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VIRTUAL PROGRAMME 1: “Learning Organization: System Thinking (Part 1)”

On 28th October 2021, I attended a soft skills training programme which was called
“Learning Organization: System Thinking (Part 1)” (Figure 1) to develop my understanding
about the importance of the skill of “System Thinking”. This soft skills training programme is
organized by the Department of Soft Skills Competency of UTAR Sungai Long Campus. The
speaker of this programme is Mr Ng Thian Watt who is a success inspirer speaker, Quantum
Dynamic Human Development PLT, HRDF Qualified Corporate Trainer, Regular UTAR Soft
Skill Trainer, Secretary General of Asian Alliance of Learning Organization, Malaysia Chapter,
Shanghai Mingde Learning Institute’s Certified Trainer for Learning Organization Programs, and
also a Senior Instructor in Mind Science Association of Malaysia. This programme has been
conducted from 10a.m. until 12p.m. via Zoom Meeting platform. After the presentation of Mr.
Ng Thian Watt, I had learnt about the meaning of the “System Thinking” and developed my
“System Thinking” skills in daily life. Before introducing the “System Thinking” skill to us, Mr.
Ng had shared about the skills of how to build a learning organization to improve workplace
performance which is the fifth discipline that originated by Peter Senge so that we can better
understand the topic “System Thinking” (Figure 2). Firstly, to build a learning organization to
develop workplace performance is shared vision. We shouldn’t just agree with our opinions, but
also have to refer to others’ opinions to make the best decision on something that needs a team to
complete. For example, we can share our view with our teammate and discuss until a consensus
is reached. Secondly, personal mastery is needed to improve workplace performance. Personal
mastery is meant by we should have lofty goals to ignite our spiritual intelligence. The examples
of personal mastery are personal purpose, vision, alignment, awareness, transformation,
perception, and values. Thirdly, the mental model is playing an important role in developing
workplace performance. The mental model is significant for us to think about what we have to
do, what we are doing, and so on. For example, the mental model is something like controlling
the things that we do by our hands, legs, or eyes through our mind. The mental model is
classified into three classes which are conscious mind, subconscious mind, and also unconscious
mind. Conscious mind is mainly talking about the things that we are thinking and aware about.
For example, the conscious mind is when we are hungry and we decide to have some food for
ourselves. Besides, the subconscious mind works like a storage in your brain that stores
information from your memories and experiences. For instance, we will feel emotional and not
comfortable when we are staying in a new environment that we never experienced previously.
Moreover, the unconscious mind is an automatic process that is done by our brain which we
cannot control by ourselves’ thinking. For example, some people are very afraid of swimming
due to the experience of drowning, so this fear of swimming may be subconsciously suppressed.
In addition, Mr. Ng had also illustrate the way to change move from lower order thinking to
higher order thinking and system thinking which are remembering meant by recalling the
relevant knowledge that from long term memory, understanding meant by the material that we
have learned have to make sense, applying meant by apply the knowledge that we gained in the
new way, analyzing which is different the concept into a few parts and then realize how each part
is related to one another, evaluating meant by make some judgements based on a set of the
guidelines, and lastly is creating which is putting the information together in an innovative way.
Next, team learning skills are also important to improve workplace performance. There are a few
ways to develop team learning skills. One of the several ways to improve team learning skills is
to make dialogue to manage the conflict in the team. For example, when there is something to
decide, we must have a group discussion in order to get all the different opinions and then make
the best decision. Not only that, we can also decide our choice through voting games so that we
can compete fairly and do something according to the wishes of multiple people. Thus, the team
conflict can be reduced and also the team interaction can be improved by interacting with each
other. Next, the way to improve team learning is a mastermind that divides it into two parts
which are the collective mind and universal mind. Mastermind is meant by one or more of the
persons that in the team can provide a good and creative intelligence to complete the task that is
given. Lastly, the way to develop workplace performance is system thinking which is also our
main topic for today and has the connection with the shared vision, personal mastery, mental
model, and team learning. System thinking is talking about holistic thinking through the
interactions of many elements, parts, and processes over time and place. After talking about the
skills of how to build a learning organization to improve workplace performance, I already have
some understanding of the concept of “System Thinking”. Then, Mr. Ng is going to introduce the
main topic today which is “System Thinking” to us. First of all, system thinking is meant by a
holistic approach to analyse and solve some of the problems that face in daily life such as the
way nature works and even the human body is also involved in a holistic system. The elements,
parts, and processes that cross over time and space can affect the ‘Outcome’. Organization
structure is part of that involved in the system thinking. For example, as a doctor, when a patient
is getting a headache, we have to observe the reason via a holistic system so that we can analyse
and solve the headache problem effectively. In addition, Mr. Ng also gave us an example which
is seeing the different viewpoint from players, supporters, general audience, coach, commentator,
and also external factors in a football match (Figure 3). From this example given by him, we can
fully observe that everyone’s focus is different. Maybe in our normal life, we will not concern
ourselves with other peoples’ viewpoints so that we cannot analyse and solve some of the
problems that we face in daily life effectively. After that, I also learnt about the seven learning
disabilities which are “I am my position”, “The enemy is out there”, “The illusion of taking
charge”, “The fixation on events”, “The parable of the boiled frog”, “The delusion of learning
from experience”, and “The myth of the management team”. Thus, I will be more aware about
the issues that appear in my study or learning so that I can improve myself to make my learning
more effective and gain more knowledge from that learning or lesson. Moreover, I had learnt
what is “System Thinking”. It is meant when the situation is getting much more complicated or
big so many people cannot see the complete complexity, inter-relationship, or even worse still.
Besides, the reason why “System Thinking” is important is that knowledge is huge and the speed
of change is also fast. It is also due to the fact that we cannot see the bigger picture, are not able
to realize the interrelationship of the elements and are unable to relate it to the world that is fast
changing. Hence, we must keep up with the pace of the times and at the same time continue to
increase our knowledge so that we can survive and not be eliminated by the times. Besides, Mr.
Ng also introduced the history of “System Thinking”. “System Thinking” was founded by
Professor Jay Forrester in the System Dynamic Group at MIT’s Sloan School of Management
which originated in 1956. In addition, Mr. Ng had given us a picture of a few people seeing the
elephant with different views as a sample (Figure 4). Since the people in the picture were not
seeing the object holistically but just only see parts so that they do not realize the object is an
elephant. After that, I also learned about the meaning of “System Thinking” by separating the
words “System” and “Thinking” into two. The meaning of “System” is a collection of
interrelated or interdependent elements that form a unified whole. Next, the word “Thinking” can
be classified into two ways which is linear and loop thinking. Lastly, we were separated into
different breakup rooms to do our own discussion and list out some issues that we were facing
during the study at home due to the pandemic period. Then, the issues that we had presented to
him are poor sleeping habits, disturbing factors from family members, and also lack time
management skills. After taking the group photo, we were dismissed from the meeting.

