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Nucleus of monerian’s called

Ans. nucleoid
2. Smallest structure in the cell is
Ans. ribosome
3. Which juice is complete digestive juice?
Ans. Pancreatic juice
4. Which is the living content of xylem ?
Ans. xylem parenchyma
5. Chief role of nucleolus in nuclues is
Ans. ribosome synthesis
6. Which blood group person cannot donate blood to other group?
Ans. AB group
7. Natural growth inhibitor plant harmone
Ans. abscisic acid
8. In which cell organalle plant made organic food
Ans. chloroplast
9. Physical basis of life in cell is?
Ans. Protoplasm
10. Enzymes and harmones is made up by which type of ER?
Ans. Rough endoplasmic reticulam
11. Strength and rigidity of cell wall is due to
Ans. lignin
12. Name the metabolic waste in birds?
Ans.Uric acid
13. Full form of ADH?
Ans. Anti diureticharmone
14. The major function of contractile vacuole
Ans. Osmoregulation
15. Intercalated disc is present in which type of muscular tissue
Ans. cardiac muscle
16. ‘omni cellula-e-cellula‘ theory given by
Ans. rudolf Virchow
17. While examining a thin slice of cork, Robert hooke saw that the cork resembled
Ans. Structure of honeycomb
18. Which organelle plays a crucial role in detoxifying many poisons in liver of vertebrates
Ans. SER
19. The only cell organelle present in prokaryotic cell is
Ans. Ribosomes
20. Organelle other than nucleus, containing DNA is
21. Which organelle manufacture protiens and lipids which are essential for building cell
Ans. RER
22. Name a single membranous organelle
Ans. Lysosomes
23. Which organelle is smallest in size
Ans. Ribosomes
24. The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes are also known as
Ans. Nucleoid
25. Lysosomes arises from
Ans. Golgi apparatus
26. Amoeba acquires its food through a process called
Ans. Endocytosis
27. The cell organelle involved in forming complex sugars from simple sugar are
Ans. Golgi apparatus
28. Cellulose is a complex substance that provides
Ans. Structural strength to plants
29. The phenomenon by which protoplasts of a cell shrinks from the wall is
Ans. Plasmolysis
30. Bacteria posses small DNA other than circular DNA which is called as
Ans. Plasmid
31. Blue green algae are known as
Ans. Cyano bacteria
32. Tissue that is avascular and as a result is slow to heal is
Ans. Cartilage
33. The cell of cork are dead and have a chemical in their walls that makes them impervious to
gases and water. Name that chemical
Ans. Suberin
34. The tissue present in the lining of kidney tubules and ducts of salivary glands is
Ans. Cuboidal epithelium tissue
35. The connective tissue that connects muscle to bone is called
Ans. Tendon
36. Cartilage and bones are types of
Ans. Connective tissue
37. Mechanical properties of sclerenchyma are due to
Ans. Lignin
38. Function of axon is to….
Ans. Take impulse away from cyton.
39. In humans bile juice is secreted by
Ans. Liver
40. An enzyme which can only act in acidic medium
Ans. Pepsin
41. Which is the first part of the small intestine in humans
Ans. Duodenum
42. The part of digestive system where no digestion occurs
Ans. Esophagus
43. Large intestine in man mainly carries out
Ans. Absorption
44. Digestion in hydra takes place within its…
Ans. Gastrovascular activity
45. The main function of prolonged chewing is to rupture
Ans. Cell wall
46. Muscular contraction of alimentary canal are
Ans. Peristalsis
47. Bulk of the tooth in mammals is made up off
Ans. Dentine
48. The hardest part of a tooth is the
Ans. Enamel
49. Pepsin digests
Ans. Protiens in stomach
50. Pepsinogen is secreted by
Ans. Chief cells
51. The specific function of liver is
Ans. Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis
52. Where do the energy capturing reactions of photosynthesis occur?
Ans. Thylakoids
53. Turgidity of cell is maintained by
Turgour pressure
54. The form and structure of growing cells are maintained because of
55. In soil, which type of water is available to plant roots?
Capillary water
56. Which organism has no blood but respires?
57. Vocal cords occur in
58. The gas exchange surfaces of larger aquatic animals are
59. A child breathe nearly in a minute
26 times
60. If CO2 concentration in the blood increases , the breathing shall…
61. The smallest blood vessel in the body is
Ans. Capillary
62. Both erythrocytes and leucocytes are formed in the
Ans. Bone marrow
63. Which chamber of heart has the thickest muscular walls?
Left ventricle
64. Pulse beat is measured from
65. In which organ the blood is stored?
66. Rh factor is named after


