Toaz - Info Ee117xpower System Electric Transmission and Distribution Systemquestion Bank PR

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Question Bank in Power Systems neutral and the power factor is 0.

80, likewise
lagging current. Solve for the resistance and
A. Transmission Line Parameters reactance of the line.
1. REE Board Exam March 1998 A. 2.2 + j4 Ω C. 2.0 + j5 Ω
A 230-kV transmission line is 100 miles long. The B. 2.4 + j6 Ω D. 2.1 + j3 Ω
conductor is ACSR of 1,113,000 CM. The
conductors are horizontally arranged with 20 ft 7. EE Board Exam April 1993
spacing. The resistance per mile is 0.0969 ohm A certain station in Luzon has 36 kV, 3-phase, is
and its GMR is 0.0435 ft. What is the impedance to supply 12 MW load at 30 kV and 0.8 power
of the line? factor lagging over a 3-phase transmission line.
A. 9.69 + j95.25  Find the resistance and reactance of the line if
B. 3.23 + j95.25  the length of the transmission line is 4,000 meters
C. 9.69 + j77.19  and the efficiency is 90%.
D. 3.23 + j25.93  A. 5.33 Ω, 12.39 Ω
B. 4.45 Ω, 11.67 Ω
2. REE Board Exam October 1997 C. 6.31 Ω, 15.89 Ω
A 34.5 kV feeder line is 5 miles long. The D. 3.56 Ω, 12.78 Ω
conductors are spaced 4 feet horizontally. The
conductor is 4/0 copper with GMR of 0.01688 ft. 8. REE Board Exam September 2001
What is the reactance? Find the GMD of a double circuit having vertical
A. 2.36 ohms C. 3.46 ohms configuration 3 meters apart and 3 meters
B. 6.72 ohms D. 5.16 ohms between conductors. The phase configuration of
st nd
the 1 circuit is abc from top to bottom and the 2
3. REE Board Exam October 1998 circuit is cba.
A 5 km long, three-phase line has a horizontal A. 4.24 m C. 3.567 m
configuration of 4 ft spacing. The conductor is B. 3.78 m D. 3 m
336.4 MCM ACSR with GMR of 0.0244 ft and a
resistance of 0.306 ohm per mile. What is its 9. REE Board Exam September 2000
impedance? Two No. 8 copper conductors are placed 15-cm
A. 2.22 cis 65 C. 6.66 cis 65 apart with a GMR of 1.27 x 10 m. If the length of
the line is 4 km, find the value of the line
B. 1.19 cis 46 D. 3.57 cis 46
A. 6.85 mH C. 5.78 mH
4. EE Board Exam April 1985
B. 7.63 mH D. 9.65 mH
The sending end voltage of a balanced 3-phase
transmission line is 8410 volts, phase to neutral.
10. REE Board Exam October 1997
The line current is 200 amperes with a sending
A 230 kV line has an impedance of 0.05 + j0.2
end lagging power factor of 0.803. The receiving
ohms per phase per kilometer. If the line is 100
end voltage is 7600 volts, phase to neutral, with
kilometer long, what is the total impedance?
the line current having a lagging power factor of
0.85. Solve for the impedance of the transmission A. 0.05 + j0.2 
line. B. 0.5 + j10 
A. 1.47 + j5.15 Ω C. (5 + j20) x 10 
B. 1.42 + j5.15 Ω D. 5 + j20 
C. 1.47 + j5.04 Ω
D. 1.42 + j5.04 Ω 11. REE Board Exam October 1996
Transmission lines are not normally installed
5. EE Board Exam April 1986 equilaterally. However, in the calculation of
A short, 3-phase, 3 wire transmission line has a voltage drops in 3- transmission lines,
receiving end voltage of 4160 V phase to neutral equilateral distances are required. Unequal
and serving a balanced 3-phase load of 998,400 spacing is therefore converted accordingly. What
volt-amperes at 0.82 pf lagging. At the sending is the equilateral spacing of a line with actual
end the voltage is 4600 V, phase to neutral and spacing between conductors 2.0 meters, 2.0
the p is 0.77 lagging. Solve for the resistance of meters and 3.0 meters?
the line. A. 2.333 meters C. 2.280 meters
A. 1.345 Ω C. 1.457 Ω B. 2.104 meters D. 2.517 meters
B. 1.462 Ω D. 1.635 Ω
12. REE Board Exam September 2001
6. EE Board Exam April 1984, April 1997 The capacitive reactance of a transmission line is
At the sending end of a 3-phase transmission 90,000 /km. Find the total capacitive reactance
line, the voltage is maintained to be 2,540 volts if the transmission line is 50 km long.
phase to neutral and the line current to be 60 A at A. 4.5 x 10  C. 90,000 
a lagging power factor of 0.75. At the receiving B. 1,800  D. 180,000 
end, the voltage measured is 2,200 volts phase to
B. 36,500 V D. 34,990 V
13. REE Board Exam October 1998
A 100 km transmission line has a 1,200 ohms 20. EE Board Exam April 1980
shunt reactance. What is the per km shunt A 3-phase, 3-wire short transmission line having
reactance? an impedance of 3.6 + j16 ohms per wire is used
A. 1,200 ohms C. 12 ohms to supply an inductive load of 100 A at 0.707 pf
B. 120,000 ohms D. 120 ohms and a capacitive load of 50 A at 0.50 pf. The
receiving end voltage is 4160 volts per phase.
B. Types of Transmission Lines Find percent regulation.
14. EE Board Exam April 1981 A. 25.46% C. 26.34%
A 3-phase, 3-wire, short transmission line has a B. 20.33% D. 23.71%
resistance of 3 ohms and a reactance of 8 ohms
per wire. At the receiving end, a balanced 3- 21. REE Board Exam October 1998
phase load draws a line current of 60 A, at 13,500 A short 230 kV transmission line has an
volts line to line, 0.90 power factor lagging. impedance of 5 cis 78° ohms. The sending end
Determine the voltage at the sending end. power is 100 MW at 230 kV and 85% power
A. 14,156 V C. 14,230 V factor. What is the percent regulation?
B. 14,143 V D. 15,055 V A. 3.6% C. 2.2%
B. 1.5% D. 0.77%
15. REE Board Exam October 1996, April 1997
A load of 12 MVA, 0.8 pf lagging, 22 kV is served 22. EE Board Exam October 1983
by a transmission line which has a line resistance A short sub-transmission line serves at its end an
of 3 ohms and a line reactance of 10 ohms. Solve induction motor rated 500 HP, 0.88 pf, 0.90
for the sending end voltage. efficiency, at 2,400 volts phase to neutral. If the
A. 24,345 V C. 23,335 V transmission line has a resistance of 1.5 ohms
B. 26,795 V D. 25,422 V and a reactance of 2.4 ohms per phase, solve for
the voltage regulation of the line.
16. EE Board Exam April 1982 A. 6.77% C. 6.48%
A short 3-phase, 3-wire line has a resistance of 5 B. 7.02% D. 6.25%
ohms and a reactance of 12 ohms per wire and
transmit power to a 3-phase load drawing 1000 23. EE Board Exam October 1993
kW at 13,120 volts line to line, 0.8 pf lagging, 60 Each conductor of a three-phase, 3-wire
Hz. Solve for the sending end voltage. transmission line has impedance of 15 + j20
A. 14,200 V C. 14,130 V ohms at 60 Hz. The voltage between line
B. 14,330 V D. 14,240 V conductors at the sending end is 13,200 volts.
The load connected to this line is balanced and
17. EE Board Exam April 1991 takes 1000 kW at a lagging power factor. The
A 3-phase line has a reactance of 4.32 ohms and current per conductors is 70 A. What is the load
a resistance of 4.15 ohms. The load at the power factor?
receiving end is 3800 kW at 75% power factor A. 0.803 lagging
lagging and the voltage at the sending end is 36 B. 0.824 lagging
kV. Determine the voltage at the receiving end. C. 0.850 lagging
A. 34.24 kV C. 35.14 kV D. 0.815 lagging
B. 34.86 kV D. 35.45 kV
24. EE Board Exam April 1981
18. REE Board Exam March 1998 A short 3-phase, 3-wire line has a resistance of 5
A short 230 kV transmission line has an ohms and reactance of 12 ohms per wire and
impedance of 5 cis 78° ohms. The sending end transmit a power to a 3-phase load drawing 1000
power is 100 MW at 230 kV and 85% power kW at 13,120 volts line to line, 0.8 p.f. lagging, 60
factor. What is the voltage at the other end? Hz. Solve for the sending end power factor.
A. 225.4 kV C. 223.2 kV A. 0.755 lagging
B. 228.2 kV D. 226.3 kV B. 0.745 lagging
C. 0.754 lagging
19. REE Board Exam October 1996 D. 0.773 lagging
A three-phase transmission line, 15 km long
serves a substation rated 15 MVA at 34.5 kV, 25. EE Board Exam October 1982, October 1987
70.7% lagging power factor at 60 Hz. If the line A short 3-phase transmission line has a
resistance is 0.120 ohms per kilometer and the resistance of 3 ohms and an inductive reactance
line reactance is 0.457 ohm per kilometer, what of 4 ohms. At the receiving end, the voltage is
should be the sending end voltage be so that the 13,250 volts line to line, with a load which draws
transformer can be fully loaded at its rated 200 A at 0.707 lagging power factor and a
voltage? capacitor bank drawing 96 A. Solve for the power
A. 37,200 V C. 35,408 V factor at the sending end.
A. 0.965 lagging 70 amperes. What is the efficiency of the
B. 0.902 lagging transmission line?
C. 0.928 lagging A. 81.93% C. 87.45%
D. 0.935 lagging B. 85.91% D. 91.22%