VIRTUAL PROGRAMME 2: “Learning Organization: System Thinking (Part 2)”

On 29th October 2021, I attended a soft skills training programme which was called
“Learning Organization: System Thinking (Part 2)” which was linked by the “Learning
Organization: System Thinking (Part 1)” that on 28th October 2021 ( Figure 5 ) . This virtual
programme was also conducted from 10a.m. until 12p.m. via the Zoom Meeting platform.
Today, Mr. Ng is going to introduce the two types of thinking which are linear thinking and loop
thinking. Firstly, linear thinking is meant by a straight line or one line thinking only and it is not
a holistic approach to analyse things. It is a type of thinking that breaks things into separate
component pieces and relates their effect in a linear way. Hence, this type of thinking has no
thought about the bigger picture to realize what the actual situation is going on and it is just
concerned about the contents only. In addition, it tends to blame and also tries to control the
chaos to create order. Moreover, linear thinking shows that each of the elements, parts, and
processes just affects the defect directly only, it has no inter-relationship between them. For
example, when a man is tired while doing his work, the boss will just blame the man for being
lazy and the boss never thinks about the bad environment or something that can influence the
man’s working effectiveness. Thus, this shows that the boss has no idea and analyses the
problem by holistic thinking. As a consequence, linear thinking will cause a person to change
himself or herself slowly, recurring the problem, and also reducing the creativity of the person.
For instance, in our culture, when we have made a mistake, the people will just alway mention
about the “Errors of Commission”, and never mention the “Errors of Omission”. The “Errors of
Commission” is meant by the errors that shouldn’t be made such as we were blamed when we
did something wrong. The meaning of “Errors of Omission” is an omission to do something that
should be done by us like when we are not bummed by not doing something new then we will
reduce our creativity. Secondly, the meaning of loop thinking is a holistic thinking to analyse the
problems which are also known as system thinking as well. Loop thinking is significant since
there are many interactions between the elements, parts, and processes over time and space. In
addition, loop thinking analyses the things interrelated and it is to see the bigger picture and
whole of the things. Moreover, this type of thinking is concerned with the process that happened
in the many relationships between the elements. It is also involved in problem solving and
creation. Next, I also learnt about the purpose and benefits of system thinking. One of the
purposes is to analyse the real root cause that caused the problems to find the ways that can solve
the problem then we can decide the desirable future by our creativity. Next, the purpose of
system thinking is to link the dots within a complex system and think it inclusively or holistically
by using deductive, inductive, reductive, and productive thinking so that we can understand the
interfaces and interactions between the elements. Besides, Mr. Ng also talked about deductive,
inductive, reductive, and productive thinking by using a story of a school bully (Figure 6). What
I had learnt from this story is that deductive thinking is a method of thought that determines
certainty and it is thought from the more general thing to a more specific thing. Hence, this
deductive thinking is just using the left brain to think and it is a type of linear thinking. Next, the
reductive thinking is a thought that determines the “probability”. This is a process in which we
arrange our clues into one group then discard the less likely and choose the most likely one.
Thus, this reductive thinking also uses the left brain to think and it is a type of linear thinking.
Moreover, inductive thinking is a thought that determines “possibility”. This is a process that
thinks holistically and sees the bigger picture then looks at clues that don’t seem to belong in the
problem and sum it all up to give your best guess from smaller observations to broader
generalizations. Therefore, this inductive thinking uses the whole brain to think and it is a type of
system thinking. Next, productive thinking is the same as inductive thinking which is using the
whole brain to think and also a type of system thinking. Productive thinking is a thought that
determines “potential” such as creating a new way to solve the problem that is being faced. In
addition, Danah Zohar also believes that system thinking is a standing back from a situation or
problem and seeing the bigger picture; seeing problems in a wider context. Hence, after
understanding the four types of thinking which are deductive, inductive, reductive, and
productive thinking, I have learned that we have to use more productive and inductive thinking
to analyse and solve problems in our daily life. This is because we can find out the real reason
that causes the problems so that we will not make the same mistake again and solve the problem
effectively. After the purpose of system thinking, I also learnt the benefits of system thinking.
First of all, one of the benefits of system thinking is we can change our thinking through system
thinking so that we can match the interconnected, dynamic complexity of our communities and
