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Damolo, Jules Aldrich C.

October 24, 2021

BSIT 1st Year Block – A Instructor: Miss Sheena Lipardo

My Ideal Person
Have you ever met your ideal person or for me an extraordinary person once in your
lifetime? If you haven’t then you must meet one and don't ever let go of that person, don’t
commit the same mistake as I did. Let me walk you through and describe my ideal person.

            When I talk about an ideal person, one person comes to mind- Crycil Jane. Her name
usually gets teased because of the first three letters of her name which is “cry”. It's as if she is
always crying, but for me I find it unique and a beautiful name for her. She has a beauty so
unique that she doesn’t need to have makeup on every day. Her smile is her best asset; it's
something that you cannot get tired of seeing every day. The voice that she has is so cute to the
point that I want to hear it every second of the day. She sings a lot and if I could compare her
vocals with someone that would be Moira Dela Torre. She also dances a lot and she’s good at it.
Every time that I see her dancing my whole world just stops as she dances gracefully and
passionately. She’s also an athlete a volleyball player and a varsity in her high school days.

Crycil Jane is a strong and independent woman. She doesn’t waiver in any situation
she’s in. She just keeps on smiling despite everything bad that has happened to her. The best
trait that she has is being generous. She’s so generous to the point that she is willing to give
everything in her disposal just to help someone in need. She’s special, passionate, beautiful,
generous, and most of all she is unique in her own way. She’s everything that a man could ever
wish for but sad to say I let her go.

            Now if you found your ideal person or for me an extraordinary person, would you let
her/him go? The same thing that I did? Would it be worth it? I want to hear your thoughts
about it and explain why.
Grading Rubrics

Criteria Grade (pts.) Mark (40 pts.)

Language 20
Format 20
Task Response 20
Clarity 20

Descriptive Essay Outline

I. Introduction: Opening Paragraph
A. Provide a Hook
 Have you ever met your ideal person or for me an extraordinary person once in your

II. Body
A. First Paragraph
 I’m describing my ideal person’s physical appearance, traits and her talents.

B. Second Paragraph
 I’m describing my ideal person as to what an amazing person she is.

III. Conclusion: Closing Paragraph

A. Now if you found your ideal person or for me an extraordinary person, would you let her

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