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S.Y. 2021-2022




DNA is present in the cells of all living organisms. This procedure uses household equipment and
common store supplies to extract DNA from bananas in sufficient quantity to be seen and spooled.


1 clear plastic/cellophane/zip lock (whatever you have at home)

1 small rug (basahan)
2 transparent plastic cups/clear water glass
1 strainer (pansala)
1 tbsp. Dishwashing Liquid
½ cup water
½ tablespoon salt
½ cup chilled Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol
1 Ripe half banana
1 Toothpick


1. In a plastic or cellophane, completely mash the banana.

2. In a cup, mix ½ cup of water, ½ tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid. Stir until
completely dissolved.
3. Pour the solution into the plastic with the mashed banana. Mix them together and continue mashing
the banana gently.
3. Place the strainer on the lid of the cup.
4. Slowly pour the mixture into the strainer and let the water drip for several minutes until it drains all the
water in the
6. Carefully transfer half of the drained liquid into the other cup.
5. SLOWLY Pour the chilled ½ cup Isopropyl Alcohol into the liquid.
6. Let the solution sit for 3 – 5 minutes WITHOUT DISTURBING IT. It is important NOT to shake the
plastic cup.
7. Spool the DNA onto a toothpick. The DNA will have the appearance of white, stringy mucus.
IV. GUIDE QUESTIONS (3-5 sentences)

1. What is DNA?

DNA also known as Deoxynucleic acid holds the genetic information that every parent
passes on to their offspring, it contains nucleoids and are held with hydrogen bonds.
Every living organism has this, when this forms there will be a spiral helix that carries its
genetic instructions. Creating proteins or rather molecules the 2 main keys in making a
protein is called transcription and translation.

2. What are your observations while performing the experiment?

In my perspective as I was experimenting, I was shocked knowing that fruits like banana
can also have DNA and can be seen with just a few processes, just like humans this
proves that we can really determine their traits and identity. As I was done with patiently
waiting, I observed that it is mucus like texture or saliva meaning this can be seen
clearly with a use of a microscope.

3. Why is understanding the structure of DNA important?

Knowing the structure of DNA has made full understanding of its function, this also helped our
scientists have many findings of latest centuries for example artifacts. It hugely benefits our
discovery and we can further advance our medical and scientific fields. When certain people
who dreams to be an investigator or help in identifying viruses this is a need to tackle about in
school even just the basic.
V. PICTURES (Before, During and After)

I prepared all materials needed for my

experiment and made sure the table was
protected with paper in case of spills.

Materials – In this photo I’m already following the

• Ripe banana procedure presented by the teacher and gently
• Half cup of water mashing the banana first adding water and
• Teaspoon of rock salt other liquid components making sure as I stir
• Resealable zip-top bag this isn’t foamy. After I carefully pour it into the
• Dishwashing soap or detergent

• Rubbing alcohol 70%

• Strainer
• Glass cup
• Wooden chopstick
I waited 3-5 mins for the mixture to rise and cool down after
pouring a half cup of Alcohol. There was a change in color from
being cloudy white to yellow and a stringy or mucus like
substance appeared it also had some bubbles however not that
visible and that is the banana’s DNA, I conclude that just like
humans the banana or other species is very similar and we
share most genes with each other.

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