their environment. For example, we can communicate with others to create some new ways of
thinking and seeing then develop the shared understanding through productive or creative
thinking. Secondly, system thinking is also beneficial by changing our behaviour so that we can
work with the more complex things in the system then to realize our vision. Not only that, after
learning system thinking, we can become more aware of the potential for the unforeseen
consequences of our actions. Next, system thinking also expands the choices available to us and
determines the choices that we can develop significant leverage. Thus, from this lesson about
benefits of system thinking, I had realized that system thinking tries to find the underlying cause,
not just the intersurface or the symptom. Through this method of thought, we will not recur the
problem. In addition, a good system of thinking also can make good strategies that can be used in
war, study, business and even in life to solve the problems although we were in a bad situation.
For example, the Korean admiral Yi Sun-sin with 13 war ships defeated the Japanese fleet of 333
on October 26, 1597 (Figure 7) and also the Red Cliff battle in China (Figure 8). These actually
show us that the generalship that leads these wars was thinking holistically to solve the problem
and war. After that, I also learned the technique to draw the loop diagram. The loop actually is a
shape that is produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself. The causal loop diagram
consists of three basic elements which are the constituents, links between the constituents, and
also the sign on the links that shows the interrelationships of constituents. There are two types
for the sign on the links which are “S” (or +) that represent change in the same direction and “O”
(or -) that represent change in the opposite direction. Beside that, there is also the feedback from
the causal loop. It is about the input which is the action produces the output which is the
feedback. There are three types of feedback which are reinforcing feedback, balancing feedback,
and balancing feedback with delay. I was interested and attracted by the meaning of balancing
feedback with delay. This is because balancing feedback with delay has always happened in our
life. Maybe we were not concerned about it. For example, when we are determined to start
exercising to lose weight, maybe in the early period, we will work hard to achieve the target that
we set. Of course, we all know that losing weight is not a matter of hals-and-a-half, but when we
have started for less than a month, if we have not seen the effect, we will choose to give up.
Thus, this example tells us that losing weight is a balancing feedback with delay. Next, I also
learned about the system archetypes. It is to make us aware about not to recur into the same trap
so that we can prevent ourselves from making the same mistake. After that, we took the group
photo and ended the programme session for today. In a nutshell, system thinking is a thought
that we can use not even in our school and business, it is also useful for our life to analyse the
issues by using a wider view and the whole brain to solve the problems that we have. In this
programme, it brings many benefits for me. I hope that I can realize the deep meaning of
“System Thinking” in my future life and apply it in my life.
Week 1 (18/10/2021 - 24/10/2021)
On 18th October 2021, we added all of our group members in a whatsapp group and we
discussed the group name in the whatsapp group. Then, we finally decided on the name
“Octanary” which means our group has eight group members (Figure 9).
On 19th October 2021, we had our first meeting via Microsoft Team platform. After
introducing ourselves, we started a voting game to choose our leader. Finally, after voting, Goh
Vi Vien became our group leader. After the meeting, we also start to find community service and
give recommendations in our whatsapp group (Figure 10).
On 21th October 2021, we decided on our community service as Cheerful Children Center
Bukit Baru which is an orphanage home. We start to divide the work to find information about
them (Figure 11). Then, we start to doing our own part which is the analysis of the issue done by
me, the objectives done by Hew Wern Yee, the organization chart done by Tee Ru En, gantt
chart done by Nicole Bong Sia Ern, Budget done by Goh Vi Vien, the description of activities
done by Indra Prasath Rau A/L Apparao, summary part done by Koay Zhi Xian, and lastly the
appendices part done by Leslie Ng Zi Jin. Besides, we also have our three volunteers for being
our presenters for the proposal presentation who are Goh Vi Vien, Koay Zhi Xian, and Leslie Ng
Zi Jin. After the discussion in group, the theme that we decide for our project is “Work is play,
play is work”
On 23th October 2021, due to the inconvenience of the Cheerful Children Center Bukit
Baru for us to conduct the project day in 5 hours 2 days or 2 hours 5 days (Figure 12). Hence, we
found another community service that is about tutoring kids aged between 6 to 12 which is Ten
Toes Enrichment (Figure 13).
Week 2 (25/10/2021 - 31/10/2021)
On 25th October 2021, we had discussed the programme and some of the mini games that
need to be prepared for the Project Day via whatsapp platform so that the kids can learn
something from our programme and have a good time with us on that day (Figure 14).
