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Luminang, John Chris BSMLS 1B AnaPhy Nov.

25, 2021
The Muscular System
Assignment 4.1
Application: Based from your reading and self – understanding, answer the following items correctly. Please
specify your references completely.
1. Identify five general functions of the muscular system. Explain these functions and give examples

Functions: Descriptions and examples:

1. Movement of the body Contraction of skeletal muscles is responsible
for the overall movements of the body, such as
walking, running, and manipulating objects
with the hands.
2. Stabilizing body positions Skeletal muscle contractions stabilize joints
and help maintain body positions, such as
standing or sitting. Postural muscles contract
continuously when you are awake; for
example, sustained contractions of your neck
muscles hold your head upright.
3. Storing and moving substances within Smooth Muscles like the pyloric sphincter
the body regulates the flow of food from the stomach to
the duodenum. Smooth muscles in the walls of
blood vessels help adjust the rate and volume
of blood flow.
4. Production of body heat As muscular tissue contracts, it produces heat,
a process known as thermogenesis. Much of
the heat generated by muscle is used to
maintain normal body temperature.
Involuntary contractions of skeletal muscles,
known as shivering, can increase the rate of
heat production.
5. Protection Skeletal muscles, particularly of the body wall,
cushion the body's internal organs
(abdominal cavity) from force applied to the
exterior of the body.  Muscles protect the
bones and organs by absorbing shock and
reducing friction in the joints.

2. Describe the features of each muscle type as to location, cellular characteristic, function and mode
of control.

Muscle Locati Cellular Functions: Mode of Control:

Type: on: Characteristic
1. Sk Attach  Voluntar  Body  Voluntary and
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 Very system
long and  Bound
cylindric together by
al (1 connective
mm–4 tissue and
cm, or communicate
as much with nerves
as 30 and blood
cm, in vessels.
10 µm–
100 μm
 Contain
 Multiple

2. Sm Walls  Spindle-  Movi  Involuntary

oot of shaped ng  Nervous
h hollow (15–200 food system
Mu organs, μm in throug spontaneously 
scl blood length, h the controls
e vessels, 5–8 μm digest smooth
eyes, in ive muscles via
glands, diameter tract, hormones,
and ) empty neurotransmitt
skin.  Single ing ers, and other
central the receptors.
nucleus urinar
Arrange y
d in bladd
sheets er,
g hair,
3. Ca Heart  Cylindri  Pumpi  Involuntary
rdi cal and ng  Autonomous
ac branche blood; nervous
Mu d (100– contra system,
scl 500 μm ctions pacemaker
e in provid cells respond
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12–20 major from the
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) propel system (ANS)
 Single ling to speed up or
nucleus blood slow down the
 Contain throug heart rate.
many h
mitocho blood
ndria vessel
 Commu s.
ted disc

3. Categorizes the organs of the body according to muscle tissue types. Specify their function.

Muscle Tissue Types: Organs: Functions:

1. Skeletal Forearm The flexor group of the forearm
flexes the wrist and the fingers. The
supinator is a muscle that supinates
the wrist by rolling it over to face
palm up.
Leg There are muscles called adductors
whose role is to adduct (pull
together) the legs.
Two bones across a joint Muscle serves to move parts of
those bones closer to each other
2. Cardiac Heart Responsible for pumping blood
throughout the body.
3. Smooth Stomach The stomach muscles contract
periodically, churning food to
enhance digestion. The pyloric
sphincter is a muscular valve that
opens to allow food to pass from the
stomach to the small intestine.
Intestines The action of smooth muscle in the
intestinal wall produces tonic
contractions that maintain organ
dimension against an imposed load
such as a bolus of food, as well as
forceful contractions that produce
muscle shortening to propel the
bolus along the gastrointestinal
Blood Vessels Although vessels only contain
smooth muscles, the contraction of
skeletal muscle plays an important
role in the movement of blood from
the periphery towards the heart in
the venous system.
Skin The arrector pili muscles that cause
our hairs to stand on end.

