Co1 Magdadaro

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ECE 3108L Midterm Assessment ~ COL October 2021 Dovey nkiee #1 Name: © Magdadaro 86 Fur “UT Date of submission: _!eltul a1 s to certify that | have personally worked out this assessment and have not copied from other sources nor allowed someone on my behalf to solve or answer any portion of the assessment. De nyleta Cc. wAaoARD Signature over printed name Instruction: Please print and sign this document. Use the space provided for your answer. You may scan this document together with your answer using a smart phone app like “Scan-IT to Office”, “CamScanner”. or “Genius Scan” and submit the PDF version of the file to Canvas. Note: Should you run-out of space below, please use extra sheets and ensure to append it to this page. Series - Tits - Shunt 4. itis one of the four classifications of feedback which is classified as Voltage Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS) and itis commonly refered to as “Votage Amplifier’. Shur, Shutt_2. its one of the four classfcatin of feedback which is known to operate as “Transresistance” amplifier. Series - Series 3.14 one ofthe fourclassfcaion of feedback which s known to operate 2s “Transconductance” amplifier. Negotin Redlaek System 4. Consider the system block diagram shown below Vi ts + A > Vour [_ Be What tyne of feedback systems ilustrted by the given block diagram? page 1 of 2 5. Consider the system block diagram shown below in GA > Vout — In the given block diagram, whats the ratio (2!) equal to? Vin 6. An oscillator differs from an amplifier because the oscillator ‘A. has more gain . requires no input signal B. requiresnode supply _—_D. always hes the same output 7. One of the conditions set by Barchausen criterion for feedback type oscillators is ‘A. a phase shift around the feedback loop of 180° B. a gain around the feedback loop of one-half C. aphase shift around the feedback loop of 0° . a gain around the feedback loop of less than 1 8. In a feedback type oscilator, A,, = 100. The attenuation of the feedback circuit must be Ad B. 001 c. 10 D. 0.02 9. Consider the circuit shown below. How does the phase angle between the signal obtained at the collector and the emitter compere (in-phase or outout phase)? page 2 0f3 10. A low pass fer: ‘A. Passes all frequencies above the cut-off frequency and rejects all frequencies below the cut-off frequency. B. Passes all frequencies below the cut-off frequency and rejects all frequencies above the cut-off frequency. C. Passes a certain band of frequencies and rejects al others D. Rejects a certain band of frequencies while passing all others C 14. Which block diagram shown below best desoribes a bend pass filter? A c Vin Vout Vin Your B D Vin Vout Ve Yow 7 3d 412. Itis a point in decibel of the magnitude response of the 1*torder low pass fiter whose value is equivalent o 70.71% ofthe passbend. ° 0 13. What is the phase angle of the center irequency of a band pass filter? In gant -4. The cut-off frequency of the 1* order high pass filter is determined by setting the ‘magnitude of the transfer function of the fiter |H (jao)| equal io what value? Am pli gulag 15. The difference between an active fiter and a passive fiter is the presence of the —___-devie. page 3 of 3

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