26. EE Board Exam October 1980 32. REE Board Exam September 2000
A short line has a resistance of 4 ohms and a A 230 kV, 3- medium transmission line has a
reactance of 12 ohms per wire and transmits line impedance of 5 + j20  per phase has a
power to a concentrated load of 1000 kVA, capacitive reactance of 2,500 . If the receiving
13,200 volts, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 0.8 pf inductive end power is 98,725 kW at 222.81 kV at 83.97%
load. Find its efficiency. power factor, calculate the sending end power.
A. 93.30% C. 95.75% A. 100 MW C. 110 MW
B. 96.95% D. 97.21% B. 150 MW D. 200 MW
27. REE Board Exam October 1998 C. Sag and Stress Analysis
A 230-kV transmission line is sending 100 MW 33. EE Board Exam October 1991
power at 230 kV and 90% power factor. The A certain cable is suspended between two
impedance is 5 + j20 and its capacitive reactance supports at the sane elevation and 500 ft apart,
is 2500 ohms. Determine the receiving end the load is 500 lbs per horizontal foot including
voltage. the weight of the cable. The sag of the cable is 30
A. 221.72 kV C. 226.15 kV ft. Calculate the total length of the cable.
B. 222.83 kV D. 224.28 kV A. 503.76 ft C. 504.76 ft
B. 502.76 ft D. 501.76 ft
28. REE Board Exam October 1996
A 3-phase, 60 Hz transmission line delivers 20 34. EE Board Exam April 1994
MVA to a load at 66 kV at 80% pf lagging. The A cable is supported at two points of same level
total series impedance of each line is 15 + j75 has a unit weight of 0.02 kg per meter of
ohms. Of a nominal “pi” circuit is used, what horizontal distance. The allowed sag is 0.02 m
would be the transmission efficiency if the and a maximum tension at the lowest point of
admittance is j0.0006 mhos? 1200 kg and factor of safety of 2. Calculate the
A. 90.8% C. 93.5% allowable spacing of the poles assuming a
B. 91.7% D. 92.6% parabolic cable.
A. 64.02 m C. 67.76 m
29. REE Board Exam March 1998 B. 66.37 m D. 69.28 m
A 230 kV transmission line has impedance of 50
cis 78 ohms and a capacitive reactance of 1200 35. CE Board Exam May 1993
ohms. It transmits the power of a base load plant. Determine the sag of a flexible wire cable
On a certain dry season the sending end power is weighing 60 N/m over two frictionless pulleys 100
100 MW at 235 kV and 95% power factor m apart and carrying one 10 kN at each end.
continuously for a period of one month. If cost of Assume the weight of the cable to be uniformly
generation is 1.30 pesos per kW-hr, what is the distributed horizontally. The cable extends 5 m
cost of the line losses for one month period? beyond each pulley to the point they are attached
A. Php565,000 to the weights.
B. Php12.2 million A. 7.2 m C. 7.6 m
C. Php5.6 million B. 7.4 m D. 7.8 m
D. Php2.3 million
36. EE Board Exam October 1992
30. REE Board Exam April 1997 A copper cable is suspended between two
A load of 10 MVA, 0.8 p.f. lagging, 22 kV is supports on the same level, spaced 600 m apart.
served by a transmission line which has a line The cable hangs under the influence of its own
resistance of 3 ohms and a line reactance of 10 weight only. Under these conditions, it is desired
ohms. Solve for the sending end voltage. to calculate the maximum sag (at the center of
A. 26,721 V C. 25,972 V the span) when the maximum stress in the
B. 22,433 V D. 24,214 V 2
material is 1000 kg/cm . The cross-sectional area
of the cable is 1.77 cm . Weight of cable is 1.6
31. EE Board Exam October 1993 kg/m. Use parabolic equation.
Each conductor of a 3-phase, 3-wire transmission A. 42.26 m C. 44.26 m
line has an impedance of 15 + j20 ohms at 60 Hz. B. 43.26 m D. 45.26 m
The voltage between the conductors at the
sending end is 13,200 volts. The load connected 37. With same maximum voltage between
to this line is balanced and take 1000 kW at a conductors, the ratio of copper volumes in 3-
lagging power factor. The current per conductor is phase, 3-wire system and 1-phase 2-wire
system is ____.
A. 4/3 C. 5/3 47. If in a dc 2-wire feeder, drop per feeder conductor
B. 3/4 D. 3/5 is 2%, transmission efficiency of the feeder is
____ percent.
38. The volume of copper required for an a.c. A. 98 C. 96
transmission line is inversely proportional to B. 94 D. 99
A. current C. both B and C
B. voltage D. both A and C 48. Transmitted power remaining the same, if supply
voltage of a dc 2-wire feeder is increased by
39. For a.c. transmission lines less than 80 km in 100%, saving in copper is ____ %.
length, it is not usual to lump the line capacitance A. 50 C. 100
at B. 25 D. 75
A. the receiving end
B. the sending end 49. A uniformly-loaded dc distributor is fed at both
C. the mid-point ends with equal voltages. As compared to a
D. any convenient point similar distributor fed at one end only, the drop at
middle point is
40. Corona occurs between two transmission wires A. one-half C. one-third
when they B. one-fourth D. twice
A. are closely-spaced
B. are widely-spaced 50. In a dc 3-wire distributor using balancers and
C. have high potential difference having unequal loads on the two sides
D. carry d.c. power A. both balancers run as motors
B. both balancers run as generators
41. The only advantage of corona is that it C. balancer connected to heavily-loaded side
A. makes line current non-sinusoidal runs as motor
B. works as a safety-valve for surges D. balancer connected to lightly-loaded side
C. betrays its presence by hissing sound runs as a motor
D. produces a pleasing luminous glow
51. As compared to a dc 2-wire distributor, a 3-wire
42. The sag produced in the conductor of a distributor with same maximum voltage to earth
transmission wire depends on uses only ____ % of copper.
A. weight of the conductor A. 66.7 C. 31.25
B. tension in the conductor B. 33.3 D. 150
C. length of the conductor
D. all of the above 52. In a dc 3-wire distribution system, balancer fields
are cross-connected in order to
43. Suspension insulators are used when A. make both machines run as unloaded motors
transmission voltage is B. equalize voltages on the positive and
A. high C. fluctuating negative outers
B. low D. steady C. boost, the generated voltage
D. balance loads on both sides of the neutral
44. The string efficiency of suspension insulators can
be increased by D. Symmetrical Components
A. providing a guard ring 53. REE Board Exam October 1998
B. grading the insulators If the loads of a wye-connected transformer are:
C. using identical insulator disc Ia = 10 cis (-30°)
D. both A and B Ib = 12 cis 215°
Ic = 15 cis 82°
45. An interconnector between two generating What is the phase b positive sequence
stations facilities to component?
A. keep their voltage constant A. 13.4 cis (-32.2°)
B. run them in parallel B. 10.2 cis 240°
C. transfer power in either direction C. 12.27 cis 208.4°
D. both B and C D. 12.27 cis (-31.6°)

