Book Map: Listening Speaking

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ESAP Management CB prelims:ESAP Business CB prelims 30/04/2009 15:28 Page 4

Book map
Unit Topics
• qualities of leaders
1 What is leadership? • entrepreneurship
Listening · Speaking

• organizational culture
2 Culture and change • change management
Reading · Writing

• organizational structure and analysis

3 Organizations and operations • production methods
Listening · Speaking

• process engineering
4 Production management • MBO
Reading · Writing • project management
• quality management

• crisis and contingency planning

5 Strategy and the business environment • international markets and situation analysis
Listening · Speaking • competition

• the time value of money

6 Finance for strategy • asset, bond and share valuation
Reading · Writing • project appraisal

• management accounting and budgetary control

7 Budgets, decisions and risk • quantitative decision-making
Listening · Speaking • risk analysis

• groups and teams

8 People as a resource • diversity
Reading · Writing • recruitment

• motivation and rewards

9 Developing people • learning and development
Listening · Speaking • hard and soft HRM

• evolution of industrial relations

10 Industrial relations • issues in industrial relations
Reading · Writing • typical procedures including industrial action

• marketing orientation and market share

11 Marketing management • marketing and brand strategy
Listening · Speaking • the marketing process: from analysis to marketing mix formulation

• management information systems

12 Management information systems
Reading · Writing

4 .
ESAP Management Studies CB 1_V4:ESAP_Banking Unit1 30/04/2009 15:38 Page 9


1.3 Extending skills lecture organization • choosing the best form of notes

A In a management context, what can you …

1 keep? 4 fill? 7 draw on?
2 see? 5 set? 8 evaluate?
3 come up with? 6 make? 9 implement?

B How can you organize information in a lecture? Match the beginnings and endings.

1 question and contrast

2 problem and definition

3 classification and disadvantages

4 advantages and effect

5 comparison and events

6 cause and supporting information

7 sequence of process

8 stages of a solution

9 theories or opinions then answer

C How can you record information during a lecture? Match the illustrations with the words
and phrases in the box.

tree diagram flow chart headings and notes spidergram table timeline two columns

1 2 3

4 5 1. 6
1. 1
1. 2


D Match each organization of information in Exercise B with a method of note-taking

from Exercise C. You can use one method for different types of organization.

E ≤Listen to six lecture introductions. Choose a possible way to take notes from
Exercise C in each case.
You hear: Today I am going to talk about the different branches of management.
There are four main branches …
You choose: tree diagram

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