On 27th October 2021, we have our proposal presentation in our Community Project
lecture class which is at 8:00 a.m. via Microsoft Team platform (Figure 15). Our presenters are
Goh Vi Vien, Koay Zhi Xian, and Leslie Ng Zi Jin to present our proposal about our community
service. I think that they were fully prepared and also had a nice performance in the proposal
On 29th October 2021, we have our second meeting at 9:00 p.m. to discuss the
Community Mapping Report and also decide the activities and game for the Project Day. For the
first day of the Project Day, the games that we had decided were “Spelling”, “Word Search”,
“Synonym And Antonym Game”, “Word Scramble”, “Animals And Its Young”, and “English
Riddles”. Next, we also discussed the story about the reading for that day, but we are still finding
the story. For the second day of the Project Day, the games that we prepared are “Name The
Fruits”, “Math Pop Quiz”, “Crafting Work”, English Riddles & Yes or No question”, “Order of
Adjectives & Which Word Doesn’t Fit”, and “Guess The Thing”. Besides, we had discussed
preparing a talk for that day but we also still have not determined the topic of the talk that will
not bore the students. After that, we had our group photo for this second meeting (Figure 16).
On 30th October 2021, our group leader, Goh Vi Vien, made a publicity poster for us to
invite the other children between the ages of 7 to 12 years old (Figure 17). Then, we post it on
our social media such as Instagram.
Week 3 (1/11/2021 - 7/11/2021)
On 4th November 2021, we have our third meeting via Google Meet platform to test run
our Project Day. In today's discussion, our groupmate Hew Wern Yee decided to change the
craftworks activity to the movie activity. This is because nowaday the children are more
favourable towards movies and also our Project Day is an activity that makes them funny not
bored. Thus, the mini game in activity 3 on the second day of Project Day will be replaced by the
craftworks activity and the craftworks activity in activity 4 on the second day of Project Day will
be replaced by the movie time which takes one hour and fifty four minutes. The movie that we
decided on was called “The Mitchells Versus The Machines” (Figure 18). After we dismiss the
meeting from Google Meet, our group leader, Goh Vi Vien has confirmed with the host of Ten
Toes Enrichment that we have to change the date of conduct Project Day to 13 th November 2021
and 14th November 2021 since the host has no time to inform all the parents about this Project
Day (Figure 19). Next, we also changed our publicity poster to the new date (Figure 20).
Week 4 (8/11/2021 - 14/11/2021)
On 10th November 2021, we decided to give the present and certificate for the students
who participated in our Project Day. Then, Vi Vien had to edit and change the poster so that we
could post it through our social media (Figure 21).
On 11th November 2021, Tee Ru En and I had a meeting through the Zoom Meeting
platform to discuss the part of Session Four of our Project Day. We were rehearsing the
craftwork activities which are bookmark and origami that required to be conducted on the second
day of Project Day. We arranged the sequence of each activity and also layout for the person that
was responsible to share the screen. After the discussion, we took a photo with each other
(Figure 22).
We have started our first day of Project Day on 13 th November 2021 via Zoom Meeting
platform at the time 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. When we started, our group members in charge
for today's session, who are Goh Vi Vien and Nicole Bong Sia Ern, made a self-introduction
with the students (Figure 23). Our group leader, Goh Vi Vien, had a roll call for the students of
the Ten Toes Enrichment by classifying them into standard one, two, three, four, five, and six
respectively. We had a roll call with them by raising their hand virtually but when it was the turn
of standard six, the students of standard six were shy and the host was helping us call up them to
raise their hand virtually. Then, Vi Vien called the students to make the self-introduction by
themselves. We have just called the students who are brave and interested to introduce
themselves to make the self-introduction by raising their hands virtually. Next, we start our
Session One which is conducted by Goh Vi Vien and Nicole Bong Sia Ern. The first game is
“Word Hunting Game” which is a word searching game (Figure 24). We had a warm up game
with the students first so that the students could understand how this game was going on (Figure
25). Then, we started our real game, we showed a slide to them and the students would answer
the word that hides in the slide then the words will be circled by us (Figure 26). All the words in
this game are about the shape. After the students had answered all the words, we started to
introduce the shape to them by showing the photo of the shape (Figure 27). We were also taught
the students to define the shape by counting the side of the shape. Moreover, we conducted the
second game with them which was a “Guessing Game” (Figure 28). This game is for the students
to try and guess what is shown in the slide. One of the children said he was actually good at this
kind of game and he likes to play this game. Then, we are going to let them guess some pictures
such as an apple (Figure 29) and banana (Figure 30) picture that have been cropped by us. The