1. If the time displacement graph of a particle is parallel to the time axis, the velocity of the
particle is
Ans. 0
2. The distance travelled by a freely falling body is proportional to
Ans. The square of time of fall
3. The rate of change of displacement with time is
Ans. Velocity
4. The SI unit of angular velocity is
Ans. Rad/s
5. When a graph between two physical quantities is a straight line, the two quantities are
Ans. Directly proportional
6. A man is standing on a boat in still water. If he walks towards the shore the boat’s motion will
Ans. Move away from the shore
7. If the momentum of a body is doubled, the kinetic energy is
Ans. Becomes 4 times
8. The combined effect of mass and velocity is taken into account by a physical quantity called
Ans. Momentum
9. In a tug of war between the teams A and B, the rope breaks at a point which is nearer to A.
then who applied more force?
Ans. A
10. A rocket works on which law of motion?
Ans. Third law of motion
11. When a bicycle travels on a rough surface, its speed….
Ans. Decreases
12. It is difficult to walk on ice because of
Ans. Absence of friction
13. The law which defines force is
Ans. Newtons first law of motion
14. The law which gives quantitative measurement of force is
Ans. Newtons second law of motion
15. Friction between any two objects is due to
Ans. Irregularities on the surface
16. When a net force acts on an objects, the object will be accelerated in the direction of force
with an acceleration proportional to the
Ans. Force on the object
17. Newton used the phrase ‘ quantity of motion’ for
18. Why Graphite powder is used in machines?
Reduce friction
19. An ice cube is floating in a glass of water. What happens to the water level when the ice
Remains same
20. The SI unit of pressure is
Ans. Pascal
21. At sea level, atmospheric pressure is
Ans. 76 cm of Hg column
22. The mercury barometer was invented by
Ans. Torricelli
23. The density of water is
Ans. 103 kg/m3
24. Any solid will sink in water if its relative density is
Greater than unity
25. An incident ray strikes a plane mirror at an angle of 15° between the reflected ray and mirror
Ans. 15°
26. In case of virtual and erect image, the magnification of mirror is
27. The focal length of a plane mirror is
28. A mirror having a very wide field of view must be
29. The mirror used in search lights are
30. Shaving mirrors are
Concave mirrors
31. The ratio of size of image to the size of object is known as
32. The medium having same chemical properties in all the directions is called
Isotropic medium
33. The nature of image formed by a plane mirror is
Laterally inverted
34. The angle between the original path of incident ray and the emergent ray coming out of a
prism is called angle of ?
Ans. Deviation
35. Which mirror is used to concentrate light on a given spot?
36. The wave like character was experimentally proved for light by
37. The unit of refractive index is
It has no unit
38. A green leaf placed in a dark room is illuminated by red light, the leaf will appear to be
39. The power of lens is a measure of its degree of
Convergence and divergence
40. When an object is placed between F and 2F in front of a convex lens, the image formed is
Image formed behind 2F, real, inverted and magnified image
41. Magnifying power of an optical instrument is expressed in which unit

