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1. Man : Excuse me. Why is it very hectic here?

Woman : Oh, a few trains are late, so the passengers pile up this situation. As you can
see, many of them look mad and impatient.
Man : I think so.
Narrator: Why do many people become furious?
A. They can’t get tickets
B. The station is very crowded
C. Their trains are not arrived yet
D. Their trips by train are suspended
E. They can’t get seats in the trains

2. Man : Hey, is this your certificate?

Woman : Yes, it is
Man : Wow, your GPA is 3.8 and you graduated with cum laude. Congratulations!
Woman : Thank you
Man : So what’s your plan after this?
Woman : I’ve got an offer as a lecture’s assistant
Narrator: What is the main topic of the conversation?
A. She has finished her studies and got a job
B. She has been accepted in a reputable company
C. She has received a certificate and job promotion
D. She has graduated and will work for the man’s company
E. She has received a scholarship to continue her studies

3. Girl : I didn’t see you last week. Where did you go?
Boy : Well, I joined the International Youth Forum 2016 in Bali.
Girl : Wow, that’s great! Who were the participants and what did all of you do
during the event?
Boy : The event was attended by one hundred and thirty-three students from thirty-
nine countries and 100 members of an Indonesian delegation. We studied
various Balinese cultures.
Girl : I bet you really had great times.
Boy : Indeed
Narrator: What is the main topic of the conversation?
A. The girl’s experience last week
B. The boy’s activities at a school event
C. The boy’s participant in a cultural event
D. The girl’s memory during her stay in Bali
E. The girl’s meeting with overseas students

4. Woman : Did you receive an invitation to Laura’s wedding party? Will you attend it?
Man : Yes, but I don’t know whether I will go or not. It’s out of town.
Woman : I know. What do you think if we rent a car and ask others to join? Then we
share the cost.
Man : Good idea! I agree
Narrator: What does the woman propose?
A. They will send wedding gifts to Laura
B. They will invite their friends to the party
C. They will borrow Laura’s car to the party
D. They will go together by renting a car
E. They will attend Laura’s wedding secretly

5. Man : The traffic is really terrible. Look at the cars ahead! It’s a long queue
Woman : You’re right. I wonder, it’s not a weekend or peak hour, is it?
Man : It is. It’s already 1 p.m. and the airport is still twenty kilometers ahead.
Woman : …….
Narrator: What is the woman’s suitable response?
A. I’m going to take the first flight
B. I hope we will not miss our flight
C. I have no idea how to solve the problem
D. I wish to have a chance to travel by plane

6. Man : Recently there are many cases of smuggling rare animals abroad.
Woman : Yeah, I’ve read the online news about it. Smugglers are getting creative to
carry out their actions so that quarantine officers at airport must be more alert
to figure out their actions.
Man : You’re right. Though every airport has applied tighter regulations, they
aren’t afraid to smuggle.
Woman : ……..
Narrator: What is the best response to the man’s statement?
A. I don’t know what rare animals are smuggled.
B. Airport officers should work harder
C. Then, I think, smugglers must receive heavy sentences
D. The animals being smuggled are rare and protected

7. Man : Talking about the seminar, have all seminar kits for participant already been
Woman : Yes, everything is almost done, but I have a small problem
Man : What is it?
Woman : I’m busy with the papers and kits that I forget making the forms of
participants’ presence.
Man : …….
Narrator: What is the best response?
A. Let me do it
B. That’s not a big deal
C. Everything will be alright
D. May I see the forms, please?

On September 24th, 2015, the Heseltine Corporation (HC) is moving sixty technical and
management level employees to their manufacturing plant in the Western United
States. Before the move, the company will prepare employees for the cultural changes,
they will encounter when moving from urban Europe to a small town in the American
West. The employees and their families will attend special seminars on the habits of
American. They will learn about the regional vocabulary and the daily life. Without
this training, even small cultural differences could cause big misunderstanding.

8. What does the text tell about?

A. The impact of cultural changing to HC
B. The special seminars about the habits of Americans
C. The seminars attended by the new employees from Europe
D. The program given by the HC to the new manufacturing employees
E. The movement of sixty of HC’s employees to the new manufacturing plant

9. What does the employees and their families get from the special seminar?
A. The knowledge of the habits and daily life in America
B. The of cross cultural understanding
C. The preparation of their new manufacturing plant
D. The introduction of small cultural differences
E. The explanation of the habit of American

10. From the text, we infer that….before moving West America

A. The employees and their families have prepared cultural changes
B. The employees and their families do not need to prepare culture
C. The company has prepared the employees and their families
D. The employees and their families should not prepare anything
E. No employees prepared cultural changes and language

11. “The employees and their families will attend special seminars…..”
The underlined word can be best replaced by….
A. Present
B. Look after
C. Arrive
D. Back home
E. Meet

Colombia, on mission STS-107, left Earth for the last time on 16 th January 2003. At the
time, the shuttle programme was focused on building the International Space Station.
However, STTS-107 stood apart as it emphasized pure research.
The seven-member crew — Rick Husband, commander; Michael Anderson, payload
commander; David Brown, mission specialist; Kalpana Chawla, mission specialist; Laurel
Clark, mission specialist; William McCool, pilot; Ilan Ramon, payload specialist from the
Israeli Space Agency — spent 24 hours a day doing science experiments in two shifts. They
performed around 80 experiments in life sciences, material sciences, fluid physics and other
On 1st February 2003, the shuttle made its usual landing approach to the Kennedy Space
Center. Just before 9 a.m. EST, however, abnormal readings showed up at Mission Control.
They lost temperature readings from sensors located on the left wing. Then, tire pressure
readings from the left side also vanished.
It was found out that space shuttle Columbia broke up as it returned to Earth, killing
seven astronauts on board. NASA suspended space shuttle flights for more than two years as
it investigated the disaster.

12. What does the monologue talk about?

A. Space shuttle Columbia’s last mission in 2003
B. The success of space shuttle Columbia’s mission
C. The activities done by space shuttle Columbia’s crew
D. Space shuttle Columbia’s disaster when returning to Earth
E. Space shuttle Columbia’s launch from the Kennedy Space Centre
13. What did the space shuttle Columbia’s crew do during their mission?
A. Investigating the life of another planet
B. Constructing the international space station
C. Conducting science experiments in many matters
D. Fixing the problem in the international space station
E. Observing the space phenomena that influence the Earth

There was a farmer who went to the rice field and returned home always passing through
a forest. One afternoon when he was on his way home, he heard groaning “is anybody there?
Please help me.”
Without fear, the farmer approached the sound and found a wounded deer. “Help me, Sir.
A hunter hit my hind leg with his arrow. Save me, Sir,” the deer said. The farmer was
surprised to find that the deer could talk.
Without wasting time, he carried the deer home. He treated the wound, gave it food and
let it lie on his bed. He looked after it lovingly. Suddenly, it transformed into a handsome
young man who turned out to have been condemned because of his mischief. The curse
would end if there was a person who could take care of it sincerely
The young man told the farmer that he was a prince and he would return to the palace. He
invited the farmer and his family to go with him, to stay at the palace. Since then, the prince
became a good and caring young man.

14. What is the monologue about?

A. A mischievous prince and a deer
B. A good farmer and his companion
C. A kind farmer and injured deer
D. A farmer who lived with a deer
E.A weak deer and a skillful hunter
15. What was the strange about the deer?
A. It could talk
B. It was powerful
C. It didn’t have a tail
D. It was very clever
E. It could beat a hunter

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