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“Be a part of the Solution,

Not part of the Pollution”

The interaction between the human and the environment is a complex phenomenon.
The Earth's capacity to support the humans is determined not just by the basic food
requirements but also by our levels of resource consumption, amount of waste generation,
technologies employed in varying applications. With the increase in the population and
increasing resource utilization pattern, in fact we have surpassed the carry capacity of the
planet. The Earth's environmental assets are now insufficient to sustain our demands and
economic activities. Economic development significantly contributes to improvements in life
standards. Therefore, both economic development and environmental conservation are the
immense important aspects and priorities of 21st century. Both require simultaneous
indispensable support and adequate consideration, so that they are in fact not only being
compatible but also remain mutually supportive. However, coupled with life standard
improvement, economic prosperity also induces environmental degradation with long-term
irreversible consequences for nature.

Arising quality of life, and high rates of resource consumption patterns have had an
unintended and negative impact on the urban environment. Generation of wastes are far
beyond the handling capacities of urban governments and agencies. Cities are now grappling
with the problems of high volumes of waste, the costs involved, the disposal technologies and
methodologies, and the impact of wastes on the local and global environment. The real
problem however is the lack of inadequate environment management at a grass root level.
The basic requirement is; therefore, need an approach towards technological development for
the minimization of environmental degradation.

The waste generated due to urban activities is known as municipal solid waste
(MSW). MSW is generated by households, offices, hotels, shops, schools, and other
institutions. The major components of MSW are food waste, paper, plastic, rags, metal, glass
etc. The materials which exceed the balance of their production and destruction lead to the
deterioration in the environment. Plastic is one such material which poses a big threat to the

Plastic as a synthetic polymer substitute natural materials in almost every aspect of

our life and became an essential part of our society. Nature has witnessed a considerable
intensification in the production of plastics in last few decades and simultaneous increase in
consumption of plastic materials. With time, stability and durability of plastics have been
improved continuously, and hence these groups of materials are now considered as a
synonym for materials being resistant to many environmental constraints. Basically, problems
related to solid waste persist beyond merely its disposal. In addition to technical and
environmental complications, there are administrative, economic, and societal tribulations
that must be addressed. The scientific efforts to sort out all these complications are usually
referred as waste management. In this aspect, the management encompasses planning, design,
and operation of facilities for collecting, transporting, processing, recovering, and finally
disposing waste. Waste management and disposal is the most neglected sector in India, and
about 90% of waste is currently disposed of by open dumping. A huge amount of plastic is
also produced and dumped into the environment which does not readily degrade naturally.

Due to large benefits of plastics in different applications, its use is increasing all
around the world industries. The plastic products namely carry bags, blood bags, coloured
plastics pots are fast becoming popular both in rural and urban areas . But in the last ten years
due to the widespread littering of plastics on the land, plastic waste has attracted attention.

There is a need for a complete rethinking of “waste”- to analyse if waste is indeed

waste. A rethinking that calls for

WASTE to become WEALTH

TRASH to become CASH.
Presently, the management of waste plastics is a major environmental issue.
Several strategies have been adopted for the handling of plastic waste which includes:
recycling, depositing in landfill, incineration, microbial degradation and conversion into
useful materials etc. There is a clear need for the current approach of waste disposal that is
focussed on municipalities which uses high energy/high technology, to move more
towards waste processing and waste recycling aiming for eventual waste minimization .
Some of the defining criteria for future waste minimization programmes will include deeper
community participation, understanding economic benefits/recovery of waste, focusing on
life cycles (rather than end-of-pipe solutions), decentralized administration of waste,
minimizing environmental impacts, reconciling investment costs with long-term goals.

This project focuses on plastic waste management mainly in Division 30 of

Kollam Corporation. Division 30 of Kollam Corporation consist of around 3000 houses
including shops, hospitals, offices, public places etc. This project provides necessary details
about waste plastics and will contribute towards developing a thorough understanding about
the use and applications of plastic waste management techniques. This project will also
analyse the plastic waste production among people and the problems faced by the common
people. It will also analyse the current rules and other particulars about the various waste
management methods implemented by the Haritha Kerala Mission with the help of local self
governing bodies by utilizing Harithakarma sena members. The working structure, duties and
problems faced by Harithakarmasena members are also analysed.

Scope of study

 To find out the problems that are facing in the current plastic waste management
 To implement the corrective measures and to achieve the goal of zero plastic waste in
an efficient manner.
 To create business opportunities as well as employment and a clean and safe
environment with healthy people.

Research objectives

 To understand different kinds of plastic and its use.

 To address the issues of management of plastic waste.
 To address public and environmental health effects of plastic waste disposal.
 To suggest possible practical techniques to lessen the effects of plastic waste on
 To familiarize the initiatives by the government in managing plastic waste.
 To give extensive insight about plastic waste management technique.
 To identify available technique used for converting waste plastic into useful products.
 To analyse pros and cons of plastics during covid-19 pandemic.
 To understand the plastic waste management laws in India and the ban on plastics
below 50 microns.


 Plastic Waste Management Rules are not implementing properly.

 Ban on single use plastics have reduced plastic waste.

The analytical method, survey and observation methods are adopted.


Chapter 1

 Introduction.

Chapter 2

 Plastics and its management

This chapter explains in details about different types of plastics, description of
plastic waste, public and environmental health effects of plastic waste disposal, the
initiatives by government for managing plastic waste, methods through which plastic
is managed by government, different plastic waste disposal methods and plastics in
the time of covid 19 pandemic.

Chapter 3

 Plastic Waste Management Laws In India

This chapter explains in detail about Plastic Waste Management rule 2016,
Responsibilities of different authorities mentioned under the Rules, the need for
having separate Plastic Waste Management Rules, Ban on Single use plastics,
Plastics less than 50 microns, Judicial rulings on plastic waste management, Kerala’s
“Pen Drive”.

Chapter 4

 Data analysis and findings.

Chapter 5

 Conclusion and suggestions.


The rapid urbanization and economic growth in different countries have led to a drastic
increase in plastic production and consumption around the world. From a historical viewpoint, the
development of plastics can be regarded as one of the most important technical achievements of the
twentieth century. In just 50 years plastics have permeated virtually every aspect of daily life, paving
the way for new inventions and replacing materials in many existing products. The success of these
products has been based on their properties of resilience, resistance to moisture, chemicals and
photo- biodegradation, their stability and the fact, that they can be molded into any desired form.

The original breakthrough for the first semi-synthetic plastics material - cellulose nitrate,
occurred in the late 1850’s and involved the modification of cellulose fibers with nitric acid.
Cellulose nitrate had many false starts following its invention by a Briton, Alexander Parkes, who
exhibited it as the world’s first plastics in 1862. A key breakthrough came in 1907, when Belgian-
American chemist Leo Baekeland created Bakelite, the first real synthetic, mass-produced plastic.
Only in 1930 were thermoplastics, made from the basic materials styrene, vinyl chlorine and
ethylene, introduced onto the market. However, the main growth of the plastics industry did not take
place before the 1960’s, reaching production of over 40 million ton per year in 1973. Following a
temporary drop in production during the oil crises and the economic recession in the beginning of the
1980’s, the world production of plastics continued to increase to approximately 77 million ton in
1986, and 86 million ton in 1990. In 2019, the production of plastics totaled around 368 million
metric tons worldwide. The incredible versatility of this group of materials accounts for the
continued growth in production year after year. In tandem with that growth, the market value of
plastics also continues to grow.1

2.1 What is Plastic?

Plastic is the general term for a wide range of synthetic or semi synthetic polymerization
products. Plastics are inexpensive, lightweight, strong, durable, corrosion-resistant materials,
with high thermal and electrical insulation properties. They are composed of organic

condensation or addition polymers and may contain other substances to improve performance or
economics. There are few natural polymers generally considered to be "plastics". These
polymers are broken in presence of suitable catalyst, into monomers such as ethylene, propylene,
vinyl, styrene and benzene. These monomers are then chemically polymerized into different
categories of plastics.2 Although there are many polymers, plastics in general are lightweight
with significant degrees of strength. Plastics can be moulded, extruded, cast and blown into
seemingly limitless shapes and films or foams or even drawn into fibers for textiles. Many types
of coatings, sealants and glues are actually plastics, too.3

2.2 Categories of Plastics

 Recyclable Plastics (Thermoplastics): PET, HDPE, LDPE, PP, PVC, PS, etc.

A thermoplastic is a material, usually a plastic polymer, which becomes more soft when heated
and hard when cooled. Thermoplastic materials can be cooled and heated several times without any
change in their chemical or mechanical properties. When thermoplastics are heated to their melting
point, they melt to a liquid. They freeze to a glassy state when cooled below their glass
transition .They can be moulded into any shape.

 Non-Recyclable Plastics (Thermoset & others): Multilayer & Laminated Plastics,

PUF, Bakelite, Polycarbonate, Melamine, Nylon etc.

A thermosetting plastic is a polymer that is irreversibly hardened by heat. Thermosetting plastics are
also known as thermosets, thermosetting polymers, or thermosetting resins. The starting material for a
thermoset is a liquid or soft solid. Heat provides energy for covalent bond formation, cross-linking the
polymer subunits and curing/hardening the plastic. Sometimes the heat is applied externally, but it may
come from the chemical reaction of mixing ingredients. Adding pressure, a catalyst, or a hardener can
increase the curing rate. Once cured, a thermosetting plastic cannot be re-melted, so it is formed into
its final shape by injection molding, extrusion molding, compression molding, or spin casting.

Richard C. Thompson,“Plastics, the environment and human health: current consensus and future

Joseph L. Nicholson and George R. Leighton, “Plastics Come of Age,” Harper’s Magazine, August 1942, p.
As per BIS Classification, there are seven categories of plastics like; Polyethylene (PE)
Tetraphthalate (PET), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC), Low
Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS )and other.4

2.3 Types of Plastics

In industrialized countries, literally hundreds of plastic materials are available

commercially. In economically less developed countries however, fewer types of plastics
tend to be used. In both economically less developed and industrialized countries, the types of
plastics that are most commonly reprocessed or recycled are Polyethylene Terephthalate
(PET), Polyethylene (PE), Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Polypropylene (PP),
Polystyrene (PS) and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Each of these can be subdivided according to
their density, the type of process involved in their manufacture, and the additives they
contain. Following are the different types of plastics.

2.3.1 Polyethylene Terephthalate ( PET)

PET is one of the most commonly used plastics in consumer products, and is found in
most water and pop bottles, and some packaging. It is intended for single use applications;
repeated use increases the risk of leaching and bacterial growth. PET plastic is difficult to
decontaminate, and proper cleaning requires harmful chemicals. Polyethylene terephthalates
may leach carcinogens.

Although PET is most likely to be picked up by recycling programs, this type of

plastic contains antimony trioxide—a matter that is considered as a carcinogen—capable of
causing cancer in a living tissue. The longer a liquid is left in a PET container the greater the

potential for the release of the antimony. Warm temperatures inside cars, garages, and
enclosed storage could also increase the release of the hazardous matter.5

2.3.2 Polyethylene (PE)

Polyethylene is a lightweight, durable thermoplastic with variable crystalline structure. It is

one of the most widely produced plastics in the world (tens of millions of tons are produced
worldwide each year). Polyethylene is used in applications ranging for films, tubes, plastic parts,
laminates, etc. The two main types of polyethylene are low density polyethylene (LDPE) and high
density polyethylene (HDPE).

(i) Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

LDPE is often found in shrink wraps, dry cleaner garment bags, squeezable bottles,
and the type of plastic bags used to package bread. The plastic grocery bags used in most
stores today are made using LDPE plastic. Some clothing and furniture also uses this type of

LDPE is considered less toxic than other plastics, and relatively safe for use. It is not
commonly recycled, however, although this is changing in many communities today as more
plastic recycling programs gear up to handle this material. When recycled, LDPE plastic is
used for plastic lumber, landscaping boards, garbage can liners and floor tiles. Products made
using recycled LDPE are not as hard or rigid as those made using recycled HDPE plastic.

