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BSHM-1D your own opinion, what is beauty?

Beauty, in my opinion, is something that exists in one's eyes, heart, soul, and intellect, not only their
physical appearance or face features. Physical beauty fades with age, but inner beauty never does.
The beholder determines what is beautiful. If one wishes to see nice and lovely things, he will only see
those things; yet, if one is impure on the inside, he will see the same things on the outside.

2.How will you describe a beautiful person?

The heart can define beauty in a given context. There are people with a beautiful face but an ugly and
impure heart, but it doesn't matter. That's a load of nonsense. The true meaning of beauty is based on
mental and spiritual purity. That's what we mean when we say that a beautiful soul has a light in their

3. For you, who is the most beautiful person in the world?

God that created us people.

Male secondary sexual Description Female secondary Description

characteristics sexual characteristics
facial and chest hair Lack of body hair
increased body hair Thicker hair on the
pelvic build Rounded hips
upper body muscular Decreased upper body
build Strength
Faster to build muscles Breasts
Deeper voice Menstrual cycle
Narrow hips Increased body fat
The inner because A person who portrays every aspect of oneself in their true light while simultaneously
bathing them in the most forgiving light possible. A person with a pleasing and charming personality.
A person who, although wearing grace and elegance as armor, wears their golden hearts on their
sleeves and treads softly to the lovely sounds that make them giggle. Smiles, chuckles, tears, and loving
hugs keep a person's soul well fed. A person who ensures that their thoughts are constantly encrusted
with dazzling ideas, dreams, and wishes.

PUBERTY'S PHYSICAL CHANGES- These stages are present in both sexes and mirror the changing external
genitalia and sexual hair. Secondary sex traits appear in females at the age of 10.5 years and in boys at
the age of 11.5 to 12 years.

I'm sure I've changed already, but it's for the better. I was anxious and terrified to meet a lot of people
before I decided to enter the dancing competition, but now I have the confidence I used to have.
Everything is changing since the only constant in this universe is change, but make sure the change is for
the betterment and best version of yourself. Hormones, which are chemicals produced by the body,
induce the changes in your body during puberty. These hormones act as chemical messengers, causing
the testicles or ovaries to release other hormones. All of these hormones interact to initiate puberty
changes. First and foremost, while comparing ourselves to others, each individual is the same, but we
are all different in many ways. Differences with others may or may not change, but each of us will retain
our uniqueness.

Apart from the fact that some sexual acts may not be legal, some may be permitted in private but not in
public, and some may not be permissible at all even in private, society may or may not affect a given
individual's sexual behavior. However, unless parents take specific action to counteract society's effect
at a young age - for example, at around age 6 or so, pointing out that society may have this or that
expectation, but that this expectation is incorrect, that it is not mandatory to do what society expects,
and that the child should ignore it, because "everyone is doing it" is never a good reason to do anything.
If this does not occur, a youngster whose preferences differ from those of society will very certainly be
taught to feel guilty. Because they refuse to conform, they may be shunned, abused, or even killed.
In a natural ecosystem, this process takes place over time, however in a man-made environment, it
requires human intervention. Artificial ecosystems are not self-sustaining, and without human
intervention, the ecosystem would perish.

Agree, because love It doesn't matter if you love a man and you are a man, you will always follow your
heart and be fair.

Our bodily selves provide us with a sense of security in the world. People experience hunger, a
headache, butterflies in the stomach, fear, laughter, delight, and the ability to walk, run, or climb a
mountain. Our bodies are constantly in use, and we are constantly having a bodily experience. We can
either have a healthy relationship with our physical selves or a more troubled and disconnected
relationship with them. Our physical selves are in charge of our health, ability to be active and self-care,
and even our daily energy levels. Our physical selves extend well beyond sexual encounters.
self-sexuality There is a physical component to it, as we may experience sexual arousal in our bodies, but
it is not the primary component. Have you heard the phrase "your largest sex organ is between your
ears"? Depending on who you are and how you work sexually, I would also say "and in your heart." Our
sexual self is a multi-faceted experience of what physically, mentally, and emotionally arouses us. Our
physical selves play a vital part, but it is not necessarily the most significant. Our sexual self is an
emotional domain of longings, taboos, and desires that extends much beyond the physical body.
More food

Making a list for the things that needs to pay more attention. Makes me help budget my money
more than before.

Debt, because whenever our budget is short we tend to borrow money in order to buy our food and pay
our bills.

Base on what I’ve seen on her imee's lists I observed that everything written is a necessity. It’s more on
the need for our daily life rather than wants.

Yes, because I’m the kind of person that doesn’t want to spend a lot of money. I don’t pick expensive
things just on foods because I need food.
B- soap and shampoo
C- shirt
F- food, debt and more food
H- pen, paper and bills

F and H

That every needs is important than wants.

Material self refers to mined items, places, or even persons. Material self lests us define ourselves more
by what we want and need.
Sexual Self- It's what you bring to sex and relationships, both emotionally and physically - what you do
with it and how you share it with others. Every sexual choice you make is influenced by your sexual self-

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