students are very fast to answer the questions and they commented that the questions were so
easy. After this game, we conducted the “Synonym and Antonym” game with them (Figure 31).
Firstly, we start with the antonyms game (Figure 32). Vi Vien has asked the students to answer
the meaning of antonyms. Then, Vi Vien taught them the meaning of antonyms which are the
words that have opposite meanings. We start the game by giving them the word and picture so
that the students can answer the antonyms of those words (Figure 33). Next, we played the
synonyms game with them (Figure 34). Vi Vien also had to ask them to answer the meaning of
synonyms then Vi Vien taught them the synonym is meant by the words that have the same
meaning. Then, we also show the words and pictures so that the students can answer the
synonyms of those words (Figure 35). Since we still had some time for session one, we had to
ask the students what game they were most likely to play, then we could spend the remaining
time playing with them. After asking them, we made the decision to play the “Guess The
Things” game as our last game for this session one (Figure 36). We had let them guess the things
that are in cropped pictures such as puppy (Figure 37), french fries (Figure 38), sunflower, and
zebra. Then, we ended this Session One (Figure 39). After Session One, we continue with our
Session Two which is conducted by Koay Zhi Xian and Leslie Ng Zi Jin. Zhi Xian and Leslie
had made their self-introduction to the students first before starting the game (Figure 40). The
first game in this session is called “Animals And It’s Babies!!” which was conducted by Zhi
Xian (Figure 41). This game requires the students to answer the name of animals shown in the
picture and also answer the names of the animals’ babies. For example, the questions that we
gave were a cow (Figure 42) and it’s baby called a calf (Figure 43), a deer and it’s baby called a
fawn, a goose and it’s baby called gosling and so on. In this game, many students said that they
still haven’t learned the words yet but Zhi Xian was calling them to learn in this game time since
this is just a funny game and beneficial for them. Moreover, the second game that we played was
“Guess The Animals” which was conducted by Leslie (Figure 44). We got two parts for this
game. In the first part, we will broadcast the sound of animals then the students will guess what
the animals that make the sounds. For example, we broadcast the sound of roosters, horses, cats
and so on (Figure 45). For the second part, we will give some hints like the features of the
animals and lastly broadcast the sound of the animals so that the students can guess and answer
what the animals. For example, for the students to guess the animal is a tiger, we gave the hints
which are mammals, use lungs to breathe, and it has hair or fur (Figure 46) (Figure 47). We also
let the students guess the other animals such as leopard, hippopotamus, and deer. In addition, we
started the game “Word Scramble” (Figure 48). In this game, we will show the separated letters
then the students will rearrange the letters so that they form a word. For example, we gave the
words like people (Figure 49), family (Figure 50), future (Figure 51) and so on. Lastly, we
conduct a short video time with the students, they are so much interested in this video time
(Figure 52) (Figure 53). At the end of session two for day one of our Project Day, we took the
group photo with the all students (Figure 54). On this day, we had a happy and funny time with
the students. I hope they will not forget the new knowledge that they have learned today and will
be able to use the knowledge in the days to come.
On 14th November 2021, we started our second day of Project Day via Zoom Meeting
platform at the time 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.. For today Session Three is conducted by Hew
Wern Yee and Indra Prasath Rau A/L Apparao. Wern Yee and Indra started with their self-
introduction before starting the activity for today. The first activity for this session is “Covid-19
talk and Question To Answers” that can improve the students’ awareness about the Covid-19
viruses (Figure 55). We played a short video about Covid-19 with them so that they can
understand what is the Covid-19, how the Covid-19 spreads among peoples, what to do if
infected by Covid-19, and what the symptoms are if infected by Covid-19. After playing the
short video to them, we asked the students to answer the questions about the Covid-19 viruses
(Figure 56). For example, the question that we asked is what are the steps to defeat coronavirus
(Figure 57). Some of the students answered that they need to wash hands, wear masks, and keep
their distance from each other. Not only that, the question of what to do when you wanted to
cough, we also had asked them to answer (Figure 58). Then, a few of them answered the wrong
answer which was to stay one meter from each other. Hence, we were told the correct answer to
them is to use your elbow to cover your mouth or with a tissue so that you can avoid spreading
the Covid-19 viruses to the other peoples. Next, we carried on the second activity which is “Math
Pop Quiz” that requires them to calculate by themselves but not calculator (Figure 59). Some of
the lower standard students like standard one and standard two said that they haven't learned the