Products made using LDPE plastic are reusable, but not always recyclable. To cut
down on the amount of LDPE that we consume, try replacing plastic grocery bags with fabric
alternatives and cloth bags while shopping.6

(ii) High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

HDPE plastic is the stiff plastic used to make milk jugs, detergent and oil bottles,
shampoo bottles , toys, and some plastic bags. HDPE is the most commonly recycled plastic
and is considered one of the safest forms of plastic. It is a relatively simple and cost-effective
process to recycle HDPE plastic for secondary use.

HDPE plastic is very hard-wearing and does not break down under exposure to
sunlight or extremes of heating or freezing. For this reason, HDPE is used to make picnic
tables, plastic lumber, waste bins, park benches, bed liners for trucks and other products
which require durability and weather-resistance products made of HDPE are reusable and

Marianne Gilbert,”Brydson’s Plastic Materials”,8th edition,2017
Supra 5
2.3.3 Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene is more rigid than PE, and can be bent sharply without breaking. It is used for
stools and chairs, high-quality home ware, strong mouldings such as car battery housings,
domestic appliances, suitcases, wine barrels, crates, pipes, fittings, rope, woven sacking, carpet
backing netting surgical instruments, nursing bottles, food containers, etc.8

2.3.4 Polystyrene (PS)

In its unprocessed form, polystyrene is brittle and usually transparent. It is often blended
(copolymerized) with other materials to obtain the desired properties. High-impact polystyrene
(HIPS) is made by adding rubber. Polystyrene foam is often produced by incorporating a blowing
agent during the polymerization process. PS is used for cheap, transparent kitchen ware, light
fittings, bottles, toys, food containers, etc.

Supra 4
2.3.5 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Polyvinyl chloride is a hard, rigid material, unless plasticizers are added. Common applications
for PVC include bottles, thin sheeting, transparent packaging materials, water and irrigation pipes,
gutters, window frames, building panels, etc. If plasticizers are added, the product is known as
plasticized polyvinylchloride (PPVC), which is soft, flexible and rather weak, and is used to make
inflatable articles such as footballs, as well as hosepipes and cable coverings, shoes, flooring,
raincoats, shower curtains, furniture coverings, automobile linings, bottles, etc. 9

9Edward J. Wickson,”Handbook of PVC Formulating,Whiley- Blackwell Publishers,1993

2.4 Description of Plastic Waste

Plastic products have become an integral part of our daily life as a basic need. It is produced
on a massive scale worldwide and its production crosses the 368 million metric tons per year
globally. In the financial year of 2019, the total demand for major plastics across India was
approximately 16 million metric tons, out of which polyethylene with around 5.3 million metric tons,
had the highest demand. Its broad range of application lies in films, wrapping materials, shopping and
garbage bags, fluid containers, clothing, toys, household and industrial products, and building
materials. It is a fact that plastics will never degrade and remains on landscape for several years.
Mostly, plastics are recyclable but recycled products can again be recycled but the litter left over in
earth system and water systems are more hazardous to the environment. The recycling of a virgin
plastic material can be done many times, but after every recycling, the plastic material is deteriorated
due to thermal pressure. Only 9 per cent of the total plastic waste in the world is recycled. A Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) report (2018-19) puts the total annual plastic waste generation
in India at a humungous 3.3 million metric tons per year.10

Plastic waste has a significant portion in total municipal solid waste. Though, there is a formal
system of waste collection in urban areas, however, informal sectors i.e. rag pickers, collect only
value based plastics waste such as pet bottles etc.. This is primarily because the rewards are not much
as compared to the efforts required for collection, and this leads to plastic bags and other packaging
materials continuing to pose a major threat to the environment. Experts have estimated that annual
waste generation in India will increase to 165 million tons by 2030.

Plastic pollution is caused by the accumulation of plastic waste in the environment. It can be
categorized in primary plastics, such as cigarette butts and bottle caps, or secondary plastics, resulting
from the degradation of the primary ones. It can also be defined by its size, from microplastics -
small particles (<5 mm) of plastic dispersed in the environment - to macroplastics. Negligence is the
main cause of plastic pollution. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of marine litter comes from land. This
pollution comes mainly from household waste, which is poorly recycled, dumped in landfills or
abandoned in nature. This waste is carried by the winds, pushed by the rains into sewers, streams,

rivers, and finally in the oceans. Natural disasters such as floods must be considered as other causes
of plastic pollution as well.11

Components of Plastic Waste

6 Pack
Cigarette Other
2% Lighter 8%
1% 1% Chips &
Food Containers
Water / Cups / 2% Confectionary Bags
Soft Utensils
Drink 2%
Fruit Juice
Cling Wrap 3% Bottles / Caps/ Lids

4% 12%
Food Bags

PET Bottles
Packaging 10%

Garbage Bags Supermarket /

7% Straws
Retail Bags
7% 7%

2.5 Sources of Plastic waste

Plastics can be used for many purposes, and thus, waste plastics are generated from a wide
variety of sources. The main sources of plastic waste can be classified as follows: industrial,
commercial and municipal waste.

Rajkumar, P, ‘A study on the plastic waste and environmental degradation’, ABC Journal of Advanced Research, Vol.
4, 2015, pp.9–15.
2.5.1 Industrial waste

Industrial waste and rejected material (so-called primary waste) can be obtained from large
plastics processing, manufacturing and packaging industries. Most of this waste material has
relatively good physical characteristics; i.e., it is sufficiently clean, since it is not mixed with other
materials. It has been exposed to high temperatures during the manufacturing process which may
have decreased its characteristics, but it has not been used in any product applications. Many
industries discard polyethylene film wrapping that has been used to protect goods delivered to the
factory. This is an excellent material for reprocessing, because it is usually relatively thick, free from
impurities and in ample supply. Many industries may provide useful supplies of primary waste

 The automotive industries: spare-parts for cars, such as fan blades, seat coverings, battery
containers and front grills.

 Construction and demolition companies: e.g. PVC pipes and fittings, tiles and sheets.

 Electrical and electronics industries: e.g. switch boxes, cable sheaths, cassette boxes, TV
screens, etc.

Considerable amounts of waste plastics generated by many industries remain uncollected or end
up at the municipal dump. Industries are often willing to cooperate with private collecting or
reprocessing units.12

2.5.2 Commercial waste

Workshops, craftsmen, shops, supermarkets and wholesalers may be able to provide reasonable
quantities of waste plastics for recovery. A great deal of such waste is likely to be in the form of
packaging material made of PE, either clean or contaminated. Hotels and restaurants are often sources
of contaminated PE material.

2.5.3 Municipal waste

Waste plastics can be collected from residential areas (domestic or household waste), streets,
parks, collection depots and waste dumps. Considerable amounts of plastic waste can be found within
the Municipal Solid Waste stream due to the littering habit of the population. The most common type
of plastic waste within the municipal waste stream is the “sachet” water film bags that are discarded
in discriminately soon after consuming its contents. In Asian countries in particular, the collection of
this type of waste is widespread. However, unless they are bought directly from households, before
they have been mixed with other waste materials, such waste plastics are likely to be dirty and
contaminated. Sometimes the plastics can be separated and cleaned quite easily, but contamination
with hazardous waste is not always visible and may be more difficult to remove. Litter that has been
waiting for collection for some time may have been degraded by sunlight. This is mainly a superficial
effect, however, and does not always mean that the plastics cannot be reprocessed.13

2.6 Public and Environmental Health Effects of Plastic Wastes Disposal

2.6.1 Environmental pollution by plastic wastes

Distribution of plastic waste is associated with human populations. Increase in human
population has led to increase in demands for plastics and plastic products. Indiscriminate disposal of
wastes from plastics and plastic products can lead to environmental pollution which is evident in
several ways including environmental natural beauty deterioration , entanglement and death of
aquatic organisms , sewage system blockage in towns and cities especially in developing countries ,
resulting in creating conducive environment for breeding mosquitoes and other disease causing
vectors and production of foul smells , reduction in water percolation and normal agricultural soils
aeration thus causing reduced productivity in such lands.14

India Youth For Society,“A Project Proposal on Plastic Waste Handling & Recycling Project for Protection of Local
RajKumar.P,”A study on plastic waste and environmental degradation,ABC Journal of advanced Research,Vol
4,No.1,pp 9-15
(i) Land Pollution
In human occupational and residential environment, plastic products are present in large
volume. Pollution by plastics and plastic products can damage and contaminate the terrestrial
environment and can be subsequently transferred to the aquatic environment. There is a shortage of
data on the volume of plastic wastes on land in comparison to the voluminous data which exist on
plastic debris in marine habitat, despite the fact that about 80% of plastic waste present at sea
originates from land-related sources. Dumping of plastics on land or landfilling plastics leads to
abiotic and biotic degradation of the plastics, where plastic additives (e.g. stabilizers, harmful
colorant moieties, plasticizers and heavy metals) can leach and eventually percolate into various
aspects of the environment, thereby causing soil and water contamination. Reports have shown that
microplastics as well as synthetic polymer fibres are still detectable five years after they have been
applied to sewage sludge and soils. Chlorinated plastics are capable of leaching out toxic chemicals
into the soil and subsequently seep into the underground water or surrounding aquatic system thereby
polluting the ecosystem. Methane, a dangerous greenhouse gas, which significantly contributes to
global warming is released during microbial biodegradation of plastics .15

(ii) Water Pollution

There are now 5.25 trillion macro and micro pieces of plastic in our ocean & 46,000 pieces in
every square mile of ocean, weighing up to 269,000 tonnes. Every day around 8 million pieces
of plastic makes their way into our oceans [2020-2021]. Typically, plastics in the oceans can degrade
within a year but not completely. During this plastic degradation process, toxic chemicals like
polystyrene and BPA can be released into the water causing water pollution. Wastes found in the
oceans are made up of approximately 80% plastics. Plastic debris which is floating on the ocean can
be rapidly colonized by sea organisms and due to persistence on the ocean surface for a long period
of time; this may aid the movement of 'alien' or non-native species. Within the marine ecosystem,
plastics have been reported to concentrate contaminants present in the seawater from different other
sources. More than 260 species of marine organisms such as turtles, invertebrates, seabirds, fish and
mammals ingested or are entangled in or with plastic debris, leading to reduced movement, feeding,
reproductive output, ulcers, lacerations and eventual death.16

Supra 14
(iii) Air Pollution
Carbon dioxide and methane are released into the air when plastic wastes which were land
filled finally decompose. CO2 is also released into the atmosphere during the burning of plastics and
plastic products, and this CO2 is capable of trapping radiant heat and hinder it from escaping from
the earth causing global warming. Air pollution is one of the major environmental threats to public
health, and it is responsible for more than 6 million deaths associated with environmental pollution.
Open burning of plastics and plastic products releases pollutants such as heavy metals, dioxins, PCBs
and furans which when inhaled can cause health risks especially respiratory disorders. The role of
plastics in air pollution in the developing and poor countries of the world cannot be overemphasized,
and the impact on the future generations may be massive.

2.6.2 Effects of Plastic Wastes on Animals

Food supplies for human consumption can be adversely affected if animals are poisoned by
toxic constituents from wastes of plastics and plastic products. Indeed, reports of threat to survival of
large marine mammals have been documented due to large amount of plastic wastes entering the
world oceans.

