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In endless rope haulage, the gravity effect of the rope and

tubs is balanced, and thus the tractive force to be exerted by the
rope compreses
(a) Gradient resistance of coal alone = G ( Coal)

(b) Friction of both full and empty tubs = F + f

(c) Friction of the whole

of the rope 2f,
Tractive force required G (Coal) + F + f+ 2f,

to hau
Problem 1. An endless rope haulage is to be designed

100 tonnes of coal per hour up a gradient of 1 in 15 over a

age motor. Give
of 0 8 Km Calculate the
horse-power of the haulage mo capac

rope friction 20 tubfriction 3: tare of tubs 0.5 tonnes;Tu

1 tonne of
coal rope speed 2.5 km per hour. 4,79
c o n dC l a s , 6 7 , 7 4 .

must kn
Answer To find the HP of the haulage motor,
Haulage in Mines 285

tractive force to be exerted by the rope in Kgs, and

a )

speed of
th rope in metres per minute
of the two will give the effective power exerted
The product
per minute from which rope HP can
rope in Kg-metre
The B.HP. of
calculated. This
Th is the power required at the drum.
ralculated. the efficiency of the
will be greater, depending on
the motor
be set out a s follows

The calculations may


= 2.5 Km per hour

2500= 41.66 metre / min
Speed of haulage 60

p Rope friction
fricton =
4 0
Tub friction
delivered by 2.5 km. of rope.
= 100 tonnes
Coal on
100 x
of 0.8 km.

over a
distance 2.5
. Coal on rope
3 2 tonnes
= 32
tonne of coal each)
( carrying 1
Number of loaded tubs tubs = 32
Number of empty
0.5 X 32

empty tubs
Weight of 32 48 tonnes.
32+ 16
full tubs
Gross weight of 32
800m= 25 metres.
singly )
Distance between tubs (if spaced 32

Size of Rope forces acting
rope is due to
tension in the
G +F
loaded side, namely-- resistance offull
tubs =

a) d d i e n t resistance
of ascending part

of the rope

ension in full rope

3.2 + 0.96 4.16

48 4 8 =

50 for the rope )

15 allowing
tonnes ( C2 ttonnes
8) 0.63C
= =

of safety
aking load of r o p e =

factor of safety 0.63C2

tension X tonnes
4.5 X 8 =
Mine Pumps, Haulage
And Winding
C =y36 63 =
7.72 cms ( ann

Circumference ofrope
metre = 0.04 X (7.72)2
= 0.04C2 kg per
Weight of rope =
2.382 kg per m.

H.P. of Motor
= 0.8 km. = 0.8 X 1000 800 metre
Haulage distance
G (Coal) +F + f+ 211
Tractive force required
X 100048 X 1000 16 X1000 2 X 800 X2.389
50 50 20
3.605.5 Kgs.
3605 X 41.66 =
Rope H.P =
60 X 76.12

=32.888 44 H.P
B.H.P. of motor ( Gearing effici. say,
75% )
or starting
in practice, to cover contingencies (derailments,
a 50 B.H.P motor continuous
up after long stoppage, etc.)
rating should be installed.

endless haulage rope to

Problem 2. Calculate the diameter of an
a haulage plane
deal with an output of 480 tonnes in 7 hours in
inclined at 1 in 15 against the load and working underthe

Length of haulage plane 1820m

Speed of rope 4 Km/hour
Carrying capacity mof tubs = 1 tonne each.

Tare of tubs 0.5 tonne.

Tub friction 50
Rope friction L
Rope friction 0.04C Kg/ metre.

Where C Circumference in cm.

Factor of safty 7
Breaking load of rope C in
0.63C3 tonnes ( where

Answer : Coal hauled per hour = = 68.6 tonnes


Coal on rope = X1820 30.9 tonnes = say,

Haulage in Mines 287

1 tonne
capacity ) 31
Number of tubs (

weight offull
tubs 31+(31 X 0.5) =46.5 tonnes
force required =
G (Coal) +F+f+2f,

were G (Coal) = Gradient resistance of coal only in Kgs.

F Friction resistance of loaded tubs in kgs.

f= Frict ion of empty tubs in Kgs.

f1 Friction of two sides of rope in Kgs.