46. The effective disruptive critical voltage of a 54. REE Board Exam March 1998, September 2001
transmission line does NOT depend on The three unbalanced currents are:
A. irregularly factor Ia = 10 cis (-30°)
B. conductor radius Ib = 0
C. distance between conductors Ic = 10 cis 150°
D. material of the conductors Find the negative sequence current of phase a.
A. 8.66 cis 30° C. -5.77
B. 5.77 cis (-60°) D. 5.77
impedance of its delta connected load connected
55. EE Board Exam October 1984 across lines „ca‟ is removed. The delta load with
Given the following currents: impedance of 100 ohms per phase is supplied
Ia = 60 + j0 A from a 220 volts, 60 cycle, 3-phase source.
Ib = -36 – j48 A` Assume a phase sequence of a-b-c.
Ic = -48 + j36 A A. Ia1 = 11 A, Ia2 = 11 A, Ia0 = 0 A
Solve for the negative sequence component Ia. B. Ia1 = 7.33 A, Ia2 = 7.33 A, Ia0 = 7.33 A
A. 8.641 – j1.543 C. Ia1 = 22 A, Ia2 = 22 A, Ia0 = 22 A
B. 9.436 + j1.346 D. Ia1 = 25.4 A, Ia2 = 12.7 A, Ia0 = 0 A
C. 9.751 – j1.464
D. 8.354 + j1.034 62. EE Board Exam April 1991
A star-connected balanced load takes 75 A from
56. REE Board Exam October 1998 a balanced 3-phase, 4-wire supply. If the two
The three unbalanced currents are: supply lines of the fuses are removed determine
Ia = 10 cis (-30°) the symmetrical components of the lines after the
Ib = 0 fuses are removed.
Ic = 10 cis 150° A. I1 = 25 A, I2 = 25 A, I3 = 25 A
Find the zero sequence current. B. I1 = 25 A, I2 = 50 A, I3 = 0 A
A. 3.33 cis 30° C. 5.77 C. I1 = 75 A, I2 = 75 A, I3 = 75 A
B. 0 D. 3.33 D. I1 = 75 A, I2 = 0 A, I3 = 0 A

57. EE Board Exam October 1984 63. The method of symmetrical components is very
Given the following currents: useful for
Ia = 60 + j0 A A. solving unbalanced polyphase circuits
Ib = -36 – j48 A` B. analyzing the performance of 3-phase
Ic = -48 + j36 A electrical machinery
Solve for the zero component of Ia. C. calculating currents resulting from
A. 10 + j4 C. -8 – j4 unbalanced faults
B. 8 – j6 D. 12 – j6 D. all of the above

58. REE Board Exam October 1997 64. An unbalanced system of 3-phase voltages
The sequence currents of phase a current are as having RYB sequence actually consists of
follows: A. a positive-sequence component
Zero sequence current = B. a negative-sequence component
Positive sequence current = C. a zero-sequence component
Negative sequence current = D. all of the above
Determine the phase a current.
A. C. 65. The zero-sequence component of the
B. D. unbalanced 3-phase system of vectors VA, VB
and VC is of their vector sum.
59. REE Board Exam October 1998 A. one-third C. two-third
The sequence components of phase a current B. one-half D. one-fourth
Zero sequence current = 0.47 + j1.49 66. In the case of an unbalanced star-connected load
Positive sequence current = 18.4 cis (-31.6°) supplied from an unbalanced 3-, 3 wire system,
Negative sequence current = 3.23 cis 168.2° load currents will consists of
Determine the phase b current. A. positive-sequence components
A. 18 cis 215° C. 19 cis 220° B. negative-sequence components
B. 15 cis 240° D. 20 cis 225° C. zero-sequence components
D. only A and B
60. REE Board Exam March 1998
The sequence components of phase a current E. Fault Analysis
are: 67. REE Board Exam March 1998
Zero sequence current = 0.47 + j1.49 A 50 MVA, 33 kV/11 kV, three phase, wye-delta
Positive sequence current = 18.4 cis (-31.6°) connected transformer has a 3% impedance.
Negative sequence current = 3.23 cis 168.2° What is the percent impedance at 100 MVA base
Determine the phase c current. and 34.5 kV base?
A. 17.5 cis 91° C. 22.5 cis 82° A. 1.639% C. 5.74%
B. 18 cis 215° D. 15 cis 100° B. 5.49% D. 6.56%

61. EE Board Exam April 1992 68. EE Board Exam April 1980
Determine the symmetrical components of the A 5 kVA, 2400-120/240 volt distribution
line current in line „a‟ if one of the in-phase transformer when given a short circuit test had
94.2 volts applied with rated current flowing in the armature synchronous impedance per phase is
short-circuited wiring. What is the per unit 0.2 ohm. What is the current in each phase if the
impedance of the transformer? generator terminals are short-circuited?
A. 0.0392 ohms C. 0.0415 ohms A. 350 A C. 620 A
B. 0.0386 ohms D. 0.0435 ohms B. 875 A D. 534 A