Assignment 4.2
1. Describe the microscopic structures of a muscle.
 Skeletal muscle cells are generally called muscle fibers instead of cells (myocytes) because of their
threadlike shape. Skeletal muscle fibers have many of the same structural parts as other cells, several
however, bear different names. A skeletal muscle fiber varies in diameter (10-100μm) based on the
location of the muscle. Skeletal muscle cells are composed of the following;
 Sarcolemma – the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber
 Sarcoplasm – cytoplasm of a muscle fiber
 Sarcoplasmic reticulum – a structure analogous, but not identical, to the endoplasmic reticulum of
other cells. The membrane of SR continually pumps Ca++ ions from the sarcoplasm and stores them
within its sacs. Extensive in skeletal muscles.
 T tubules – allow electrical signals, or impulses, traveling along the sarcolemma to move deeper
into the cell. Forms “triads” with the sarcoplasmic reticulum
 Mitochondria – produces ATP. Most numerous in skeletal muscles tissue.
 Myofibrils – contain thousands of thick and thin myofilaments. Extend lengthwise along skeletal
muscle fibers and almost fill their sarcoplasm
 Nuclei - peripherally located along the long, cylindrical fiber
 Myofibrils - composed of long proteins including actin, myosin, tropomyosin, and troponin.
Muscles contract by sliding the thick (myosin) and thin (actin, tropomyosin, troponin) filaments
along each other.
 Thin Myofilament - contain actin, troponin, and tropomyosin protein molecules.
 Thick Myofilament - made up of almost entirely myosin molecules.
 Sarcomere - basic contractile unit of the muscle cell.
 Cardiac muscle fiber contains parallel myofibrils (10-20 μm) with one centrally located nucleus. Each
myofibril comprises sarcomeres that give the whole fiber a striated appearance. However, the cardiac
muscle fiber does not taper like a skeletal muscle fiber, but, instead, forms strong electrically coupled
junctions (intercalated discs) with other fibers. Unlike skeletal muscle tissue with an extensive
sarcoplasmic reticulum, cardiac muscles have sparse sarcoplasmic reticulum and a thicker transverse
tubule, forming “diads” instead of “triads”. The cardiac muscle cells are composed of the following;
 Intercalated discs - cell membranes that separate individual cardiac muscle cells from one
 These discs contain desmosomes, which hold the fibers together, and gap junctions, which
allow muscle action potentials to spread from one cardiac muscle fiber to another.
 Sarcolemma
 Cardiac muscle fibers
 Mitochondrion
 Desmosomes
 Nucleus
 Smooth muscle tissue is usually activated involuntarily. Of the two types of smooth muscle tissue, the
more common type is visceral (single-unit) smooth muscle tissue. It is found in tubular arrangements
that form part of the walls of small arteries and veins and of hollow organs such as the stomach,
intestines, uterus, and urinary bladder. The second type of smooth muscle tissue, multiunit smooth
muscle tissue, consists of individual fibers, each with its own motor neuron terminals and with few gap
junctions between neighboring fibers. The smooth muscle cells are composed of the following;
 Intermediate filaments - play a key role in the integration of structure and function of striated
 Caveolae - small pouch-like invaginations of the plasma membrane, contain extracellular Ca++
that can be used for muscular contraction.
 Dense bodies - thin filaments attach to structures
 Gap Junctions
 Nucleus
2. Illustrate the myofibrils, sarcomeres and myofilament.



3. Before a skeletal muscle fiber can contract, it has to receive an impulse from a nerve cell. Explain
in a diagram the summary of skeletal muscle contraction.