( Coal) G + F +f+ 2f,
Tractive force exerted

31.000. 46,500 15,500 2 (0.04CX 1820)

50 50 10
= 2067 + 980 + 310+ 14.56 C2
3307+ 14.56C2 Kg.
Factor of safety X Tractive force
Breaking load of rope =

- Breaking load
Tractive force in kg. = .
Factor of safety

0.63C2 X 1000 = 90C2

Therefore, 90C2 3307+
C2 (90 14.56) =3307
330 = 43.8 cm
=43.8 6 . 6 2

C =T D=6.62 cm.
= D 6.32 =2.1 cm.
= 3.14
Diameter of rope

electric endless-
dimensions of an
'roblem 3. Calculate
ODlem 3. Cal the chief time
in 7 hours effective hauling
ddulage to haul
n incline 1000
350 tonnes
metres long having a gradient of 1 in 12
up a
tonne and its carrying capacity
S 1 Sume each tub to weigh 0.5
tonne of coa.
Assumptions 4000= 66.66 m pper min.
66.66 m
Km. per hour = 60
aulage speed =4
Friction of tubs =
Mine Pumps, Haulage And Winding

Friction of rope = 1o

Factor of safety of rope =8

= 75%
Gearing efficiency
Coal per hour = =50 tonnes on 4 Km. of rope
= 50 x -
= 12.5 tonnes
Coal on rope of 1000 m length
4X 1000
Number of loaded tubs ( 1 tonne capacity) = 13m tubs = Number

of empty tubs.
19.5 tonnes
Weight of 13 full tubs 13 X(1+ 0.5)

13 X 0.5 6.5 tonnes.

empty tubs = =

Weight of 13
Tension in full rope =G +F = + = 1.625 + 0.39
12 50

2.015 tonnes
Say, 2.50 tonnes allowing for rope.
Breaking load of rope = rope tension X factor of safety

2.50 X 8 20 tonnes
0.63C2 2 0 tonnes C is rope circumf.

20 D
C2 .C 5.7 cm =


Diameter of rope = D = = 1.8 cms.

0.04 X (5.7)2 =0.04X 31.8
Weight of rope 0.04C2 =

1.272 =
Say, 1.28 kg per metre.
Total weight ofrope = 1.28X 1000 X 2 2560 kgs = 2.56 tonne

Tractive force required G (Coal) + F +f +2f,

12.519.5. 6.5 ,2.56 tonnes = 1,8177 tonnes
12 50 50 10
= 1817.7 kgs.

Rope 1817.7X 66.66_26. 524

60 X 76.12

B.H.P of motor = Rope H.P 26.524 = 35 B.H.P

Gear efficiency 0.75 be

Allowing for contingencies a motor of 40

Haulage in Mines
Gear ratio = R.P.M. of motor
R.P.M of surge wheel
Lotdla. of surge wheel = 80 times of rope dia.
80 X 1.8 cms.=
144 cms= 1.44m.
R P.M of surge wheel =Ope speed =06.66
Circumf. of wheel TX 1.44
say, 15
If motor speed is 720 r.p.m. (3 phase A.C. induction
-pole motor)
Gear ratio = = 48 to 1

This could be arranged by treble reduction spur gearing

naving ratios of
in a road 800
PrQolem4. An endless rope haulage operates the load. Fuil
in 5 against
metres long having a gradient of 1 tonne are attached 0.5
UDS carrying 1 tonne each and weighing attached
pairs at intervals of 50 metres and empty tubs are
n weighs 3 kg. per
aarly at the other side. The roperuns at 3 km. per hour.
metre and
runs at 3 Km. per friction as and the gear
SUming tub friction as rope
of motor required,
80%: calculate the B.H.P.
ncy as
and other contingencies.
alilown g 25% extra for accelerations

the tubs and

Answer: In an endless rope
against the
fope h
theradnce as to as to gravity. The
forces acting

therefore are
) the gravity of the coal
(b) the friction of the ful tubs,
t h e friction of the (both sides)
whole rope
d) the friction of the 32 tubs
Number 50) X 2

U t u b s on r o p e
( 800
= No. of
32X 1 X1000= 6,400
Force of gravity on coal =.

Mine Purnps, Haulage And Winding
221(1:05)X 100o 1 200 Kgs
(b) Friction of full tubs z


Friction of empty tubs

= 32 X0.5 X1000 400 Kgs
(G 40

2X800X3 = 240 Kgs

(d) Friction of rope
Tractive force reqd. to overcome gravity + friction = 8240 Kgs

Km per hour
= 50 m per minute
The speed of haulage is 3
Force XSpeed 8240 X50 90.2 H.P
Rope H.P 60 X 76.12
60 X 76.12
= 22.3 H.P
Add 25% to cover accln. & contingencies

Adjusted rope H.P. = 112.5 H.P.