69. EE Board Exam April 1992 75. REE Board Exam October 1998
A generator rated 600 kVA, 2400 V, 60 cycles, 3- At a certain point of the system network the
phase, 6 poles and wye-connected has 10% positive, negative and zero sequence
synchronous reactance. If a three-phase fault impedances are 0.25 pu, 0.25 pu and 0.3 pu
occurs, what will be the short circuit current? respectively. The base MVA is 100. The level at
A. 1443 A C. 1435 A that point is 34.5 kV. Determine the zero
B. 1532 A D. 1428 A sequence current for a line to ground fault.
A. 6,275 A C. 8,132 A
70. REE Board Exam March 1998 B. 7,516 A D. 2,091 A
At a certain location in an electric system, the
available fault MVA is 400 MVA. A 15 MVA, 76. REE Board Exam March 1998
34.5/6.24 kV, 2.5% impedance wye-wye In a short circuit study, the positive, negative, and
grounded transformer is installed at that location. zero sequence impedance are 0.25 pu, 0.25 pu
Determine the short circuit MVA at the secondary and 0.3 pu, respectively. The base MVA is 100.
side of the transformer. Determine the fault current for a three-phase fault
A. 195 MVA C. 90 MVA at the 115 kV base.
B. 150 MVA D. 240 MVA A. 3000 A C. 2500 A
B. 2000 A D. 3500 A
71. EE Board Exam October 1992
A generator is rated 100 MVA, 15 kV. It is Y- 77. EE Board Exam April 1984, April 1987
connected, solid grounded and is operated at Three single-phase transformers each rated 50
rated voltage at no-load and is disconnected from kVA, 2,400 volts primary, 277 volts secondary,
the rest of the system. Its positive and negative four (4) percent impedance have their primaries
sequence reactances are 0.10 p.u. and its zero connected in delta and their secondaries in wye.
sequence reactance is 0.05 p.u. Calculate in Calculate the fault current drawn if a short circuit
ohms of inductive reactance to be inserted in the occurs between two phases at the secondary
neutral connection of the generator to limit the terminals.
fault current for a single line to ground fault to the A. 2260 A C. 2036 A
fault current of a symmetrical three-phase fault. B. 2585 A D. 2256 A
A. 0.0233 ohm C. 0.0376 ohm
B. 0.0225 ohm D. 0.0325 ohm 78. EE Board Exam October 1986
La Tondeña Distillery, Inc., located in Canlubang,
72. EE Board Exam October 1982 Calamba, Laguna installed an emergency 3-
The reactance of a three-phase alternator is 8 phase generator, 3-wire GM generator is rated
percent. If the alternator is rated 25 MVA at 13.25 350 kVA, 460 volts, 60 Hz, with a reactance of
kV output voltage, line to phase, solve for the 8%. Solve for the symmetrical 3-phase short
magnitude of the fault current generated when a circuit.
short circuit occurs between 2 phases at the A. 5,321 A C. 5,284 A
terminals. B. 5,703 A D. 5,491 A
A. 6704 A C. 6808 A
B. 6135 A D. 6458 A 79. REE Board Exam October 1997
A 15 MVA, 34.5 kV/6.24 kV transformer is
73. REE Board Exam March 1998 connected to an infinite bus. The percent
A 5 MVA, 13.8 kV/480 V, 5% impedance impedance of the transformer is 2.5%. What is
transformer is tapped at 13.8 kV line where the the current at the 34.5 kV side for a three-phase
Thevenin‟s equivalent impedance is ½ ohm. short at the 6.24 kV side?
Determine the fault current at the primary for a A. 55,000 amperes
three-phase fault at the secondary. B. 10,400 amperes
A. 10,500 amperes C. 5,000 amperes
B. 3,300 amperes D. 25,000 amperes
C. 4,200 amperes
D. 6,050 amperes 80. EE Board Exam April 1985
A three-phase, 3-wire generator is rated 325 kVA,
74. EE Board Exam October 1980 480 volts, 60 Hz with a reactance of eight (8)
A 10 kVA, 110 V, 3-phase, 4-wire, 60 Hz percent. Solve for the fault current delivered by
alternator generates 70 volts per phase when the generator during a 2-phase short circuit at the
excited to give rated voltage at full-load. The terminals.
A. 4232 A C. 4012 A A. System Coordinated Area/Distribution Area
B. 4462 A D. 4156 A B. System Control and Data Acquisition
C. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
81. REE Board Exam September 2001 D. Super Computer and Dec Accessibility and
Bushings, PT, transformer windings, insulators, Data Acquisition
these have something in common
A. current rating 90. REE Board Exam October 1997
B. insulating coil Which of the following does not belong to the
C. BIL rating protection of a transmission line?
D. dielectric constant A. distance relay
B. recluse relay
82. REE Board Exam September 2000 C. ground relay
A self-contained device that disconnects during D. reverse power relay
overload without damage
A. fuse C. molded CB 91. REE Board Exam April 1997
B. disconnect D. cut-off Surge arresters are needed in transmission line
for the following purpose. What is the important?
83. REE Board Exam October 1998 A. regulate the voltage
A relay is used to B. prevent the lighting from striking the line
A. receive a signal and record C. protect the system from high voltage
B. connect a line to the source transients
C. protect a circuit D. protect the line from short circuit currents
D. relay a message to a remote place
92. REE Board Exam April 1997
84. REE Board Exam October 1998, April 2002 In transmission lines, the most effective
What surge arrester‟s nominal rating shall you protection against the lighting strike is one of the
recommend to protect distribution transformer in following. Which one is this?
a 34.5 grounded system? A. lighting rods
A. 34.5 kV C. 30 kV B. lighting arrester
B. 22 kV D. 27 kV C. Petersen coils
D. overhead wires
85. REE Board Exam October 1998
It is the computerized data gathering, monitoring 93. REE Board Exam October 1996
and switching equipment The cause of nearly all high voltage flashovers in
A. supervising control transmission lines is due to one of the following.
B. remote control Which one is this?
C. SCADA A. high humidity
D. control and monitoring system B. dust and dirt
C. corona
86. REE Board Exam March 1998 D. lighting discharges
What arrester nominal rating shall be used in a
34.5 kV ungrounded system? 94. EE Board Exam April 1993
A. 27 kV C. 22 kV When alternating current is passing through a
B. 42 kV D. 35 kV conductor there is a tendency for the current to
crowd near the surface of the conductor. This is
87. REE Board Exam October 1998 known as
Which of the following is not use of the classes of A. corona C. skin effect
surge arresters? B. magnetization D. resistivity
A. transmission class
B. distribution class 95. EE Board Exam June 1990
C. station class The most economical size of a feeder is that for
D. intermediate class which the annual cost of energy lost in the feeder
equals the cost of the interests and depreciation
88. REE Board Exam October 1997 on the capital cost of the conductor material.
Which one of the following is not one of the relays A. Kirchhoff‟s law
transmission line? B. Faraday‟s law
A. phase comparison relay C. law of economics
B. negative sequence relay D. Kelvin‟s law
C. distance relay
D. ground relay 96. REE Board Exam September 2000
If the loads of a wye-connected transformer are:
89. REE Board Exam October 1997 Ia = 10 cis (-30°)
What is the meaning of SCADA? Ib = 12 cis 215°
Ic = 15 cis 82° The most common tripping time for 60 Hz circuit
Find the positive sequence component of phase breaker is
a current. A. 3 cycles C. 10 cycles
A. 13.4 cis (-32.2°) B. 15 cycles D. 8 cycles
B. 10.2 cis 240°
C. 12.27 cis 208.4° 104. EE Board Exam April 1993
D. 12.27 cis (-31.6°) The main contacts of a circuit breaker are most
likely to be operated by a
97. EE Board Exam April 1995 A. heavy duty switch C. mimic bus
The reactance of a rotating machine that B. vacuum D. solenoid
determines the current that circuit breakers will
have to open to clear a fault or short-circuit is 105. EE Board Exam April 1993
A. subtransient The current that a breaker must be able to carry
B. synchronous immediately after a fault occurs is known as
C. transient A. interrupting current
D. none of these B. short circuit current
C. exciting current
98. EE Board Exam April 1995 D. momentary current
Protective relays that operate on the principle that
the current entering and the current leaving a 106. EE Board Exam April 1993
section are equal normally but unequal when fault There is no zero sequence component of the fault
develops within the section current for
A. differential relay A. line-to-line fault
B. overcurrent relay B. single line-to-ground fault
C. directional relay C. symmetrical fault
D. none of these D. double line-to-ground fault