4. Describe contraction, excitability, extensibility and elasticity. Discuss their significance.

 Contraction or contractility is the ability of muscular tissue to contract forcefully when
stimulated by an action potential. When a skeletal muscle contracts, it generates tension (force of
contraction) while pulling on its attachment points. In some muscle contractions, the muscle
develops tension (force of contraction) but does not shorten. An example is holding a book in an
outstretched hand. In other muscle contractions, the tension generated is great enough to
overcome the load (resistance) of the object being moved so the muscle shortens and movement
occurs, contractility is also significant in enabling the heart to produce the power necessary for
its pump function, while excitability is the capacity of muscle to respond to an electrical
stimulus. Normally, the stimulus is from nerves that we consciously control. For instance, if you
decide to wave to a friend, the conscious decision to lift your arm is sent via nerves. Smooth
muscle and cardiac muscle also respond to stimulation by nerves and hormones but can
sometimes contract spontaneously. It is significance because it allows a muscle to respond to a
stimulus and to maintain chemical potentials across its cell membranes. On the other hand,
extensibility is the ability of muscular tissue to stretch, within limits, without being damaged.
The connective tissue within the muscle limits the range of extensibility and keeps it within the
contractile range of the muscle cells. Normally, smooth muscle is subject to the greatest amount
of stretching. For example, each time your stomach fills with food, the smooth muscle in the wall
is stretched. Cardiac muscle also is stretched each time the heart fills with blood. Lastly,
elasticity is the ability of muscular tissue to return to its original length and shape after
contraction or extension, elasticity is demonstrated in taking a deep breath because exhalation is
simply the recoil of your respiratory muscles back to the resting position, similar to releasing a
stretched rubber band. It is significant in allowing the muscle to return to its original length
during relaxation after contraction.

5. Discuss the types of muscle contraction.

 There are four types of muscle contractions, the first type is isometric contractions which
happens when the length of the muscle does not change but the amount of tension increases
during contraction. In isometric contractions, the muscle does not shorten. This type of
contraction increases the tension in the muscle, but the hold your spine erect. The postural
muscles don’t shorten because they are held in place by bones that don’t move when standing
still. The length of the muscle stays the same. Isometric contractions happen if you try to lift
something that is far too heavy for you. They also happen when you stand still and your postural
muscles. The second type is isotonic contractions where the muscle shortens. This type of
contraction increases the tension in the muscle and the length of the muscle decreases. Isotonic
contractions happen any time you lift an object and move it or you move your limbs. In this type
of contraction, the amount of tension produced by the muscle is constant during contraction but
the length of the muscle changes. The other type of contractions is concentric contractions in
which tension in the muscle is great enough to overcome the opposing resistance, and the muscle
shortens. Concentric contractions result in an increasing tension as the muscle shortens. Many of
the movements performed by muscles require concentric contractions— for example, lifting a
loaded backpack from the floor to a table top. The last type of contractions is eccentric
contractions in which tension is maintained in a muscle, but the opposing resistance is great
enough to cause the muscle to increase in length. For example, eccentric contractions occur when
a person slowly lowers a heavy weight. Eccentric contractions produce substantial force—in fact,
eccentric contractions during exercise often produce greater tension than concentric contractions
do. Eccentric contractions are of clinical interest because repetitive eccentric contractions, as
occur in the lower limbs of people who run downhill for long distances, tend to injure muscle
fibers and muscle connective tissue.

6. Explain the function of the neuromuscular junction.

 The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) is a highly specialized synapse between a motor neuron
nerve terminal and its muscle fiber that are responsible for converting electrical impulses
generated by the motor neuron into electrical activity in the muscle fibers. The function of
neuromuscular junction is to transmit motor neuron to the skeletal muscle fiber quickly and
reliably, to ensure precise control of skeletal muscle contraction and therefore voluntary
movement. This process is explained by recalling that each muscle fiber is innervated by a motor
neuron at the neuromuscular junction. This point of contact results in an action potential along
the sarcolemma. The primary stimulus for this action potential is the release of acetylcholine
from the motor neuron. When an action potential reaches the presynaptic terminal of a motor
neuron, it causes voltage-gated calcium ion (Ca2+) channels in the plasma membrane of the axon
to open; as a result, Ca2+ diffuses into the axon terminal (figure 9.12). Once inside the cell, the
Ca2+ causes the contents of a few synaptic vesicles to be secreted by exocytosis from the
presynaptic terminal into the synaptic cleft. The acetylcholine molecules released from the
synaptic vesicles then diffuse across the cleft and bind to receptor molecules within the
postsynaptic membrane of the skeletal muscle fiber. This causes ligand-gated Na+ channels to
open, increasing the permeability of the membrane to Na+. Sodium ions then diffuse into the
cell, causing depolarization. In skeletal muscle, each action potential in the motor neuron causes
a depolarization that exceeds threshold, which causes changes in voltage-gated ion channels that
produce an action potential in the muscle fiber.