Animals are exposed to plastic wastes majorly through ingestion and entanglement; however,
ingestion is more frequent than entanglement. Most animals in the oceans mistaking plastic wastes
dumped in the ocean for food, thereby ingesting them. Furthermore, entanglement in plastic products
like nets can cause harm, damage and even death in marine animals. Reports have shown that more
than 260 different species of vertebrate and invertebrate animals ingest plastics or are entangled by
plastic or plastic products, with more than 400,000 deaths of marine mammals. Marine pollution by
plastic wastes majorly affects sea turtles and other species whose main food are jelly fishes because
they often confuse discarded plastic bags for jelly fish. A similar situation is common in sea birds
which can confuse microplastics for cuttlefish or with fishes, which can mistake plastic wastes for
their natural prey. Ingestion of plastic wastes is capable of causing obstruction and physical damage
to bird's digestive system, reduce the digestive ability of the system leading to starvation,
malnutrition and eventually, death.17

Gregory, M R. 2009. ‘Environmental Implications of Plastic Debris in Marine Settings: Entanglement, Ingestion,
Smothering, Hangers-on, Hitch-hiking and Alien Invasions’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B:
Biological Sciences, 364: 2013–25.
2.6.3 Public Health Effects of Plastic Wastes
It is generally believed that plastic polymers are lethargic and of little concern to public
health, however, different types of additives and the residual monomers possibly retained from these
polymers are responsible for the suspected health risks. Most of the additives present in plastics are
potential carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. Ingestion, skin contact and inhalation are the main
routes of exposure of humans to these additives. Dermatitis has been reported from skin contact with
some of the additives present in plastics. Microplastics are major contaminants that can bio
accumulate in the food chain after ingestion by a wide range of freshwater and marine lives leading
to a public health risk . Human consumption of animals exposed to microplastics and plastic
additives can be detrimental. Biomonitoring studies on human tissues have shown that plastic
constituents persist in human population through the measurement of environmental contaminants.

2.7 Initiatives by the government for managing waste including plastics.

(i) Suchitwa mission

Suchitwa mission is the Technical Support Group (TSG) in waste management sector under
the Local Self Government Department, Government of Kerala. It is responsible for providing
technical and managerial support to the Local Self Government of the state. Also responsible for
conceptualizing, action planning, conducting creative workshops, organizing training programmes,
initiating sector related studies, bringing out occasional papers, initiating action research, conducting
monitoring and such other activities in Waste Management Sector. The mission is also the Nodal
agency for implementing Swachh Bharat Mission (urban), Swachh Bharat Mission(Rural) and
communication and capacity Development unit (CCDU) in the State.18

(ii) Haritha Kerala Mission

Kerala, the southern tip of the Indian Peninsula has been immensely blessed by Nature, with
it’s rich and varied flora and fauna, lush green forests, enthralling waterfalls, mighty mountains,
virgin beaches and breathtaking backwaters. The expanse of greenery and abundance of water bodies
stand as the hallmark of this land. This geographical region has etched indelible impression in the
Global tourism map. With its mesmerizing beauty which has invoked the United Nations to
demarcate it as among the most significant places in the realm of tourism. Paradoxically, this same
region is now reeling under the grip of precarious climate change dynamics. The onslaught of
consumerism and the consequential changeover have put a lot of strain on our fragile ecosystem and
natural resources, resulting in imbalance equilibrium between Man and Nature. Depletion of water
resources, unscientific methods of solid waste management, air pollution, dumping garbage, plastics
and chemical effluence in the water bodies, loss of grass cover, abuse of agricultural land and
deforestation are some of the threats the State is confronting with. With a far-sighted vision to bestow
an eco-friendly land with its greenery and serenity to the posterity, the Government of Kerala has
envisioned a people-centric endeavour named Mission Haritha Keralam, a mission under the
umbrella mission named Nava Kerala Mission.

Mission Haritha Kerala aims to promote eco-friendly environment sustainable development

of natural resources, effective solid waste management, rejuvenation of the water reserves, sanitation
and social hygiene, promotion of organic cultivation, zero pesticide food products, healthy foods,
propagation of herbicides and Organic farming, protection of biodiversity and so on. Environmental
sustainability is framed with a biocentric approach which places humans within the greater context of
their natural environment.19

Haritha Keralam Mission is one among the few well designed and impactful programmes
under the overall development banner of the Government of Kerala. It encompasses three other
Missions, Hygienic waste management for effective waste disposal, JalaSamirdhi for water
conservation, Sujalam Suphalam for agricultural development, implemented through Local Self-
Government bodies in a people-centric mode under the Water Resources, Local – Self Government
and the Agricultural Departments respectively.

Activities to ensure hygienic, cleaner and healthier surroundings, better sanitation, waste
disposal at the source of generation, promotion of organic farming, prevention of dumping garbage in
the water bodies zero pesticide cultivation, pure and pollution free water bodies, are all on the move
for the cause of greener and cleaner Kerala under the stewardship of Hygienic Waste Management
and Agricultural Development Karmasenas. In addition, promotion of biogas plants, decentralized
waste disposal management on Thumboormoozhy model, dispensing plastic and e-waste on Block
level basis and effective disposal of hospital waste are some of the waste disposal methods
envisioned by the Hygiene Waste Management Sub Mission. Moreover, centralized waste disposal
management with modern technologies will be implemented in the urban cities of Trivandrum, Kochi
and Kozhikode.

The challenges which may crop up in the implementation of projects under the Missions can be
surmounted with the active coordination of various government departments by the local bodies. The
local bodies have to play a vital role in ensuring public participation along with coordinating the
Government departments. People’s Forums, voluntary organizations, political parties, technical
experts, socio-cultural activists, philanthropic organizations, youth wings and all other discerning
groups have to join hands for the preservation and conservation of our soil, air and greenery. This
mission with emphasis on people-centric approach to take environmental issues is certain to restore
and revive our Air, Soil and Water and to facilitate an eco-friendly world, which we wish to live in
and to leave it for the future generations, in all its purity and goodness.20

Supra 19

: Chief Minister
Co- : Ministers of Local Self Govt., Agriculture and Water Resources
Deputy : MLA’s/Former Ministers/Former MLA’s/Former MP/Minister for Social Welfare
Advisor : A senior-level scientist
Special Invitee : Opposition Leader
Members : MLAs, A Planning Board Member nominated by the Planning Board Vice Chairman,
Principal Secretary of Health, Agriculture, Water Resources, Tourism, Education
Departments, Chief Executives of the three Task Forces.
Mission : Additional Chief Secretary Planning Dept

2.7 Methods through with plastic waste is managed by the government

Plastic waste management refers to managing the plastic waste generated and processing it to
make it reusable. Managing plastic waste is a challenging task. It involves the conversion of
thermoplastics into desired products and recycling or reusing the thermosetting plastic. Plastic waste
management techniques are required for proper management of plastic waste in a way which is
environment friendly and may help in the proper utilisation of plastic material. The solution to tackle
this problem lies in following 3R and green protocol.21

(i) 3R Method :
The three R's – reduce, reuse and recycle – all help to cut down on the amount of waste we
throw away. They conserve natural resources, landfill space and energy. Plus, the three R's save land
and money communities must use to dispose of waste in landfills. Setting a new landfill has become
difficult and more expensive due to environmental regulations and public opposition.

Gupta, S., Mohan, K., Prasad, R., Gupta, S., and Kansal, A., Solid waste management in India: Options and
opportunities. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 1998, 137–154

The best way to manage waste is to not produce it. This can be done by shopping carefully and
being aware of a few guidelines:
 Buy products in bulk. Larger, economy-size products or ones in concentrated form use
less packaging and usually cost less per ounce.
 Avoid over-packaged goods, especially ones packed with several materials such as foil,
paper, and plastic. They are difficult to recycle, plus you pay more for the package.
 Avoid disposable goods, such as paper plates, cups, napkins, razors, and lighters.
Throwaways contribute to the problem, and cost more because they must be replaced
again and again.
 Buy durable goods – ones that are well-built or that carry good warranties. They will last
longer, save money in the long run and save landfill space.
 At work, make two-sided copies whenever possible.
 Maintain central files rather than using several files for individuals.
 Use electronic mail or main bulletin board.
 Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins.
 Use a dish cloth instead of paper towels.


It makes economic and environmental sense to reuse products. Sometimes it takes creativity:
 Reuse products for the same purpose. Save paper and plastic bags, and repair broken
appliances, furniture and toys.
 Reuse products in different ways. Use a coffee can to pack a lunch; use plastic
microwave dinner trays as picnic dishes.
 Sell old clothes, appliances, toys, and furniture in garage sales or ads, or donate them to
 Use resalable containers rather than plastic wrap.
 Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of paper cups.
 Reuse grocery bags or bring your own cloth bags to the store. Do not take a bag from the
store unless you need one.


Recycling is a series of steps that takes a used material and processes, remanufactures, and sells it
as a new product. Begin recycling at home and at work:
 Buy products made from recycled material. Look for the recycling symbol or ask store
managers or salesmen. The recycling symbol means one of two things – either the
product is made of recycled material, or the item can be recycled. For instance, many
plastic containers have a recycling symbol with a numbered code the identifies what type
of plastic resin it is made from. However, just because the container has this code does
not mean it can be easily recycled locally.
 Check collection centres and curb side pickup services to see what they accept, and
begin collecting those materials. These can include metal cans, newspapers, paper
products, glass, plastics and oil.
 Consider purchasing recycled materials at work when purchasing material for office
supply, office equipment or manufacturing.
 Speak to store managers and ask for products and packaging that help cut down on
waste, such as recycled products and products that are not over packaged.
 Buy products made from material that is collected for recycling in your community.
 Use recycled paper for letterhead, copier paper and newsletters.22

Mismanagement of plastic waste may pose serious environmental hazards such as it spoils
beauty of the city and choke drains if littered, may cause air pollution when burnt with garbage
containing plastics, interferes in waste processing facilities when garbage is mixed with plastics.

(ii) Green Protocol :

The methods adopted for eliminating waste generation mitigation of waste, grading of waste
and its scientific way of disposal are known as Green Protocol. The focal point is that the individuals
and society at large can contribute their mite in waste management in umpteen ways. If conscientious

Supra 13
efforts are taken to minimize waste generation with a civic sense, gradually it becomes our second
habit and ultimately results in decreased waste production. Waste can be sorted out and graded into
different levels. Those which could be recycled and those which could be turned into compost could
be separated and processed scientifically. Avoiding excessive use of consumables and ensuring zero
residuals are another way which will go a long way in mitigating waste generation. The green
protocol can be applied in our personal life, family, office, public functions, weddings, meetings and
conferences, festivals and in all walks of life. What is important is to install the Green Protocol as a
habit and custom.
Green Protocol envisions to dispense with the use of disposable materials and to opt for
reusable materials as a part of mitigating waste generation so that the degradable residues can be
converted either into compost manure or as biogas. It also ensures the elimination of health hazards
created by the way of burning plastic and such non-degradable solid waste and also throwing of
garbage in public places. Such practices of Green Protocol in festivals grounds, meetings and public
conferences, wedding ceremonies, where people assemble in large number, will ensure the reduction
of waste materials to a larger extent.23

Green Protocol implementation Guideline

• Mitigating the quantity of waste.

• Grading of waste at the source of generation.
• Use of recyclable materials to the possible extent.
• Optimize the use of reusable materials
• Eliminating all disposable materials from day to day life.
• Disposable materials shall be substituted with eco-friendly materials like stainless steel, glass,
ceramic vessels, cloth bags and so on, which can be reused by washing.
• Banned plastic materials shall be avoided completely and Government norms in this regard shall be
followed strictly.
• Sorting of biowaste and non-degradable wastes and they shall be processed.
• Converting the biowaste as compost manure or as biogas by erecting biogas plants.
• Non-degradable materials like plastics shall be separated, washed, dried up and cleaned for
recycling. Such materials shall be given either to scrap vendors or to the local bodies for processing.
• E-wastes shall be kept in separate storage containers and be given to authorized scrap vendors,
clean Kerala Company or to the local bodies at right intervals.

Supra 18
• Use and throw covers shall be avoided. Eco-friendly bags made of cloth, jute, paper or coir shall be
used for purchases. Purchases shall be made in bulk as far as possible.
• Washable containers which can be reused shall be kept ready while purchasing food items from the
• The habit of throwing garbage at public places shall be stopped forthwith. The waste shall be sorted
out and be given to these authorized vendors or institutions for recycling.
• Flex banners shall be substituted with cloths. Eco-friendly materials shall be used for decorations.
• Consume as per demand – avoid wastage.24

Haritha karma sena is responsible for the implementation and execution of green protocol
,these people are selected under the guideline of suchitwa mission.