higher mathematics question yet and don’t know how to do the question. Thus, Wern Yee has
encouraged the higher standard level students to help to answer the mathematics question that is
more difficult. For instance, the kind of mathematics question that we gave is additional (Figure
60), subtraction (Figure 61), multiplication (Figure 62), division (Figure 63), and mixed (Figure
64) questions. In this activity, the students were active and interested in answering the
mathematical questions. Since we still have some time for this Session Three, Indra found the
mathematics question from Google so that the students can continue to play the “Math Pop
Quiz” with us in the remaining time (Figure 65). Lastly, there is the end of Session Three (Figure
66). After Session Three, we continue with our last session which is Session Four that was
conducted by me and Tee Ru En. Before we started this session, we called the students to
prepare the materials that were required for the craftworks activity (Figure 67) and also made a
self-introduction to them (Figure 68). Then, we start with the bookmark craftwork activity first
and I also show them some of the bookmark samples that I made (Figure 69). Firstly, I started
with teaching the students to measure the colour paper with length by 15 cm and width by 15 cm
so that it can form a square shape (Figure 70). Then, I let the students cut down the square shape
by using scissors or a ruler (Figure 71). After that, I taught them how to fold the paper by half
and half again (Figure 72) and then open up the folded paper so that the students can observe
there are four grids on their paper. Then, I called them to cut down one of the grids from the
paper by using scissors or a ruler (Figure 73) and then I taught them to place the paper correctly
and let them fold the top two corners (Figure 74). Lastly, I called them to fold down the left top
corner and open the right top corner and then fold it into the pocket of the left top corner (Figure
75). Many of the students were having doubts about this step. Thus, me and Ru En had spent a
lot of time teaching them about this step. Lastly, I let them decorate their bookmark by cutting
down the ears from the remaining paper and they also decorate by themselves which follow
whatever they like (Figure 76). After that, we called up the students to show their bookmarks that
were made by them to us and then they were to show us their bookmarks fervently (Figure 77).
Moreover, we also taught them how to use the bookmark on a book (Figure 78). Since we have
spent too much time on this bookmark making, we have no time to carry on the origami
craftwork activity. Hence, we had cancelled the origami craftwork activity. Then, we ended our
last session and also ended our Project Day. We had taken a group photo with all of the students
who participated in this activity (Figure 79). In short, we had so much fun time with the children
and this activity also brought back memories of when I was in my primary school.
Week 5 (15/11/2021 - 21/11/2021)
On 18th November 2021, we were going to assign the part for the video of the mini
project exhibition in our Whatsapp group (Figure 80).
On 19th November 2021, we were asked for somebody who volunteered to make the Post-
Mortem presentation. Lastly, Indra Prasath and I volunteered for the presentation (Figure 81) and
the other group mates are going to prepare the Post-Mortem presentation slide and also the mini
project exhibition video (Figure 82).
On 21th November 2021, Indra Prasath and I had a meeting for the rehearsal of Post-
Mortem Presentation at 10:30 a.m. We were going to divide our part for the presentation and also
fix the presentation slide. After that, we had made the decision that Indra Prasath will present the
introduction part and the introduction of each session until Session Three. Then, for me, I will
present the introduction of Session Four, group dynamic, evaluation outcome, SWOT analysis,
improvement, and also the conclusion for the Post-Mortem Report (Figure 83).
Week 6 (22/11/2021 - 28/11/2021)
On 22th November 2021, we had our Post-Mortem Presentation that was conducted in our
lecture class. In this presentation, Indra Prasath and I are going to present in this presentation
(Figure 84). Since we were no much remaining time for the presentation in the lecture class, so
we were done this presentation very fast. I think we will be the fattest group in this presentation.
We were presented with the introduction of project day’s activities, group dynamic, evaluation of
the outcome, responses from the evaluation form that we made, and also the conclusion of our
Post-Mortem Report. I think we tried our best in this presentation and hope that I will improve
my presentation skill in the future. After the presentation, Vi Vien started to divide the parts for
the Post-Mortem Report so that we can complete the report before the deadline (Figure 85). The
introduction part of the Session One was done by Nicole Bong Sia Ern, Session Two was done
by Koay Zhi Xian and Leslie Ng Zi Jin, Session Three was done by Hew Wern Yee and Indra
Prasath Rau A/L Apparao, and Session Four was done by Tee Ru En and me. Next, the group
dynamic part was done by Leslie Ng Zi Jin. Moreover, evaluation form and SWOT analysis were
done by Goh Vi Vien, improvement part was done by Hew Wern Yee, and the conclusion part
was done by Koay Zhi Xian. Lastly, the appendices part was done by Tee Ru En and me.