7. Define the two ways energy is produced in skeletal muscle.

 The two ways energy is produced in skeletal muscle is either from aerobic (with O2) or
anaerobic (without O2) ATP production. Aerobic respiration, which occurs mostly in
mitochondria, requires O2 and breaks down glucose to produce ATP, CO2, and H2O. Aerobic
respiration can also process lipids or amino acids to make ATP. Anaerobic respiration, which
does not require O2, breaks down glucose to produce ATP and lactate. Generally, ATP is derived
from four processes in skeletal muscle: 1. Aerobic production of ATP during most exercise and
normal conditions 2. Anaerobic production of ATP during intensive short-term work 3.
Conversion of a molecule called creatine phosphate to ATP 4. Conversion of two ADP to one
ATP and one AMP (adenosine monophosphate) during heavy exercise.
Assignment 4.3
1. List and define the given characteristics in naming a muscle: location, size, shape, orientation of
fascicles or the direction of fibers, origin and insertions, number of heads or origins, and action or

Characteristics: Definition:
Location  Muscle names indicate the bone or body region
with which the muscle is associated.
Examples: The temporalis muscle overlies the
temporal bone, and intercostal muscles run between
the ribs.
Size  Terms such as maximus (largest), minimus
(smallest), longus (long), and brevis (short) are
often used in muscle names.
Examples: The gluteus maximus and gluteus
minimus are the large and small gluteus muscles,
Shape  Some muscles are named for their distinctive
Examples: The deltoid muscle is roughly triangular
and together the right and left trapezius muscles
form a trapezoid.
Orientation of fascicles or the direction of fibers  Names of some muscles re veal the direction in
which their fibers (and fascicles) run in
reference to some imaginary line, usually the
midline of the body or the longitudinal axis of a
limb bone. In muscles with the term rectus
(straight) in their names, the fibers run parallel
to that imaginary line (axis). Transversus
indicates that the muscle fibers run at right
angles to that line, and oblique indicates that the
fibers run obliquely to it.
Examples: The rectus femoris (straight muscle of
the thigh, or femur) and transversus abdominis
(transverse muscle of the abdomen).
Origin and insertions  Some muscles are named according to their
points of origin and insertion. The origin is
always named first.
Example: The sternocleidomastoid muscle of the
neck has a dual origin on the sternum (sterno) and
clavicle (cleido), and it inserts on the mastoid
process of the temporal bone.
Number of heads or origins  When biceps, triceps, or quadriceps forms part
of a muscle’s name, you can assume that the
muscle has two, three, or four origins,
Example: The biceps brachii muscle of the arm has
two origins, or heads.
Action or functions  Muscles are named for the movement they
produce, action words such as flexor, extensor,
or adductor appear in the muscle’s name.
Example: The adductor longus, located on the
medial thigh, brings about thigh adduction.

2. Create a matrix of the different muscle group as to location and action.

a. Muscles of the head and neck;
b. Muscles of the trunk;
c. Muscles of the upper extremity; and
d. Muscles of the lower extremity.

Muscles: Location: Action:


MUSCLES Buccinator Cheek Draws corner of mouth
posteriorly; compresses
cheek to hold food
between teeth
Depressor anguli oris Lower jaw area of Lowers corner of mouth;
the face, towards “frown”
the front of the
lower jaw
Levator labii Close to the Raises upper lip; sneer
superioris mouth opening
Occipitofrontalis Skull Moves scalp; raises
Orbicularis oris Upper lip and skin Closes and purses lips;
of the corner of “kissing”
the mouth
Zygomaticus major Zygomatic bone Elevates and abducts
upper lip and corner of
mouth; “smile”
Zygomaticus minor Zygomatic bone Elevates and abducts
upper lip; “smile”
MUSCLES Temporalis Temporal fossa Elevates and draws
mandible posteriorly;
closes jaw
Masseter Zygomatic arch Elevates and pushes
mandible anteriorly;
closes jaw
Lateral pterygoid Lateral pterygoid Pushes mandible
plate and greater anteriorly and depresses
wing of sphenoid mandible; closes jaw
Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid Pushes mandible
plate of sphenoid anteriorly and elevates
and tuberosity of mandible; closes jaw
Deep neck muscles Anterior side of Flex head and neck
Flexors Extensors vertebrae and Extend head and neck
posterior side of
Sternocleidomastoid Manubrium of Individually rotate head;
sternum and together flex neck
medial part of
Trapezius Posterior surface Extends and laterally
of skull and upper flexes neck
vertebral column
Superficial Erector Sacrum, ilium, Extends vertebral
spinae vertebrae, and ribs column; maintains
Longissimus Lateral to the Extends vertebral
semispinalis column, head, and neck
Spinalis Deep muscles of Extends vertebral
the back near the column, and neck
vertebral column
Deep back muscles Vertebrae Extend vertebral column
and help bend vertebral
column laterally
MUSCLES Diaphragm Inferior ribs, Inspiration; depress
sternum, and floor of thorax
lumbar vertebrae
Internal intercostals Superior edge of Forced expiration;
each rib depress ribs
External intercostals Inferior edge of Inspiration; elevate ribs
each rib
Scalenes Cervical vertebrae Inspiration; elevate ribs
Serratus posterior Superficial to the Elevates and depresses
thoracic part of inferior and superior ribs
the thoracolumbar and extends vertebral
fascia covering column
the splenius
Transversus thoracis Lower posterior Decreases diameter of
surface of the thorax
WALL MUSCLES Rectus abdominis Pubic crest and Flexes vertebral column;
symphysis pubis compresses abdomen
External abdominal Fifth to twelfth Compresses abdomen;
oblique ribs flexes and rotates
vertebral column
Internal abdominal Iliac crest, Compresses abdomen;
oblique inguinal ligament, flexes and rotates
and lumbar fascia vertebral column
Transversus Seventh to twelfth Compresses abdomen
abdominis costal cartilages,
lumbar fascia,
iliac crest, and
inguinal ligament
Quadratus lumborum Iliac crest and Laterally flexes
lower lumbar vertebral column and
vertebrae depresses twelfth rib
AND PERINEAL Levator ani Posterior pubis Elevates anus; supports
MUSCLES and ischial spine pelvic viscera
Bulbospongiosus Central tendon of Constricts urethra; erects
perineum penis Erects clitoris
Coccygeus Ischial spine Elevates and supports
pelvic floor
Ischiocavernosus Ischial ramus Compresses base of
penis or clitoris
External anal Coccyx Keeps orifice of anal
sphincter canal closed
Transverse perinei Perineum Supports pelvic floor
and fixes central tendon
ACTING ON THE Levator scapulae Posterior triangle Elevates, retracts, and
SCAPULA of the neck rotates scapula; laterally
flexes neck
Pectoralis minor Ribs 3–5 Depresses scapula or
elevates ribs
Rhomboids (major Upper back Major: Retracts, rotates,
and minor) and fixes scapula.
Minor: Retracts, slightly
elevates, rotates, and
fixes scapula.
Serratus anterior Ribs 1–9 Rotates and protracts
scapula; elevates ribs
Subclavius Clavicle Fixes clavicle or
elevates first rib
Trapezius cervical to Elevates, depresses,
thoracic region on retracts, rotates, and
the posterior fixes scapula; extends
aspect of the neck neck
and trunk
ACTING ON THE Coracobrachialis Superomedial part Adducts arm and flexes
ARM of the humerus shoulder
Deltoid Clavicle, Flexes and extends
acromion process, shoulder; abducts and
and scapular spine medially and laterally
rotates arm
Latissimus dorsi Superficially in Extends shoulder;
the lower two- adducts and medially
thirds of the trunk rotates arm
Pectoralis major Clavicle, sternum, Flexes shoulder; extends
superior six costal shoulder from flexed
cartilages, and position; adducts and
