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Stranger: hey

You: hey
Stranger: are you a guy?
You: yes
Stranger: oh nice
Stranger: so what's up?
You: its been gr8
You: u tell
You: ?
Stranger: Ummm haha, well I'm just listening to music...kinda sad cause my
boyfriend broke up with me last night
Stranger: oh and I'm a girl
You: ohooo
You: its cery gud news 4 u
You: nd m also
You: nw u r single
Stranger: But I'm really sad now
You: dont worry
You: dear
Stranger: And he wont talk to me anymore
You: dere r mny more 2 cm
You: he left u
Stranger: But he was the only guy I wanted
You: may i knw d rsn
You: if u dont ming
Stranger: Why he left me?
You: yup
Stranger: Well I actually don't know. He just got mad, stopped talking to me,
changed his fb relationship status, and started talking shit about me to his
friends. I keep asking why he broke up with me and stuff but he won't answer
You: hw old ur relationship was
Stranger: 6 months
You: k
You: nd 4 hw long u knw him
You: since 6 mnths or more dan dat
Stranger: umm I've know him for longer
Stranger: like ummm a year
You: k
You: may i tell u 1 thing
You: personaly
Stranger: Sure
Stranger: yeahh
You: whts ur gud nm
Stranger: wait, what?
You: ?
Stranger: What's gud nm?
You: wht hapnd
Stranger: when?
You: whts ur gud name
You: i was asking
Stranger: Yeahh, what's "gud"?
You: your name dear
You: name
Stranger: Haha alright it's Sabrina
You: k
You: so sabrina
Stranger: you?
You: its abhishek
You: sabrina nice name
Stranger: thanks. So is yours
You: so sabrina can i tell u 1 think
Stranger: sure
You: i m telling u as a frnd
You: pls dont mind
You: it
Stranger: I wont
You: see sabrina wht i think his interest towards u decreses or may wht he
wnts frm u
You: may b he got it
You: dis is why he made u his girl frnd
You: u undrstd wht i m trying 2 say
Stranger: Well, I didn't have sex with him. And the things he said were really
cute and sweet. And he would tell me he loved me all the time and he said
that he would always love me no matter what
You: or he find sm1 else
You: bettr dan u
Stranger: I don't think he did
You: so whts u think
You: u tell m
You: whts d rsrn
Stranger: And our relationship wasn't a sexual one. It was more of a "I love
you so much" and we would tell eachother we love eachother all the time. And
he said he actually loved me.
Stranger: I'm not sure if he got mad at me or something. He gets mad a lot
You: whts his professin
You: in life
You: wht he id doing
You: currently
Stranger: And when he gets really mad at me, he stops talking to me. But he
usually answers after a couple hours. It's been over 12 hours and he hasn't
answered. And I know he's ignoring me. He doesn't want anything to do with
me anymore.
Stranger: And umm we're still in high school
You: u both
Stranger: yep
You: r in high scholol
Stranger: yeah
You: k
Stranger: are you?
You: so sabrina
You: no nt at all
You: i m mch senior dan u
You: i m in colg
You: graduation
Stranger: Ohh okay
You: i m like ur brother
You: elder 1
Stranger: yepp
You: so sabrina do 1 think
You: dont talk to him
You: few days
You: dont call him
Stranger: But I can't stop thinking about him
You: do nthing
You: listen 2 m
You: fst
You: dont show him
You: dat u cant live withut him
You: or u totally dpnd on him
You: jst ignorinh him 4 few days
Stranger: Yeah, you're right
You: he himslf get in tough with u
You: automatically
You: when he fell yes sabrina hv smthing
You: she is a stong girl
Stranger: But I know he won't talk to me if I dont talk to him. He only gives
people one chance, and that's all
You: trust me
You: do dis wht i m telling
You: its defiantrly working
You: definately
Stranger: Okay...but I don't think it will. You don't understand how he acts
when he breaks up with someone. And how he won't talk to me ever again
You: u r on fb
You: we get in touch in dat
You: k
You: u wil tell m wht happnd
Stranger: what's your name?
Stranger: full name
You: search my name
You: Abhishek Munjal
You: mumabi
You: mumbai
Stranger: k
Stranger: ummmm, haha I don't really feel like adding you right now
You: wht hapnd
Stranger: when?
Stranger: ?
You: why
You: what happend
You: ?
Stranger: Whenn??
Stranger: right now? Idk, I just didn't feel like adding you
You: wch profile u see
Stranger: A lot
You: d persn with white shirt
Stranger: but I don't wanna add you cause i don't really know you
You: infact i also dont knw u
You: nd its doent matter
You: u knw m or nt
Stranger: Yeahh, cause you're older and I don't like adding guys that i don't
You: sabrina i m nt older i m only 20
You: yr
Stranger: Haha, and I'm 16
You: so
Stranger: so you're kinda older. and you're not it's kinda creepy
You: i think u saw d wrong profile
You: see again
You: dan u realise
Stranger: haha what do you look like?
Stranger: like just describe yourself to me and I'll see if you're hot or not
You: a professional student
You: ohho
You: i think i m ur senior
You: sabrina
You: so i dont think i wnt 2 describe myself
Stranger: Yes?
Stranger: why not?
