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Assalamu’alaikum. W.

Good Afternoon
First of all let us pray and praise to Allah SWT because of his blessing and
grace, we can come together without any obstacle here with healthy condition in
the afternoon PARADE.
Second, let us greet andpray to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who had
brought us to the path of light and left the darkness in this life

Thank you for the opportunity that has been given to me in the 3 minute talk
talking about daily activities.
Well, to make time efficient, I'll just tell you about my daily activities.
Starting from getting up in the morning. I usually wake up at 3 or 4 am, after I
wake up I usually do the tahajjud prayer 2 rakaat, then preparing everything for
school, then do the tasks that I can't do at night, For example making learning
materials preparing practice questions, check student assignments, recap student
attendance lists. After that I usually cook rice, followed by establishing the dawn
prayer, after the dawn prayer I iron the clothes.
After ironing my clothes, then I take a shower and getting ready, then breakfast.
And At 6.45, I go to school and arrived at 6.55 am.
After arriving at school, I filled out the attendance list first, then prepared my
laptop and followed the morning routine, namely praying together in the morning
before all activities were carried out. After opening morning I accompanied the
children to recite the Koran, after that I attended a meeting in Microsoft Teams to
bring social studies subjects to class.
After the learning series was finished, at 2 PM I attended the Microsoft 365
training where this training was attended by teachers from the city of Balikpapan
to upgrade their abilities in mastering the features available in Microsoft 365 such
as Google forms, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft sway and others.
At 2.45 pm I participated in the afternoon apple activity where this activity was
filled with the delivery of information from the school leadership, then the
delivery of the affirmation of the school's vision, the school's motto.
At 15.00 I go home and rest.
Maybe that's all I can say in 3 minutes of talking
Thank you for your attention

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