99. EE Board Exam April 1995, April 1991 107. EE Board Exam June 1990
The fault current that exists immediately after the The arcing contact on a circuit breaker are used
fault is known as to
A. sub-transient current A. reduce the heating of the trip coil
B. transient current B. ensure that a closed circuit is made
C. steady state current C. prevent damage to the main contact
D. sustained current D. increase the magnetic field of the blow out
100. EE Board Exam October 1994, October 1993
It is a disruptive discharge between electrodes of 108. Which of the following is usually not the
a measuring gap, voltage control gap, or generating voltage?
protective device A. 400 kV C. 550 kV
A. flashover C. corona B. 700 kV D. 735 kV
B. sparkover D. flashover
109. The fact that a conductor carries more current on
101. EE Board Exam April 1994, April 1991 the surface as compared to core is known as
A circuit breaker that can be closed against a A. corona
fault and operated at once, although the solenoid B. permeability
mechanism may continue through its closing C. unsymmetrical fault
operation, is said to be D. skin effect
A. fully rated
B. trip free 110. Transmission efficiency increases as
C. direct current operated A. voltage and power factor both decrease
D. selective B. voltage and power factor both increase
C. voltage increases but power factor
102. EE Board Exam October 1993, June 1990 decreases
When a circuit breaker is selected for a particular D. voltage decreases but power factor
application, which one of the particular ratings is increases
usually considered most important?
A. maximum current rating 111. Skin effect is proportional to
B. continuous rating A. (diameter of conductor)
C. momentary rating B. diameter of conductor
D. interrupting rating C. (diameter of conductor)
D. (diameter of conductor)
103. EE Board Exam October 1993, April 1991
112. The surge impedance for over head line is taken 121. A relay used in long transmission line is
as A. reactance relay
A. 50 – 60 ohm B. impedance relay
B. 1000 – 2000 ohm C. mho‟s relay
C. 10 – 20 ohm D. no relay is used
D. 100 – 200 ohm
122. The power transmitted will be maximum when
113. The effect of corona is A. sending end voltage is more
A. increased reactance B. receiving voltage is more
B. increased inductance C. reactance is high
C. increased energy loss D. corona losses are least
D. all of the above
123. Surge impedance of transmission line is given by
114. The current drawn by the line due to corona
losses is A. √
A. non-sinusoidal B. √
B. sinusoidal
C. square √
D. none of the above
D. √
115. Presence of ozone as a result of corona is
harmful because 124. Stages in the provision of electrical energy to a
A. it gives bad odour consumer are
B. it transfers energy to the ground A. generation and transmission
C. reduces power factor B. generation, distribution and transmission
D. it corrodes the material C. generation, dissipation and distribution
D. generation, transmission and distribution
116. For 66 kV lines the number of insulator discs
used as 125. The purpose of grid system is to
A. 8 A. interconnect the power stations
B. 12 B. supply energy to remote areas
C. 5 C. make extra high voltage available to
D. 3 consumers
D. make distribution of energy at reasonable
117. Wooden poles for supporting transmission lines cost
are used for voltages up to
A. 22 kV 126. Line losses of a transmission line for a given
B. 440 kV power is
C. 11 kV A. directly proportional to supply voltage and
D. 66 kV power factor
B. inversely proportional to supply voltage and
118. The surge impedance of transmission lines is power factor
about C. directly proportional to supply voltage and
A. 100  inversely proportional to power factor
B. 250  D. directly proportional to power factor and
C. 500  inversely proportional to supply voltage
D. 50 
127. The volume of copper required for a transmission
119. For transmission lines the standing wave ratio is line to transmit a given power is
the ratio of A. directly proportional to supply voltage and
A. maximum current to minimum voltage power factor
B. maximum voltage to minimum voltage B. inversely proportional to supply voltage and
C. maximum reactance to minimum reactance power factor
D. peak voltage to rms voltage C. directly proportional to supply voltage and
inversely proportional to power factor
120. For a distortionless transmission line (G = shunt D. directly proportional to power factor and
conductance between two lines) inversely proportional to supply voltage
A. RL = GC
B. RG = LC 128. For a given current density, the resistance
C. RLGC = 0 voltage drop per line is
A. constant
B. increase with voltage increase
C. increase with voltage decrease
D. remain constant for all voltages C. 3-phase, 3 wire with r.m.s. voltage between
129. The percentage voltage drop of transmission line D. 3-phase, 3 wire with r.m.s. voltage between
A. increase with voltage increase conductors and earth
B. decrease with voltage increase
C. increase with voltage decrease 137. For overhead transmission line, 3-phase, 3 wire
D. remain constant for all voltages system is
A. superior over 1-phase, 2 wire midpoint
130. The efficiency of transmission for a given power earthed system
improves as the B. superior over 2-phase, 4 wire system
A. voltage increases and power factor C. not superior over the other two
decreases D. not used in practice
B. voltage decreases and power increases
C. voltage and power factor increases 138. The greatest economy of conductor material is
D. voltage and power factor decreases possible by adopting a d.c. system for
transmission, particularly when the power factor
131. Extra high voltages are needed for long distance of the a.c. system is considerably less than unity.
transmission, transmitting a given to reduce the The factor which limit the d.c. transmission is
A. current and cross-sectional area of the line A. no easy way of obtaining high voltage
B. current and the voltage drop B. high voltage drop
C. voltage drop and the cross-sectional area of C. that d.c. resistance is higher than a.c.
the line resistance
D. power factor and the voltage drop D. that r.m.s. voltage is not available

132. Various d.c. and a.c. systems of transmission are 139. The problems associated with a.c. transmission
available but to find out which system is superior, system are
comparison, is made on the basis of equal A. high voltage drop, insulation and instability
A. line loss for long lines
B. voltage drop B. continuous loss even at no load, insulation
C. percentage voltage drop and instability for long lines
D. power transmitted C. continuous loss due to charging current, high
voltage drop and instability for long lines
133. Comparison of various overhead transmission D. continuous loss due to charging current, high
systems is made with the voltage drop and insulation
A. r.m.s. voltage between the conductors
B. r.m.s. voltage between the conductor and 140. The behavior of an a.c. transmission line used for
earth power transmission depends upon
C. maximum voltage between the conductors A. altering electrostatic field, resistance and
D. maximum voltage between the conductor length of line
and earth B. altering electrostatic field, alternating
electromagnetic field and length of pole
134. For underground cable systems, the comparison C. alternating electromagnetic field, resistance
is made with the and length of line
A. r.m.s. voltage between the conductors D. resistance, alternating electrostatic field and
B. r.m.s. voltage between the conductor and alternating electromagnetic field
C. maximum voltage between the conductors 141. Short transmission lines have a length not
D. maximum voltage between the conductor exceeding
and earth A. 40 kilometers
B. 20 kilometers
135. For a.c transmission, whether overhead or C. 80 kilometers
underground, the most unsuitable system is the D. 100 kilometers
A. 3-phase, 3 wire
B. single phase 142. One of the line parameter which is neglected in
C. 3-phase, 4 wire short transmission line is
D. 2-phase, 3 wire A. capacitance
B. inductance
136. Among all the a.c. systems, the most superior C. resistance
system is the D. admittance
A. 3-phase, 3 wire with maximum voltage
between conductors 143. For a receiving end current I and lagging power
B. 3-phase, 3 wire with maximum voltage factor angle , the sending end voltage Vs for a
between conductor and earth short transmission line is
A. Vs = Vr + IX cos  + IR sin  where Vr is the D. increased to n – 1 times
receiving end voltage and R and X are
resistance and reactance of the line 151. In the voltage of a distribution cable is increased
B. Vs = Vr – IX cos  + IR sin  to n times, then for the same power and
C. Vs = Vr – IR cos  + IX sin  percentage voltage drop new resistance R1 of the
D. Vs = Vr – IR cos  + IX sin  same length of the distribution in terms of the old
resistance R, will be
144. The term ____ includes the use of cable and A. R1 = R/n
associated control and protective equipment B. R1 = n R
necessary for supplying electrical energy to C. R1 = R/n
required positions on consumer‟s premises. D. R1 = nR
A. generation
B. transmission 152. The weight of the copper required for the new
C. distribution distributor of question 44 will be
D. generation and distribution A. increased to n times
B. increased to n times
145. A low tension distribution system consist of C. reduced to n times
A. transmission lines, transformers and circuit D. reduced to 1/n times
B. feeders, distribution and service mains 153. In spite of the advantages of increasing voltage
C. feeders, transformers and distributors for distribution, the limiting factors are
D. transmission line, distributors and circuit A. disproportionately greater cost of higher
breakers voltage cables and supplied to a consumer
must be at consumer voltages
146. A feeder in a distribution system is designed B. voltage drop and the cost of higher voltage
primarily from the point of view of cable
A. current carrying capacity C. the power loss and cost of the higher voltage
B. voltage drop cable
C. current carrying capacity with voltage drop D. the power loss and voltage drop
as secondary consideration
D. voltage drop and current carrying capacity as 154. A 3-wire d.c. system of distribution is preferred to
secondary consideration a 2 wire d.c. system because it
A. results in saving of copper and has less
147. A distributor is designed from the point of view of resistance
A. voltage drop B. results in saving of copper and makes two
B. current carrying capacity alternative voltage available
C. voltage drop and current carrying capacity C. has less resistance and results in less
D. load capacity voltage drop
D. makes two alternative voltage available and
148. The supply undertaking is allowed to vary the results in less voltage drop
actual voltage at the consumers terminal
A. because a.c. supply alternates during each 155. The two types of distribution system used are
cycle A. radial and delta
B. because of the voltage drop along the B. radial and star
distributor C. ring main and radial
C. owing to large load at the consumer end D. ring main and delta
D. owing to variation of power factor along the
distributor 156. The advantages of the ring main system is
A. less voltage drop in the feeders
149. The consumer main switch gear is usually B. continuity of supply to feeding points
located C. less costly
A. in the center of the house D. none of the above
B. out of reach
C. over the kitchen sink 157. To reduce the voltage drop at a particular feeding
D. at the intake position point or load, the system preferred is
A. ring main
150. For the same amount of power to be delivered to B. radial
a consumer, if the supply voltage is increased to C. interconnected
n times, the size of the feeder cable is D. radial arrangement superimposed
A. reduced to times 158. For a given loading, it is better to feed radial
B. increased to n times distributor at both ends as this gives
C. reduced to times A. minimum loss and voltage drop
B. greater cross-sectional area of the conductor A 115 kV line has vertical configuration with 9 ft
and minimum loss spacing. The diameter of the 336.4 MCM ACSR
C. continuity of supply and greater cross- conductor used is 0.721 inch. What is the total
sectional area of the conductor capacitor if the length of the line is 20 km?
D. greater cross-sectional area of the conductor A. 0.282 µF C. 2.2 µF
and minimum voltage drop B. 0.197 µF D. 5.25 µF