(iii) Haritha Karma Sena and its working model

Haritha Karma sena is a professional team consisting of Green Technicians and Green
Supervisors mainly Kudumbashree Women who will be assigned with the responsibility of
collection, transportation, processing, recycling / disposal, and management of waste materials in
association with respective LSGs. Haritha Karma Sena mainly focus on the collection and
management of non bio degradable wastes.

Haritha Karma sena is a collaborative project in which Kudumbashree, Haritha Kerala

Mission, Suchitwa Mission, Pollution Control Board, Clean Kerala Company will assist each LSGI
in making effective waste management facilities of their own. Haritha Karma Sena selection is done
by LSGI and Haritha Kerala Mission. Selection is done in a way that each member will get minimum
250 households for non bio degradable waste collection. Kudumbashree members have highest
priority for this selection and each Haritha Karma Sena members is getting 3 days training on waste

collection, segregation and various management activities. Kerala Institute of Local Administration
(KILA) is providing fund for the initial level training of Haritha Karma Sena. Kudumbashree gave a
proposal to KILA and they sanctioned 3.6 Crore rupees for the training of 22500 Haritha Karma Sena
members. Haritha Kerala Mission has the responsibility of overall coordination, Suchitwa mission is
providing fund assistance and technical support, Kudumbashree is providing manpower and
assistance to enterprise formation. Clean Kerala Company is assisting to discharge non bio
degradable wastes from Material Collection Facility (MCF), they are responsible for the
transportation of non bio degradable waste;; collected and segregated by the Haritha Karma Sena
from MCF to Resource Recovery Facility(RRF). They will shred plastic waste and sell it to various
agencies for road tarring process. LSGI has the responsibility to make MCF and RRF by receiving
the technical support of Clean Kerala Company. Haritha Karma Sena members collect segregated
clean waste from houses and shops and they keep them at MCF after final level segregation. Clean
Kerala Company or similar institutions take this waste to RRF and manage it properly with the
assistance of LSGI. Waste plastics are shredded using plastic shredding machine kept at block or
panchayath level RRF by Clean Kerala Company. These shredded plastics are now using for road
tarring purpose. Clean Kerala Company sell them to PWD and similar institutions and acquire their
profit. Thus the process completes.25 Haritha Karma Sena is getting user fee from home and shops
along with a 6 months viability gap fund from government. Haritha Sahaya Sthapanam, accredited
agencies of Haritha Kerala Mission is providing technical support for Haritha Karma Sena in cluster
level with the assistance from LSGI. Currently availability of MCF, RRF and Haritha Sahaya
Sthapanam are limited; it is one of the hindrances for the execution of this project. For the proper
functioning of this project, collected waste must move regularly. It need better monitoring of the
process through LSGI and all challenges should be cleared in a time bound manner.
Haritha Karma Sena Enterprise will consist of 4 to 10 members from nearby wards of an LSGI. In
LSGI level, focus is on consortiums of these kinds of enterprises to ensure the rights of each Haritha
Karma Sena member and for the overall coordination of enterprise activities. Consortium and
Enterprise must have president, secretary and Treasurer in its executive committee. Assembly of
Consortium will consist of all Haritha Karma Sena members and its executive committee will
consists of 5 to 15 members (Either President or Secretary of all Enterprises) from Haritha Karma
Sena Enterprises of that LSGI. This committee have the right to take decisions in coordination with
LSGI. Corpus fund and user fee determination, its effective utilization, administrative and

entrepreneurial decision making are the basic responsibilities of this committee. Kudumbashree will
provide registration and fund assistance to these enterprises after evaluating their proposals

Some of the challenges in Haritha Karma Sena project are,

• Lack of coordination with stake holders

• MCF, RRF unavailability
• User fee and VGF constraints
• Lack of awareness in people about the program
• Attitude of people in handling wastes.
• Unavailability of eco friendly version of Non bio degradable products
• Clash between centralised and non centralised
waste management programmes
• Delay in decision making from related authorities
• Clarity less orders and proceedings
• Unavailability of monitoring tools
• Lack of sustainability in user fee collection.
Haritha Karma Sena project has lots of challenges to consider, it will need different schemes for
different locations. 26

2.8 Clean Kerala Company

Clean Kerala Company Limited, formed under the Local Self Government Department,
Government of Kerala, is being coined with the objective of ensuring hygiene management of the
state through the adoption of innovative and scientific methods and proven technology, adhering to
the concept of active participation of the public and private sectors. The company aims to ensure
comprehensive management of all harmful rejections in the state, thereby ensuring that the hygiene
of the state is never compromised. The company has taken concrete steps in ensuring comprehensive
management of harmful rejections in the state in all walks of life. The company has been successful
in implementing various projects for the management of harmful rejections emanating from the state

and for the enhancement of the beauty of the pathways of the urban localities in the state. The
company processes or disposes the plastic wastes collected by harithakarma sena.27

2.8.1 Plastic Waste Management and Disposal Technologies used by Clean Kerala

The different plastic waste disposal technologies used by clean kerala company are:

(i) Recycling

Plastic recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material
into useful products. Broadly, there are two major ways to recycle plastic: (1) mechanical recycling
("chop and wash"), where the plastic is washed, ground into powders and melted, and (2) chemical
recycling, where the plastic is broken down into monomers.

Before recycling, most plastics are sorted according to their resin type. In the past, plastic
reclaimers used the resin identification code (RIC), a method of categorization of polymer types,
which was developed by the Society of the Plastics Industry in 1988.. Most plastic reclaimers do not
rely on the RIC now; they use various sorting systems to identify the resin, ranging from manual
sorting and picking of plastic materials to automated mechanical processes that involve shredding,
sieving, separation by density, air, liquid, or magnetic, and complex spectrophotometric distribution
technologies e.g. UV/VIS, NIR, laser, etc. Some plastic products are also separated by color before
they are recycled.

After sorting, for mechanical recycling the plastic recyclables are then shredded. These shredded
fragments then undergo processes to eliminate impurities like paper labels. This material is melted
and often extruded into the form of pellets which are then used to manufacture other products.28

(ii) Landfilling

In this technique, waste is left for decomposition in ground pits, but the space for constructing
landfills is getting limited day by day. Landfill site which is properly managed has the advantage of

Banerjee, T. and Srivastava, R.K. , Plastics waste management and resource recovery in India.,International Journal of
Environment and Waste Management,2009
restricted environmental harm rather than the impacts of collection and transportation, but at the same
time, the long-term dangers of groundwater and soil contamination cannot be ignored.

Apart from taking large area of land it also generate odour, bio-aerosols, visual disturbance
and lead to the release of hazardous chemicals through the leach ate which is the liquid that drains or
‘leaches’ from a landfill sites. Emission of greenhouse gas through landfill is due to organic
breakdown of disposal of biodegradable including bio plastic waste. Landfilling is not considered a
sustainable waste management solution.29

(iii) Incineration

Incineration is a significant method that avoids the problem of landfilling space problems. In
this method, thermal waste treatment procedure takes place where raw or unprocessed plastics waste
can be utilized as feedstock. Plastic waste is combusted in different temperature according to the type
of plastic and in this period plastic waste modified to carbon dioxide, water and non-combustible
materials alongside solid residue state leaves incinerator bottom ash (IBA) that always has contain a
small amount of carbon residual . IBA can be safely used as an aggregate in construction as it
contains dioxin levels similar to those found in soils. International Journal of Environment in
‘Comparative study of municipal solid waste treatment technologies using life cycle assessment
method’ stated that incineration as one of the competent strategies to resolve waste association
problems and its ability to generate heat and energy from the plastic waste. However, considering
incineration of plastic waste is solely depending on whether or not energy is recovered along with
other aspects such as quality of fuel and efficiency of energy which varies considerably depending on
whether incineration plant delivers electricity, heat or both along with the used technology, for
instance, higher efficiencies can be achieved in fuel gas condensation method.30

(iv) Utilization of Plastic Waste in Road Construction

Plastic waste is collected and segregated (except chlorinated/brominated plastic waste) from mixed
MSW. The segregated plastic waste is stored and should be transported to the location working site
for drying. The dried plastic waste is shredded to 2-4 mm size and added to heated stone aggregate
followed by mixing. Further, the coated aggregate is mixed with hot bitumen, which is used for
laying and compaction. The use of plastic waste in road construction shall follow the IRC: SP:98-

Baum, B. and Parker, C.H.,Solid Waste Disposal, Incineration and Landfill, Science Publishers Inc., (1974), vol.1
Supra 10
2013, titled as “Guidelines for the use of waste plastic in hot bituminous mix (dry mixing) in wearing
courses”. Presently, several roads have been constructed by using plastic waste with bitumen in many
of the States/UTs, such as: Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Nagaland, West Bengal, Pondicherry etc.
A process flow diagram for construction of polymer-bitumen road.31

Salient Features of Polymer-Bitumen Road: -

 Stronger road with increased Marshal Stability Value.

 Better resistance towards rain water and water stagnation.
 No stripping and no potholes.
 Increased binding and better bonding of the mix.
 Reduction in pores in aggregate and hence less rutting and raveling.
 For 1km x 3.75m road, 1 ton of plastic is used, which leads to saving of 1 ton of bitumen.
 Cost of road construction is decreased due to saving of bitumen.
 Value addition to the waste plastics.

iv (a) Benefits to the General Public :

 The type of Plastic waste used for road construction are Carry bag, plastic less than 50
microns, Multi-Layer Plastic, thermocole and other packaging materials which has zero value
or less value in the market
 These plastics are not recyclable: If not safely disposed naturally these will be littered in
dumps or streets or people resort to open burning
 The general public get the opportunity to safe dispose the plastic waste which cannot be used
better by other means.
 By safe disposal, the environment is protected.

iv (b) Benefits to the Local Self Government Institutions :

 The Collection, storage, segregation and shredding the zero value plastic and selling for road
works prevents forming new dumps in the LSGI and no open burning.

Consolidated guidelines for the collection , segregation and disposal of Plastic waste, Central Pollution Control Board
 The LSGI contribute to protect the environment
 By sale of the shredded plastic LSGI gets back revenue from the zero value plastic.
 As of now ,the total sale proceeds of the shredded plastic is Rs 1.26 Cr of which 85% given to
LSGls where it is produced.

iv (c)Benefits to Government :

 Durability of Road increases: Prevention of rain water percolation and forming potholes
 8% Bitumen replaced by shredded plastic, Cost savings in Road Construction
 Prevents environmental degradation.

