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(ECE) 7th Semester (Sec 1& 2)

Embedded System & Design

Time Allowed: 1.5 Hours Max Marks: 30

Q1.a) What is an embedded system?

b) What is an ARMulator ?

c) Describe the functions of IFT bits of CPSR register.

d) What does the ‘B’ mean in LDRB or What is the difference between LDR and LDRB in ARM ? (4)

Q2. a )Differentiate between 3-stage and 5-stage pipelining. What is Data forwarding in pipelining. (4)

b) Explain ARM high-speed multiplier organization. (4)

Q3. a) Write a program to add two 16 bit numbers and store the result. (4)

b) Explain Data processing instruction datapath activity of ARM Systems. (4)

Q4. Describe how the subroutine call/ return mechanism works in the ARM instruction set. Use the example of a

main routine calling a subroutine. (5)

Q5. Write a program in assembly language to evaluate (A+8B+7C-27)/4, where A=24, B=17 and C=97 (5)

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