159. 166. REE Board Exam September 2002

A. A three-phase transmission line is 30 km long.
B. The outside diameter of the conductors is 0.721
C. inch and has an equilateral spacing of 4 ft.
D. Determine the capacitance per phase per line.
A. 4.57 µF C. 0.341 µF
B. 1.023 µF D. 6 µF
Unsolved problems
160. REE Board Exam October 1997 167. REE Board Exam April 2004
The sequence currents of a three phase current A 30 mile 3-phase transmission is to deliver
are: 20,000 kW at 69 kV at 85% power factor. The line
Zero sequence current = 14.13 cis 17.34° resistance is 0.324 ohm per mile and inductive
Positive sequence current = 708.26 cis (-31°) reactance is 0.737 ohm per mile. What is the line
Negative sequence current = 2.98 cis 10.06° loss?
Determine the phase a current. A. 1,050 kW C. 997 kW
A. 720 cis (-30°) C. 710 cis 88° B. 376.7 kW D. 1,130.3 kW
B. 730 cis (-15.2°) D. 695 cis 15.2°
168. REE Board Exam September 2001
161. REE Board Exam April 2001 A 250 km transmission line has the following
The three unbalanced currents are: parameters: resistance per kilometer 0.05 ohm,
Ia = 10 cis (-30°) capacitive reactance per kilometer 625,000 ohms
Ib = 0 and inductive reactance per kilometer 0.2 ohm.
Ic = 10 cis 150° What is the series impedance?
Find the phase B positive sequence current. A. 37.5 + j150 ohm
A. 8.66 A B. 12.5 – j2,450 ohm
B. 5.77 cis 240° A C. 12.5 + j50 ohm
C. 5.77 A D. 75.5 – j2,450 ohm
D. 8.66 cis 120° A
169. REE Board Exam April 2001
162. REE Board Exam September 2002 The capacitive reactance of a 40 km 34.5 kV line
The phase currents of a three-phase system are: is 90,000 ohms per kilometer. What is the total
Ia = 100 cis 0° capacitive reactance of the line?
Ib = 80 cis 240° A. 2,250 ohms
Ic = 91.8 cis 130.9° B. 1.08 x 10 ohms
Find the zero sequence current. C. 6,750 ohms
A. 0 D. 3.6 x 10 ohms
B. 270.7 cis 3.68° A
C. 34.68 cis (-30.24°) A 170. EE Board Exam October 1994
D. 90.23 cis 3.68° A A lead sheath cable for underground service has
a copper conductor (diameter = 0.35 inch)
163. REE October 2000 surrounded by 0.2 inch wall of rubber insulation.
Which of the following is not a standard Assuming a dielectric constant of 4.3 for rubber,
distribution voltage? calculate the capacitance of the cable.
A. 6.24 kV C. 13.8 kV A. 1.01 µF/mile
B. 16 kV D. 11 kV B. 0.504 µF/mile
C. 0.76 µF/mile
164. REE Board Exam April 2001 D. 0.252 µF/mile
A 5 km long, three-phase, 34.5 kV line has a
horizontal configuration with 4 ft spacing. The 171. REE Board Exam April 2001
conductors are 336.4 MCM ACSR with GMR of The percent impedance of a line is 6% at 34.5 kV
0.0244 ft. What is the inductance of the line? and 100 MVA base. What is the ohmic
A. 5.33 mH C. 10.22 mH impedance?
B. 15.12 mH D. 12.02 mH A. 2.32 C. 0.72
B. 3 D. 1.2
165. REE Board Exam April 2001
172. REE Board Exam April 2002
At a certain point in an electrical network, the respectively. If the line conductors have a GMR of
available fault MVA is 400. A 15 MVA, 34.5 kV, 0.0217 ft, determine the capacitive susceptance
2.5% impedance, wye-grounded transformer is to neutral per mile.
installed in that location. Determine the short A. 4.81 x 10 mho per mile
circuit MVA at the secondary side of the B. 12.74 x 10 mho per mile
transformer. C. 7.92 x 10 mho per mile
A. 600 A C. 240 A D. 2.47 x 10 mho per mile
B. 625 A D. 500 A
180. Determine the mutual GMD of a three-phase
173. REE Board Exam April 2001 single-circuit transmission line whose conductors
At a 34.5 kV substation, the available fault current arranged in triangular formation so that two
is 10 pu. What is the available fault MVA if the distances between conductors are 20 ft and the
base is 50 MVA? third is 38 ft, respectively.
A. 50 MVA C. 250 MVA A. 24.77 ft C. 23.67 ft
B. 100 MVA D. 500 MVA B. 25.35 ft D. 26.43 ft

