuje mieszkanie, są nieporządni i głośno się
in unpopular locations that it must be difficult to make
yours stand out from the crowd. Obviously, you have zachowują. Napisz do niego e-mail.
a  better chance of finding someone to rent your house • Wyraź współczucie z powodu zaistniałej sytuacji.
if you live in a nice area. Expensive cities are the best • Zaproponuj, co przyjaciel mógłby powiedzieć
especially as, often, there are fewer flats for people to współlokatorom.
choose from. Take Venice for example. A hotel room can
• Podaj jakieś inne rozwiązania, gdyby go nie posłuchali.
easily cost €200 a night. A holiday apartment costs about
the same. However, you can find a private flat for half the • Powiedz przyjacielowi, co ostatnio porabiałeś/aś.
price or less and many people are doing just that. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
Are there any problems? Well, the flats probably won’t
be in the most touristy parts of town. Don’t expect
to overlook St Mark’s Square. Residential areas can
have their own advantages, though. The local shops Hi James,
are cheaper and public transport is better. They are Thanks for the email with all your news from university.
probably  safer too, especially with all the neighbours
watching you carefully! 
Homestays are also more homely. You’re staying in
someone’s actual home. His or her photos and souvenirs 
will be everywhere. There will be books on the shelves
and food in the fridge. They might not have been
professionally cleaned. If you are worried by a bit of dirt, 
perhaps you should pay for a hotel. If not, maybe next
time you book up a holiday, you should try a homestay. 
You may be pleasantly surprised.

Looking forward to seeing you here at Christmas.
All the best,


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy

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