Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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The honorable juries representing, The honorable to all of the teachers here
attending, and the honorable to all of the audiences.
ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone….????!!!
Allow me to introduce myself to you all, My name is Siti Lailatul Maghfiroh, I
am from Manba’il Falah Islamic Elementary School Tongas.
Firstly, let’s thanks and pray unto our god Allah SWT, who has been giving
us, some blessing and mercies, so…. we can gather here on this event.
secondly Sholawat and Salam always be with our prophet Muhammad SAW,
his family, his friends, and all of his followers. Amiin
    In this chance I would like to tell you my speech about “Devoting to our Parents”
        Honorable, all of the juries, the teachers and the audiences

Ladies and gentlemen…..!!!!

Do you have parents??… Yes, of course! everyone have parents. No one who
was born into this world without parents. when you heard a word "Parents". What
do you think??? A best friend? A wish-adviser? A good teacher? Or a real hero?
Whatever it is, one thing is clear, they are everything.
Ladies and Gentlemen….!!!

Do you know?? Our parents gives us love that none else can give. They gives
us happiness that nothing else can give. They gives us valuable lessons of live that
no teachers can give. They gives us everything because they thinks we are
everything for them.

We only can explain all good things that they have done to us, we can not do
the same thing they have done to us. Just remember for a moment, how much tears
they have dropped to make us grow healthy, and live happily ????. Just remember
for a moment, how many sacrifices they have done to see us succeed and

Ladies and Gentlemen…!!!

Now we all have known what the importance of devoting to parents.
Therefore, let’s immediately say your apology to our both parents, because the
pleasure of Allah depends on the pleasure of both parents.
Ladies and gentlemen,,,!!!!
Before I leave this place, Lets we sings together.
Love of my mother
Which be given to me
Never becomes die
As long as my life
Only give to me
Never hope to return
It's just like the sun
Which is shining to this world.
That’s all my speech, Forgive me if I have many mistakes, thank you very
much for your attention and the last I say  

Wassalamu’alaikum wr,wb.

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