Part C: Five Core Lesson Learnt
First, the lesson that I had learned is people need a community to have a normal life as
they require the assistance and communication from the other people. The word community
means a set of relationships or networks among the people. The community can be classified by
the different areas, cultures, religion, language, or hobby. Since the existence of community
organization, people who have the same language, hobby, cultures, religion, or areas can group
into a similar community to exchange, share, discuss, and conduct together in the particular
community. For example, in the Olympics, we have representatives from many countries, but as
a Malaysian we will support our national team. Hence, the people who support the Malaysia
team, they may be called as Malaysia Community. In addition, the Malaysia Community can
also be split into some communities such as Football Community for those who like the football
game or Badminton Community which is for the people who are interested in badminton. Next,
for instance, in our Batu Sebelas Cheras area, we have Chinese, Malay, and Indian people and
we can be called as Chinese Community, Malay Community, and Indian Community
respectively. Moreover, in our Chinese Community, we also can divide into several communities
since we have different dialects such as Hakka Community, Hokkien Community, and Cantonese
Community. In short, people need a community because we can interdependence and support
each other so that we can be more confident and motivated to accomplish what we like and yearn
Second, I learned the meaning of Community Project which I hadn't learned before.
Through this community project, I recognize that we can actually bring some of the warmth and
benefits to this world through community services no matter if it is big or small. For example, we
can give the help to someone that is required but using the method of ABCD (Asset-Based
Community Development) instead of NBCD (Need-Based Community Development). Through
the method of ABCD to give the community services for the peoples who were needed, it would
give long-term benefits for the community so that they can solve their problems more
effectively. For instance, we can teach the community some techniques on doing some work so
that they can start to do the work by themselves and not depending on the other people. Not only
that, the ABCD method also allows them to develop their own community by themselves so that
they can improve their own strength in all aspects. Hence, the community would start to develop
and bring much more benefits to the community.
Next, from the virtual programmes that I joined which are “Learning Organization:
System Thinking (Part 1)” and “Learning Organization: System Thinking (Part 2)” , I had
learned the lesson that system thinking is playing a significant role in our life in order to be a
people who think about all-round problems. System thinking will lead us to analyse the issues by
a bigger picture or whole sectors so that we can resolve the issues effectively. Not only that, we
will also not recur the problems that we have faced before if we solve the problems by system
thinking. Hence, this will improve our quality of life. Moreover, to have a systemic thinking, we
have to use our whole brain to think about all the incidents that have happened in our life but not
one-sided brain only. For example, we are recommended to use inductive and productive
thinking to reflect on the issues that we are facing. Thinking is important because we must use
thinking to do everything in order to reduce the opportunity to make mistakes but the thinking
that we use which is systematic thinking is also important. In addition, system thinking is also
required in making the decision that the things that we will do are wrong or right so that we will
not do things that we regret. To summarise, system thinking is a part which benefits our life.
Besides, on 10th November 2021 (Wednesday) lecture class, Miss Amira had done a
student’s activity with us and separated us into different groups in a break up room. Through this
activity, we can learn about many skills that benefit us such as leadership, problem solving, and
team building. In this activity, we have to choose and arrange the tools to survive if we are lost in
an ocean. Through our group discussion, we were decided the arrangement of the tools which are
a 19 liters can of water, a case of army rations, 2 boxes of chocolate bars, maps of the Pacific
Ocean, a fishing kit, 186 square decimeters of Opaque plastic sheeting, 4.5 meters of nylon rope,
a quantity of mosquito netting, a shaving mirror, a small transistor radio, a floating seat cushion,
1.1 liters of 160 per cent proof rum, a 7.5 liters can of oil or petroleum mixture, shark repellent,
and lastly is the additional item. Through this activity, I learned that we have to understand the
usage of every survival tool first so that we can make the decision on the arrangement of the
survival tools under the importance of the tools. Hence, we may be able to survive even if we are
lost at sea and can solve any problem that may happen at the sea. Through this lesson, we also
can apply it in our daily life to solve the problems that we are facing such as arranging the
timetable. We have to arrange and complete the important tasks first so that we can relax after
the important tasks.