Brake H.P. of motor ( at 0.8 gear efficiency)

112.5 140. 6 B.H.P

Problem 5. An inlcine mine has to be equipped to produce

of the seam is 1in
600 tonnes per day, the average gradient
20, the length of the
haulage plane is 2000 metres. Given ropE
friction is 2 and tub friction is 50, tub capacity is 1 tonne, an
the tare is of the c0al carries. Speed of rope 4 Km. per
Net working time of the haulage is 6 hours per shift. Stati
factor of safety of the rope is 6. Ultimate tensile strength
rope is 160 Kgf/mm., Find out the H.P. of the haulage.
(First CEss, May 1974)
Answer: Considering the given conditions it is assumedtne
an endless haulage would be installed.
Assuming 3 shifts in a day :
Coal to be hauled per shift = = 200 tonnes

Coal per hour = 200 tonnes =

33.33 tonnes on 4 Km. of rope.
6 hours

Coal on rope of 2000 metre 2000 = 16.66tns

33.33 X
4X 1000
Haulage in Mines
of loa
Number of
loaded tubs ( 1 tonne 291
Number of empty tubs = 17 tubs. capacity) 16+ 1 17 tubs
17 full
ight of tubs =
17 X (1
+0.5) 25.5 tonnes
weight of 17 empty tubs= 17
+0.5 8.5 onnes.
Tension in full rope =
G+ F =
25.5, 25.5
25.5 = 1.785 tonnes
20 50
t'd' is the diameter of rope.
Weight of rope itself =
0.370d2 X 2000 Kgs.
Li) Gross load on rope
0.74d tonnes.
Suspended load Wt. of rope +
1.785 + 0.74d tonnes.
(ii) Breaking strength of rope =
6 ( 1.785 +
0.74d) tonnes
10.71 + 4.44d2 tonnes
0.335f d2 tonnes.
Where f = ultimate tensile strength of rope in tonnes per sq. cm.

160X10016 tonnes per sq. cm.

0.335 f d = 0.335 X 16 X d2 = 5.36 d tonnes
5.46 d3 = 10.71 4.44 d
d (536 4.44) 10.71

d2= 10.71 =11.64

alameter ofrope = d = V11.64 341 cms.

314 X 341 10.71 cms.

lrcumference of rope C
Weight of rope = 0.04C3Kg per metre
( 10.71)2 =4.58 Kg per

Tractive force required = G (coal) + F +f+ 2f,

.06 X 100, 25.5 X 1000, 8.5 X1000 2X 2000 X4.58

50 20
20 50
2429 Kgs.
Speed 4000 = 66.66 m per minute
of 4 Km. per hour =
haulage =

Ro H.p -2429 X 66.66

ope 35.45 H.P
60 X 76.12
Mine Pumps, Haulage
And Winding
efficiency to be 75% )
B.HP. of motor ( assuming gear
35.45 47.27 B.HP
a motor of 60 B.HP is ta.

Allowing for contingencies be

dimensions of an electric endlese
Problem 6. Calculate the chief
tonnes in 7 hours' effective haulina
rope haulageto haul 1000
having a gradient of 1 in 30. The
time up an incline of 1.6 km. long
be assumed a s 70 metres per minute
speed of the haulage to
electric motor at the shaft bottom,
and the plant is to include an
0.25 tonnes and carrying 0.5
Assuming tubs weighing
tonnes of coal. Assume
= tubs and for the rope.
56 for for
Answer: Speed of haulage
= 70 m per minute
= 42 Km per hour.
= 1000 1onnes = 143 tonnes, on 4.2 Km of rope.
Coal per hour =

7 hours

Coal on rope of 1.6 Km length = 143 X = 54.4 tonnes.


Number of loaded tubs = 4= 109 or say, 110 tubs

Number of empty tubs.
Weight of 110 full tubs = 110 (0.5 .25) = 82.4 tonnes.

Weight of 110 empty tubs 110 x 0.25 27.5 tonnes.

Distance between tubs if spaced singly = 1600= 14.5 m


Tension in full rope = G + F =2.4 824 2.75+ 1.47

30 56
4 . 2 0 tonnes = say, 5 tonnes allowing for

With a factor of safety of 8. of

Breaking load of rope = 0.63C2 = Rope tension X Fa
safety 5 X 8 =40 tonnes.
Rope circumference C =
V40+0.63 8 cms. =1u
Diameter of rope =
D =
8 +3.14 2.54 cms.
Weight of rope =0.04C2 0.04 =
X a2 =
2.544 Kgs. per "
Haulage in Mines 293
Tatal weight of rope = ( 2.54 X 1.6 X 1000) x 2 sides in kgs

8.14 tonnes.
In endless rope haulage, the gravity effect of rope and tubs is

Tractive force required = G (coal) + F f + 21,

55 tonnes
G ( coal) = X0.5
30 30

F 82.4 tonnes
2, 8.14 tonnes.

Tractive force =9 + 82.4+ 27.58.14 = 4.624 tonnes

30 56 56 10
4624 Kgs.
Rope H.P = 4624X 70 = 70.87 HP.
60 X 76.12
B.HP. ofmotor (gearing efficiency 75 %) = 70.87 X 100
94.5 HP
Allowing for contingencies on 8-pole induction motor of
120 B.HP. would be instalied, running at about 720 r.p.m.

