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Class Struggle # 139 Summer 2021/22

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22

The Future is the Commune!
Dying capitalism beset by contradictions. The dull compulsion of the hidden hand is not
working. It is left naked without clothes. The increasing anarchy of the market in the age of
imperialism is now compounded by the terminal crisis of overproduction. Capitalism has
exhausted its historical mission destroying nature, the material base of its own existence.
Crises accumulate and overtake it threatening the future of humanity. Marx’s metabolic rift
predicted the breakdown between nature and society. The ruling class is desperate to smash
the revolution with fascism. Forward to socialist revolution and the international Commune!

But who will resist this destruction? Only humans profit to avoid the onset of terminal crisis. The
who are an integral part of nature as they once were restoration of Russia and China as rampant
before the onset of class society – that is the capitalist rivals only prolongs the agony.
Commune. Marx in Grundrisse spoke of the
As capitalism decomposes, it exposes the rotting
commune as a society in which collective ownership
corpses of previous modes of production in its
land and labour ruled. It corresponds to what is now
bowels. Slavery, serfdom and unfree wage labour
called the lineage mode of production in which
return with all their reactionary cultural crap rising
matrilineage is the organising principle. Work and
to the surface. Nationalism, racism and sexism eat
the product of work is allocated by mothers among
away at the material gains of class struggle since
kinfolk according to their productive ability and
the 19th century, provoking the long overdue
reproductive need.
backlash as nature reacts to capital’s barbarism.
The overthrow of the original Commune created the
Marxists recognise the class war between labour and
first class divided society, the patriarchal mode of
capital as the contradiction between nature
production, where men exploited women’s
reproducing itself, and capitalist society destroying
productive and reproductive labour as domestic
nature. This contradiction is expressed as the class
slaves. But Marx and Engels did not acknowledge the
struggle for the socialist revolution to end
existence of a distinct patriarchal mode, nor its
capitalism, return to nature and create the
survival embedded in the later tributary and
conditions for a post-capitalist future.
capitalist modes.
It was clear to the young Marx as a student of the
Yet as an exploited and oppressed class confined to
scientific advances of the enlightenment, that
slavery women fought against their defeat. Their
capitalism was its own worst enemy and would end
resistance over 10,000 years is the historical thread
up as the anarchic, self-destructive mode today.
that carries the life of the Commune through
The rise of the irrational, the cult of the individual,
successive dominant modes as women’s class
mired in the particularity of nation, race and
struggle for liberation.
gender, acts to destroy the secular, scientific, and
This was true of the Commune of Paris 1871 when universal truths of life in the material world.
women played an active role in the insurrection
The battle to defeat the Climate deniers and the
against the reactionary capitalist patriarchy of
Covid deniers illustrates perfectly how ignorance of
France. It was also true of the Russian revolution of
science and reason, expressing itself as a cultural
1917 which laid the foundations for an international
war, is really the class war between humanity,
Commune only to have the promise of world
reproducing itself within nature, against capital’s
revolution destroyed by global counter-revolution.
destruction of nature.
Today the essence of the Commune is kept alive
This contradiction between labour and capital
in the growing struggle against capitalism’s drive
puts the working class on the side of nature.
to destroy the historical power of the proletariat
Humanity must restore itself as nature and return
to end rotten capitalism as the last class society
to its material roots to wage the class war. Our
to make way for the return of the Commune.
survival depends on winning this war, ending class
Neoliberalism was the last chance for dying society and building the international Commune.
capitalism to restore profitable production. It failed
to exploit workers sufficiently to make enough Viva La Commune!
Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22

speculative fictitious capital to simply be written
China vs US again off. The revolving door between business and Govt
does not allow it since it doesn’t have the central
power to allow a massive depression to cuts costs.
In China the state has much more direct control
over capital and labour. Since 1990 economic
development is no longer driven by a plan but by
the market. While prices are now set by the value
of labour in the market, business remains state
So, when capital is diverted to speculation in land
the state can respond by allowing inflated land
values to collapse cheapening land as an input
stimulating investment in production. Of course,
The warmongering is coming mainly from the US.
the property losses also hurt US speculators.
China is blustering in defence. China is
outperforming the US so does not need war to win. The state can intervene to manage this collapse. Xi
US has good cause to risk war because it has nothing understands capitalism and proposes a land tax to
left to assert its global hegemony. limit property speculation and promote ‘common
prosperity’. He has the power to take on the
The money printing since 2008 is not going into
billionaire parasites living off productive capital.
production but as you put it into speculating on
existing assets. These assets retain their original The Chinese state acts in the interests of the
value, determined by the labour value it takes to 'collective capitalist' since the CCP made the
produce them. transition from a Stalinist state to a bourgeois
state. Property speculation is a drain on the profits
But speculation drives up price inflation, reflected
of productive capital, and the elimination of this
in a devaluation of money. The combination of
drain gives terminal capitalism a temporary
inflation and slow-down in production is
remission from decline and death.
‘stagflation’. The US will face stagflation unless it
can use its military power to bully the world to get As long as the Chinese state can keep capital
cheaper inputs and retain the dollar as a world pouring into expanding production in China and
currency which holds up its ‘value’ artificially. increasingly around the world via the Belt and Road
project, its rate and mass of profits will increase
China’s problems of are a different order as a
while US rate and mass declines. In the process it is
restored capitalist economy on steroids drawing on
diverting value from its rival imperialist powers,
its huge size and labour market. That is a problem
notably the US, to its own growing world empire.
of youth compared with US decrepitude.
It is this fundamental life and death contest
But China’s phenomenal expansion since 2000
between the rising Chinese and declining US
cannot continue without correcting for the
imperialism that is shaping the outline of our
distortions introduced by internal rather than
future. But it’s not a paint by numbers scenario.
external pressures. Sooner or later its surplus
The future is not fate. Workers everywhere must
profits will exceed the demand for investment in
unite against all their ruling classes as the enemy
production and divert surplus capital into
within and to turn our guns on the class enemy.
speculation in existing assets. This has already
happened as capital floods into property creating a This means that instead of rallying behind national
fictitious bubble of wealth that is popping right flags and following the ruling class into wars that
now. use us as nuclear fodder in a struggle for
supremacy, we ally with both Chinese and US
While speculation in the US is a symptom of failure
workers against their ruling classes. In the event of
to prevent the rate of profit falling, in China it
war, we must refuse to join either side, but fight
represents an unproductive drain on profits that
the class war for our independence as the socialist
can be corrected by the state. Chinese state
republic of Aotearoa.
capitalism is much more centrally managed than
anything the US could dream of. The US state is run Long live the world socialist revolution!
by finance capital and will never allow all the

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
When ECan refused water rights to farmers, in 2010
NZ and 3 Waters the National Govt sacked the elected members and
appointed commissioners. It took away ECans
responsibility for water management and created a
new Canterbury Regional Water Authority. Here was
central Govt replacing a regional body to meet the
local yokel water rights needed for the 60% increase
in dairy herds between 2002 and 2008.
‘Green Party co-leader Russel Norman said ECan
was paying the price for standing up to the dairy
industry and refusing water consents. “Everyone
now has a clear message. If you stand up to protect
water, you're going to be taken out”’.
Big debate over water and the Labour Govt plan for
Water is a scarce resource and all life is dependent
3 waters reform. Govt’s proposed sweeping reforms
on it. Ask the Palestinians or Syrians. Capitalism
to take control of 3 waters (drinking, runoff, and
regards water as a property right to extract
sewage) is opposed by 70% or more of local bodies,
monopoly rent. Hence as demand grows and rent
including the biggest city, Auckland. Despite
obtained from water rises, rent seeking increases.
Minister Mahuta’s promise to take on their debt,
they see it as an asset grab and an attack on local That’s why we endorse the push by Māori and their
democracy. Chris Trotter, opposes the 3 waters supporters to put it under direct central state
plan on these grounds. He offers a solution where control to put an end to ‘pork barrel’ politics. There
local democracy must control water and oppose is no guarantee that the Labour Govt will clean up
centralisation and privatisation. water, but the dirty politics around water will
reveal the economic interests of those who are up
Since colonisation NZ has had ‘local democracy’.
to their necks in it. Just follow the dirt.
Then it was called ‘pork barrel’ politics. The landed
gentry used its control of local and central govt to The Govt response to Covid has exposed the
privatise the value of land, roads, rail, energy, and conflicting interests of business and public health.
water for themselves. We are still living in the same Yet there would have been no Covid response
system. Business controls both local and central without central Govt. So do the 3 Waters demand a
government. The modern gentry takes water for central Govt plan to undo the damage done by local
granted as a property right. bodies where business is firmly in control.
Typical is Sir Russell Coutts, a member of the new So long term, in a country of only 5/6 million, our
gentry, a mega yachtie and now a prominent South central govt is still very local, serving a small,
Island landowner. He demands water rights to dependent decaying semi-colonial economy being
include a private golf course which already has local sucked dry by global capitalism. If Aotearoa is to
council consent to expand to 18 holes. He goes succeed in protecting its water among other
through the legal process to resolve a conflict with resources from imperialist exploitation, it needs a
his neighbours, some whom are members of the old workers’ Government based on the democracy of a
gentry. national federation of workers councils.
So, there is no ‘local democracy’ regulating water So, let’s see the Govts 3 water policy make the
today other than the taxpayer agreeing to subsidise landed gentry and big business concede control
the de facto privatisation of water overseen by the over water in the face of the mass demand for equal
heavy hand of centralism. Localism is actually the rights of access, to clean up 3 waters, and restore
profiteering of pork barrel central politics, serving ecological health and biological diversity, no longer
only the interests of the gentry. subject to greedy privatisation and naked
The real question is: which class controls water
from the centre? Is it the delegated power from the This is the first and only major policy from this
working masses, the Māori Treaty claim of neoliberal government that directly acts to take on
ownership, or the entitled power of the capitalist climate change. Let’s fight for it and in the process
class? Clearly the latter. There is no ‘democracy’ at demonstrate what it takes to bring about real
any level in NZ as demonstrated by the Govt sacking workers democracy in Aotearoa.
of the Canterbury Regional Council (better known
by its PR label Environment Canterbury or ECan)! For a Socialist Aotearoa!