174. REE Board Exam September 2002 181. A three-phase double circuit line has the following
At a certain point on a 69 kV transmission line, spacing of 40 ft and a vertical spacing between
the positive sequence impedance is j0.15 pu and adjacent levels at 25 ft. Determine the mutual
the zero sequence impedance is j0.55 pu. GMD of the line.
Calculate the fault current if a line to line fault A. 43.08 ft C. 41.42 ft
occurs. The base is 50 MVA. B. 42.64 ft D. 40.56 ft
A. 3,511 A C. 420 A
B. 1,890 A D. 2,414 A 182. A three-phase transmission line 5 km long
delivers 2 MVA at a power factor of 0.80 lagging.
175. REE Board Exam April 2001 The resistance and reactance per km of each
The transformer used to serve a customer is conductor are 0.3 ohm and 0.6 ohm, respectively.
rated 5 MVA, 13.8/0.48 kV, 5%v impedance. The Calculate the voltage at the sending end. Assume
cable connecting the breaker to the transformer a transmission line loss of 7.2% of the power
has an impedance of 0.032 ohms per phase. delivered to the load.
What is the fault current if a three-phase fault A. 4405.45 V C. 4810.50 V
occurs at the breaker? B. 4166.67 V D. 4652.85 V
A. 8,000 A C. 6,000 A
B. 5,000 A D. 1,200 A 183. A three-phase, 3-wire transmission line has an
impedance per wire of 3 + j7 ohms, the receiving
176. REE Board Exam October 2001 end load is 1950 kW, 0.65 p.f. lagging with the
What arrester rating shall be used to protect an line voltage of 13,200 V. Determine the efficiency
11 kV ungrounded system? of the line.
A. 18 kV C. 12 kV A. 92.64% C. 90.24%
B. 16 kV D. 9 kV B. 95.21% D. 93.05%

177. REE Board Exam September 2001 184. A single solid round copper wire has a diameter
A combination of switch and fuse of 0.50 inch. Determine its self GMD.
A. fuse cut-out A. 0.3894 inch C. 0.1825 inch
B. relay B. 0.1947 inch D. 0.25 inch
C. safety switch
D. circuit breaker 185. A single-phase transmission line 15 km long is
using copper conductors of diameter 0.8 cm. If
178. REE Board Exam April 1997 the distance between conductors is 1.25 m,
The transfer bus scheme has the following determine the self-inductance of the transmission
characteristics except one. Which one is this? lines.
A. It allows the disconnection of circuit breaker A. 0.036 H C. 0.072 H
for maintenance without interrupting the B. 0.024 H D. 0.055 H
B. It is more flexible. 186. A single-circuit, 3-phase, 60 Hz transmission line
C. It allows better continuity of service as is using a horizontal arrangement with a spacing
compared with the single bus. distance of 4 m between adjacent conductors. If
D. It is more costly than that of the single bus each conductor has an outside diameter of 0.8
system. cm, determine the capacitance to neutral per
179. A 170-mile, 230-kV, 60-Hz, three-phase single- A. 8.352 pF/m
circuit transmission line uses a triangular B. 7.793 pF/m
arrangement with 20 ft, 20 ft and 36 ft spacing C. 6.742 pF/m
D. none of these
194. Given three unbalanced three-phase voltages:
187. A 3-phase transmission line, 10 km long delivers Va = 150 + j0 V
a load of 5000 kW at 11 kV and 0.8 pf lagging at Vb = -90 – j120 V
the receiving end. The resistance of the line per Vc = -120 + j90 V
km per phase is 0.1 ohm and the reactance per Determine Va1
phase per km is 0.2 ohm. Solve for the regulation A. 142.43 + j12.35
of the line. B. 135.32 – j 1.34
A. 12.44% C. 10.45% C. 145.62 + j13.66
B. 11.05% D. 10.12% D. 140.23 – j9.32

