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Work Item Type Title

Product Backlog Item PS Integration Business Scope

Product Backlog Item Device Usage Limitation

Product Backlog Item Sign in Page

Product Backlog Item Login page

Product Backlog Item Login Process

Product Backlog Item Logout Process

Product Backlog Item Facility Identification from iOS Device Pr

Product Backlog Item Facility Selection List

Product Backlog Item Division Filter for Select Facility

Product Backlog Item Facility Selection History saving

Product Backlog Item On Call list refresh as per Facility select

Product Backlog Item Marking Facilities as Favorite

Product Backlog Item On Call List display

Product Backlog Item On Call Physicians Count per specialty

Product Backlog Item Search by Specialty function

Product Backlog Item Search by Physician function

Product Backlog Item On Call List display as per Specialty

Product Backlog Item On Call Physician display list - Speciality
Product Backlog Item PS Integration Technical Scope

As a back-end developer
I want the On Call Now application to display real-time data from the Physician Scheduler app
so that the users of OCN can seamlessly view the schedules of the Physicians who are available
On-Call at the stipulated facilities/divisions.

As a user
I want the On Call Now application to be iOS compatible
so that I can use the application in iMobile and HCA managed devices

As a user,
I want to see a splash screen with Sign In button when I open the On Call Now application
so that I can login to the application to view the on call schedule

As a user,
I want to see a landing page where I can select the Sign in button on the splash screen
So that I can provide my credentials and login to the application

As a user,
I want to sign in to the On Call Now application using my 3/4 ID and password
so that I can view the on call schedules
As a user
I want a logout option in the application
so that I can logout of the application

As a user using the application from an iMobile device

I want the facility to be determined from the device profile
so that my facility is identified and auto-selected

As an authenticated user of the OCN application in the HCA network

I want to select a facility from the list of available facilities after filtering w.r.t. Division
so that I can see the on call schedules of physicians for the selected facility
As an authenticated user of the OCN application in the HCA network
I want to filter the facility list in Select facility page by "Division"
so that I can filter the list of facilities division-wise.

As an authenticated user of the OCN application in the HCA network

I want to have my previously selected facility saved in the db for my user id
so that I can have my last Facility selection pre-selected on the Facility Selection box

As an authenticated user of the OCN application in the HCA network

I want to have selected a facility
so that I can view the on call schedules of physicians, separated by their specialties, for the
selected facility

As an authenticated user of the OCN application in the HCA network

I want to be able to mark any number of facilities as "Favorite"
so that they are pinned to the top of my facility list
As an authenticated user of the OCN application who has selected a facility
I want to see the homepage
so that I can view the on call schedule for the selected facility

As an authenticated user of the OCN application who has selected a facility

I want to see the number of physicians on call in each specialty against the specialty name
so that I know how many physicians are on call in any facility

As an authenticated user of the OCN application who is shown the homepage

I want to be able to search for any specialty
so that I can easily find the on call schedule for the required specialty
As an authenticated user of the OCN application who is shown the homepage
I want to be able to search for any physician
so that I can easily find the on call schedule for the required physician

As an authenticated user of the OCN application who is on the homepage

I want to see the on call schedule for any specialty by selecting the facility
so that I can see the available physicians in that specialty in the current shift
As an authenticated user of the OCN application who is on the homepage
I want to seamlessly be able to find any of the available on-call physicians within a specialty
so that I can view their contact details and availability details
As a backend developer
I want to get the on call now schedules for every individual physician via API calls to the Physician
Scheduler application
so that I can get all the relevant data required to generate the schedule in the On Call Now
application and store it accordingly
Acceptance criteria

Given the back-end developer is working on integrating the OCN app to the Physician Scheduler
When he/she calls the Physician Scheduler API in short intervals
Then he/she receives the planned schedules of physicians individually so that the same can be architected
and stored in the OCN db for easy readability.

Given the user is using a shared or HCA managed mobile device

When the user opens the On Call Now application
Then the user should be able to use the application for viewing on call schedules

Given the user is using a shared or HCA managed mobile device

When the user opens the On Call Now application
Then the user should be shown a splash screen with the details:
• name of the application
• logo of the application
• Sign In button
• HCA corporate logo

Given the user opens the On Call Now application

When the user clicks on the Sign In button in the splash screen
Then the user should be shown a sign in page with the details,
• Text Field for User ID
• Text Field for Password
• Sign in button
• Legal information for Sign In paragraph

Acceptance Criteria:
Given the user is shown the sign in page of the On Call Now application
When the user enters their correct 3/4 ID and password and selects the Sign In option
Then the user should be logged in to the application if he/she has been provisioned for the same in the
User Group/eSaf