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
Women’s resistance to the threat posed by trans
Trans and Fascism ideology has been countered by increasingly
extreme arguments that they are transphobes, even
fascists, to justify open violence by the ‘left’ to
shut them up.
Judith Butler, a US academic influential in the
argument that gender trumps sex, recently argued
that those who criticise trans gender people are
motivated by the alt-right and are fascists. Gender
critical women are therefore fascists. But Butler
gets it all wrong. Fascists defend the patriarchy. So
does gender ideology which insists that transwomen
with penises are women. Therefore, for alt-right
and alt-left, the common enemy is women who lead
the resistance to patriarchal capitalism. The L
versus the T.
Butler is wrong because she is a liberal. She glosses
The so-called left is deeply divided over trans over End Stage Capitalism and argues for human
ideology. Some are mystified by this ‘regression’. rights despite capitalism’s inability to deliver them.
Some take the side of identity politics, other She rejects the determining influence of capitalist
oppose it on the basis of class. But few have worked social relations. She takes the post-modern line
out why identity politics has blossomed in the neo- that individuals can self-determine their identity as
liberal period into something that threatens to a matter of free choice. This is an idealist erasure
destroy the unity of the working class. We put of production relations by exchange relations. The
forward our analysis here. market rules and freedom is freedom of choice. Into
If you want an explanation for this 'regression' try the vacuum left by the missing production relations
sexism on steroids. Capitalism in terminal crisis is she validates the alienated exchange relations of
throwing up all the old crap of ages in preparation bourgeois individuals.
for fascism that divides and destroys the working The theory of ‘gender’ demonstrates this perfectly.
class. It draws on the slavery and serfdom of prior Production relations under capitalism are class
modes as it cannot squeeze more profits out of relations. Gender identity denies the production
wage labour to deliver sufficient profits. relations of labour and sex and the necessity of
Casualising wage labour breaks down the solidarity class struggle to revolutionise these relations.
of social labour and replaces it with the Instead, the alienated subjectivity of exchange
disorganised anarchy of lumpen, atomised labour. relations defines self-identity as the buying and
Marx on the ‘Absolute General Law of selling of commodities to meet social needs; the
Accumulation’ in Capital One says: “…within the ‘performance’ of self-determination.
capitalist system all methods for raising the social The performance of gender miraculously erases the
productiveness of labour are brought about at the historical oppression of gender grounded in the
cost of the individual labourer; all means for the exploitation and oppression of sex by the
development of production transform themselves patriarchy. By privileging gender over sex, men re-
into means of domination over, and exploitation define women as determined by their gender, that
of, the producers…” is subordinated to their oppression. They attack
Marx points out that this is a law of capitalism not women’s agency as a revolutionary force that can
a hangover from pre-capitalist modes of production. overthrow the patriarchy as part of the socialist
Yet as if to rub our noses in this historic revolution.
decomposition of social labour, capitalism today Fascism is the extreme reaction of capitalism to
dredges the underworld to make a new iteration of smash the working class as the gravedigger of
the patriarchy in the form of the trans cult which capitalism. That is why it will be women, and
seeks to destroy women whose historic resistance is lesbians in particular, that lead the antifascist
the unbroken link to the original slavery that struggle against trans ideology, and against the
signified the overthrow of the Commune. Men attacks on all women’s rights by the patriarchy,
become legal women to destroy women's sex-class as part of the socialist revolution that ends
agency against the rise of fascism. capitalism and builds socialism.

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
Antivaxxers are risking the lives of many more than
Eliminate Capitalism their own children. Europe is undergoing a new
surge in cases due to the antivax movement which
is getting more violent against the state. This is a
movement the believes that its freedom is being
taken away by a state that represents some
international elite of globalists, socialists or
communists. It looks for an easy explanation for the
loss of income and status caused by the capitalist
economic, Covid and Climate crises.
Unlike a workers’ movement that fights for
socialism against the capitalist ruling class and
looks for allies among other oppressed groups,
fascism builds a reactionary movement based on
the petty bourgeoisie and lumpen workers directed
against the working class. Its main enemy is not the
capitalist ruling class but the working class which it
For capitalism, ‘elimination’ means ending any
blames for its decline, while it looks to the ruling
threat to its existence from working people who
class to restore its former social position.
refuse to pay for its terminal crisis of declining
profits, climate collapse and many more So, when it comes to workers uniting with political
pandemics. For workers elimination means allies in Aotearoa to fight the pandemic, we have
eliminating capitalism. to distinguish between the poor and oppressed who
are under attack by a Govt putting business before
From the outset Covid told us that it was caused by
health, and those who reject the government
capitalism and that to defeat it we had to defeat
because its Covid policies clash with their business
capitalism. We wrote about this over a year ago in
interests and their views on personal freedom.
‘From the Coronavirus to the Commune’. The cause
was capitalism’s disruption of the ecology forcing Therefore, we must oppose the feral and lumpen
viruses to jump from the wild species to humans. elements of society that blame the Govt as elitist
Everything about the origins of SARS CoV-2 proves or communist, but at the same time are allying with
this. business against the interests of workers. The
hardcore antivaxx movement is plugged into the
Since capitalism’s downward spiral into its End
global resistance building against lockdowns and
Stage (article below) is likely to create the
vaccinations which is ultimately anti-worker.
conditions for many more pandemics, we cannot
expect it to offer any solution. In fact, the opposite This explains the fate of Covid ‘elimination’ in
is true. The progress of the pandemic proves that Aotearoa. Elimination of the virus which threatens
capitalism will not divert profits to maintain the most the poorest and weakest of the working class,
survival of the working masses. Capitalism does not will always come distant second when it threatens
have the health of workers in mind unless it is vital the elimination of rent and profit extracted from
to keeping their labour-power alive to exploit for the working class.
This explains why the Labour Government has
The proof of this is in the massive reserve army of adapted to capitalist elimination. We will now
unemployed used to fill the jobs of those who need ‘learn to live’ with Delta through herd immunity,
replacing due to overwork, starvation and sacrificing the deaths and Long Covid suffering of
pandemics. Eugenics is the name for this unnatural the poor and weak, so that white settler colonial
selection where the rich and powerful eliminate the capitalism may live to survive another day.
poor and weak.
But why should we be interested in a return to
Big business which has had a massive Covid bailout capitalism as usual? We have said for more than a
and is reaping huge profits. But it wants open year, that for workers to live capitalism must die.
borders to clear the supply chains. Most pressure To do that we need a strategy for workers to take
especially in Auckland is coming from small power, to end capitalism and its destruction of
businesses and a growing anti-vaxx movement that humanity, and build a socialist society in harmony
resents lockdowns and want its ‘freedom’ now. with nature.