It has no unit

42. Which lens is used in camera?

43. The inability of a lens to bring all rays coming from a point object to focus at one single point
is called
Spherical aberration
44. Who discovered by his experiments with glass prisms that white light consists of seven
45. The light which refracts most while passing through a prism is
46. Which light undergoes the least deviation while passing through a glass prism?
47. The wavelength of light is expressed in
1. The smell of hydrogen sulphide(H2S) is of
Rotten egg
2. Fat content is double toned milk available in polypacks is less than that in toned milk.
Name the process by which this is done.
3. When iron and sulphur are heated at high temperature, which substance and in which
colour is formed?
Black colour FeS is formed
4. The process of separation of insoluble solids from a liquid is called
5. The size of colloidal particle is in the range of
10-9 to 10-6m
6. Brass is an example of
Homogenous mixture
7. Air is regarded as mixture, why?
Its composition may vary
8. The size of suspended particles range from
10-3 to 10-5cm
9. What is Rusting of an article made up of iron called, which type of change is this?
Corrosion, chemical change
10. Tincture of iodine has antiseptic properties. This solution is made by dissolving
Iodine in alcohol
11. When the liquid is spun rapidly, the denser particle are forced to the bottom and the
lighter particle stay at the top. This principle is used in:
12. The process used to separate oil and water is
Separating funnel
13. When two liquids do not mix, they form two separate layers and are known as
Immiscible liquid
14. How one can separate ammonium chloride from a mixture containing ammonium chloride
and sodium chloride?
15. A mixture of ethanol and water can be separated by
Fractional distillation
16. A solution that can be separated by filtration is called
17. A researcher uses fractional distillation to separate the components of crude oil. Why she
chose this method?
Difference in boiling point is very less in its components
18. When a beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution, it gets
19. How distillation differs from fractional distillation, even though both are evaporation and
Does not have fractional column
20. To apply the process of centrifugation in a mixture, which property of the substance
should vary?
Only density
21. The reaction between lead nitrate and potassium iodide present in aqueous solutions is
an example of
Ans double displacement reaction
22. Fatty foods become rancid due to the process of
23. Silver article turns black when kept in the open for a few days due to formation of
24. What type of chemical reactions take place when electricity is passed through water?
Decomposition reaction
25. On immersing an iron nail in CuSO4 solution for few minutes, you will observe
Solution changes to green
26. Which of the gases can be used for storage of fresh samples of an oil for a long time?
Nitrogen or helium
27. The reaction of acetylene and hydrogen in presence of heated nickel powder is called
Addition reaction
28. What type of reaction is respiration?
29. What happens when excess of carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water?
Lime water first turns milky and then colorless
30. What happens when a base is added to vanilla?
Vanilla loses its smell
31. How many molecules of water of crystallization are present in a molecule of Plaster of
32. One of the constituents of baking powder is sodium hydrogen carbonate, the other
constituent is
Tartaric acid
33. Carbon dioxide reacts with calcium hydroxide to form calcium carbonate and water.
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + O. This reaction is known as
34. During the preparation of hydrogen chloride gas on a humid day, the gas is usually
passed through the guard tube containing calcium chloride. The role of calcium chloride
taken in the guard tube is to
Absorb moisture from the gas
35. Chemical formula for soda ash
36. To protect tooth decay, we are advised to brush our teeth regularly. The nature of the
toothpaste commonly used is
37. Molten sodium chloride conducts electric current due to the presence of
 Free mobile ions
38. The acid present in the body of a red ant is
Formic acid
39. The number of protons in an atom of an element A is 19 then, the number of electron in
its ion A+ is
40. The sulphide ores are converted into oxides by heating strongly in the presence of excess
air. This process is known as
41. In electrolytic refining, the cathode is made up of
Pure metal
42. An element reacts with oxygen to give a compound with a high melting point. This
compound is also soluble in water. The element is likely to be

Social studies
1. The French revolution was against which policies
Dictatorial policies of monarch
2. The society of estates was part of the
Zamindari system
3. Name the tax levied by the church on the third estate
4. The national assembly framed a constitution in 1791 to limit the powers of the
5. Who wrote an influential pamphlet,’ what is the third estate’?
Abbe sieyes
6. Who were not consider ‘passive citizens’?
Wealthy people
7. The word ‘ livres’ stand for
Unit of currency in France
8. Which of these books was written by john locke?
Two treaties of government
9. Who led the representatives of the third estate in versallies on 20 th June?
Abbe sieyes and mirabeau
10. The western most longitude of india is
68°7’ E
11. The standard meridian of india passes through which of the following places?
Mirzapur in uttar Pradesh
12. Indian standard time is how many hours ahead of GMT?
5 hrs 30 mins
13. When was Indira point submerged under water?
14. India lies in which hemisphere?
15. The western most territory of india?
Daman and diu
16. The kangra and kullu valley are located in
Himachal Pradesh
17. Majuli is a riverine island located in the river
18. The soil containing calcareous deposits is locally known as
19. A narrow gap in a mountain range providing access to the other side is
20. Gulf of Khambhat lies in the
Arabian sea
21. The largest delta in the world is
Sunderban delta
22. Pirpanjal range in the Himalayas is a part of
lesser Himalayas
23. A landmass bounded by sea on three sides is known as
24. In Zimbabwe, the government controls the media to publish
Ruling party version
25. What is the Chinese parliament called?
National people’s congress
26. The constituent assembly that wrote the Indian constituent had
27. When was the Indian constitution come into force?
26thnov. 1949
28. The first session of constituent assembly was held in
New delhi

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