Jemma-4: Hraugh Uug

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Jemma-4 o ie

MoleLular flux hraugh JUYfuLe
KV2 E uug welouty

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walls Or tne c o n t a n e r and eacn otner.

6.1.1 Solid angles

Recall that an angle 0 in a circle is defined by dividing the arc length s
which the angle subtends by the radius r (see Fig. 6.2), so that


The angle is measured in radians. The angle subtended by the whole

circle at its centre is then
27. (6.4)
By analogy, a solid angle N in a sphere (see Fig. 6.3) is defined by
dividing the surface area A which the solid angle subtends by the radius
squared, so that
Fig. 6.2 The definition of angle 0 in
- (6.5) terms of the arc length.

The solid angle is neasured in steradians. The solid angle subtended

by a whole sphere at its centre is then

4T. (6.6)

6.1.2 The number of molecules travelling in a

certain direction at a certain speed
If all molecules are equally likely to be travelling in any direction, the
fraction whose trajectories lie in an elemental solid angle dsQ is

Fig. 6.3 The definition of solid angle
S = A / r where r is the radius of the
If we choose a particular direction, then the solid angle d corresponding sphere nnd A is the surface aren ove
to molecules travelling at angles between 6 and 6+dé to that direction is the region of the sphere indicated.

58 Pressure

equal to the area of the annular region shown shaded in the unit-radius
sphere of Fig. 6.4 which is given by
d2 = 2T sin 0 de, (6.8)
dS2 sin 6de. (6.9)
Therefore, a number of molecules per unit volume given by

n fo) de sin Odo (6.10)

Fig. 6.4 The area of the shaded region
on this sphere of unit radius is equalto have speeds between v and v+dv and are travelling at angles between 6
the circumference of a circle of radius to the chosen direction, where f(o) is the speed distribution
sin multiplied by the width d0 and is
hence given by 2T sin 6 de. function.

6.1.3 The number of molecules hitting a wall

We now let our particular direction, up until now arbitarily chosen, lie
perpendicular to a wall of area A (see Fig. 6.5). In a small time dt, the
molecules travelling at angle 6 to the normal to the wall sweep out a
Avdt cos 0. 6.11
Multiplying this volumme by the number in expression 6.10 implies that
in time dt, the number of molecules hitting a wall of area A is
cos0n f)du , sinOd0. (6.12)
A Hence, the number of molecules hitting unit area of wall in unit time,
and having speeds between v and v+du and travelling at angles between
and +d6, is given by

vcOsn fv) do j sin @de. (6.13)

Fig. 6.5 Molecules hit a region of wall

(of cros-sectionalarea A/ xA/= 6.2 The ideal gas law
A) at an angle 6. The number hit-
ting in time dt is the volumne of the
We are now in a position to calculate the pressure of a gas on its con-
shaded region (A vdt cos 0) multiplied
by n f(v) du sin 6. tainer. Each molecule hitting the wall of the container has a momentum
change of 2mv cos 6, which is perpendicular to the wall. This change of
momentum is equivalent to an impulse. Hence, if we multiply 2mv cos6
(the momentum change arising from one molecule hitting the container
walls) by the number of molecules hitting unit area per unit time, and
having speeds between v and v +dv and angles between 6 and 6 +d6
(which we derived in eqn 6.13), and then integrating over 8 and v, we
should get the pressure p. Thus
The angle 6 runs from 0 to T for all
c e s , owever, in the integral we (2mv cos 0) vcos n f(v) du , sin 6 do
only consider molecCules with Irom 0
t o T/2 becalise these are the ones whicth
will hit the wall. Those with 7/2 < 6 .

T are travelling away from the wall.


mnd f 0sin0de, (6.14)

7.1 Flux
The concept of ffux is a very important one in thermal physics. It
quantiies the fow particles the flowisoftheemergy
momentum. Of relevance to this
or or even the flow of
chapter molecular fux, d, which

7.1 Flu 65

defined to be the umber of molecules striking unit

area per second.

molecular flux =
number of molecules
area x time
The units of molecular flux are therefore m-*s. We can also define
heat fiux using
amount of heat
heat fHuX= area x time
The units of heat flux are therefore J m s . In Section 9.1, we will
also come across a flux of momentum.
Returning to the effusion problem, we note that the flux of molecules
in a gas can be evaluated by integrating expression 6.13 over all v and
In the integral we only consider
0, so that molecules with b from 0 to m/2 because
these are the ones which will contribute
vcos n f(v) dv ; sin 0 de to the flux through a particular area.
Those with r/2 < 8 <T are travelling
away trom the area.
devo)do cos 0sin 0 (7.5) We have used
(Hint: substitute u
de cos sin 6
sin 6, du


the integral becomes

so that de, so
cosudu that
Jo =
-n(v). e-11 . mo


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