(v) Co-processing of Plastic Waste in Cement Kilns: -

Co-processing refers to the use of waste materials in industrial processes as alternative fuels
and raw material (AFR) to recover energy and material from them. Due to the high temperature and
long residence time in cement kiln, all types of wastes can be effectively disposed without any
harmful emissions. As per the Basal Convention, variety of wastes including hazardous wastes, get
disposed in an environmentally safe and sound manner through the technology of co-processing in
cement kiln. In cement plants, plastic waste is used as Alternate Fuel and Raw-material (AFR),
subjected to higher temperature around 1400ºC-1500ºC. During the process, energy is recovered
while burning of plastic waste and its inorganic content get fixed with clinker. It requires an
automatic feeding mechanism for feeding plastic waste to cement kilns. This technology is used
successfully in some of the States where, cement plants (have facility for co-processing of waste) are
present, such as: Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
Odisha etc.32

vi Conversion of Plastic Waste into Fuel-oil: Refused-derived Fuel (RDF):

For converting plastic waste into fuel-oil (RDF), plastic waste is collected and segregated.
The segregated plastic waste is then fed into multi fractionalization, where the unwanted material is
rejected for better handling & processing. The segregated plastic waste (only HD, LD, PP and
multilayer packaging except PVC) is then fed into in-vessel for depolymerisation system. The
Catalytic Gasolysis in-vessel is designed to handle polymers. The selection of catalyst depends on the
type of raw material used. The reactor operates at high temperature and in absence on Air. At high
temperature, the polymers are Gasolysied to small chain hydro carbon linkage. The vapors produced
are condensed in the Condensers and collected as crude oil. There are three types of condensing takes
place where first cut gives fuel oil (FO), second cut gives light diesel oil (LDO) and third constitutes
of highest grade diesel oil. The total percentage of this is generally at 40% to 50% of input depending

Guidelines for Co-processing of Plastic Waste in Cement Kilns, Central Pollution Control Board
on the input quality of plastics and contaminations. The non-condensable remains are then passed
through scrubber for removal of gases like Chlorine, Gas-Fuel etc. This Gas-Fuel is used in process
for heating.33

Vii Disposal of plastic waste through Plasma Pyrolysis Technology (PPT): -

Plasma pyrolysis technology is the disintegration of organic/inorganic compounds into gases

and non- leachable solid residues in an oxygen-starved environment. Plasma pyrolysis utilizes large
fraction of electrons, ions and excited molecules together with the high energy radiation for
decomposing chemicals. In this process the fourth state of matter i.e. plasmas (core temperature is
around 20,000°K) is used for dissociating molecular bonds. Different types of plastic waste such as
polyethylene bags, soiled plastic, metalized plastic, multi-layer plastic and PVC plastic can be
disposed through PPT. In Plasma Pyrolysis, firstly the plastics waste is fed into the primary chamber
at 850oC through a feeder. The waste material dissociates into carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane,
higher hydrocarbons etc. Induced draft fan drains the pyrolysis gases as well as plastics waste into the
secondary chamber where these gases are combusted in the presence of excess air. The inflammable
gases are ignited with high voltage spark. The secondary chamber temperature is maintained at
1050oC. The hydrocarbon, CO and hydrogen are combusted into safe carbon dioxide and water. The
process conditions are maintained such that it eliminates the possibility of formation of toxic dioxins
and furans molecules (in case of chlorinated waste). This process is used by few Municipalities and

Guidelines on Usage of Refuse Derived Fuel in Various Industries, Central Public Health and Environmental
Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
hospitals; however, this can be useful for tourist place, hill stations, pilgrimage, coasts and other
remote places. 34

viii Gasification

Gasification of plastic waste has recently gained increased attention as thermo-chemical

recycling technique. This process involves partial oxidation of plastic waste at high temperature. The
main advantage of this process is the use of air as a gasification agent instead of oxygen alone. This
makes gasification a simple technique with reduced operational costs. In this process, hydrocarbon-
based materials are oxidized in controlled conditions to produce a gaseous mixture containing carbon
monoxide and hydrogen with minor quantities of hydrocarbons. This mixture is known as ‘syngas’
and may be used as a substitute for natural gas. It can be used for heating, lighting, and power

2.9 Plastics in the time of COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has reemphasized the indispensable role of plastics in our daily
life. Plastics in terms of personal protective equipment (PPEs) and other single-use medical
equipment along with packaging solutions owing to their inherent properties have emerged as a life-
savoir for protecting the health and safety of the frontline health workers and the common citizens
during the pandemic. However, plastics have been deemed as evil polluter due to their indiscriminate
littering and mismanagement amid increased plastic usage and waste generation during this
unprecedented crisis. In addition to the imposition of nationwide lockdown, social distancing,

34 27
Al-Salem, S.M., Antelava, A., Constantinou, A., Manos, G., Dutta, A., . A review on thermal and catalytic pyrolysis
of plastic solid waste (PSW). Journal of Environmental Management 2017, 177-198.
restriction on travelling and public gathering, frequent usage of hand sanitizers along with wearing of
mostly plastic-based personal protective equipment (PPEs), viz. face masks, gloves for common
citizens to protective medical suits, aprons, gowns, face shields, surgical masks, and other PPEs for
frontline health workers as precautionary measures have been adopted to avoid virus contamination
to fight the spread of COVID-19 .

Increased use and demand of single-use-plastics

The increased waste production related to PPE soon became accompanied by the increased
use and disposal of other single-used-plastics (SUP). For instance, demand on plastics is expected to
increase by 40% in packaging and 17% in other applications, including medical uses . Safety
concerns related to shopping in supermarkets during COVID-19 led to a preference of consumers and
providers for fresh-food packaged in plastic containers (to avoid food contamination and to extend
shelf-life), and for the use of single-use food packaging and plastic bags to carry groceries. In order
to address customers concerns and assure their safety, supermarkets implemented additional health
safety measures such as social distance, cleanliness, hygiene, and, in some cases, by providing home
delivery and/or a pick-up service. Taking advantage of these preferences, plastic industry lobbyists
have raised doubts with governmental leaders concerning food safety, hygiene and cross-
contamination when using reusable containers and bags during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although
lobbyists from the plastics industry have capitalised on these concerns before recent concerns over
COVID-19 safety have then resulted in a reversal of policies to ban or reduce SUP and fee payments
in some jurisdictions. Viable SARS-CoV-2 virus persists longer on plastic surfaces than other
materials, such as cardboard ,thus it could be argued that rescinding SUP bans could be premature, as
many consumers have already adjusted to using non-plastic alternatives following the
implementation of these policies these policies in many jurisdictions worldwide . The end-of-life
waste management for many SUP during COVID-19 is likely as mixed municipal solid waste, as
recycling streams are being restricted worldwide. Thus, as COVID-19 disease continues to spread
across the world, the indiscriminate use and incorrect disposal of medical and plastic waste by
billions of citizens (most of them with low biodegradation rates in open environments) is rapidly
becoming a global and emerging issue.36

WHO, World Health Organization Director-General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11
March. 2020 detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-briefing- on-
Plastic waste during and after pandemic scenarios: Challenges and recommendations

Numerous international agreements on plastics and plastic pollution have been established to
address and reduce their impact on global economies, societies and natural environments. However,
the COVID-19 pandemic has clearly outgrown the perceived threat of plastic pollution, leading to a
sudden shift in the hierarchisation of values, i.e., where health is considered as a value in spite of
environmental care, which shows a clear decrease in its perceived importance [76]. The withdrawal in
several national and state-wide agreements that set environmental sustainability as the stepping-
stone, followed by change in waste production and management to ensure health needs. A long-term
shift in such value hierarchisation will likely cause “damage” to already considerably high
environmental threats, compromising the Earth’s supporting ecosystems and future generations to
meet their own needs. Thus, it is imperative to re-think the undertaken measures during COVID-19 to
minimise the negative consequences in a future outbreak scenario. Some strategies to better manage
medical and plastic waste may include:

 Improvement of municipal waste-management

During epidemic and pandemic events, it is of utmost importance to gather reliable information
about quantity and type of waste (i.e., accurate characterisation data), and how much material can be
reused or recycled (stimulated by proper decontamination) to then determine what indeed goes for
incineration or landfill. It is also crucial to determine valid goals, such as complying with regulations
and follow the hierarchy of waste management (reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover) to conserve
resources . Waste management is especially important during the pandemic due to the increased risk
of pathogen transmission and increased domestic waste production. Likewise, it should be mandatory
and reinforced the use of PPE for workers related to waste management. Therefore, municipalities
responsible for waste collection and treatment should create guidelines and procedures to apply
during pandemics regarding waste reduction recommendations, protective measures, collection
frequency, and end-of-life.
 Disinfection of medical wastes and PPE allowing for safe recycling
During pandemic events, all medical waste and PPE should be carefully monitored by
specialised personnel to guarantee health safety. Disinfection technology, including UV, ozone or
bioengineering approaches, can offer a sustainable strategy to treat waste and wastewaters .
Alongside, decontamination of PPE, including face shields, surgical masks and N95 respirators,
could be useful to maintain adequate supplies, and to promote its extended, reuse and recyclability
options. Moreover, recycling technologies of non-woven textiles, from which most PPE is made, is
still very limited due to the lack of technology and their composition (e.g. combination of materials
as composites) . The use of UV-C light, ozone gas, ionised hydrogen peroxide, and microwave- and
heat-based seem to be valid decontamination approaches to apply to PPE and N95 masks, improving
their reusability and reducing the production of waste .

 Implementation of a sustainable/rational use of personal protective equipment in

healthcare and non-healthcare facilities, particularly in pandemic hotspots areas
Several recommendations for optimising the available PPE have been proposed by WHO (Interim
guidance, 27 Feb. 2020), such as: the use of physical barriers on trials, registrations, general
attendance to reduce exposure to infectious viruses, such as a glass or plastic windows; the
stimulation of telemedicine (in case of healthcare facilities to evaluate suspected cases of infected
patients and to avoid overcrowded emergency rooms), telemarketing and online/tele-shopping;
mandatory PPE for front-line workers involved in the direct care of infected patients, or involved in
the management of infected medical wastes .It is also important to choose PPE of high quality (i.e.,
with high potential for disinfection and reuse purposes). This rational use and reuse of materials
could lead to reductions in the production of medical waste, also lifting pressure on the
overwhelming of medical waste treatment facilities.

 Implementation of sustainable safety measures to guarantee the delivery goods and

ensure services provisioning
Reusable grocery bags (preferable plastic or fabric) should be encouraged but highlighting the
need for implementing mitigation strategies to ensure the complete elimination of the pathogenic
agent. Such mitigations strategies could involve proper hand hygiene and decontamination bath of
the reusable bags (i.e., soaked in liquid soap and water temperature > 40 °C). Online shopping with
food delivery or drive-through windows could also be implemented. Home-delivery should, however,
be delivered in paper bags or cardboard boxes, and service workers should be wearing protective
equipment, and frequently sanitising their hands.

 Create synergisms between academia and government to increase public awareness

(including stakeholders) towards a sustainable production, use and disposal of plastics
It is imperative to rethink our attitudes towards plastic usage, by promoting sustainable
behaviours, breaking old habits and adopting new ones. To achieve this, it is important to stimulate
scientific research and solutions for an effective communicative strategy as decision-makers struggle
to find relevant communication channels and tonalities to increase environmental awareness of the
public and persuade people to change their lifestyle, consumption patterns and behaviour. In addition,
knowledge communication forums using science communication and citizen science through public
participatory approaches should be stimulated . Raising awareness over plastic waste and
contamination should not be interrupted nor reversed, as it required long-term efforts to results in
behavioural changes, which may be loss due to disruption or contradictory information.37

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the essentiality of plastic as a protector in the healthcare
sector and public health safety owing to its intrinsic properties. However, the general perception
about plastic as an evil polluter has been further strengthened due to its mismanagement and
underutilization of resource value considering the pandemic-induced surge in plastic usage and waste
generation. It is important to acknowledge that plastic could be a protector rather than a polluter if the
circular economy approaches are properly integrated.

Ana L. Patrício Silva, Joana C. Prata, Increased plastic pollution due to COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and


The protection of environment has been a top-priority for the entire world ever since
the Stockholm Environment Conference, in 1972. It was with great zeal that environment was
placed on a pedestal of priority, never before witnessed in human history. Initially, the focus
was relatively on the preservation of the water, air and land around us. However, over recent
years, concerns for some other areas too have gained traction. These include safe disposal of
Plastic waste and Bio-Medical waste.

The Environmental Protection Act, 1986 aims to establish a sufficient protection

system for the environment. It gives the power to the central government to regulate all forms
of waste and to tackle specific problems that may present themselves in different regions of
India. It is the primary legislation that must be considered and contains important provisions
concerning the Environment.38

The first government rule on Plastics waste in India was the Recycled Plastics
(Manufacture & Usage) Rules, 1999 . The intent of this regulation was to control the
packaging of food products in recycled plastics and to manage the severe littering problem.
There were three main specifications in the Rule:

 The use of recycled and virgin colored polybags for non-food applications was
allowed but discouraged for packaging food items.
 All carry bags of size less than 20 microns were banned.
 The guidelines for the recycling of plastics were made mandatory

As plastic bags constituted the main littering and waste problem, specific plastic bag
regulations in India were dictated by the Plastic Manufacture, Sale and Usage Rules,
1999 which was amended in 2003 . The main specifications under these rules are:

 Prohibition of the manufacture, stocking, distribution, or selling of carry bags

made of virgin or recycled plastic less than 20 x 30 centimeters in size and 20
microns in thickness.