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22


Prime Minister and Prime Celebrity Jacinda Ardern at Super Saturday Vaxathon

Hope Super Saturday went well and Aotearoa gets And for those double dosed already, a booster is
90% of the ‘eligible’ vaxxed by Xmas. I missed it already being advised as the vax loses its
doing other things. I asked myself how could we go protection. Not only that, Delta leaves its card. It
from a desperate but successful L4 that needed to damages the organs which it infects producing Long
be strengthened to eliminate Covid, to opening up Covid, a sort of ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome)
to a Telethon event in 2 weeks. as a likely lifelong disability.
Super Saturday is a token of defeat. Its appeal is So even with 95% or 100% (including children over 5
not to social solidarity, but to the mass psychology years) vaxxed and boosted, the technology has to
of the ‘event’- Telethon fuelled Celebrity – a race to keep ahead of the virus. A pharma industry
recognition that we are alienated individuals run by Big Pharma, for all the social solidarity and
stripped of our social solidarity by end stage goodwill of the scientists and technicians involved,
capitalism. is motivated by profit, not public health. It will
always be playing catchup and never catchup. Just
Instead of being empowered with the knowledge to
look at the gap between the vaxxed vs non-vaxxed
act for ourselves, we are being sucked into a
sideshow for big business. Because even if bribing
us and hyping this event gets us to 90%, it is based Kick out Plan B!
on crass psychology and not a social solidarity
It’s clear that Plan B, ‘open the borders to the vax
grounded in working peoples’ consciousness of the
passport’, is the strategy of the market and big
causes of the pandemic in the ‘capitalocene’.
business. This is the presupposition that capitalism
Meeting Delta imposes on us with its fetish of the market. There
is ‘no alternative’ to the market when clearly the
For what should be by now obvious reasons, Delta
market cannot prevent nor eliminate Delta. Yet this
is a killer strain and has some way to go before it
presupposition rules OK.
gets replaced by a bigger killer strain Delta +. The
strain that came out of Wuhan had a RO It’s the imperative behind the whining of the SME
(reproduction number) of 1 or 2. Delta has a RO of mob and the big business lobby. It’s what is used to
5 or 6. ‘balance’ public health with the economy. It’s all
the reasons that justify giving up on lockdowns and
So, with a vax rate of 90% we are going to see Delta
putting our faith in High Tech vaccines.
rip through the unvaccinated to take out the
weakest of us. Not just the aged and unhealthy, but The power of the business lobby to end lockdowns
healthy young people and children. led the Govt to shift prematurely from Level 4 to
Level 3 in Auckland on 21st September against the

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
advice of epidemiologists. The graph [below] shows support for dying capitalism. By digging out much
cases falling until a few days later when they start of the Earth’s resources in the last 50 years it
a relatively steep climb following interventions by sacrificed nature and made the giant leap towards
ex-Prime Minister John Key attacking the climate collapse today. The habitats of all species
‘elimination’ strategy, and an outdoor rally by were disrupted forcing extinction and zoonotic
Destiny Church that abused the Level 3 rules jumping species for survival.
But Plan B advocates don’t want it to be seen as a The pandemic is therefore without question the
naked play for a return to business as usual, they direct result of End Stage Capitalism, dying and
want it to look like it has the mental health of rotting on its feet, destroying nature and disrupting

workers at heart. And right on cue (Key’s press climate and species habitats. What is symptomatic
release at 5 am on 26 Sept), the Government that of capitalism in its decline and fall, cannot be
put profits before people, starts to abandon corrected by attempts to put it on life support.
‘elimination’ concerned for the people suffering Capitalism survives only at the expense of killing
from ‘lockdown fatigue’ who break the rules. nature. Our lives, threatened by starvation, disease
and human extinction, cannot be saved unless
Business has been bailed out, increased its share of
capitalism dies and nature is revived.
national ‘wealth’ and happily restructures so that
the biggest get bigger (e.g., Big Tech). But so On to Survival Socialism
strong is the market imperative that it gets away
We need now is the mass movement to end
with it. And mental health is appropriated by Plan
economic exploitation, climate collapse and
B and demands a return to the market as a solution
extinction. Against stage-managed ‘events’ where
to a problem which it caused.
our alienation and anger at the system in
That is why the familiar mantra of balancing the breakdown is misdirected into keeping the ruling
concerns of public health with economy growth is class in power, we need the class consciousness
such bullshit. There can be no equilibrium or ‘happy that activates us to fight for the end of capitalism.
medium’ struck between the health of profits and
Instead of restoring the profits of capitalism
the health of the workers who produce them, in a
expropriated from working people, we need to
pandemic that is symptomatic of End Stage
restore nature as the ecological support system
of survival socialism. Instead of worrying about
End Stage Capitalism ‘lockdown fatigue’ we need to factor in ‘long
Covid fatigue’.
End Stage Capitalism is parasitical capitalism dying
as it kills of its host, nature. It cannot afford a We need to start now to fight for Zero Covid; to
public health system worthy of the name. Like all build a public health system under workers’
social welfare measures since the onset of the great control; to create a welfare system that supports
neo-liberal depression in the 1980s, public health human life; to form workers’ organisations strong
has been run down and milked by the market. End enough to resist fascism; and to elect a workers’
Stage Capitalism must claw back value by making government capable of taking back the wealth
cuts in state spending on the social wage, and stolen from working people for centuries, making
driving down real wages. the transition from capitalism to socialism
Neo-liberalism is an attack on workers and poor
farmers worldwide to restore profits as the life Long Live the World Socialist Revolution!
Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22


No to Imperialist wars! For World Socialism!
The arrival of AUKUS, the recent military alliance between the US, UK and Australia, is
another fateful step towards World War 3. Why? Both previous World Wars resulted from the
economic rivalry of the great powers to repartition the world in their interests. But capitalism
in its imperialist epoch is in terminal decline and each world war brings it closer to total
destruction. This time, a WW3 will arise from the outbreak of hostilities between the US bloc
and the Russia/China bloc, driven by the laws of capital to take their economic rivalry to the
political/military level.

