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Sequential Logic Circuit
The digital systems are classified into
two types:

1. Combinational logic circuits

2. Sequential logic circuits
1. Combinational Logic Circuits

The output of combinational logic circuit at any instant of time
depends only on current or present input applied at input
terminals. It does not depend on the past status of inputs.

This circuits do not use any memory. Therefore the previous
states of input does not have any effect on the present state of

Also the sequence in which the inputs are being applied has no
effect on the output of combinational logic circuit.

We do not have to use any clock signal in such circuit.
2. Sequential Logic Circuits

The output of sequential circuit depends on the present status
of inputs, the previous output(past) and the sequence in which
the inputs are applied.

In order to provide the previous input or output a memory
element is required to be used.

Thus a sequential circuit needs to use a memory element.
Block diagram of Sequential Logic Circuit:
Comparison of Combinational and Sequential circuits:

Sr. Parameter Combinational Sequential Circuits

No. Circuits
1 Output depends on Input present at that Present inputs and
instant of time past inputs /
2 Memory Not necessary Necessary
3 Clock signal Not necessary Necessary

4 Examples Adders, subtractors, Flip flops, shift

code converters registers, counters.
Flip-Flop :(One bit Memory Cell or Cross Coupled Inverter)
● A flip flop is used as a binary storage device element in digital systems.
● It can store binary bit either 0 or 1.
● It has two stable states HIGH and LOW i.e. 1 and 0.
● It is the basic storage element in sequential logic circuits.
● We can design it either using NOR gates or NAND gates.
● A flip flop can be designed using the fundamental circuit shown in
following figure.
Flip-Flop :(One bit Memory Cell or Cross Coupled Inverter)

Fig. A cross Coupled inverter as memory element

● In figure NAND gates 1 and 2 are basically acting as inverters.

● Output of gate 1 is connected to the input of gate 2 and output of gate 2 is

connected to input of gate 1 as shown in figure.
● Hence this circuit is called as a cross coupled inverter.
Flip-Flop :(One bit Memory Cell or Cross Coupled Inverter)

Fig. A cross Coupled inverter as memory element

● Assume that output of gate-1 is 1 i.e. Q=1, hence A2=1.

● As A2 =1, output of gate-2 is 0 i.e Q = 0. This makes A1=0.
● Ultimately output of gate-1 again becomes 1 i.e. Q=1
● Therefore we conclude that if we start with Q =1, then we end with Q=1 and
Applications of Flip Flops:-
Flip flops are used in wide range of applications like storing of binary
data, counter, transferring binary data from one location to other etc.
Some of the most common applications of flip – flops are
● Counters
● Registers
● Frequency Divider circuits
● Data transfer
Types Of Triggering Flip Flops:-
*Triggering* means making a circuit active.

● There are two types of triggering flip flops such as:

1. Edge triggered Flip Flop

2. Level triggered Flip Flop

1. Edge Triggered Flip Flops:-
● The flipflops which change their outputs only corresponding to the
positive(rising) or negative(falling) edge of the clock input are called as
edge triggered flipflops.
● In edge triggering the circuit becomes active at negative or positive
edge of the clock signal.
● The edge triggered flipflops do not respond to the steady state high or
low level in clock signal at all.

Positive edge Negative edge

Clock Signal
Types of Edge Triggered Flip Flops:-

There are two types of edge triggered flip flops:

1. Positive edge triggered flip flops :These flipflops will respond only
to the positive (rising) edge of the clock.

2. Negative edge triggered flip flops :These flipflops will respond only
to the negative (falling) edge of the clock.
2. Level Triggered Flip Flops:-

● The flipflops which change their outputs only corresponding to the

steady HIGH or LOW levels of the clock input are called as level
triggered flipflops.

● These circuits do not respond at the rising or falling edges of the clock.
Types of Level Triggered Flip Flops:-

1. Positive level triggered flip flops :- If the output of flip flop respond
to the HIGH level of clock input, then it is called as positive level
triggered flip flops.
2. Negative level triggered flip flops :- If the output of flip flop respond
to the LOW level of clock input, then it is called as negative level
triggered flip flops.

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