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iGrid T&D is a company belonging to Thytronic group 1
Table of contents

The company
Mission & Vision
iRTU/iGW family
iControl SCADA
Customers & Projects 2
The company
iGrid T&D joins a multidisciplinary team of professional with wide knowledge
of substation automation and grid control, and focused on real-time solutions
and communication protocol integration. For this reason our focus are the
RTUs, protocol gateways/converters and the SCADA software.

From 2017, iGrid T&D is part of Thytronic group, the Italian leader on protec-
tion relays.

iGrid T&D headquarters are located in Barcelona with sales branch in Banga-
lore (India) . 3
The company
Our products are being used worldwide, from Chile to Indonesia, thanks to
their capability to communicate with any kind of meter, protection relay, BCU,
PLC, or control center, by using protocols like DNP3.0, IEC 60870-5-101 and
IEC 60870-5-104, as well IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-102, IEC 62056-21,
DLMS, Profibus, Procome and IEC61850 (GOOSE & MMS).

With IEC 61850, our solutions can be used as data clients and data servers, or
both simultaneously. Collecting data from protection relays or mapping exist-
ing devices into a logical nodes.

We share our knowledge among our entire team and network of partners,
drawing upon the expertise and creativity necessary to address the challenges
of energy control. 4

Help utilities automate their energy infrastructure,

from power generation to secondary distribution


Be a reference global player in automation of the

next generation energy grids. 5

BCU, RTUs and gateways are the main functionalities of the
iRTU/iGW family. With multiple communication capabilities,
they can use any standard protocol (IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-
101/102/103/104, IEC 62056-21, DLMS, DNP3.0, Modbus) to
collect and send data to control center or to IEDs, or se-
quences automation using IEC 61131-3 PLC programming

The easiest way to monitor and control
any grid, substation or generation plant.
iControl SCADA software is designed to
automate electrical facilities in the mini-
mum available time, with all the required
features, like the IEC61850 protocol or redundant control schemas. 6
Products : iRTU / iGW family

• Smart and modular remote telecontrol units suitable for Substation Auto-
mation and Telecontrol of MV networks.
• High scalability and optimal adaptation to any particular need
• Availability of multiple communication options including embedded Ether-
net switches, built-in GPRS or PSTN modems.
• iRTU & iGW Series products may perform different functions within a facili-
ty based on their configuration. They can be used as remote telecontrol
units, substation gateways, I/O IEDs, bay controllers, protocol converters,
• All models come with a full range of protocols including IEC 60870-5-
101/102/103/104, IEC 61850 (MMS & GOOSE), Modbus RTU/TCP, DNP3.0
(serial and TCP), IEC 62056-21, DLMS, Procome and Profibus DP, in order
to ensure the communication with new and legacy IEDs and SCADA mas-
ter stations. 7
Products : iControl SCADA

• SCADA focused on the control of energy projects

• Easy to use SCADA system fitting any project’s needs
• iControl is able to manage multiple communication protocols simultane-
ously, both master and slave, from simple Modbus to IEC 61850 (MMS &
GOOSE), or control center based, like IEC60870-5-104/101, Modbus or
• iControl flexibility allows adaption to to any schema or architecture, from
standalone systems, to complex redundant schemas with remote clients
and SQL data storage
• Generation of customized reports, which can be triggered periodically or
due to any kind of event/alarm.
• iControl web viewer gives the flexibility to display the SCADA in real time
using an Internet browser, but with all the safety requirements to block
any dangerous activity. 8
iGrid T&D worldwide partners network

Argentina Chile & Perú Ecuador Turkey

China Iran India South Africa

Singapore, Thailand, Myan-

Colombia Malaysia and In- mar, Laos and Nigeria
donesia Cambodja

Iraq & Jordan Croatia Spain (metering)
&Herzegovina 9
Cutomers & projects
• Substation Automation projects on HV substations in America, Europe and
Asia, using IEC60870-5-101/104, DNP3.0 and IEC61850
• Smart metering projects using DLMS, IEC60870-5-102 and Modbus
• Medium Grid Automation with hundreds of RTUs controlled and monitore
• Railway Energy Network control 10
Let's keep your lights shinning
iGrid T&D headquarters
C. Marie Curie, 8-14 - 08042 – Barcelona

iGrid India Pltd (sales office)

Bangalore - India

Thytronic headquarters
Piazza Mistral, 7 - 20139 – Milano

Thytronic factory
Z.I. Sud - Via dell'artigianato, 48 - 35127 – Padova

ThyEast (sales office)

Menekse Sok. Deluxia Suites No: 3 K:17 D: 214
34746, Atasehir - Istanbul - Turkey

Web : 11

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