The emergence of Russia and China as new China and Russia have emerged from these defeats
imperialist powers nearly two decades after resisting re-colonisation by the West. The relative
capitalist restoration, can be tracked back to the independence from imperialism, achieved by
Soviet Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent permanent revolution in the USSR from 1917-91and
partition of the capitalist world from the soviet China from 1949-92, afforded Russia and China the
world over what we can call the ‘short Soviet breathing room to avoid subordination as semi-
Century’ from 1917 to1991. The threat of socialist colonies after the capitalist restoration and the
revolution spreading to Europe explains the rise of tools to emerge as new imperialist powers in the
fascism between the wars. That in turn, split the subsequent decades.
imperialist powers, freeing the Soviet Union to join
the fight for ‘democracy’ against the fascist Axis, Far from the dismemberment of the soviet bloc and
to extend its border into Eastern Europe and to a return to imperialist exploitation, Russia and
sponsor a wave of decolonisation that culminated in China retained control over most of Eurasia, and
the Chinese national revolution in 1949. embarked on an imperialist course themselves,
emerging around the new millennium as rivals to
The expansion of the soviet bloc was countered by the US and EU powers.
the Atlantic Alliance between the US and Europe,
and the formation of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty China and Russia become superpowers
Organisation) in the attempt to contain the ‘red The arrival of QUAD and AUKUS signifies the US
menace’. The ‘cold war’ (from 1948 to 1991) was ramping up its military containment of China
essentially the Atlantic Alliance raising political and because it is losing the economic contest for
economic blockades against the soviet bloc, driving Eurasia. China and Russia have both made big
the Stalinist leaderships towards capitalist economic gains against the US bloc in Eurasia,
restoration. Despite the defeat of the Soviet Union penetrating the EU and challenging NATO
and opening up of China to foreign investment, members’ loyalty to the US.
Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
The defeat of the US in Afghanistan and the Middle with China over minerals, and an international
East marks the failure of 20 years of US military debate about China’s agents of ‘soft power’ taking
intervention to win control of Eurasia. It has handed over Australia.
US, British and French influence over to Russia,
China, Turkey and Iran. Russia has survived pressure AUKUS brings the historic Eurocentric, white
from NATO to break-up the Russian Federation, supremacist Anglophile nations, the UK, US and
annexing Crimea, reaching a stalemate in Donbass, Australia together in a military alliance targeting
and stabilising the Caspian region. Putin’s 2021 New China in the Asia-Pacific, plugging Australia into the
Security Strategy spells out the need for South China Seas with US supplied nuclear
a multilateral world in which Russia acts to ‘deter submarines, and a British Pacific fleet, to complete
the US, ignore the EU, and partner with China and the steel ring from India to Japan to contain
India.’ Turkey while still a member of NATO is also China. It ‘shares’ the pathetic Trumpite illusion of
tied to Russia’s security reach into Syria against making the US great again, and reliving the
‘terrorism’, in order to contain the Kurds. In the memories of the glorious British Empire of Johnson
aftermath of the US defeat in Afghanistan, Russia, and Morrison, with the Abe-ist project of reviving
China, Turkey and Iran are poised to share the the Japanese ‘warrior greatness’ of the ‘Forever
rewards of a new client state in the battle for War’ (1895 to 1945) as a grotesque empire revivalist
Eurasia, and as a potential member of the SCO. The comic opera.
fissures in NATO are widened in spite of the NATO ‘Make America great again’ was a Bonapartist
2030 agenda, an out of touch plan that ignores the venture by Trump to rally the populace behind the
inter-imperialist competition among its own flag while pulling back from engagement in Eurasia
members. to face China in the Pacific. Biden’s pivot to the
On the strength of a more self-reliant and self- Asia Pacific is a feeble attempt to follow where
confident Russia and an expanding China globally Obama went, reconstituting the failing Atlantic
(BRICS and Road and Belt) China’s Xi ‘thought’ and alliance as an Asia-Pacific Alliance. But this time
Russia’s Putin ‘thought’ both see a multilateral most of the EU don’t want to know, France is
world as the goal in which China and Russia are positively hostile at having its contract to build
strong, independent, strategic partners, alongside submarines for Australia cancelled, and Germany is
the US and EU powers. SCO can be presented as far too dependent on Russian gas to play Oriental
defensive rather than offensive because they are war games. Australia, the Wild South mining state
winning the economic war. The weakness of the owned by the US, is sucking up to Biden to police
SCO is that India (also a member of BRICS), Pakistan the South China Sea with the big boys’ toys – nuclear
and Iran (the new regime is expected to get full powered and conventionally armed submarines
membership this month), do not share in the super- with stealth-like capabilities. These rag-tag states
profits of the economic war. Clearly the Indian pulled along in the orbit of the US death star will
ruling class resents China and is hostile to Pakistan, all go down in history as a Quixotic gesture
and rejects sharing the defence of its neighbours in attempting to bully China into submission.
a war with the US. India, under Modi, has preferred China’s Response
the alternative of hanging onto the coat-tails of the
fading Anglo-American alliance to boost the As the AUKUS military provocation was being
national ambitions of his clerical fascist regime. announced, China formally applied to join the
CPTPP, the trans Pacific trade pact between Japan,
US in decline faces more defeats Canada, Mexico, Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia,
The US in decline is forced to meet this strategic Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and New Zealand. China
defeat in Eurasia, by rallying its remaining allies responded pointedly to the US Asia Pivot by seeking
and recruiting new ones to contain the Russia-China to advance its economic interests with countries
bloc. that are increasingly dependent on trade with it. A
few days later, Xi Jinping pointedly announced a
QUAD brings India, Japan and Australia into a closer halt to the financing of coal mining outside China.
political alliance with the US against China. It Australian mining could be the biggest casualty of
exploits India’s internal crisis and drives a wedge this policy. No doubt this move is part of China’s
between it and Russia which regards it as a ‘special strategic course plotted by the ‘President for life’.
strategic partner, weakening the SCO. Including
Japan escalates the provocation as Japan is an Xi’s ‘thought’ begins with China’s historic grandeur
historic enemy of China. Australia has long played and its humiliation by imperialism. The members of
the role of a ‘deputy sheriff’ of US imperialism in the QUAD and AUKUS comprise China’s main historic
the Pacific, and is engaged in a rowdy trade dispute enemies. Britain from the Opium Wars in the 1840s,
Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
Japan from 1895 to 1945, the US from 1949 to the as the lesser evil. We are prepared for the defeat
present, and India under Modi. But his solution is to of our ‘own’ country because as workers we have
make China great again by out-capitalising and out- no country that exists by super-exploiting and
imperialising his rivals at their Great Game. Xi’s oppressing other countries. We turn our guns on our
thought, seconded by Putin’s ‘thought’, is more own ruling classes, to overthrow the state and to
than a match for the Trumpite remake of US, UK, bring the working class to power. In the process we
Indian, Japanese and Australian ruling classes’ become part of a united international working-class
deluded dreams. war against imperialist war, making the permanent
revolution to prepare the conditions for world
The US, clearly failing to maintain its economic socialism.
lead, allied to decaying crisis-ridden imperialist
Britain, and its bankrupt former colonies India and In the semi-colonies, dragged into war by their
Australia, are forced to adopt military provocations national bourgeoisies, we workers fight for national
to disrupt such plans. The prospect of military independence against imperialism, and against the
flashpoints such as in the South China Sea and national bourgeoisies that serve one or another
Taiwan escalating into wider regional wars, imperialist bloc. We oppose our nations’
dragging many other states into a conflagration, is involvement in all imperialist wars, but at the same
becoming more likely. time defend ourselves from imperialist attacks,
leading the permanent revolution to liberate our
World Revolution nation as a socialist republic that joins forces with
The others in a
imperialist global
Yeu Yuen Shoe Strike (Nike Adidas) over unpaid pensions 2014 union of
epoch is that
of wars, socialist
revolutions republics.
and counter- Our
revolutions. program
As capitalism against war
comes to the is that the
end of its class
life, facing a enemy is at
terminal home.
crisis of • We
falling demand
profits, the closing
climate of all
collapse and foreign
pandemics, destroying nature by exploiting it to military bases.
death, it has no way out but counter-revolution. • We call on soldiers, sailors and air force
The declining imperialist states led by the US, is personnel to organize a COME HOME NOW
leading that counter-revolution inexorably to war movement on every overseas base.
against the Russia/China bloc.
• We oppose forced conscription and the
Revolutionaries need to make it clear that we “economic draft” into the capitalist state.
reject imperialist wars between the two blocs in a • We refuse to fight workers in other
fight to divide what is left of nature’s resources, countries, and call for mutinies in the
and that the only alternative to total counter- ranks, that raise the question of power –
revolution is socialist revolution. For that to which class shall rule, the class that
happen, workers must be better organised than the destroys nature and can only survive by
global capitalist ruling classes, formed into armed wars, or the class that can unite workers
workers’ councils and led by a revolutionary internationally to overthrow that ruling
communist international party of class- conscious class and create a socialist world.
workers to the seizure of power.
For a new World Party of Socialist Revolution
In the imperialist countries revolutionary workers
grounded in the method and program of the
are for the defeat of both sides in the event of war,
Fourth International.

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22

Argentine Elections:
How revolutionary workers participate
Argentine workers, like most in the Global South, are trapped between the vise of the Western
imperialist bloc and the hammer of the rising Chinese/Russian imperialist bloc. Decades of
enslavement to the IMF enforced by CIA incursions, dictatorships, threats of the return of
military rule, and Peronist/Bonapartism have disappeared, murdered, attacked, beaten,
harassed militant workers and have infiltrated and weakened the workers movement in
general and the revolutionary left in particular. The working class struggles to find its
independent pole and its workers’ government but is held back by the Peronist Popular front
and the reformist parliamentarians of the left who sell their wares in the shadow of the
popular front.

Inter-imperialist conflict ignored exploitation. Indeed, the Argentine oil mogul

Eurnekians recently bought Argentina’s oil fields
Standing in the November election, the Frente back from the Sinopac. And the Belt and Road
Izquierda de los Trabajadores (FIT) is an electoral initiative competes in Argentina for major projects
bloc composed of four self-identified Trotskyist which threaten the environment such as the Santa
(PST, PO, IS, MST) groups each with significant Cruz River, the Nestor Kirchner-Jorge Cepernic
memberships and leadership roles in the trade Hydroelectric Power Plant.
unions. Each organization has its program and, in
the struggle, they are divided because of
“program”, but in elections there is no discussion
about it.
The particularity of FIT is that they are all
“Trotskyists”. Certainly, each party has a reformist
program and as such their programmatic
differences do not pose a problem for them in
forming a front in the election. In the actual class
struggle, in the unions and on the streets, unity is
not possible because they are different. But in the
elections, their parliamentary cretinism brings
them together in a rotten bloc that holds the
masses back from the Marxist analysis of the world
situation and the revolutionary program.
The program of the FIT unites the workers
movement around a mono-polar world view of US By not identifying the actual imperialist players the
imperialist hegemony ignoring the relative decline FIT mobilizes the workers against the deadly yet
of the western bloc and the rising inter-imperialist declining threats of Western imperialism while
competition from the China/Russia bloc. This ignoring the deals cut between the Argentine
silence on the class nature of China/Russia ignores bourgeoisie and Chinese imperialism competing for
the actual role these Great Powers play in Latin a slice of the workers’ flesh.
America and the developing inter-imperialist
conflict. The program claims to protect the
Parliamentary Cretinism
fisheries, yet not a word about the ongoing The ILTT finds the FIT electoral bloc to be a unity
incursion into Argentine fisheries by the Chinese of political varieties of national Trotskyism, united
which resulted in the sinking of a Chinese vessel by especially for reformist perspectives on the
the Argentine navy after which the poachers have parliamentary terrain and in agreement not to
adapted by ‘going dark’ and continuing to exploit acknowledge the immense operations of Chinese
the fisheries. imperialism in the Argentine economy, even
extending into the military and aerospace spheres.
In the sphere of energy, oil contract deals
Further, this is not a united front, whatever the
favourable to China have been cut by the Argentine
pretensions of the common program, as any mass
bourgeoisie with nary a word from the FIT about the
labour struggle is likely to separate the front into
Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
conflicting programmatic groupings. Nowhere does Among the many omissions from the
this program call for a workers’ international, in
program of the FIT are:
effect abandoning questions of international
• The section on jobs for all does not call to
strategy to popular front politics with Chinese
shorten the work week but only to share the
“socialism”, and in Latin America, with
• There is no direct call to establish price and
The program of the FIT raises with much gusto and wage committees based on the unions and
vigor many of the needs of the working class, but workers organizations.
stops short of developing a revolutionary • Opposition to the pro-Zionist definition of
transitional program to form a workers’ state that anti-Semitism which was a capitulation to
can build socialism. The militant worker reading the bourgeois ideological terminology and an
program would walk away thinking that Eduard embarrassment for the militants who
Bernstein, Jeremy Corbyn, Lula/Dilma and Bernie elected representatives who claim to fight
Sanders are right! All the workers have to do is win for Palestinian self-determination.
51% of the electorate and the victory is at hand. • Capitulating to social backwardness the FIT
For revolutionary Marxists the capitalist’s elections abandons women’s health. The call for No
in particular and bourgeois democracy in general Restrictions and Free Abortion on Demand is
are nothing but the dictatorship of the capitalist unstated, while the FIT celebrates the
class and its sideshow of democratic forms. For over recent “green tide” abortion reform with 14
a century revolutionary Marxism has advocated weeks limits allowing the capitalist state
participation in elections. Not to take control of the restrictions to remain unchallenged.
capitalist state apparatus but to use the opening • A call for a national assembly of the workers
afforded by the window of “electoral democracy” representatives of the base (rank and file)
to mobilize the workers for the struggle for power to prepare the indefinite general strike to
by the methods of the working class – mass establish a workers’ government.
assemblies, national delegated workers congresses, • The call for the workers’ government does
preparations for and the actual indefinite general not explain to the workers how such a
strike, mine, farm and factory occupations and the government can be established only by the
smashing of the capitalist state. workers’ own assemblies from factory and
neighborhood committees to national
councils of workers deputies and how its
The Paris Commune
decisions must be defended by the armed
• The workers governments mission is to
expropriate the national bourgeoisie, big
capital monopolies, banks, finance capital
and imperialist properties and carry out the
socialist tasks to build a centrally-planned
socialist economy based on workers’
democracy and workers’ self-management.
How does revolutionary Marxism
advocate critical support in elections as a
As the Paris Commune proved, the state cannot be
smashed without the formation of organized, tactic?
disciplined, armed and coordinated worker’s We give critical support only when workers have
defense guards mustered by every union and illusions that the reformist or centrist bloc has a
workers organization. program that will deliver social revolution. The
The FIT program makes a mockery of the 1938 masses to varying degrees trust or have faith that
Transitional Program of the Fourth International, the bloc, in this case the FIT, has the ability to
which all bloc members claim as their own. They deliver if only it is elected. We don’t share these
have individually and collectively removed the illusions at all and we say so! Our critical support is
spring from the clock, rendering their program a not to be mistaken for political support. Our
path toward defeat, not victory. critical support is like the rope supporting the
hanged man, with the object of exploding such