Central Pollution Control Board, Overview of Plastic Waste Management
 Banning the use of recycled plastic bags and containers for storing, carrying,
dispensing or packaging of food items.
 Units manufacturing plastic bags are required to register with the respective
State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC)
before starting production.

In a further drive to regulate plastics waste, The Plastics (Manufacture, Usage

and Waste Management) Rules, 2009 were intended to supersede the Recycled Plastics
Usage and Manufacture Rules 1999. The rules are designed to regulate the use of plastics
in its various purposes. These rules stipulate that:

 Carry bags and containers made of virgin plastics shall be in natural shade (no
coloring agents used).
 The use of carry bags or containers made of recycled or biodegradable plastics
for storing, carrying, dispensing or packaging of food stuffs shall be prohibited.
 Carry bags and containers made of recycled or biodegradable plastics and used
for purposes other than storing and packaging food stuffs, shall be
manufactured using pigments, colorants as per the Bureau of Indian Standards'
specifications, entitled "List of pigments and colorants for use in plastics in
contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water";
 No person shall manufacture, stock, distribute or sell carry bags made of virgin
or recycled plastics or bio-degradable plastics, which are less than 12 x 18
inches (30 x 45 cm) in size and less than 40 microns in thickness.
 No person shall manufacture carry bags, containers, pouches or multilayered
packaging from biodegradable plastics unless these meet the Bureau of Indian
Standards' specifications, entitled "Specifications for Compostable Plastics".
 In any other instance than the packaging of food stuffs, no persons shall
manufacture, stock, distribute or sell non-recyclable laminated plastic or
metallic pouches, multilayered packaging and other non-recyclable plastics.
 Recycling of plastics are to be undertaken in accordance with the Bureau of
Indian Standards specifications: IS 1453: 1988, entitled “The Guidelines for
Recycling of Plastics.39

For addressing the problem of ever increasing proportions of plastic waste production and in
order to ensure that it gets managed properly and scientifically, the union government came
up with Plastic Waste Management Rules in 2011 under the Environment Protection Act of
1986. These rules replaced the earlier Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage Rules, 1999
that were amended in 2003. These rules remedied the problem of quality of carry bags by
providing floor standards for thickness and requiring the retailers to charge fee for each
plastic bag utilised by the customers. Salient features of the these rules include ban on
plastics in sachets for storing, packing or selling tobacco, pan masala and gutkha,40 no food to
be allowed in packets of recycled plastics or compostable plastics,41 specific BIS standards
for recycled carry bags,42 colour as per BIS prescription,43 uniform thickness of plastic carry
bags to be 40 microns and above. The framework created through these rules proposed
assignment of responsibilities for management of plastic waste on the urban local bodies
(ULBs).44Moreover, a monitoring committee called “State Level Advisory Body” was to set
up at state level to oversee the functioning of ULBs in this respect.45 The rules of 2011 were
succeeded by another set of rules known as the Plastic Waste Management Rules of 2016.

The Plastic Waste Management Rules of 2016 provide us with the sharpest measures
taken against plastic use in India. The most significant feature of these rules is that the plastic
manufacturers and retail establishments that use plastic as their main component are legally
bound to follow the system of collecting back the plastic waste which is known as ‘Extended
Producer Responsibility’. As there is no environment-friendly alternative available in the
market to plastic yet so the country needs to move towards adopting a regime to treat plastic
waste instead of making itself busy in talking about banning products or plastic altogether

The Energy and Resources Institute, Challenges and Opportunities: Plastic Waste Management in India,
(2018), available at

Rule 5(d), Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011
Rule 9(c), Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011
Rule 5(e), Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011
Rule 5(f), Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011
Rule 8, Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011
Rule 11, Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011
which is not feasibly possible right now in India. The Rules laid down by the government to
help the procedure to do that are as follows:

 Pre- Registration Fee collection: The Rules guide that there needs to be a fee, which
should be collected through the process of pre-registration of the producers, importers
of plastic carry bags and multilayered packaging and also vendors for selling the
plastic in the market, to help establishing a waste management system.
 Responsibility of Waste Generators, Extended Producer’s Liability and Collect
back system: There needs to be a waste collecting procedure followed by all the
producers, importers and brands who have introduced plastic carry bags, multilayered
plastic sachets, pouches or packings in the market within six months from the date of
publication of the notification of these Rules to collect the plastic waste back which is
generated by them.46 Individuals and bulk generators like commercial establishments,
offices, industries, event organizers have to segregate the plastic waste at source, hand
it over and also pay user fee as prescribed by ULB (Urban Local Bodies) spot fine in
case of any violation of rules. The concept of EPR is to fund the companies which can
come up with an idea to expertise in plastic waste management techniques. All these
companies which are selling products which are leading to plastic waste creation can
be asked to pay a certain amount of money based on the volume that they sell of those
kinds of products and that can be put in a pool of money where a company X, which
has an expertise in the waste management, come into picture and further helped by the
government in pooling such money leads to better waste management rather than
expecting other country or companies to manage their plastic waste management.

Utilising the Plastic Waste: The Rules advised in encouraging the plastic waste for
road and construction use or energy recovery or waste conversion to oil etc and to
come with new ideas and ways to profitably utilise the waste and further address
the problem of waste disposal in the country.
Prohibition: The Rules also ask to make a compulsory increase in the thickness of
carrying bags and plastic sheets from 40micron to 50 micron47. This will ultimately
help in reducing the plastic waste as there will be an increase in the price of the

Rule 8(3), Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
Rule 4(c), Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules,2016
plastic bags in the market and people will restrict themselves from buying and
selling these plastic bags because of their high prices.
Scope of Application: The Rules advise the local bodies and Gram panchayats to act
responsibly in implementing and coordinating a waste management system within
the villages and their people48.
Responsibility of retailers, street vendors, etc: The rules further levied some fine on
the retailers or street vendors who sell or give commodities in the plastic bags,
plastic sheets, multilayered packaging or the covers made of plastic which have not
been manufactured, marked or labelled according to these rules.
Reuse of plastic waste: The plastic waste generated should be managed and re-used
by using the different applications which will enhance the recycling process of the

As per the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016, there was categorical pricing levied on the
carry bags but this was deleted with the help of an amendment made earlier in the same year.
The centralised registration system was also issued through this amendment and also taken
under consideration the ease of doing business for producers, recyclers and manufacturers by
introducing an automatic mechanism for registration for the same.

3.1 What’s new in Plastic Waste Management Rules,2016

 Rural areas have been brought in ambit of these Rules since plastic has reached to
rural areas also. Responsibility for implementation of the rules is given to Gram
 First time, responsibility of waste generators is being introduced. Individual and bulk
generators like offices, commercial establishments, industries are to segregate the
plastic waste at source, handover segregated waste, pay user fee as per bye-laws of the
local bodies.
 Plastic products are left littered after the public events (marriage functions, religious
gatherings, public meetings etc) held in open spaces. First time, persons organising
such events have been made responsible for management of waste generated from
these events.

48 48
Rule 7, Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016
 Use of plastic sheet for packaging, wrapping the commodity except those plastic
sheet’s thickness, which will impair the functionality of the product are brought under
the ambit of these rules. A large number of commodities are being packed/wrapped in
to plastic sheets and thereafter such sheets are left for littered. Provisions have been
introduced to ensure their collection and channelization to authorised recycling
 Extended Producer Responsibility: Earlier, EPR was left to the discretion of the local
bodies. First time, the producers and brand owners have been made responsible for
collecting waste generated from their products.
 State Pollution Control Board (SPCBs) will not grant/renew registration of plastic
bags, or multi-layered packaging unless the producer proposes the action plan
endorsed by the concerned State Development Department.
 Producers to keep a record of their vendors to whom they have supplied raw materials
for manufacturing carry bags, plastic sheets, and multi-layered packaging. This is to
curb manufacturing of these products in unorganised sector.
 The entry points of plastic bags/plastic sheets/multi-layered packaging in to
commodity supply chain are primarily the retailers and street vendors. They have
been assigned the responsibility of not to provide the commodities in plastic
bags/plastic sheets/multi-layered packaging which do not conform to these rules.
Otherwise, they will have to pay the fine.
 Plastic carry bag will be available only with shopkeepers/street vendors pre-registered
with local bodies on payment of certain registration fee. The amount collected as
registration fee by local bodies is to be used for waste management.
 Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has been mandated to formulate the
guidelines for thermoset plastic (plastic difficult to recycle). In the earlier Rules, there
was no specific provision for such type of plastic.
 Manufacturing and use of non-recyclable multi-layered plastic to be phased in two
The 2016 rules were further amended in 2018. Three major changes inter alia have been
incorporated in these rules. Firstly, the rules notify that under Section 9(3), the term ‘non-
recyclable multilayered plastic’ has been substituted by ‘multilayered plastic which is non-
recyclable or non-energy recoverable or with no alternate use’. Secondly, Section 15 dealing
with the pricing of carry bags has been omitted. The rule earlier required vendors, who made
plastic bags available, to register with the respective urban local body and pay a fee of Rs.
48,000 annually. Thirdly, the new rules attempt to establish a centralized registration system by
mandating brand owners and producers operating in more than two states to register with the
CPCB. 49

3.2 Responsibilities of different authorities mentioned under the Rules

(i) Responsibilities of Local Authorities

 Ensure setting up an infrastructure for segregation, collection, storage, transportation,
processing and disposal of plastic waste. Such system should be developed along with the
infrastructure developed for collection, segregation, processing and disposal of Solid
Waste as per the provisions under Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016.

 As per Rule-9, local bodies should coordinate with State Urban Development and the
producers/ importers/brand owners to facilitate a mechanism for collection and
channelization of plastic waste.

 Engaging with civil societies or groups working with waste pickers in collection
segregation and channelization of Plastic Waste.

 Enforce a mechanism to stop open burning of plastic waste.

(ii) Responsibilities of State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)

 SPCBs/PCCs are required to interact with Concerned Municipalities and to provide
technical support to municipalities in setting-up of proper plastic waste management
system for segregation, collection, transportation, disposal of PW as per PWM Rules,
 SPCBs/PCCS can ask State Urban Development Department to constitute State Level
Advisory Body for implementation of PWM Rules, 2016.
 SPCBs/PCCS should constitute vigilance squad in collaboration with Concerned
Municipalities to check surprisingly thickness of carry bags (both manufacturing &
stocking), for not allowing <50 μm thickness carry bags.

Plastic Waste Management Rules of 2016
 SPCBS/PCCs can organize Mass-Awareness programmes in various districts
involving Municipalities & Stake-holders for not using less than fifty micron carry

(iii) Responsibilities of Prescribed Authorities

As per the provisions under Rule 12 of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, the
responsibility of various authorities is given below:

S. No Prescribed Authority Responsibilities

S. No Prescribed Authority Responsibilities
Enforcement of the provisions of PWM Rules,
State Pollution Control
2016, relating to registration, manufacture of
1 Board (SPCB)/ Pollution
plastic products and multilayered packaging,
Control Committee
processing and disposal of plastic wastes.
Enforcement of the provisions of PWM Rules,
2016, relating to waste management by waste
Secretary-in-Charge, Urban
2 generator, use of plastic carry bags, plastic sheets
Development Department
or like, covers made of plastic sheets and
multilayered packaging.
Enforcement of the provisions of PWM Rules,
2016, rules relating to waste management by the
waste generator, use of plastic carry bags, plastic
3 Gram Panchayat
sheets or like, covers made of plastic
sheets and multilayered packaging in the rural
area of the State or a Union Territory.
Shall provide the assistance to SPCBs/PCCs,
Secretary-in-Charge, Urban Development
District Magistrate or Deputy
4 Department and Gram Panchayat
under his jurisdiction, whenever required for
enforcement of provisions of PWM Rules, 2016.
(iv) Responsibilities of central pollution control board

As per Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, the responsibility of Central State Pollution
Control Board (CPCB) is given as below:

S. Rule No. Description

No. (as per PWM Rules,
1 4(h) The manufacturers or seller of compostable
plastic carrybags shall obtain a certificate from
the Central Pollution Control Board before
marketing or selling their products.
2 5(c) Thermoset plastic waste shall be processed and
disposed of as per the guidelines issued from time
to time by the Central Pollution Control Board.
3 6(2)(d) The Local Bodies shall ensure processing and
disposal of nonrecyclable fraction of plastic
waste in accordance with the guidelines issued by
the Central Pollution Control Board.
4 17(d) The CPCB shall prepare a consolidated Annual
Report on the use and management of plastic
waste and forward it to the Central Government
along with its recommendations before the 31st
August of every year.

