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Employee at morning, Student at night

Feature: Chris Cada

A life of a student is to go to school, attend the classes, pass all the requirements being
loaded by the teachers, perform school related activities, do an assignment, projects and
portfolios that need to be submitted on deadline. This may sound uneasy, but a student will risk
anything just to finish his course. Student’s life is really that hard, but it is way harder on the
side of a working students. Studying besides a job is not a simple combination, yet there are
some reason why working students prefer to choose for it. You do it because, you have to work
to support your studies and daily needs, or you want to work besides study to gain experience
and knowledge in the labor market.
Being a working student needs a lot of effort not only to his work but also in their
studies. I remember myself when I was working as a cashier in one of the fast food chain here in
the city, I used to wake up 3 am in the morning to prepare heading to my work, I remembered
skipping my breakfast countless times just to arrive on time enable not to get scolded by the
managers, lucky for you if you haven’t. Then, you have to take orders of your customers-
variety of customers, some are nice, some are rude, some are demanding but you have no right
to complain, kinda unfair but that’s the rule. Later after eight hours’ duty I have to rush to my
apartment to prepare going to school scheduled at 4 pm until 8 in the evening. This sounds
hectic right? But all you have to do is to remain resilient and steadfast even if you’re suffering
hardship both in school and in work. That kind of life transition is really tough, but I have to do
it for my dreams.

HOW ABOUT YOU, WILL YOU HANDLE IT? Of course you can. With discipline and
independence, you will reach success. I will recommend you to start working with discipline.
Make viable plans and stick to it. Fix a schedule with fixed time for the study. Make time for
relaxation, it will release you from tension and stress. Be creative when you are working on
your daily schedule. Be realistic while you are making your plan, and make sure will benefit you
in both, study and work. Last but not least; always try to divide large tasks into multiple small
tasks, so you don't have to stick against bigger tasks.
"Never forget to take a break from both studying and working. You cannot focus on
anything if you too are stressed out. Leave the room to relax, chat with friends, or even take a
whole day off, but never forget the reason why are you working and studying at the same

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