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
illusions and the reformist and centrist We have seen the tactic of critical support
leaderships that foster them. degraded into a reformist strategy across the world
to the point that the “revolutionary Marxists”
The tactic of critical support was developed by
forget about the rope! They grab the hanged man
Lenin in “Left Wing Communism” for communist
by the feet and try to hold him up! Sometimes even
parties not strong enough to run their own
sticking their own necks in the noose. Our intention
candidates to intersect with workers voting for the
is not to elevate the FIT but to help the masses,
Social Democrats, the bourgeois workers parties
who want socialism, navigate their way past all
and even the Socialist Party USA which under Debs
rotten political blocs, bourgeois workers parties,
had not navigated its way to the 3rd International.
reformist and Stalinist usurpers and find their own
“If the Hendersons and the Snowdens reject a bloc with revolutionary workers party and revolutionary
the Communists, the latter will immediately gain by international that fights for socialism with
winning the sympathy of the masses and discrediting the proletarian methods, not parliamentary
Hendersons and Snowdens; if, as a result, we do lose a
few parliamentary seats, it is a matter of no significance
to us. We would put up our candidates in a very few but Support FITU like a rope supports a
absolutely safe constituencies, namely, constituencies
where our candidatures would not give any seats to the hanged man!
Liberals at the expense of the Labour candidates. We
would take part in the election campaign, distribute
leaflets agitating for communism, and, in all
constituencies where we have no candidates, we would
urge the electors to vote for the Labour candidate and
against the bourgeois candidate. Comrades Sylvia
Pankhurst and Gallacher are mistaken in thinking that
this is a betrayal of communism, or a renunciation of
the struggle against the social-traitors. On the contrary,
the cause of communist revolution would undoubtedly
gain thereby.
At present, British Communists very often find it hard
even to approach the masses, and even to get a hearing
from them. If I come out as a Communist and call upon
them to vote for Henderson and against Lloyd George, The ILTT applies the tactic of a critical vote for the
they will certainly give me a hearing. And I shall be FIT candidates. The reason is to break the workers
able to explain in a popular manner, not only why the who have illusions in reformism from their
Soviets are better than a parliament and why the leaderships.
dictatorship of the proletariat is better than the
dictatorship of Churchill (disguised with the signboard We advocate workers challenge the FIT mono-polar
of bourgeois “democracy”), but also that, with my world view and build an anti-imperialist program
vote, I want to support Henderson in the same way that identifies the inter-imperialist conflict that
as the rope supports a hanged man (ed. emphasis exists today between the US led bloc and the
added)—that the impending establishment of a China/Russia bloc (including rejecting their
government of the Hendersons will prove that I am Bolivarian popular front partners who retail “21st
right, will bring the masses over to my side, and will Century Socialism.”)
hasten the political death of the Hendersons and the We reject the Stalinist/Castroist fictions that hide
Snowdens just as was the case with their kindred the capitalist restoration in Cuba. We take our
spirits in Russia and Germany.” [our bold] stand on a revolutionary transitional program that
We apply the same method to the FIT in Argentina distinguishes itself from the minimum/maximum
today. We support the workers in their struggle for FIT program.
class independence and admonish the fake The ILTT calls on vanguard and revolutionary
Trotskyists whose Kautskyian method has so workers to break from the PST, PO, IS, MST
watered-down Trotsky’s Transitional Program that reformism and form a revolutionary workers party
it is unrecognizable except as a replica of the that shuns parliamentary cretinism and leads the
Minimum/Maximum program, that leaves out the fight for power by proletarian means based on the
transitional bridge; the min/max program explicitly method advanced in the Transitional Program.
forbidden by the founding document of the Fourth

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22

Defend Haitian Refugees!

Citizen Rights for Immigrant Workers!
“Our labor movement represents workers from all start with the history of slavery and
backgrounds and from all regions of the world,” underdevelopment. American public education has
said AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler. “We not only a miserable record where teaching real history of
advocate for dignity on the job; we are champions U.S. international relations, Black history and the
for universal human rights. So, we are wounded slave trade are concerned.
when we see human beings being treated
deplorably, without due process—let alone having
the ability to stand up collectively and advocate
freely for themselves.” (“The AFL-CIO on Haiti
Humanitarian Crisis”, 10/01/2021).
So says Sister Schuler, who otherwise has done
nothing and spent none of our dues to mobilize the
Union in defense of the refugees driven back into
Mexico from under the elevated highway in Del Rio,
Texas in September. Schuler is a 24/7 Democrat and
you will not be able to insert a piece of paper
between positions she takes and what Biden says.
Fobbing off the membership with exhortations to
rely upon and elect more Democrats in pursuit of
After taking the island by force and wiping out the
policy changes is where our money goes.
indigenous people, Spain ruled the Island of
The above AFL-CIO statement is nothing other than Hispaniola (now divided and known as Haiti and the
an expression of pressure from the union ranks, Dominican Republic) for two centuries; ceding the
emphasis on the nothing! The union bureaucracy western third of the island to the French in 1697.
will no more mobilize the power of Labor to defend Tobacco and indigo were the initial cash crops
immigrants than they will mobilize Labor to defend cultivated primarily by white indentured labor. The
our unions, which are decimated. We are not transition to plantations, African slavery and sugar
“other” than Haitians! production was perfected by the French in the early
18th century. With mono-cropping, trade with the
An awareness of Haiti’s history is essential when
13 colonies was essential to feed the hundreds of
considering the current crisis at the Texas border
thousands of enslaved people captured in Africa
where thousands of Haitian workers gathered in
and forced to work the Haitian plantations.
hopes of emigrating to the U.S. for a better life. We
see the Biden administration bending to the racist On average 14,500 Africans were robbed of liberty
anti-immigrant sentiment and political base of the and brought to Haiti annually during the 18th
fascist petty bourgeoisie. In many respects, and century. By 1790 the 450,000 African slaves
exactly in the mass expulsion of Haitians in the last outnumbered the 30,826 whites and 24,262 free
month, he follows Stephen Miller and the blacks and mulattoes. It was the unpaid labor of
Trumpsters; only his press is better. He has these hundreds of thousands that enriched the
castigated the Border Patrol horsemen for whipping rising French bourgeoisie and provided the
the refugees on camera, but he deports them in economic basis for their rebellion against the
numbers that remind us of Obama, the “deporter- ancien regime. The sugar they produced distilled as
in-chief”. rum was also an essential leg of the “triangle trade”
that enriched plantation owners, North American
We Are Historical Materialists!
merchants and slave traders alike. Likewise, the
Every discussion of Haiti, Haitian refugees, Haitian U.S. shipbuilders, their customers and their hull and
politics and the current conditions in Haiti must cargo insurance companies. The possibilities of