3.3 What was the need for having separate Plastic Waste Management Rules?

There has been an excessive usage of plastic in quantity and it is becoming quite a
significant portion of the waste stream. There was a thought in Global countries that we need to
have a separate set of rules which just focus on plastic because plastic is becoming a nuisance.
The rule is the Plastic Waste Management Rule not Plastic Management Rule. So, once it comes
into the waste stream then it’s a problem, plastic products by themselves are not harmful. Plastic
is a very nice material because it does a lot of functions, it does not degrade, can be used in
many applications and it stays in the environment which acts negatively. It does not degrade so
it just breaks down into smaller pieces and these pieces end up in the river and from the river
into the ocean. Oceans contain fishes and this is how it becomes the part of the marine and later
on causes chaos like environmental as well as human health problems.

Thus, discriminatory disposal of plastic has become a major threat to the Environment. In
particular, the plastic carry bags are the biggest contributors of the littered waste and every year
millions of plastic bags end up in the environment through the soil, water bodies, watercourses
etc and it takes an average of 1000 years for them to decompose completely. Therefore, there is
a major need for plastic waste management to tackle all plastic waste-related problems

3.4 Ban on Single use plastics

Single-use plastics are goods that are made primarily from fossil fuel–based
chemicals (petrochemicals) and are meant to be disposed of right after use—often, in mere
minutes. These comprise polythene bags, plastic drinking bottles, plastic bottle caps, food
wrappers, plastic sachets, plastic wrappers, straws, stirrers and Styrofoam cups or plates.

In January 2020, the Kerala government announced a complete ban on the sale,
storage, manufacturing and transportation of single-use plastic products across the state. As
per the rule, wholesalers, retailers or plastic producers found in possession of such plastic
products — plastic carry (polyethene) bags, disposable cups and plates, straws and plastic
wrappers — had to pay a fine of Rs 10,000 for the first offence, Rs 25,000 for the second,
and on further violation, Rs 50,000 would be levied on the violator.

India alone generates 9.46 million tonnes of plastic waste every year, around 43% of
which comprises single-use plastic. It poses a mammoth problem for India since 40% of
plastic waste remains uncollected.50
Seeking to make India single-use plastic-free by next year, the Centre has proposed a
ban on use of such items in two phases beginning January 1, 2022 and issued a draft
notification giving timelines of the staggered plan so that it doesn’t affect small businesses .
In order to deal with the menace of huge uncollected plastic waste across the country, the

Centre has also decided to increase thickness of polythene bags from 50 microns to 120
microns from September 30 this year. Currently, polythene bags of less than 50 microns are
banned in the country. Manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of all single-
use plastic commodities will be prohibited under amended rules ahead of the celebration of
75 years of India’s independence on August 15 next year.51
The environment ministry unveiled a set of draft rules that propose to ban several
categories of single-use plastic items. The proposed prohibition on their manufacture, use,
sale, import and handling is in keeping with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
announcement in 2019 on phasing out single-use plastic by 2022.
The draft Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2021 is proposed to be
implemented in three stages starting this year and culminating in mid-2022.
The first set of rules has been proposed for plastic bags with effect from September
30. The rules propose that each sheet of non-woven plastic carry bag shall not be less than 60
(GSM per square metre) or 240 microns in thickness. A carry bag made of virgin or recycled
plastic shall not be less than 120 microns, with effect from the same date.

The second stage will come into effect from January 1 next year when six categories
of single-use plastic — ear buds with plastic sticks, plastic sticks for balloons, plastic flags,
candy sticks, ice-cream sticks, polystyrene (thermocol) for decoration — will be banned for
sale, use, manufacture, stocking, import and distribution.

In the third stage — from July 1, 2022 — the list of banned items will grow. It will
include single-use plastic plates, cups, glasses, cutlery such as forks, spoons, knives, straw,
trays, wrapping/packing films around sweet boxes; invitation cards; cigarette packets,
plastic/PVC banners less than 100 micron and stirrers.52

52 Supra

The thickness of the plastic bags determines its strength. The minimum thickness of
plastic carry bags has been increased from 40 microns to 50 microns. The thicker the plastic,
the higher would be its cost. The thin plastic bags and sheets which are widely used by the
vegetable sellers and retail stores are much lesser than 50 microns, also, the cost of these bags
is much cheaper than a 50 micron plastic bag. To discourage the usage of cheap and easily
available plastic bags, the government has implemented the rule of 50 microns plastic bag.

The main aim of the rules is to increase minimum thickness of plastic carry bags from
40 to 50 microns and stipulate minimum thickness of 50 micron for plastic sheets also to
facilitate collection and recycling of plastic waste. Now it has been expanded the jurisdiction
of applicability from the municipal area to rural areas, because plastic has reached rural areas
also. The real challenge is to improve plastic waste management systems. In addition, the
expected outcome from the new rules includes: Increase in the thickness of carry bags and
plastic sheets, increasing the thickness of plastic carry bags from 40 to 50 micron and
stipulation of 50 micron thickness for plastic sheets is likely to increase the cost by about
20%. Hence, the tendency to provide free carry bags will come down and collection by the
waste-pickers also increase to some extent, collect back system
The plastic products are left littered after the public events (marriage functions, religious
gatherings, public meetings etc) held in open spaces. After the implementation of new rule
persons organising such events have been made responsible for management of waste
generated from these events.

State Pollution Control Board will not grant/renew registration of plastic bags, or
multi-layered packaging unless the producer proposes the action plan endorsed by the
concerned state urban development department.53
However, it is to be remembered that “NO PLASTIC IS ECO-FRIENDLY” unless they are
bio-degradable. Hence, all of us should make it a point to use less plastic as possible and
generate less waste.

 Avoid dumping plastic bags just about anywhere and everywhere.

 carry our own clothes bags’/other reusable bags when going for shopping

Supra 15
 buying larger packs of items (if possible or applicable) so that the buying frequency
is less and thus plastic waste generated is less
 avoid using Styrofoam cups and plates etc. etc


Karuna Society For Animals v. Union of India54

Petition was filed by Karuna Society seeking issuance of appropriate directions under S. 5 of
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for prohibition of sale, use and disposal of plastic
bags. It poses harm to animals who ingest them and towards environment generally. Plastics
often consumed by the animals adversely affect their digestive tract resulting in their death.

The Supreme Court was alarmed by the dangers of plastic waste not properly
disposed, but held:

“it is not for this Court to monitor the functioning of concerned

authorities & local authorities to see that the areas of the local self-
government are not polluted. Accordingly, we direct the Union of India and
the State Governments to consider the prayers in the petitions and take all
necessary steps in the matter in accordance with law by constituting
committees consisting of competent persons who have got sufficient
knowledge on the subject matter. The Central Government may also set up
appropriate monitoring mechanism in the matter. In our considered view the
respective regional Natural Green Tribunal benches can monitor and
regulate the cases by passing / giving orders or directions to all the
concerned statutory authorities local self-governments in the country for
discharge of their constitutional and statutory duties.”

Karuna Society for Animals v. Union of India, W.P. (Civil) No. 154 of 2012, July 15, 2016 (H.L. Dattu,
C.J.I., Madan B. Lokur and A.K. Sikri JJ.) (Supreme Court of India)
All India Plastic Industries Association v. Govt. of Delhi55

Hearing the petition on menace of plastic in Delhi, principal bench headed by Swatanter
Kumar J., highlighted that serious problems of environmental degradation, damage to public and
animal health, choking of sewer lines thereby causing permanent impediment in the flow
resulting in flooding of roads as some of the issues with plastic waste. It directed the NCT Delhi
government, Delhi Pollution Control Committee and all public authorities/local bodies to
“ensure that sale, storage and use of such plastic at the shops or otherwise is not permitted. If
any person is found in possession or uses such plastic, shall be liable to pay Environmental
compensation of Rs. 5000/- per default.”
It is interesting to note that there was no reference to the bye-laws of the local body with
regards to the amount of fine to be imposed per default as per Rule 14(2), 2016 Rules.
Notwithstanding the good spirit in which the order was, the order betrays a lack of coherence in
the understanding of the Rules of the statutory body.

Avani Misra of v. Union India and ors.56

The National Green Tribunal was hearing a plea filed by Avani Mishra against unchecked
use of plastic pens having adverse impact on the environment.
The NGT has held that plastic pens are covered under Plastic Waste Management Rules and
directed the environment ministry to finalise the Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR)
regime for management of waste. A bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar
Goel also asked the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to coordinate with the state PCBs
and State Level Monitoring Committees on EPR.
"Even though pen is not specifically mentioned under the rules, the same is certainly covered
by definition of 'plastic' under Rule 3 (o) of the Plastic Waste Management Rule, 2016. Thus,
pen is also covered by the statutory framework," the bench said.

All India Plastic Industries Association v. Govt. of NGT, 2017 SCC OnLine NGT 36 (National Green
Tribunal, Principal Bench)
Original Application no.29/2021 (National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench)
3.6 Kerala wages a war on Plastics with a “Pen Drive”

Lakshmi Menon, a well-known artist from Kerala is fighting for India's better future with her
campaign called 'Pen Drive.' The main objective of the initiative is to fight against the use of
ball pens as they are made of plastics and are as bad as plastic bags and bottles.

The main motto of the drive is – Replace ball pens with ink pens. The ambitious drive is now
one of the largest plastic waste management efforts in Kerala, and it aims to spread the
awareness about the problem that plastic pens pose and why it is important to inculcate the habit
of using ink pens and reusable pens. According to the estimates, school students in Kerala alone
throw away more than one and a half crore pens in a month. The Pen Drive campaign aims to
target this throw away culture and plastic pollution at one go.

Supported by the state government, the drive has caught the attention of a lot of people now,
be it schools, colleges or individuals. Colleges and schools led the way – Mar Athanasius
college collected about 35,920 pens to do their bit for the cause.

Till now about 7 lakhs plastic pens have been collected though this drive The concept of ‘Pen
Drive’ further evolved to blend art, literature and environment in a unique way to spread
awareness about the threat that plastics pose to the environment and us. Apart from motivating
people to return to reusable pens or ink pens, Ms Menon also stressed on the fact that current
generation should be made aware about the ill-effects of plastic pollution on our planet. Parents
should inculcate the habit of using ink pen and not the plastic pens in their children since the
beginning – this will not only help in better management of waste but will also save the future



This chapter discusses the data analysis and findings of the study. Data analysis is a
process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, modelling data with the goal of discovering
useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making. It plays an
important role in a research work.

The overall objective of this study is to analyse the current plastic waste management
system in Division 30 of Kollam Coorporation. Sample of 120 respondents were selected for
the experimentation. The plan was to collect information with the help of Questionnaires.
However, there were some challenges encountered during data collection. Since Covid -19 is
spreading rapidly, government restrictions are preventing from conducting a thorough survey.
So data collection methods were slightly changed from the initial plan. Telephonic interviews
google forms and observation method were also used along side with home to home survey
and road side survey. Another challenge faced was some respondents were not willing to
participate in research especially filling in questionnaires. This challenge was minimized by
skipping personal information such as name in the research instrument and assured them that
the research is intended only for academic purpose.