188. A short, 3-phase, 3 wire transmission line has an 195. Given the one-line diagram as shown, determine
impedance of 2 + j6 ohms per wire. At the the current delivered by generator A when a
receiving end are connected a 3-phase inductive three-phase fault occurs at point P.
load drawing 5,000 kW at 0.8 pf line to line Transformer
voltage of 13,800 V and a capacitor bank drawing Gen A
75 MVA
200 A line current. Solve for the power at the 50 MVA A
sending end. 20% P
A. 5,562 kW C. 5,361 kW Vf = 13.8 kV
B. 5,146 kW D. 5,274 kW Gen B B
75 MVA Wye - delta
15% 10:1
189. A 10-km, three-phase transmission line delivers
power to a load rated 200 kW, 6.9 kV and at 80% A. 172.5 A C. 145.5 A
lagging power factor. The resistance and B. 167.1 A D. 198.4 A
reactance of each line are 0.8 and 1.2 ohms,
respectively. What percentage of the power 196. The conductors of a 30 km long transmission line
generated is lost in the transmission line? have a triangular configuration. The conductors
A. 9.53% C. 8.22% are placed 4 ft apart. Each conductor has 336.4
B. 8.05% D. 7.46% MCM ACSR and it s diameter is 0.75 inch. Find
the capacitive reactance per phase.
190. A 15 MW, 132 kV, 80% pf three phase load is to A. 5,389 /phase
be served by a transmission line having B. 1,354 /phase
conductors whose resistance is 0.5 ohm/km. If C. 7,712 /phase
the losses on the line shall not exceed 4.5%, how D. 8,261 /phase
long must this line be?
A. 68 km C. 6 km 197. What is the nominal rating of the arrester on a
B. 70 km D. 75 km 13.8 kV transmission line grounded system?
A. 11 kV C. 15 kV
191. A short 3-wire transmission line has an B. 10 kV D. 20 kV
impedance of 2 + j5 ohms per wire. At the
receiving end, a balanced 3-phase load and 198. A typical open-wire line has a resistance of 10
capacitance bank draw 3000 kVA, 0.71 pf lagging ohms per mile, an inductance of 0.0037 Henry
and 600 kVAR respectively at 8000 volts per per mile, a capacitance of 0.0083 x 10 Farad
phase to neutral. Determine the power loss of the per mile and conductance of 0.4 x 10 mho per
transmission line. mile at a frequency of 1000 cps. Calculate the
A. 81.32 kW C. 90.74 kW characteristic impedance.
B. 69.57 kW D. 71.09 kW A. 796 ohms C. 679 ohms
B. 697 ohms D. 976 ohms
192. At a certain location of an electrical system, the
available short circuit MVA is 10 at 110 kV while 199. A telephone line consisting of two copper wires
its Thevenin‟s equivalent reactance is 0.05 pu. spaced 1 ft apart has the following parameters: R
Determine the per unit reactance of this point = 10.44 ohms per loop mile; L = 0.00366 Henry
using a base 20 MVA and 115 kV? per loop mile; C = 0.00838 x 10 Farad per loop
A. 0.08 C. 0.06 mile and G = 0.300 x 10 mho per loop mile. The
B. 0.07 D. 0.09 loss in decibel per loop mile is
A. 0.0665 dB C. 0.0287 dB
193. A 13.8 KV/440 V, 50 kVA single-phase B. 0.0076 dB D. 0.0393 dB
transformer has a leakage reactance of 300 ohms
referred to the 13.8 kV side. Determine the per 200. A 3-, 3-wire system has a normal voltage of
unit value of the leakage reactance for the 10.4 kV between the lines. It is supplied by a
voltage base. generator having positive, negative and zero
A. 0.074 C. 0.083 sequences of 0.6, 0.5 and 0.2 ohm per phase
B. 0.082 D. 0.079 respectively. Calculate the fault current which
flows when a line to line fault occurs at the 208. A single core cable has a conductor diameter of 1
generator terminals. cm and internal sheath diameter of 1.8 cm. If the
A. 11 kA C. 9.5 kA impregnated paper of relative permittivity of 3 is
B. 10.5 kA D. 9 kA used as insulation. The capacitance for 1 km
length of the cable is ____.
201. The device common used to improved the A. 0.283 μF C. 0.328 μF
performance of a bus differential protection B. 0.238 μF D. 0.382 μF
system against the effects of transient current are
referred to as 209. To transmit the same amount of power over a
A. rectifiers fixed distance at a given voltage, a 3-phase
B. operating tools system requires ____ the weight of copper
C. linear couplers required for the single phase system.
D. iron core transformers A. 3 times C. 3/4 times
B. 1.5 times D. 0.5 times
202. A 345 kV power transmission line has two
bundled conductors per phase, spaced 18 inches 210. What is the percentage savings in feeder copper
horizontally. The conductor used in the bundle if the line voltage in a 2 wire dc system is raised
has self GMD of 0.0403 ft and the phases are from 200 V to 400 volts for the same power
spaced horizontally 15.5 ft apart. The inductive transmitted over the same distance and having
reactance per phase per mile at 60 Hz is nearest the same power loss?
to A. 25% C. 75%
A. 0.53 ohm C. 0.75 ohm B. 50% D. 100%
B. 0.72 ohm D. 0.25 ohm
211. EE Board Exam October 1991
203. It is desired to transmit power through overhead A certain cable is suspended between two
line at 34.5 kV. If the conductors are to be supports at the sane elevation and 500 ft apart,
arranged in horizontal formation, what is the the load is 500 lbs per horizontal foot including
approximate horizontal spacing of these the weight of the cable. The sag of the cable is 30
conductors? ft. Calculate the total length of the cable.
A. 4.5 ft C. 6.5 ft A. 503.76 ft
B. 2.5 ft D. 6 ft B. 502.76 ft
C. 504.76 ft
204. What is the GMR of seven strands conductor in D. 501.76 ft
terms of radius r of an individual strand if the
center core has zero conductivity? 212. EE Board Exam April 1994
A. 2.1r C. 2.304r A cable is supported at two points of same level
B. 1.46r D. 2.177r has a unit weight of 0.02 kg per meter of
horizontal distance. The allowed sag is 0.02 m
205. Find the loop inductance per meter of a single and a maximum tension at the lowest point of
phase overhead transmission line when 1200 kg and factor of safety of 2. Calculate the
conductors have relative permeability of 100. allowable spacing of the poles assuming a
Each conductor has a diameter of 1 cm and they parabolic cable.
are spaced 5 m apart. A. 64.02 m
A. 1.43 x 10 H B. 66.37 m
B. 1.021 x 10 H C. 67.76 m
C. 2.86 x 10 H D. 69.28 m
D. 5.105 x 10 H
213. CE Board Exam May 1993
206. The three conductors of a 3-phase overhead line Determine the sag of a flexible wire cable
are arranged in horizontal plane 4 m apart. The weighing 60 N/m over two frictionless pulleys 100
diameter of each conductor is 2 cm. What is the m apart and carrying one 10 kN at each end.
inductive reactance at 60 Hz in ohms per km of Assume the weight of the cable to be uniformly
the line assuming that the lines are transposed? distributed horizontally. The cable extends 5 m
A. 0.37 C. 0.14 beyond each pulley to the point they are attached
B. 0.47 D. 0.49 to the weights.
A. 7.2 m
207. A certain 3-phase equilateral transmission line B. 7.4 m
has a total corona loss of 53 kW at 106 kV and a C. 7.6 m
loss of 98 kW at 110.9 kV. What is the corona D. 7.8 m
loss at 115 kV?
A. 115 kW C. 147 kW 214. EE Board Exam October 1992
B. 123 kW D. 153 kW A copper cable is suspended between two
supports on the same level, spaced 600 m apart.
The cable hangs under the influence of its own between the electric posts supporting the
weight only. Under these conditions, it is desired transmission cable.
to calculate the maximum sag (at the center of A. 897 m C. 967 m
the span) when the maximum stress in the B. 926 m D. 976 m
material is 1000 kg/cm . The cross-sectional area
of the cable is 1.77 cm . Weight of cable is 1.6 220. A cable 45.4 m long is carrying a uniformly
kg/m. Use parabolic equation. distributed load along its span. If the cable is
A. 42.26 m strung between two posts at the same level, 40 m
B. 43.26 m apart, determine the smallest value that the cable
C. 44.26 m may sag.
D. 45.26 m A. 7.14 m C. 9.71 m
B. 8.12 m D. 6.12 m
215. A 3-, 3-wire, 60 km long transmission line is
made up of copper with a resistivity and density 221. The insulation resistance of a single of a single-
of 1.73 x 10-8 ohm-meter and 8.9 gm/cc core cable is 495 M per km. If the core diameter
respectively. It supplies a load of 50 MW at 132 is 2.5 cm and resistivity of insulation is 4.5 x 10
kV 0.8 pf lagging. If the efficiency of the line is Ω-cm, the thickness of insulation is
90%, find the total weight of the copper. A. 1.25 cm
A. 67,280 kg B. 2.5 cm
B. 73,200 kg C. 2.0 cm
C. 55,200 kg D. none of these
D. 80,800 kg
222. A coaxial cable has a 10-mm diameter inside
216. An overhead line has a span of 250 m and is conductor and a metallic sheath with an inside
supported at level ground. The conductor has a diameter of 20 mm. If the insulating medium has
cross-section of 1.29 sq. cm and weighs 1.13 a dielectric constant, k = 2 and a permittivity of
kg/m. The breaking strength of the conductor is 1.113 x 10 . What is the capacitance between
4,220 kg/cm and factor of safety 2. Calculate the the conductor and the shield per km?
height of the conductor above the ground level at A. 0.1605 μF/km
which it should be supported if a minimum B. 0.8036 μF/km
clearance of 6.71 m is to be kept between the C. 0.78 μF/km
ground and the conductor. Assume wind D. 0.252 μF/km
pressure to be 40 kg/m of projected area.
A. 9.95 m 223. What is the most economical conductor size of a
B. 10.27 m single core cable working on 220 kV, 3-phase
C. 9.27 m system? The maximum permissible stress in the
D. none of these dielectric is not to exceed 250 kV/cm.
A. d = 1.43 cm
217. A transmission line at river crossing is supported B. d = 1.76 cm
from two towers of height 40 m and 30 m above C. d = 1.02 cm
water level. The horizontal distance between the D. none of these
two towers is 300 m. If the maximum tension in
the conductor is 1590 kg, find the clearance 224. It is the tendency of the current to move outward
between conductor and water at a point midway the surface of the conductor.
between supports. Weight of conductor is 0.8 A. corona C. skin effect
kg/m. B. flash-over D. surge
A. 59 m C. 55 m
B. 49 m D. 50 m 225. What arrester nominal rating shall be used in a
13.8 kV grounded system?
218. A 34.5 kV 3-phase generating station is to supply A. 18 kV C. 7.7 kV
20 MW load at 33 kV and 0.866 power factor B. 15 kV D. 11 kV
lagging over a 3-phase transmission line 5 km
long. For the efficiency of the line to be 97%, 226. What arrester rating shall be used to protect an
what must be the series impedance of the line? 11 kV ungrounded system?
A. 1.8 cis 73 A. 18 kV C. 12 kV
B. 3.2 cis 62 B. 16 kV D. 9 kV
C. 2.42 cis 58.3
D. none of these 227. A 100 MVA, 22 kV synchronous turbo generator
has positive and negative reactances of 0.20 p.u.
219. The weight of a transmission cable is 1.5 kg/m and a zero sequence reactance of 0.05 p.u. The
distributed horizontally. If the maximum safe neutral of the generator is grounded through a
tension of the cable is 6000 kg and the allowable reactor of 0.242 ohm. Determine the ratio of the
sag is 30 m, determine the horizontal distance sub transient current for a single line to ground
fault to the sub transient current for a three-phase
fault. Assume the generator is operated without a
load and at rated voltage.
A. 1.50 C. 1.00
B. 1.25 D. 0.80

A. C.
B. D.

A. C.
B. D.

A. C.
B. D.

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