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
discussing this real history of profit-by-barbarism higher wage demands on the mainland for the
with public school youth has sections of the miserable wage-slavery maintained until today by
bourgeoisie trembling, even apoplectic. decades of U.S. military interventions and brutal
dictatorships. All attempts at formal democratic
Slave rebellions rule were crushed by coups and military occupation
Many enslaved Africans escaped from Haiti’s under the weight of trade deficit; external debt
plantations to the interior, formed communities stability is not possible under capitalism.
known as Maroons and conducted raids on the Hundreds of thousands of Haitians have emigrated
plantations for decades. The class conflicts, across North, South and Central America and
factional battles among the free populations that remittances from their labor form the primary
resulted in the revolutions of 1776 in the U.S. and source of Haiti’s foreign exchange. The recent
1789 in France did not resolve the ultimate extension of protections for Haitians living in the
contradiction of slavery, which the victorious U.S. (the Temporary Protective Status) was the
bourgeois and merchant class depended on for their news event that inspired tens of thousands of
wealth and survival. This contradiction could not Haitian expats to migrate north in September.
stand forever and while it took another ‘four score’ Already stuck in Northern Mexico, tens of thousands
years to explode in the U.S., the brutality, of Haitians who were rejected for entry under
relationship of forces and emergence of an Obama in 2016 joined the gathering in Del Rio,
effective revolutionary leadership in Haiti defeated Texas.
slavery by 1804.
Central America post 2008’s world capitalist crisis
On August 22, 1791 the uprising of hundreds of not having been or even today being a great place
thousands of slaves was launched with the burning for employment opportunities, this was made worse
of plantations and cities. Thirteen years of by earthquakes in 2010. Upheaval by assassination
revolutionary struggle defeated the French and sent of the executive, with U.S. and Colombian drug
shivers of fear across the slavocracy from Virginia involvement, was followed by another earthquake
to the north to Brazil in the south. Indeed, the this summer. Haitians have every justification for
victory in Haiti inspired slave revolts across the leaving home, justifications second to none!
Nevertheless, victorious Haiti was dependent on How do the North American Capitalists
trade to continue with both France and the U.S. to see Haiti?
sustain its people. Although defeated, the James Dobbins, a Rand corporation fellow and
dependence on trade and the military might of former Clinton “special envoy” to Haiti put it this
France saddled Haiti with burdensome indemnity way, “Haiti is a burden…not an asset.”
reparations, such as the demand for 150 million
francs in 1825 in exchange for recognition. This When effectively controlled by brutal dictatorships,
drain on capital stock set the stage to subordinate small investors and “runaway shops” could count on
the former colony to the position of a semi-colony the brutal Tonton Macoutes to keep the workers in
with a population immiserated in perpetuity. line. Today, on a world scale of ease to conduct
business, Haiti is ranked 174th. Not only is labor
Such debts could not be paid in full, and France sent running away but Capital is not interested.
warships to collect in 1838, ultimately negotiating Liberalism, a la Aristide, and the expectations the
the indemnification to 90 million francs (equivalent masses had in La Vallas party, could not abide the
to U.S. $21 Billion in 2004 dollars). France was not needs of imperialism to ensure payment on foreign
paid off in full until 1893, and that was debt and protect investments and was not long
accomplished with loans secured in the U.S. The tolerated. Today in the failed state, chaos,
interest on those loans was finally paid in full in corruption and ‘wild west’ conditions reign as a
1947 to the predecessor bank now known as result of the underdevelopment that slavery,
Citibank. perpetual debt peonage and brutal enforcement
With debt transfer from France to the Banks of Wall brought. Internecine warfare among corrupt wings
Street, the formally independent nation became a of the native bourgeoisie resulted in the murder of
semi-colony of the U.S., which has used the Island President Jovenel Moise.
as a destination for ‘run-away’ shops escaping

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
Haiti has always been a source of cheap labor, much Haitian, i.e., of post-1929 immigration across the
of it oppressive in the extreme. Perpetual poverty island. We say this situation mirrors the political
breeds perpetual corruption. This can make for high crisis and underdevelopment across the region and
costs of doing business, yet there is renewed cries out for a Caribbean-wide socialist federation,
commercial penetration by “the Core Group,” a with workers-led governments organizing a rational
consortium of interests of the U.S.-led & European economy of meeting human need and development
imperialist bloc. The U.S. is the main import driven by human liberation.
partner with 39% of Haiti’s trade. Likewise, there is
The Haitian masses can never achieve liberation as
sudden inter-imperialist competition from China,
a semi-colony within a world capitalist system.
which already has a 22% share.
National liberation and the democratic aspirations
The inter imperialist component, U.S. vs of the masses can only be won through workers’
China and our class obligations revolution. This is the program of Trotsky’s
Permanent Revolution: that the unfinished tasks of
From the standpoint of the worker in Port Au Prince democratic revolutions, long ago completed in the
or industrial towns, what the nationality of his imperialist metropolises, cannot be accomplished
absentee employer/exploiter is, is a detail, yet as any separate, preliminary “democratic stage” of
inter-imperialist friction can be expected to impact liberation.
every aspect of the life of the working class and
that of the island’s poor. Haitian workers and The national bourgeoisie in colonial/semi-colonial
farmers must not become cannon fodder in future nations are tied in thousands of ways to their
U.S.-China warfare. imperialist masters and cannot conquer national
independence of any significance. They cannot
The U.S. working transgress their
class has the twofold private property in
obligation to defend land, in factories, in
Haitian workers bank capital, in
against such a war trade agreements, in
and fate, while at the military affairs, or at
same time all in the era of
demanding freedom imperialist decline.
of immigration and Democracy can only
no favoritism or be conquered today
immigration quotas as workers’
based on democracy, carried
nationalities or A section of a Diego Rivera mural showing Trotsky, Cannon, Marx and Engels to fruition
ethnicities. The holding the banner the 4th International, the world party of socialist revolution! inescapably and
obtaining U.S. laws uninterruptedly, as a component of the socialist
are 1965 rehashes of the 1923 system enacted when revolution.
open Ku Kluxers were prominent in the U.S.
government. The U.S. left has failed the Haitian Haiti needs a revolutionary workers party, a section
workers miserably in this latest Del Rio test and we of a new revolutionary international that leads the
must ask whether organizations like DSA or world socialist revolution. A Haitian workers
movements like Black Lives Matter have been so revolution would have to spread and not be
Biden-honeymoon-co-opted as to refrain from even isolated, or eventually it would end up defeated
suggesting expression of mass outrage at the like Cuba through internal counterrevolution or just
treatment of Haitian refugees, Central American outright crushed by U.S. imperialism. The
refugees and the still separated families and kids in revolution would necessarily have to spread
cages! throughout the Caribbean, to the Dominican
Republic, Cuba, Jamaica and Puerto Rico, and
The aftermath of the world capitalist crisis of 2008 especially the US to survive.
saw the Dominican Republic’s ruling class enact
Haitian-American and migrant workers in the
Haitian-excluding citizenship laws to try to reserve
United States are a bridge of consciousness to the
jobs for hereditary Hispanic citizens. This although
American proletariat, as are Puerto Rican workers.
a great chunk of Dominican wage labor is ethnically
Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
A Black-led socialist revolution in Haiti could spark For labor political strikes to defend immigrant
the fight for Black liberation in the United States workers! For labor defense guards to defend
against racist cop terror and the brutal segregation immigrants at the border and to drive ICE from
of the black population under US capitalism. The the workplaces and the communities!
fight for Black liberation in the US is tied to the
Free all detained undocumented workers! Down
fight for socialism in thousands of connections, in
with E-Verify!
flesh and blood.
Social progress in the US has always made the most Let workers choose where to work by demanding
gains when the fight for the democratic rights of that all workers who do the same work get the
Black people has been taken up and championed, same contract, same wages, and same working
from the abolitionist movement, through the Civil conditions, regardless of border! Demand the
War and Reconstruction, to the labor struggles of “prevailing rate” in the western imperialist
the 20th Century, to the Civil Rights Movement. center to become the international standard
These struggles have driven social progress and the wage.
fight for democratic rights for all, such as the • An injury to one is an injury to all! For
women’s and LGBTQ rights movements that international working-class struggle!
followed in the wake of the Civil Rights Movement.
• Fight for full employment at full union
The Black Lives Matter protests of recent years have
rates and benefits for all!
inspired the world. But bourgeois consciousness is
• For 30 hours of work for 40 hours pay to
traveling in the retrograde, backwards direction!
spread the available work and do the
How should workers in the United States neglected, socially necessary
respond to the ongoing humanitarian environmental remediation!
• Nationalize major industries and the
crisis at the border? financial sector without compensation
It is in the class interests for workers in the United under workers control to provide
States and internationally, who themselves have adequate access to credit and to get the
been pushed to the wall, to defend immigrant rights wheels of industry rolling again!
and the democratic rights of all of our class sisters • American workers: The main enemy is
and brothers. We will either rise together or fall right here at home and it is the U.S.
separately….and right now we are all falling pretty capitalist ruling class!
fast. The time to fight is now! • U.S. military out of the Middle East! Defeat
U.S. imperialism in Latin America, in the
No deportations! For mass labor-centered Middle East, and everywhere!
mobilizations to defend Haitian migrants and all • For the independence of Puerto Rico!
migrants against Border Patrol, ICE and National
• Break with the Democrats and
Guard terror!
Republicans! Their policy is threats and
For the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops wars abroad and racist and sexist wage
from the border! U.N. out of Haiti! suppression at home!
• Build an internationalist fighting
No one is illegal! Tear down the fences and workers’/labor party to struggle for a
disband the Border Patrol! Abolish ICE! Asylum for workers’ government to abolish capitalism
all refugees! For free movement of all workers and its system of national borders!
across the border! No fines or fees! • For a new revolutionary Workers
Full citizenship and employment rights for all International, the World Party of Socialist
workers! Reunite the kids with the parents and Revolution!
drop all charges! • Workers to power in Haiti! For socialist
revolution throughout Latin & North
Down with racism and racial profiling! No America and the Caribbean!
scapegoating of oppressed peoples! Down with • For a Socialist Federation of the Americas
English-only bigotry! For mass Labor/Community and the Caribbean!
militant actions to stop ICE raids and • Workers of the world unite!
Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22

Sudan: Down with the Coup!