Gear Ratio =
R.P.M. of motor
R.P.M. of surge wheel
Let diameter of surge wheel = 80 X rope dia.
8 0 X 2.54 203.2
2.04 metres ( say).
Agp . m . of surge wheel = -ope speed per minute
Circumference of wheel
70 10 Sayy
X 2.04
lf motor
speed is 720 r.p.m
Gear Ratio =20 72 to 1
This ould be
arranged by treble reduction spur gearing having
atios of 6:1:4: 1:3:1.
294 Mine Pumps, Haulage And Winding
Problem 7. In arranging an installation of endless rope haulao
gear to be driven electrically, it is necessary to reduce the spee
from 450 r.p.m on the motor to make the 2.4 metre rope on surge
wheel on the driving shaft run at 2.7 km. per hour. State how you
would bring about the necessary reduction in speed.

Answer: Speed of haulage road

= 2.7 km per hour
4 5 m per minute.

Circumference of haulage rope wheel = 7 X Dia. of wheel

3.14 X 2.4 7.54 metres
Revolutions per minute of haulage rope wheel =

Say, 6 r.p.m.
6 75 to 1.
Required gear ratio =450
treble reduction spur-gearing
It will be necessary to use

in any one stage, suitable ratios

order to avoid excessive reduction
to 1 altogether
3 to 1,5 to 1 and 5 to 1, making 3 X 5 X 5 =75
being 15 to 1 ) and spur
a combination of worm gearing (
gearing (5 to 1) may be used which is more compact.
278 Mine Pumps, Haulage And Winding

The maximum tractive force to be exerted by the rone

therefor G (coal) F +f + 9, +f,
Where G (coal) Gradient resistance of coal only in kgs
F = Friction of Ioaded tubs in kgs.
f Friction of empty tubs in kgs.

= Gradient resistance of rope in kgs
f, = Fiction of rope in kgs.
Maximum tractive force exerted = G (Coal) + F +f + 9, +f,

9.25 X 1000 13X1000 3.75 X1000 2816, 2816 kgs.

100 3 10
3 100
3083.3+ 130 + 37.5 + 938.7 +281.6 kgs.
= 4,471 kg. or 4.471 tonnes.

of coal is to be delivered in 6
Problem 2. An output of 500 tonnes
metres long, by means of direct.
hours up an incline of 1 in 8,700
hold 1 tonne of
double-drum, balanced haulage. The tubs
rope, the haulage
What would be the power for
coal and tare 0.4 tonne.
motor and the diameter
of the drum ?

Answer: Assumption
10 km per hour
= 166.67 metres per min.
Rope speed

1 of rope = 10
Friction of tubs
10: Factor of safety
riction of rope : Gearing efficiency

700 =
4.2 minutes + 5.8 minutes.
Time required per trip =


time and delays = 10 minutes.

for changing
Trains per hour = = 6

84 tonnes
Tonnes of coal per hour
= 500 tonnes Say,

14 tonnes = 14,000 kgs.

. Coal per train =

Number of 1-tonne capacity tubs = 14

Total tare oftubs =

14 X 0.4 5.6 tonnes =5,600 Kgs
Haulage in Mines
ll load 145.6
o f full
load = 279
W e i g h t
19.6 tonnes = 19.600
GF196 19 18.6 Kg
oad onrope = 8 .02450.36
56 =2.8 tonnes
laad of rope 0.63C2 =
Say, 3tonnes
Load on rope X Factor of
3 X 10 safety
30 tonnes
Hence, C = 30
Circumference of rope =
C =V30+ 0.63 6.9 cms = nD
Diameter ofrope = D 2 . 2 cms

Weight of rope = 0.04C Kg per metre

0.04 X 1.9 Kgs per metre
Total weight of rope =
1.9 X 700
Kgs., 1330
Tractive force required G (Coal)+ F +f +g,+f,

14,000 19,6005,600 13301330 Kas.

8 56 56 6 10
1750350+100 166.25 +133 Kgs.
1750+350 100 +
166.25 + 133 Kgs.
2499.25 Kgs. =
Say, 2500 Kgs.
Rope power 2500 X166.67 68.08 KW
60 X 102
Brake power of the motor = Rope power
Gear efficeincy

68.08= 91 KW
Making 30% allowance for contingencies a motor of 120 Kw
Brake power would be
Dlameter of drum =80 rope diameters
176 = 1.76 metres.
80 X2.2 cms cms
COal f r . A double drum direct haulage is deployed to raise
tubs of 1 in 5 in trains of 10
of 1 depth of 100m at a gradient
of he tonn
motor capacity. Determine the size of
drums and power

required. Assume other relevant data.

(First Class. 1980)

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