Negative Scenario 1:
Given the user is shown the sign in page of the On Call Now application
When the user enters their 3/4 ID or password and selects the Sign In option
Then the user should be shown an authorized error message, if they haven't been provisioned access for
the same in the User Group/eSaf

Negative Scenario 2:
Given the user is shown the sign in page of the On Call Now application
When the user enters the wrong 3/4 ID or password and selects the Sign In option
Then the user should be shown error messages saying that they have entered the wrong 3/4 id or
P.S.: Security-wise the error message would not be specific as to which is wrong
Given the user is shown the homepage of the On Call Now application
When the user selects the logout option
Then the user session should be ended and they should be logged out of the application immediately.
P.S. The user would then return to the Splash screen page with the Sign In button.

Given the user opens the On Call Now application from an iMobile device
When the user successfully logs into the application
Then the facility should be determined from the iMobile device profile and the user should be directly
shown the identified facility on top of the homepage

Negative Scenario:
Given the user has successfully logged into the OCN application from an iMobile device
When the iMobile device profile hasn't been configured to any preset location
Then the user should be shown a 'Select Facility' page.

Acceptance Criteria:
Scenario 1: User is provisioned to more than 1 hospital/facility (is this still in-scope?)
Given the user has successfully logged into the OCN application from their HCA managed device
When there is more than 1 facility provisioned for the logged in user
Then the user should be shown a 'Select Facility' page* with these provisioned facilities only listed in them.

Scenario 2: Device profile has wrong location configured (inter facility transferred mobile device) (Is this
scenario a possibility from an MHB perspective?)
Given the user has successfully logged into the OCN application from their HCA managed device
When the facility determined from the iMobile device profile and displayed on top of the homepage is
Then the user should be able to click on the Location name and be able to see a list of all facilities*

Scenario 3: Device profile has no location configured

Given the user has successfully logged into the OCN application from their HCA managed device
When the iMobile device profile hasn't been configured to any preset location
Then the user should be shown a 'Select Facility' page*.

*Following are some parameters that need to be considered while displaying the Facility List page:
• The page will list all the facilities in alphabetical order
• The page header will have a Division filter with 'All Divisions' selected by default
• The list will have a "Favorite" section with the favorited facilities (if any) listed at the top of the list
• Facility names will have a 'star' icon next to each Facility name, to allow users to mark as favorites
• User can select any facility from the list of facilities
Given the user is viewing the 'Select Facility' page
When the user clicks on the 'All Divisions' field
Then the user should see an action sheet with the list of all HCA determined divisions, such that:
• User can select any one division from the list, and
• The Select Facility page then displays only facilities under that division for user selection.

Given the user has successfully logged into the OCN application from their iOS device
When the user lands on the landing page
Then he/she should have a Facility name selected, which they had selected during their last login.

Scenario 1:
Given the user has successfully logged into the OCN application from their HCA managed device
When the required Facility has been selected
Then the user should be shown an accordion of specialties. with the count of On-Call-Physicians available
in real-time

Scenario 2:
Given the user has successfully logged into the OCN application from their HCA managed device
When the user changes the Facility that had already been selected
Then the homepage should reload and display a similar accordion of specialties. with the count of On-Call-
Physicians available in real-time for the newly selected Facility.

Scenario 1:
Given the user has successfully logged into the OCN application from their HCA managed device
When the user is shown a 'Select Facility' page with all the list of facilities listed under a division
Then he/she should be able to see unmarked "star" symbols to the right of each facility name for marking
his/her favorite facilities

Scenario 2:
Given the user has logged into the OCN application from their HCA managed device and is shown a 'Select
Facility' page
When he/she sees unmarked "star" symbols to the right of each facility name for marking their favorite
Then on clicking on any one, the star beside the facility lights up and this facility moves to the top of the
Facility selection list
Scenario 1: User is using an iMobile device and the facility identified from the device profile
Given the user is using an iMobile device
When the user successfully logs into the application
Then the user should see the homepage with the listing view of the on-call schedules*

Scenario 2: User is using an HCA managed device and the user selects the facility from the Select facility
Given the user is using an HCA managed device and the user has successfully logged in to the application
When the user selects a facility from the Select facility page
Then the user should see the homepage with the listing view of the on-call schedules*

*Following are the field parameters that would be listed on the homepage for the on-call schedules:
• The facility identified from the device profile displayed on top
• Logout option
• Search field
• List of specialties
• The number of doctors in each specialty available for on-call in real-time, shown in brackets near the
specialty name
• An arrow against each specialty name that redirects to a detail page with schedules for that specialty