Graph showing peoples opinion on usage of plastic


Minimal use
Not Using


Interpretation: The analysis shows that 70% use minimal plastic (Cloth bags and other
plastic alternatives are used for shopping but plastic wrapped packed foods are bought as it
is), 22% are using plastic regularly and 8% are not using plastic (These people are claiming
that they are using steel and glass utensils for buying milk, oil and other items ,also they are
reusing every plastic which are in possession with ).
Graph showing whether people take carry bag for shopping


Carry with them

Don’t carry with them


Interpretation: The analysis shows that 81% people take carry bag with them for shopping
(These people claim that they take carry bags whenever they go shopping and some of these
people also claim that they are forced to use plastic bags which are provided by the shops
when buying fish ,meat and other wet products and they are claiming that these bags are
washed and reused),19% people don’t take carry bag with them for shopping (These people
claim that, since they are going for shopping after work on their way home and it will be very
difficult to take a carry bag to workplaces with them. Some of these people also claim that
they take carry bags to shops if they are going shopping from home)
Graph showing Peoples opinion on plastic ban



Strongly Disagree


Interpretation: The analysis shows that 75% agree with plastic ban (These people are
suggesting plastic alternatives should be made cheaper and more accessible),23% people
disagree with plastic ban and 2% people strongly disagree with plastic ban .
Graph showing whether harithakarma sena is coming to collect plastic waste regularly




Interpretation: The analysis shows that 67% people says that harithakarma sena is not
coming to collect plastic regularly, 33% people says that harithakarma sena is coming
regularly to collect plastic waste .Some of these people claim that they have to call the
harithakarma sena members to come and collect plastic waste.
Graph showing whether people want Harithakarma sena to collect plastic waste




Interpretation: The analysis show that 98% wants harithakarma sena to collect plastic waste
from their home and 2% doesn’t want harithakarma sena to collect plastic from their home
(These people are saying government is getting tax for these products and it is their duty to
collect and dispose these plastic waste without collecting user fee from people )
Graph showing peoples satisfaction on the working of harithakarma sena

Not Sattisfied

Interpretation: The analysis shows that 39% people are satisfied with the working of
harithakarma sena ,41% people are not satisfied with the working of harithakarma sena
(some of these people are claiming that they are facing issues finding a bag to collect plastic
every month . The one that they find are taken by the harithakarma sena ,since they don’t
have bag to carry these plastic waste).
Graph showing whether harithakarma sena made aware of plastic pollution and
disposal methods




Interpretation: The analysis shows that 86% of the people says that they were made aware
of plastic pollution and disposal methods and 14% people says no .
Graph showing peoples satisfaction on current plastic waste disposal methods


Interpretation : The analysis shows that 58 % of people are not satisfied with the current
plastic waste disposal method( These people are saying that harithakarma sena members are
not coming periodically to collect plastic waste ,they are not providing bags to store plastic
waste . Since harithakarma sena members are not coming periodically plastic waste that are
kept for harithakarma sena members are pining up and at the end it is to be disposed or
burned in large quantities ) ,42 % of people are satisfied with the current plastic waste
disposal methods .

Graph showing whether proper training for collecting and handling plastic waste is
provided for HKS







Yes No

Interpretation : The analysis show that 71% of harithakarma sena members are given proper
training and instructions for collection and storage of plastic waste from household and
shops, 29% of harithakarma sena members are not given proper training this is because these
members joined after initial training. Even though these newly joined members didn’t get any
initial training these members were given instructions about the working and other details by
the fellow members and karmasena group secretary .
Graph showing whether harithakarma sena members are satisfied with the safety
equipments provided by the local government .









Yes No

Interpretation: The analysis shows that 67% harithakarma sena members are satisfied with
the safety equipments that are provided to them by the local authorities .These workers are
also saying replacement of safety equipments are difficult once they are damaged. 33% of
harithakarma seana members are not satisfied with the safety equipments they are claiming
that they are not provided with all the safety equipments (facial mask ,safety boots,carry bags
etc) and some equipments provided are of cheep quality and are for one time use .
Graph showing whether HKS is provided with carry bags to collect plastic waste






Yes No

Interpretation : The analysis show that 97% of haritha karma sena claims that they are not
provided with carry bags , 3 % of harithakarmasena members are having adequate carry bags.
Graph showing whether mini MCF is easily accessible to store collected plastic








Yes No

Interpretation: The analysis shows that 78 % harithakarma sena is having issues accessing
mini MCF easily (since the number of mini MCF is very few in a division [maximum of 4]
and is scattered across the division ,so it is difficult to carry plastic waste to mini MCF at the
time they collect plastic, that too without any transportation . Above that these mini MCF will
get filled really fast and clearing plastic from these mini MCF is not done frequently )
Graph showing whether HKS has adequate transport facility for collecting and storing
plastic waste in mini MCF



80 86







10 14
Yes No

Interpretation : The analysis show that 86 % of harithakrma sena members are facing
difficulty in transporting the collected plastic waste to Mini MCF .14 % of harithakarma sena
members are facing less issues with transport of plastic waste to mini MCF since these
workers collect plastics from areas near the mini MCF so it is a bit easy for them .
Graph showing whether plastic waste from the mini MCF is cleared frequently by the



40 44




Yes No

Interpretation : The analysis show that 56% of harithakarma sena claims that plastic waste
from the mini MCF is cleared frequently ,44% claims that mini MCF is not cleared
frequently (harithakarma sena group secretary is saying that the plastic waste is cleared only
when the MCF get filled)
Graph showing whether HKS collect plastic waste from shops







Yes No

Interpretation : The analysis show that 99 % of harithakarma sena members collect plastic
from shops . 1% harithakarma sena workers are not collecting plastics from shops .
Graph showing whether people are aware of this new initiative by the authority for
removing plastic waste







Yes No

Interpretation : The analysis shows that 71 % of the people are not aware of this initiative
but some of these people are willing to cooperate in plastic waste disposal after they came to
know about the initiative and 29% of people are aware of this initiative and are cooperating to
this initiative and a hand full are only willing to give plastic only once in two months .
Graph showing whether plastic ban reduced plastic waste








Yes No

Interpretation : The analysis show that 10% of harithakarma sena members claim that there
is a slight decrease in plastic waste after the ban and 90% of harithakarma sena members
claims that there is no significant decrease in plastic waste even after the ban on single use


“We made plastics, we depend on it, now we are drowning in it.”

Plastics are the integral part of the society due to its extreme versatility, durability,
light weight, excellent thermal and electrical insulations, chemical resistance, and safety in
regards to its competing materials. We know that plastic is being used by us everywhere and
everyday in one form or the other such as food containers, stationary items, debit/credit cards,
baggage, electronic and electrical products, etc., therefore plastic waste management has
gained a great concern and importance in present day context. All these properties and its
relative inexpensiveness have made these plastics much more prone to easy disposal and,
therefore, causing concern for environmental safeguard.

When plastic products are used and discarded, these plastics and additives are
undesirable from an environmental view point. Bio-based and biodegradable plastics offer
sustainable alternatives to curb plastic use and waste minimization. The use of biodegradable
plastic must be promoted, especially in large-scale applications, such as manufacturing of
agricultural mulch films, superabsorbent composites used for waste water treatment, and
sustained release of pesticides. As bio-based plastics are an emerging field, there is
substantial scope for research and innovation that could be facilitated either through
government/ industry funding or a combination of both.
In order to reduce the problem of waste plastic what we can do is to adopt the principles
of waste prevention. Waste prevention undoubtedly needs to be a central theme of social
responsibility. Apart from this, considerable shifts in perception and behaviour among
consumers are also essential in order to either restrict or to minimize the use of plastics. The
use of plastics need not be reduced but what is of urgent required is to use the plastic
compound judiciously and to promote reuse of plastics. If plastic compounds are made more
durable and if general the perception of consumer is changed regarding the reuse of plastic
and fewer disposals, then inherently the waste plastic problem can be sort out. However,
increase in public awareness coupled with changes in individual behaviour can also be an
effective way to reduce the environmental repercussions of waste plastics.
The unpleasant truth is that the same properties that make plastics so useful that is, their
durability and resistance to degradation etc. also make them nearly impossible for nature to
completely break down. Most plastic items never fully disappear; they just get smaller and
smaller. So we need to slow the flow of plastic at its source, but we also need to improve the
way we manage our plastic waste.

After thorough analysis of the date collected, we reached a conclusion that, our first
hypothesis - ‘Plastic Waste Management Rules are not implementing properly.’ is correct.
The Plastic waste management rules have been modified but this has been a work in progress.
We still need to manage the infrastructure in this kind of a waste stream, which is not there
until now. There is some work being done in bits and pieces here and there, but in general,
we are still lacking a lot of infrastructure to support these rules. We need to focus on the
overhauling of the plastic waste management system.

Our second hypothesis -‘Ban on single use plastics have reduced plastic waste.’ is
wrong. Restrictions on SUPs have been attempted in India from 1999, when the sale of thin
polythene bags was prohibited. Since then, three national laws and numerous state laws have
been enacted to phase out these products. But in the last 22 years, we have not been able to
eliminate even one product. A closer look at SUP bans by states shows that the enforcements
were carried out but absence of a strategic approach seems to be a bigger problem.


After thorough analysis of the data collected from different sources by utilizing
different data collection methods it is very clear that out current waste management is not
working properly, even though the structure ,working methods ,rules to be followed and other
particulars were organised and planned properly.

These are some suggestions which might help in improving our plastic waste management
system :

 Increase awareness among people.

 Utilization of Plastic Waste in Road Construction.
 Regulation of production and consumption through bans or taxes of plastic products
that are harmful to the environment, without compromising public health or food
 Reducing the consumption of plastics through removal of unnecessary packaging
(e.g., double packaging), labelling, awareness, education, and by providing eco-
friendly alternatives to plastics when possible without unintended consequences.
 Prioritizing recycling followed by feedstock and waste-to-energy that allow recovery
of valuable chemicals and energy; landfill should only be used in waste produced in
the previous processes.
 Implementation of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) for each product and process to
improve eco-design (including reuse, repair, and recyclability), taking into
consideration expected end-of-life of products.
 Using bio-based plastics to reduce environmental impacts from fuel-based plastics;
reducing production of degradable plastics that produce harmful fragments (micro
plastics); using biodegradable plastics in applications where composting is beneficial
(e.g., agricultural films) while providing specific collection and waste treatment (since
biodegradation may be slower or not possible in the environment).
 With the help of auditoriums and event management teams we can try to implement
the below said changes as a stepping stone to green protocol.
 Use reusable plates and glasses instead of plastic plates.
 Use biscuit cone for ice-cream instead of ice-creams in plastic cups and
 Use banana leaf instead of plastic leaf.
 Events held religious places can also be held by implementing green protocol.
 Harithakarmasena should oversee events held at household and make sure they are
held by implementing green protocol in their own working areas.
 Certificate should be awarded to events which were held by implementing green
protocol, this will increase awareness among people.
 Local government should make green card (proof that plastic waste from household
is given to harithakrmasena for proper disposal and reuse) which is provided by the
harithakarmasena compulsory for household to be shown when coming for paper
 Healthy plastic alternatives like paper bags and bottles which are environment
friendly products should be made available.
 Requires more research and development to make plastic more environment friendly.
 Educate users to the right disposal methods.
 Recycle plastic bags that you can recycle.
 Buy products with bio-degradable packing such as jute bags, cotton bags, and paper
 • Re-use your plastic shopping bags or better still don’t use plastic bags.

So if we have the will, we can start reducing their use in small ways. Despite our
ongoing efforts, the plastic problem is worsening. More action is urgently needed to
protect both public health and our environment.

We stated this project with the quote “Be a part of the Solution, Not part of the Pollution” and I
think the solution is in our hand, it might be “Refuse, Reduce, Reuse”.

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