You: nd personalty doesnt matter a lot
You: d matter ur character your way of thinking
You: respecting other
You: well behave
You: especially girls
Stranger: personality matters. but I think looks matter too. But I'd rather go
out with a really nice and sweet guy rather than a hot guy who's a jerk. Jake
was a really sweet guy...and he wasn't really hot...that's why I don't get why
he did what he did
You: k
You: it sur perception
Stranger: Yepp
Stranger: I wanna talk to him though...I miss him and I love him soo much
You: still
You: u lv
You: him
Stranger: I love him still so much. And I'd do anything for him. He was the first
guy I ever truly loved..and I need him. He meant everything to me
Stranger: And he still does mean everything to me
You: i think u r very much imotional
You: control it
You: otherwise it will cause u in future
Stranger: I usually control my emotions really good. But I care about him so
much, whenever there's anything to do with him, I can't control my emotions
Stranger: I have to let it out and tell him how much i love him. and how I need
You: nw i think i undrstand ur problem
You: very much clear
You: u r a emotinal person
You: u r very innocent
You: 2
You: u r very whole hearted 2
Stranger: Actually, I'm usually not emotional. I never cry...but for some
reason, he can always make me cry. It's like he's the only person that I get
emotional about
You: yes dis is d problem
You: smtime u become so emotina nd carrying dat
Stranger: Yeah, but I can't stop it. Like, I honestly love him so much and I
can't move on without him.
You: he become frustratye
You: frustrate
You: i knw girls r very week frm her heart
You: bt u hv 2 b strong
You: u hv u become strong
You: 2 face dis stituation
Stranger: Well I usually don't tell him my emotions, but he gets mad when I
don't. So I do. and yeahh, but I can't be strong anymore
Stranger: How am I supposed to be strong?
You: k
Stranger: Tell me how I'm supposed to be strong when I can't live without
You: i think its very tough 4 u 2 bcm strong\
You: rson is u r very much emotinally attached with him
You: love him so deeply
You: dat u cant live without him
Stranger: Yeah, because the things he said to me made my like that. He was
the sweetest guy I've ever met. And we would tell eachother that we love
eachother all the time. And we would have play fights about who loves
eachother more. And now I miss it all
You: see sabrina
You: every boy do dis 4 evry girl
You: i dont think he done smthing diffrent
You: its just 2 grab ur attension towards him
You: he done all dis things
Stranger: Yeahh I know. But it's like, he was just special to me. He was the
first guy I actually loved and cared about
Stranger: I miss him though
You: u miss him
You: does he miss u
You: or nt
You: ?
Stranger: idk...he won't answer me so I don't really know
You: yes dis d matter
You: nw u undersatnd
You: dis is only 1 sided lv
You: dats it nthing else
You: believe m
Stranger: Yeahh, but I can't stop thinking about him
You: sabrina
Stranger: Like, even if he doesn't love me, I still love him
You: k
You: wht u want frm him
You: ?
Stranger: :(
Stranger: I want him to love me like I love him. I don't want him for sex, I love
him for him. That's it.
You: k
Stranger: Yepp
You: so talk 2 him
Stranger: But he won't answer me! At all!
You: so wht 2 do knw
You: can i talk u him on ur behalf
Stranger: wait, what do you wanna do?
You: nthing
You: u tell ur frnd
You: dat i m ur frnd
You: on fb
You: nd wnts 2 connect with him
You: dats it
Stranger: wait, do you wanna add him on fb?
You: if u allow
You: dan
Stranger: Sure, but don't talk about me too much cause he's gonna get
You: yup i kne dat
You: sabrina
Stranger: hhaha okay
You: i trying my best
You: 2 stop broke ur relationship
Stranger: okayy his name's Jake White
You: k
You: u tell him 2 send m rqst
Stranger: he's not going to
Stranger: just send him one
You: actually my frnd rqust is nyt working
You: its been blocked
Stranger: Are you kidding??
You: no
You: dis is why i m asking u
Stranger: :(
Stranger: But he's not gonna send you a request
You: dan
You: wht do
You: to do
Stranger:'s fine I guess. I'll just live without him...
Stranger: and be sad forever
You: dont b said
Stranger: I am though. and I can't stop
You: jst ignore everything
You: nd live happilty
You: as 4 ever
Stranger: I can't
You: b positive
Stranger: I can't stop thinking about him. and everything makes me think
about him
You: if u always thing dat i cant live without him
Stranger: I can't be. He was the only thing I wanted
You: u cant
You: atlst try
You: u will
Stranger: Okay...thanks
You: dont b thnxs
Stranger: But I wanna thank you for helping me
You: welcome anytime
You: now u knw
You: me well
You: or not
Stranger: Well thank you for helping me :)
Stranger: I gotta go
Stranger: I have lacrosse
You: nw u send m rqust or not
Stranger: I dont think so
Stranger: sorry
You: dis is nt gud
You: sabrina
Stranger: hmm, how about you me?
You: u still dont trust m
You: i think
Stranger: i trust you...but I barely know you
You: k
Stranger: byee
You: wit a min
Stranger: yeah?
You: dis is my eami;l id
Stranger: no it's not
Stranger: oh wait...hahaha i get it
Stranger: okayy
You: jst mail m ur problem
You: whtever happend in ur future
Stranger: Wait, can you email me first? Cause I gotta go
Stranger: Just send me one saying "hey" or something
You: ya show
You: u remember m
You: or nt
You: if i mail u
Stranger: yeahh
You: k
You: i mail u today or later
Stranger: Alright. Haha, I'm not gonna remember your email adress soooo if
you don't mail me then we can't talk
You: ohkay
You: so i mail u ryt nw
Stranger: okayy
Stranger: byeeee
You: k
You: its been nice talking 2 u
You: sabrina
Stranger: you too. And thank you for helping me! You're like the first person
that actually spent their time to help me and you barely know me. Thank you :)
You: so,if u feel sending m rqust on FB dan send m dont think
You: k
Stranger: okayy
You: u also d fst person whom i spending
You: so much of time
You: i always like 2 help other
Stranger: Awww, thank you
You: sabrina

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