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Malmaddi 6 cross Dharwad

Unit test 2
Sub: Science Max Marks: 80
Topic: Acids, Bases and Salts Time: 3 hrs.

I. Choose the correct answers. 1x7=7

1. A solution turns red litmus blue; its pH is likely to be
a) 1 b) 4 c) 5 d) 10

2. What happens to acidic solution when methyl orange is added to it?

a) The colour of the solution changes to yellow.
b) The colour of solution changes to pink.
c) There will be no change in colour.
d) The colour of the solution changes to blue

3. What will be the pH range inside the stomach?

a) 1.5 to 2.5. b) 4.5 to 6. c) 6 to 8. d) 8 to 10.

4. Chemical formula of Bleaching powder is?

a) CaOCl2. b) NaHCO3. c) NaCl. d) NH4OH.

5. Brine solution is __________

a) Mixture of NaOH and Water. b) Mixture of CaCO3 and Water.
c) Mixture of NaCl and Water. d) There is no such solution.

6. An example of metallic oxide is.

a) Mg(OH)2 b) Al2O3 c) NaHCO3 d) NH4OH

7. The common things found in all acids

a) H+ ions. b) OH- ions. c) Mg2+ ions. d) Na+ ions.

II. Answers the following in a word or a sentence. 1x8=8

8. How will we check that the liberated gas is hydrogen gas?
9. Is tooth paste acidic or basic?
10. What is Methyl orange?
11. What is pH?
12. Which is the natural source of citric acid?
13. What happens when pH indicator is added to distilled water?
14. What is the chemical formula of plaster of Paris?
15. What is hydronium ion?

III. Answers the following in two or three sentences. 2 x 8 = 16

16. Explain neutralization with example.
Write a balanced chemical reaction for Aluminium oxide reacting with HCl.

Malmaddi 6 cross Dharwad

17. Write whether the given compounds are acidic basic or neutral.
a)Tomato juice. b) Soap water. c) Distilled water. d) Curd.
18. Write any two uses of Baking soda.
19. What happens when non-metallic oxides reacts with base?
There are only few metals with which bases react. Name the metal that reacts with base
and write the balanced chemical reaction for that metal reacting with NaOH.
20. What happens when acids react with metal carbonate? Explain with an example.
21. What happens when bases are dissolved in water? Write a chemical equation.
22. Why do aqueous solutions of acids and bases conduct electricity?
23. Name the salt produced when sodium reacts with hydrochloric acid. Write the balanced
Chemical reaction

IV. Answers the following in three or four sentences. 3 x 9 = 27

24. How do we prepare bleaching powder? Write the balanced chemical reaction.
25. What happens when plaster of Paris reacts with water? What is the name of the
compound obtained?
Write any three uses of bleaching powder and washing soda.
26. Write any 3 to 4 differences between acids and bases.
27. Write a short note on pH in our digestive system
28. a) What happens when metals react with acids? Give one example
b) What happens when sulphuric acid reacts with aluminium hydroxide?
29. When we hold the dry blue litmus paper over the gas of HCl it doesn’t change its colour.
But when we hold wet blue litmus paper over HCl gas it turns blue. Why?
You have two solutions, A and B. The pH of solution A is 6 and pH of solution B is 8.
Which solution has more hydrogen ion concentration? Which of this is acidic and which
one is basic?
30. Are plants and animals pH sensitive? Explain
31. Why we should not keep mango pickle or curd in the containers of copper?
Describe an experiment to show that aqueous solutions of acids conduct electricity.
32. a) What happens when NaHCO3 reacts with H2SO4? Write balanced chemical reaction.
b) Are salts acidic, basic or neutral?

V. Answers the following in four or five sentences. 4 x 4 = 16

33. In a certain chemical reaction there is liberation of a gas. Describe an experiment to
Prove that the liberated gas is carbon dioxide.
34. Common salt is a raw material for many chemicals. Describe an experiment to justify the
35. How are baking soda and washing soda prepared?
36. a) Fresh milk has a pH of 6. How do you think the pH will change as it turns into curd?
Explain your answer
b) A milkman adds a very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk. Why does he shift
the pH of the fresh milk from 6 to slightly alkaline?

Malmaddi 6 cross Dharwad

VI. Answer the following in 8 to sentences 5x1=5

37. Complete the table given below.

Solutions Taste. Type of litmus paper Reaction with Reaction with

used. Phenolphthalein. Methyl orange.

You have been provided with three test tubes. One of them contains distilled water and the
other two contain an acidic solution and a basic solution, respectively. If you are given only
blue litmus paper, how will you identify the contents of each test tube?


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