abdominal medially rotates arm
Teres major Lateral border of Extends shoulder;
scapula adducts and medially
rotates arm
Rotator Cuff Shoulder joint Stabilizes and extends
shoulder and rotates arm
Biceps brachii Anterior Flexes elbow; supinates
compartment of forearm; flexes shoulder
the arm
Brachialis Anterior surface Flexes elbow
of humerus
Triceps brachii Dorsal Extends elbow; extends
compartment of shoulder; adducts arm
the arm
MUSCLES Anconeus Elbow Extends elbow
Brachioradialis Superficial muscle Flexes elbow
on the radial side
of the forearm
Pronator quadratus Distal forearm Pronates forearm (and
Pronator teres Medial epicondyle Pronates forearm (and
of humerus and hand)
coronoid process
of ulna
Supinator Lateral epicondyle Supinates forearm (and
of humerus and hand)
ACTING ON THE Iliopsoas Iliac fossa and Flexes hip
HIP AND THIGH vertebrae
Iliacus Iliac fossa Flexes hip
Psoas major Lower lumbar Flexes hip
Gluteus maximus Posterior surface Extends hip; abducts and
of ilium, sacrum, laterally rotates thigh
and coccyx
Gluteus medius Posterior surface Abducts and medially
of ilium rotates thigh; tilts pelvis
toward supported side
Gluteus minimus Posterior surface Abducts and medially
of ilium rotates thigh; tilts pelvis
toward supported side
Tensor fasciae latae Anterior superior Steadies femur on tibia
iliac spine through iliotibial tract
when standing; flexes
hip; medially rotates and
abducts thigH
Gemellus Posterior pelvis Laterally rotates and
abducts thigh
Obturator Posterior surface Laterally rotates thigh
of the obturator
membrane; bony
boundaries of the
obturator foramen
Piriformis Buttocks near the Laterally rotates and
top of the hip joint abducts thigh
Quadratus femoris Ischial tuberosity Laterally rotates thigh
Quadriceps femoris Front and sides of Extends knee; rectus
the thigh femoris also flexes hip
Sartorius Anterior superior Flexes hip and knee;
iliac spine rotates thigh laterally
and leg medially
Adductor brevis Pubis Adducts and laterally
rotates thigh; flexes hip
Adductor longus Anterior superior Adducts and laterally
iliac spine rotates thigh; flexes hip
Adductor magnus Pubis and ischium Adductor part: adducts
thigh and flexes hip.
Hamstring part: extends
hip and adducts thigh.
Gracilis Pubis near Adducts thigh; flexes
symphysis knee
Pectineus Pubic crest Adducts thigh; flexes
Biceps femoris Back of the thigh Flexes knee; laterally
rotates leg; extends hip
Semimembranosus Ischial tuberosity Flexes knee; medially
rotates leg; tenses
capsule of knee joint;
extends hip
Semitendinosus Ischial tuberosity Flexes knee; medially
rotates leg; extends hip
LEG ACTING ON Extensor digitorum Lateral condyle of Extends four lateral toes;
THE LEG, ANKLE, longus tibia and fibula dorsiflexes and everts
Extensor hallucis Middle fibula and Extends great toe;
longus interosseous dorsiflexes and inverts
membrane foot
Tibialis anterior Tibia and Dorsiflexes and inverts
interosseous foot
Fibularis tertius Fibula and Dorsiflexes and everts
interosseous foot
Gastrocnemius Medial and lateral Plantar flexes foot;
condyles of femur flexes leg
Soleus Fibula and tibia Plantar flexes foot
Flexor digitorum Tibia Flexes four lateral toes;
longus plantar flexes and
inverts foot
Flexor hallucis longus Fibula Flexes great toe; plantar
flexes and inverts foot
Tibialis posterior Tibia, Plantar flexes and
interosseous inverts foot
membrane, and
Fibularis brevis Fibula Everts and plantar flexes
Fibularis longus Fibula Everts and plantar flexes

3. Illustrate and summarize the muscles of respiration. Emphasize its origin and insertion and action.

Muscles: Origin: Insertion: Action: Illustration:

Diaphragm Inferior ribs, Central Inspiration
sternum, and tendon of depresses floor of
lumbar diaphragm thorax
Internal intercostals Superior edge Inferior edge Forced
of each rib. of next rib expiration;
above origin depress ribs

External intercostals Inferior edge of Superior Inspiration;

each rib edge of next elevate ribs
rib below

Scalenes Cervical First and Inspiration;

vertebrae second ribs elevate ribs

Transversus thoracis Sternum and Second to Decreases

xiphoid process sixth costal diameter of
cartilages thorax

Sternocleidomastoid Manubrium Mastoid Unilaterally:

and medial process of contralateral
portion of the the temporal cervical rotation,
clavicle bone, ipsilateral
superior cervical flexion
nuchal line Bilaterally:
cervical flexion,
elevation of
sternum and
assists in forced

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