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Gabriel Lott

Metamorphosis Lit Journal

Can I say that I have abhorred this last half of Western Lit 2? These postmodernists are crazy!
Also, too many plays! Take Metamorphosis by Kafka for example, what was the point? A dude just turns
into a bug somehow and nobody cares why or tries to fix it! Life just goes on for Gregor Samsa and gets
worse and worse! His family is pathetic! He dies and nobody seems to care! He is a bug and never
questions why, but just tries to make do with it! It just ridiculous! Why is this great literature? Really,
why? I did not care to read, nor did I feel like I learned something by reading it! What was I supposed to
learn from it? Do not turn into a bug? I do not think anyone has that problem! This book was stupid, and
the guy who wrote it sounds like somebody who just needed to get over themselves! How ridiculously
stupid can modern literature get? The whole “great” generation of writers from a hundred years ago just
needed to get over themselves! I understand that the Great War rocked your world, but what are you
going to do about it? Get depressed and suicidal and woe is me moping about seems to be the general
consensus of that group. They should have said why did this happen, how can we prevent it, how should
society change for the better? Apparently they failed, because World War II still happened, and then the
Cold War, and by the time most of these guys were dead in the 60’s, thing had not gotten better at all, but
much worse! Maybe my generation can be the one to overcome our defining tragedy and correct the
wrongs done by our ancestors’ generations! And we can bring back quality literature!

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