Next, from group discussion, planning, and conducting the Project Day, I learned that
there is no unchanging plan, only a non-stop contingency method. Although we discussed and
planned the journey of Project Day comprehensively, we also have to make some changes due to
some of the external influence. For the example of the external influence, we have changed the
Community Service from Cheerful Children Center Bukit Baru to Ten Toes Enrichment since
the person in charge of the Cheerful Children Center Bukit Baru illustrates that the time of
conducting the Project Day is not convenient for them. Next, we also had changed the date of
Project Day due to not enough time to inform the children. Thus, we changed the date originally
from 6th November 2021 and 7th November 2021 to 13th November 2021 and 14th November 2021.
Not only that, for Session Four on the second day of Project Day, since we were spending too
much time on bookmark making so we cancelled the origami making activity. In short, from this
lesson, we learned how to deal with changing problems by using any solutions effectively so that
we were able to cope ourselves with changes in some of the activities by flexibility.
In addition, I had learnt some of the communication skills with the children through the
project day that was conducted with my group members. Firstly, before carrying out this project
day’s activities, I had no idea how to communicate with the children that were aged 7 to 12 years
old. Before starting this activity, I felt very confused and felt that interacting with the children is
a very difficult task. Since I was conducting the last session of the project day, the activity that
we made is craftworks activity, so we were required to communicate and also keep in touch with
the children so that they can understand every step required for craftworks making. During the
day that I carry out this activity, I start to adapt myself and also try my best to communicate with
the children. After I tried to speak more to them, I felt that children are actually very easy to
communicate with as long as we patiently explain things they don’t understand. Then, children
would also be active and like to share their decoration idea and their bookmark to us at the end of
this session. In brief, I had learnt that we have to try to get to know someone a little more in
order to create a common topic between us. Hence, we were able to improve our communication
skills with not only children but also other people.
Moreover, after these few weeks of conducting my community assignment, I had learnt
that we have to release our stress appropriately and manage our time effectively since this
semester is a short trimester. Thus, we do not have much time to waste on something that is not
beneficial to us. Time management always plays an important role in our life, not only in school
but also in society when we start our career in future time. For example, due to a lot of
assignments that we need to do, we have to arrange our timetable and also plan the time so that
we can complete our assignments before the deadline. Thus, we will feel that everyday is very
fulfilling and we also develop some new knowledge and skills everyday through our classes and
activities so that we can use it in our daily life. Besides, we also have to manage the time to rest
properly so that we can release our stress and keep our body healthy. For instance, we have to
carry out some sport, listen to music, chat with friends, or have some movie time with family
members at a certain time. Hence, we can not only release our stress effectively but also promote
the relationship with family and friends. After becoming aware of these kinds of issues, I hope
that I will improve my time management and stress management skills in future.
Lastly, I would like to suggest conducting Project Day physically is better than virtually.
This is because I feel that we are not doing so well if we conduct the activities through an online
programme. Not only that, we can’t really understand the community’s real situation and
couldn’t communicate with them well due to some of the technical problems such as the internet
connection was so unstable. If there was no Covid-19 pandemic, I would like to try this
community service physically. However, I learned a lot on this Project Day although it is
conducted virtually and I would like to experience this activity again if I can go to the
community to service them.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4
Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 7 Figure 8

Figure 10

Figure 9
Figure 11 Figure 12
Figure 13 Figure 14

Figure 15 Figure 16
Figure 18

Figure 17
Figure 20

Figure 19
Figure 22

Figure 21

Figure 23 Figure 24

Figure 25 Figure 26
Figure 28
Figure 27

Figure 29 Figure 30

Figure 31 Figure 32

Figure 33 Figure 34

Figure 35 Figure 36
Figure 38
Figure 37

Figure 40

Figure 39

Figure 41 Figure 42

Figure 43 Figure 44

Figure 45 Figure 46
Figure 47 Figure 48

Figure 49 Figure 50

Figure 51 Figure 52

Figure 53 Figure 54
Figure 55 Figure 56

Figure 57 Figure 58

Figure 59 Figure 60

Figure 61 Figure 62

Figure 63 Figure 64
Figure 65 Figure 66

Figure 67 Figure 68

Figure 69 Figure 70

Figure 71 Figure 72
Figure 73 Figure 74

Figure 75 Figure 76

Figure 77

Figure 78
Figure 79

Figure 80

Figure 81 Figure 82

Figure 83 Figure 84
Figure 85

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