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Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Dosen Pengampu; Yeni Erlita S.Pd., M.Hum

Disusun Oleh;

1. Dimas Ayub Wintara

2. Julia Retni Ainaya
3. Putri Sianturi
4. Rivai Sinaga
5. Silvania putri

No Item Book 1 Book 2
(entrepreneur/business person) (create an entrepreneurial

1 Title of book Ekonomi mikro; Business Entreprenuer

Aspek – Aspek Pengusaha
Badan Usaha Perusahaann
2 The writer Prof. Dr. Winardi, S.E. Dr. Eman Suhermn, SE., M.Pd
3 Publisher cv. Mandar Maju ALFABETA
4 City of publisher Bandung Bandung
5 Year of publishing 2008 2010
6 Edition - -
7 Pages 420 280
8 Links of books - -

1. Introducing



According to Prof. M.J.H Cobbeghagen there are 3 kinds of risks faced by an entrepreneur;-
Income Risk, Capital Risk, Moral Risk.


Joseph Schumpeter stated that an entrepreneur is an active element in the “Durchsetzung neue
Kombinationen”. An entrepreneur needs to have the following characteristics;

 Entrepreneurs are able to assess uncertainty in an appropriate way.

 Entrepreneurs are able to take the initiative in the right way.
 Entrepreneurs are expected to be able to carry out their wishes.
 Employers are able to accurately assess the performance capabilities of their members.

In economics literature, Joseph Schumpeter's type of entrepreneur is usually called



 Innovating entrepreneurship
Namely entrepreneurs who are identified by the activity of actively seeking information
and analyzing the results arising from new combinations of factors of production.
Entrepreneurs in this group are generally very aggressive.
 Imitative entrepreneurship
It is characterized by a willingness to imitate the innovations that have been successfully
created by the entrepreneurs who carried out these innovations.
 Fabian entrepreneurship
Characterized by a very cautious attitude but this group of entrepreneurs will without
hesitation carry out acts of imitation, if it is clear to them that not doing so means loss.



 Captain Of Industry
The entrepreneur focuses his attention on the organization of the company. It strives to
place the workforce as effectively as possible. In connection with that he is mostly
engaged in the labor market.
 Corporation Finance
This entrepreneur prioritizes efforts towards achieving capital, which is then
accumulated to establish new companies.
 Business Man
This entrepreneur pays attention to the market, and then based on his research, he
produces the goods that he thinks allow the best selling opportunities. But, besides that
he is also good at creating the need for the goods produced by him.



Entrepreneurship in business means the soul of a person which is expressed through

creative and innovative attitudes and behavior to carry out an activity. As for people who
have this spirit, of course, they can carry out entrepreneurial activities or become
entrepreneurs or better known as entrepreneurs (Entreprenuers). On the other hand, those
who do not have such a soul certainly cannot be called an entrepreneur even though they
carry out business activities. Entrepreneurs are not only business people, but also include
all professions based on an entrepreneurial spirit. In this context, Ciputara (2007: 16)
divides entrepreneurs into 4 groups whose sequence is modified so that they can be
collected under the acronym BAGS, namely; Business Entrepreneur, Academic
Entrepreneur, Government Entrepreneur, Social Entrepreneur


The special and main characteristics or characteristics of an entrepreneur according to

EMAN SUHERMAN are; Energetic, Modern, Anticipatory, Natural, SMART, Urgent,
Humanity, Empathy, Rational, Motivation, Attention, Need abbreviated as EMAN
If EMAN SUHERMAN has been embedded in the soul and has been carried out by an
entrepreneur, then the person concerned will be DAKIP; Disciplined, Active, Creative,
Innovative, and Productive. If DAKIP has been implemented, it will be able to grow the
main characteristics that must be possessed by an entrepreneur, namely;

 Independent and Honest (ManJur)

 Have business professionalism
 Discipline, initiative, creative and innovative (DIKI)
 Presentation and future oriented
 Tenacious, optimistic and responsible.
 Energetic and able to adapt to the social environment
 Skilled in organization
 Have realistic and objective planning
 Dare to take risks through antipative personal integrity
 Happy and able to face challenges
 Have Production Techniques

By studying the characteristics of entrepreneurship, it is likely that someone will be moved

to implement it, which was previously preceded by training on this subject. If so, it means
that the entrepreneurial spirit has been formed.


If the entrepreneurial spirit has been formed, then habituation is needed. To do the
habituation paradigm is needed. The entrepreneurial paradigm is to become an
entrepreneur, everyone must be creative to make products in an established production
system. Then be able to market it with the orientation of the 'value' suitability desired by
consumers. Thus every entrepreneur must have anticipatory attitudes and behavior. In
addition, it should be stated that entrepreneurship is actually not only a 'businessman', but
he can also be an employee in another place with an entrepreneurial spirit and spirit
contained within him.

2. Discussion

 Weakness

Book 1; Many use standard language so it is difficult to understand. The use of old words
makes it difficult for readers to interpret, but it is understandable given the year of
publication. Do not write down the conclusions explained by the experts.

Book 2: too many explanations from experts so that it causes readers to feel bored. The
number of foreign words makes the reader a little confused.
 Excess

Book 1: The presentation of the material is clear even though it uses language that is difficult
to understand. Describe the opinion of experts about entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurs are
concise and clear.

Book 2: This book provides a way of remembering with interesting abbreviations so that it
makes the reader feel easy and happy in learning it.

3. Conclusion

Suggestions for improvement from our group, namely, for book 1 it is better to use a simpler
language to make it easier for readers to digest what is written in the book. As for book 2, our
group did not add any suggestions. Because this book is good at presenting the material and
also conveying what the author wants to convey to the reader, it is conveyed quite clearly and
also uses language that is easy to understand.



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