For Permanent Revolution

The ILTT condemns the military coup of October 25, 2021 and we support the mass actions
and general strike bringing the masses into the streets against the coup. The dissolution of
the trade unions is the chief indicator of the class allegiance of the coupists. We call on the
international labor movement to support the masses in their general strike to defeat the coup.
The call for an October 30 “march of millions” must be propelled into an indefinite general
strike in order to win. Sudanese labor needs militant leadership that will not accept military
dictatorship, today, tomorrow or ever. We note the Junta has no different foreign policy from
the unelected Hamdok regime and supports the regional war projects of the Saudi monarchy.
The Sudanese masses gain nothing and lose much from these wars.
The Hamdok government did not defend the rights partner in the whipsawing cold war between US
of the masses and their policies were not and Chinese imperialism.
defensible, they did not sustain or advance the
mass democracy that emerged in the general strike Hamdok’s primacy was as the facilitator of a
of 2019 that brought them to power. Their civil/military ruling class consensus that a two-year
erstwhile main prop has overthrown them and transition from military rule to democracy is
instituted a policy that recalls the Greek colonels warranted. International Capital likes to foster two-
of the ‘60s and hopefully not the Pinochets. year plans for the institutional bourgeois
democracy. It seems to be the formula they
Unlike some of our opponents who fetishized habitually employ to excuse military coups. We call
bourgeois democracy and see it where it does not on the workers and farmers to immediately
exist, we do not call for the reinstatement of the establish their own democracy with their own self-
Hamdok government which has made its peace organized mass organs tailored to solving social
with the IMF, Zionism and has subordinated the needs.
country to China. China is its major trading
Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
To defeat the coupists and establish democracy, a defense of the general strike and
general strike with the goal of reinstating Prime democracy.
Minister Abdullah Hamdok misleads the masses into • Extend the general strike to the occupation
a blind alley. of the essential businesses and industries to
To win the masses need to abandon the popular feed, and care for the people.
front and build a working-class united front that • Abrogation and publication of the secret
establishes the workers government. The bourgeois treaties with the IMF, Zionism and Chinese
regime is not capable of either establishing and U.S. trading partners.
democracy or resolving the economic crisis. Crystallize a revolutionary workers party
To resolve the crisis a revolutionary workers with an internationalist perspective and a
leadership must lead the masses to power. To win transitional program, committed to leading
the general strike it must: the masses from conquest to conquest, from
• Establish local and national strike the consciousness of today’s general strike to
committees with democratic structures with the political power of the realized socialist
representatives of all workers organizations workers’ state.
subject to immediate recall.
• For a new workers’ revolutionary
• The strike committee must organize the
unorganized workers, street vendors,
farmers and students to participate in the • For the African socialist revolution!
strike and the leadership • For a Socialist Federation of East
• Convene an emergency national conference Africa!
of workers and farmers representatives that • For World socialism!
authorizes and organizes the workers self

The PSTU and the Manifesto in defense of the

construction of a Socialist and Revolutionary Pole:
United Front or support for the Popular Front?
On last October 7, 2021, the PSTU, (the Unified Front (PF) policy of the opportunist leaderships,
Socialist Workers Party), launched a MANIFESTO based on the claim that an alliance with progressive
calling for the construction of a Socialist and bourgeois sectors was necessary to advance the
Revolutionary Pole. A Pole, or a United Front (UF), workers’ struggle.
that brings together the socialist left, is
The UF policy was the main policy defended by
progressive, but here we want to denounce the
Lenin and Trotsky against the fascist threat of the
PSTU, warning that the Manifesto does not fulfil this
Kornilov uprising in Russia in 1917 and the rise of
purpose, and demand a true United Front.
Hitler in the 1930s. To combat Kornilov’s coup,
The unity of left-wing organizations and workers is Lenin never defended an alliance with the
necessary to strengthen and advance the struggle. government of the popular front, he said that
In recent years, we have defended the United Kerensky served only to “support the rifle” to shoot
Workers Front as a form of independent class Kornilov. Trotsky defended the united front against
struggle. The workers are the only force capable of fascism, fighting the sectarianism of Stalinism,
defeating the bourgeoisie and fascism. Our defense which accused social democracy of being equal to
for the UF can be seen HERE. fascism.
The UF is a tactic advocated by Lenin and Trotsky And both Lenin and Trotsky warned: the
during several important moments in the class Popular Front does not fight fascism, on the
struggle. The UF, which brings together the base of
contrary, it opens the way for fascism by
the workers’ movement and its leadership, enables
unity of action and also confrontation and debate
weakening the class independence of the
of the organizations’ programs in a democratic way workers, which is the only force capable of
taking in the experience of struggle. For Lenin and defeating it.
Trotsky, the UF served to counteract the Popular
Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
We are facing the terminal crisis of capitalism. The The Manifesto does not make its aim clear
global crisis is ultimately the cause of the Workers’
If, according to the manifesto, in the struggles of
Party (PT) fall and Bolsonaro’s rise in Brazil. The
the class and against the government we must be in
economic growth of the Lula era is over and the PT
the Frente Ampla (FA/ “broad front”), what
cannot continue to give the small concessions and
objective does the Pole have? The Manifesto says
crumbs it made then to the workers. Imperialist
that revolution and socialism are needed, but if not
capitalism cannot recover the economy other than
in struggles, is it to be the Pole for elections?
by exploiting the working class and nature more,
and promoting wars. As we have denounced for years, the bureaucratic
bloc of trade union centrals and the “Campanha
The rise of fascism around the world and the
Fora Bolsonaro” of which CSP/Conlutas and PSTU
Bolsonaro government in Brazil represents, on the
are part, is not a UF, but a populist front bloc,
one hand, the need for the bourgeoisie to change
where the opportunist leaderships of workers keep
its methods to contain workers’ resistance and
workers tied to the union bureaucracy and to
exploit them even more, and on the other, the lack
bourgeois sectors such as Paulinho da Força,
of a leadership with a revolutionary program that
Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), Democratic Labour
brings the working class to power. To defeat
Party (PDT), etc, serving to curb the direct struggle,
fascism, misery, and prevent a climatic collapse, it
strikes and the real UF.
is necessary to end capitalism with a socialist
revolution. Since the outbreak of the
crisis in 2008, a “National
The Popular Front (PF),
Day of Mobilization” is
that is, the alliance with
called by the centrals at
the bourgeoisie, is what
all times of intensifying
divides the workers, and
class struggle (1),
diverts the class from its
dividing the workers base
traditional methods of
strikes and channelling
struggle, strikes, pickets
the struggle for the
and occupations, into
control of the leadership,
parliament and bourgeois
Women against Bolsonaro where the decisions are
institutions. To fight the
made between 4 walls
government alongside sectors of the so-called
where the workers base does not participate.
democratic bourgeoisie is to weaken the workers,
and create illusions in bourgeois democracy that In 2016, at the time of Dilma’s impeachment, we
the crisis can be resolved by reforming capitalism. already warned that the PSTU’s sectarian policy of
not opposing the manoeuvre of the bourgeoisie to
The liberal bourgeoisie cannot solve the crisis; the
overthrow the PT (Workers Party), saying there was
failure of neoliberalism to avoid the economic
no threat of fascism, was the “radical” face of its
collapse is part of the cause. Today the bourgeois
opportunist policy, that they would defend the
opposition persecutes and imprisons the
popular front to fight fascism. (2)
Bolsonaristas for “disrespecting” democracy and
the Constitution, tomorrow they will use the same The UF must include all the leaders of the
methods against the left organizations and the movement, including opportunists such as PT, the
struggling workers who do not want to pay the price Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB), etc, as well as
of the capitalist crisis. its worker bases. The PSTU goes from opportunist
deviations to sectarianism when it campaigns. It is
However, the PSTU and its Manifesto does not
part of populist front blocs and “broad front”
defend the UF to fight Bolsonaro and the “danger
(Frente Ampla) with bourgeois sectors and the
posed by a government that works every day to
union bureaucracy in the workers’ struggles. Then
implement a dictatorship in the country.” Making
it refuses to make the UF with the PT because of its
it very clear in its manifesto, the PSTU defends the
“reformist program” and alliances with the
Frente Ampla, that is, the popular front in alliance
bourgeoisie. Facing the impeachment, it refused to
with the “democratic” bourgeoisie: “Tossing out
independently fight the bourgeoisie in a true UF at
Bolsonaro and his government is the most urgent
a time when the ruling class was making an
challenge facing the working class at the
offensive not only to attack the PT, but the entire
moment… Therefore, it is necessary to continue
left and the communists.
strengthening a broad unity of action in the
struggle to continue occupying the streets….” For Trotsky, the united front was for unity in action.
The PSTU, which needs to proclaim Trotsky and