Given the user is shown the homepage of the application

When the user is viewing the list of specialties
Then the user should see the number of physicians available in each specialty in brackets near the
specialty name

Given the user clicked on the "search" bar on the homepage and is shown a search page with 'By Specialty'
tab selected
When the user enters some search text in the search field
Then the user should see a filtered list of specialties matching the search parameter listed in the search

Negative Scenario : No search results

Given the user clicked on the "search" bar on the homepage and is shown a search page with 'By Specialty'
tab selected
When the user enters some search text in the search field that doesn't have matching search results
Then the user should see a message on the screen saying that "no search results were found".
Given the user clicked on the "search" bar on the homepage and is shown a search page with 'By Physician'
tab selected
When the user enters some search text in the search field
Then the user should see a filtered list of physicians matching the search parameter listed in the search

Negative Scenario : No search results

Given the user clicked on the "search" bar on the homepage and is shown a search page with 'By Physician'
tab selected
When the user enters some search text in the search field that doesn't have matching search results
Then the user should see a message on the screen saying that "no search results were found".

Scenario 1 : User select specialty from the homepage

Given the user is shown the homepage of the application
When the user selects any specialty from the list of specialties
Then the user should see following schedule details for that specialty in a new page.
• Specialty name on the page title
• Search field
• List of available physicians.
• Each item on the list will have the following details
1. Physician name
2. From (mm/dd/yy hh:mm AM/PM format) - Shift Start Time
3. To (mm/dd/yy hh:mm AM/PM format) - Shift End Time
4. Shift Type (On Call, Backup, Change On Call, Change Backup) as tags
5. Arrow navigating to the physician details page
Scenario 2 : User selects specialty from the search results in search page
Given the user is shown search page with 'By Specialty' tab selected
When the user selects any specialty from the search results
Then the user should see schedule (on call list) for that specialty in a new page (Specialty schedule page).
Details on the page are same as in Scenario 1
Scenario 1 : User selects a physician from the on-call-schedule for any specialty
Given the user is shown the on call schedule for any specialty with the list of available physicians
When the user selects any physician from the list ( or selects the arrow on the list item)
Then the user is shown the physician details page with the following details,
• Back button that navigates back to the previous page
• Physician initials (on the header)
• Physician name (on the header) - first name, last name
• Facility name (on the header)
• Specialty - name of the specialty
• Start date - (mm/dd/yy hh:mm AM/PM format) Shift start date
• End date - (mm/dd/yy hh:mm AM/PM format) Shift end date
• Shift Type (On Call, Backup, Change & On Call, Change & Backup)
• Description - data from the 'Description' element in API

Scenario 2 : User selects a physician from the search results of 'By Physician' tab
Given the user is shown the search page with 'By Physician' tab selected and is shown the physician list in
search results
When the user selects any physician from the list ( or selects the arrow on the list item)
Then the user is shown the physician details page.
Details on the page are same as in Scenario 1
The solution shall incorporate the following data elements in the API from Physician Scheduler for mobile
• ScheduleId -- how schedule is identified in db
• * StartDate -- start of shift (date & time)
• * EndDate -- end of shift (date & time)
• * Description -- phone numbers, instructions, notes, (e.g. call x number first, call y number second)
• FacilityCode -- COCXXX (facility mnemonic)
• * SpecialtyName -- Friendly name (e.g. Cardiology)
• Active -- true (physician listed in the app) OR false (physician not listed in app ); schedule is active
• ThreeFourId -- On call physician 3-4ID (one physician)
• * Name -- on call physician name (last/first)
• ContactNumber -- on call physician (if only entered by MSO-Medical Staff Office) e.g. text # for shift swap
• EmailId -- on call physician email
• ModeOfContact -- on call physician preference (text or email) only utilized when a shift swap has
occurred and been approved. Verification provided via text or email.
• * ShiftFlag – Types of flags:
o * Normal shift (blue) displayed as 'On Call'
 * On Call 1
 * On Call 2
 * On Call 3
o * Backup shift (green) (technically 1st spot)
 * BackUp1
 * BackUp2
 * BackUp3
o Unavailable (not listed in app )
o Pending change (not listed in app )
o * Change flag (orange; result of approved/completed "swap") (indicates a change has occurred and stays
orange for the duration of the shift)
 Hide contact info for doctor no longer on call; identified by true/false flag
o Clinic Shift (new) - patient who does not currently have PCP
• LastModifiedDate -- date/time in PS when last modified.
Note: Elements marked with a * to be displayed in the physician details page in the application

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