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
Marxism in order to be credible, has created a new Whether in the struggle against Bolsonaro or in the
theory to justify its support for the PF, calling it elections, the defense of the revolution’s program
“unity of action.” It is a “unity of action” very and class independence does not change, it
different from the UF, when it makes an alliance remains the program of the permanent revolution,
with the bourgeoisie. where the independent struggle must advance
towards the seizure of power. For the PSTU, class
The Manifesto does not make it clear, but we
independence is only for bourgeois elections, in the
believe that the Pole is an electoral tactic of the
direct struggle of the class we can be with the
PSTU to try to circumvent its isolation during the
bourgeois elections. But as the Manifesto says, the
Pole should not be just for elections: We defend the struggle against the Bolsonaro
government as part of the permanent revolution, as
“The alternative we need to build cannot be
the discontent of the workers with their
simply for elections. It cannot have the
increasingly worse living and working conditions
perspective of class conciliation, the saviour of
mobilizes to overthrow the government that makes
the country, the maintenance and defense of the
the attacks. We say that mobilizations need to
current order. We are proposing another path:
adopt methods of direct-action struggles, strikes
building a Pole for a Socialist and Revolutionary
and picketing, with grassroots organization. That is
Alternative for our country.”
why we have called for a National Workers’
And as in the fights it makes in the Frente Ampla Congress, a true UF, to debate, organize and lead
(“broad front”), the Pole runs the risk of being the the struggle in an independent and democratic way,
left flank of the popular front in the direct fights of so that the country’s leadership is not left in the
the class. hands of the National Congress and the bourgeoisie.
The direct actions of the class must advance
Permanent Revolution or Revolution by Stages
towards the General Revolutionary Strike, taking
The Manifesto, after over the workplaces and
citing Bolsonaro, Lula and Indigenous against Bolsonaro
key sectors of the
the 3rd bourgeois way for economy, overthrowing
the 2022 elections the bourgeoisie, towards
declares: socialism.
“To govern the country, We agree with the
the same criterion of Manifesto when it says
broad unity that is that to defeat the
necessary for the fight bourgeoisie it is
against Bolsonaro does necessary to destroy the
not serve. The criterion bourgeois state and for
of class independence is the working class to take
fundamental…” power with a Workers’ Government. A government
The PSTU’s program is not that of the permanent that is only possible with the socialist revolution.
revolution, but the reformist program of stages. But what is the proposal of the Manifesto on the
The fight against Bolsonaro will lead us to another tasks and program for the working class to advance
bourgeois government or “new elections” until we the struggle for the Brazilian revolution? Socialism
someday reach the revolution. Hence, the absurd and revolution appear in the manifesto as pretty
dichotomy that the party makes in the program and words, unconnected with the concrete tasks of the
tactics between the union struggle and bourgeois class in the current struggles.
elections. As the Manifesto says, the Pole is for the struggle
For revolutionaries, the program and class for Socialism and Revolution:
independence are principles which we uphold at all “To end the control that this ruling class has
times in the class struggle. The class struggle does over the country, it is necessary to carry out a
not stop and the bourgeois elections are just a revolution from “below” to overthrow that
moment, unfavourable for the workers, where “from above”, a socialist revolution to
revolutionaries must participate precisely to overthrow the institutions of the state that
defend the revolutionary program and class exists and maintains the people subjugated by
independence with the aim of reaching and banks and big business. This must be done so
advancing the consciousness of the working class that the working class and the poor people can
for the revolution. take control of political power and govern the

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22
country: a socialist government of the working positions in the unions and alliances with the union
class and poor people.” bureaucracy.
For the seizure of power by the working class, its This alliance is what prevents the PSTU from
greatest weapon, the General Strike, is needed. forming a true UF, which imposes the responsibility
The “need to build the general strike” is to denounce and impose demands on the labour
propagated by the PSTU in the last decade, as centrals and reformist parties, including calling
pressure on the union centrals where the opportunist leaderships such as the PT, and its
PSTU/CSPConlutas are together in a bureaucratic base, to break with the bourgeoisie and become
bloc, at the forefront of all struggles in recent part of the UF.
The Manifesto does not make its objective clear,
For the PSTU, as expressed in the Manifesto: “build but in moments of intensification of the class
a general strike, stop the country, the factories struggle, such as what we are experiencing now, it
and the big companies, make it hurt the bosses’ is a moment where the programs of left-wing
pockets to force them to withdraw the support organizations are put to the test. Polarization
they still give to Bolsonaro.”!!! shows where they stand and which side of the fight
they are on. These moments are where splits and
For socialism and revolution, such as grassroots
disruptions in organizations are most likely.
strikes, the struggle against Bolsonaro, against
poverty and unemployment, as the struggles of After the last PSOL congress, everything indicates
minorities and youth, must advance towards the that the party will not come out of the 2022
formation of committees that organize the struggle elections in one piece. The UF, as a unity-for-action
regionally and nationally, with a national congress tool, in which all parties and organizations can
and general strike revolutionary. The general strike compete for its program, is a good path for this
must stop the capitalist economy, take over the moment in which the class increasingly looks for a
factories and strategic sectors, until the seizure of way out of the attacks it has been suffering.
power and the expropriation of the bourgeoisie,
and not to “pressure” the bourgeoisie for a
bourgeois exit with the impeachment of Bolsonaro!
If the workers are not prepared to take power, we WORKING-CLASS SOLUTION!
do not adopt a reformist program and abandon class • FOR WORKERS’ SELF-DEFENSE COMMITTEES!
independence, feeding the false consciousness of • CALL THE ARMY SOLDIERS NOT TO SUPPORT
the workers, but we continue in their ANY COUP INITIATIVE!
uncompromising defense, advancing their class • AGAINST MISERY, INEQUALITY, INFLATION,
consciousness, alerting the class that the UNEMPLOYMENT, LABOR ATTACKS,
“democratic” bourgeoisie is not capable of PRIVATIZATIONS!
defeating fascism and reviving the economy. • FOR NATIONALIZATION OF THE
We are intransigent about the popular front, we do COMMANDING HEIGHTS OF THE ECONOMY
not give it any support, whether in the workers’ AND A PROGRAM OF PUBLIC WORKS AND
movement or in elections. We oppose the popular JOBS FOR ALL
front with the united front. The Pole as a UF should • RANK AND FILE COMMITTEES OF WORKERS IN
serve as a unity for actions in direct struggle and STRIKES AND MOVEMENTS!
make demands and denounce the bureaucratic bloc • TOWARDS A NATIONAL CONGRESS OF
of labour centrals and parties like the PT that WORKERS COMMITTEES AND THE GENERAL
compromise class independence by allying STRIKE!
themselves with the bourgeoisie. • FOR A REVOLUTIONARY PARTY WITH THE
As the Manifesto says: “In fact, we are already PROGRAM OF PERMANENT REVOLUTION!
living in Brazil in anticipation of next year’s • FOR THE WORLD PARTY OF THE SOCIALIST
electoral campaign” and we see the call of the REVOLUTION!
Pole as the action of the PSTU aiming at next year’s Reprinted and translated from the Grupo de
elections. The PSTU is a party with a syndicalist Trabalhadores Revolucionários do Brasil (GTR-
deviation, has its main cadres in the unions where BR) The PSTU and the Manifesto in defense of the
they stay for years and thus maintain the structure construction of a Socialist and Revolutionary
of the party. Just as PT and PSOL (Socialism and Pole: United Front or support for the Popular
Liberation Party) divert the struggle to win Front?
parliamentary positions, the PSTU manoeuvres for

Class Struggle 139 December-February Summer 2021/22

International Leninist Trotskyist Tendency

Class Warrior: Theoretical Journal of ILTT

Revolutionary Workers Group of Zimbabwe (RWG-ZIM)

Revolutionary Worker (Paper of RWG-Zimbabwe)

Revolutionary Workers Group of Brazil (RWG-BR)

Guerreiro da classe Trabalhadora (Paper of the RWG-BR)

Communist Workers Group – USA (CWG-US):

Email: Website: Class War

Communist Workers Group- New Zealand/Aotearoa (CWG-NZ)

Email: Class Struggle (paper of CWGANZ)

Class Struggle is online at

Archive of publications before 2006
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