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(GEDC 1006)

Group #4
2.Gaton, Breniel jan
3.Aguirre, Mark Lyndhell
4.Gatinao, Stephanie joy
5.Gane, Ralph Jan
Introduction of the Controversy:

-The sight of the first mass become one of the well-known controversies in the Philippines
history for a reason that there are more than one places claiming that the birth of the Roman
Catholicism in Philippines island was held on their respective locations. For the record, there
are four sites debating about the real venue of the First Mass celebration but only two of
them have strong arguments and proofs to the point that they almost had unending
discussion about this matter.  
- 488 years ago. Ferdinand Magellan rediscovered archipelago in March 1521 and made a
history. This part of our history started the controversy regarding where did the
first Catholic Mass really took place in the Philippines. There are a lot of arguments and
evidences that were released by different sides which made the people more confused and
at the same time deepen their curiosity about the truth.  
-This controversy tested the reliability and credibility of the artifacts collected during the
time of Magellan and his fellow explorers. In this case, people may notice that artifacts
sometimes can be manipulated which may lead to unsolved issues and misinterpretation
of our history. 

Sides and / or evidences of the controversy :

- According to our research, the four places contesting for the site of the recorded first mass
in the Philippines are Pangasinan, Homonhon, Butuan, and Limasawa. Each of them has
different viewpoint and evidences to support their arguments. However, the Butuan
and Limasawa became the two main arguments in the debate because both of them has
more evidences and stronger stand compared to the side of Pangasinan and Homonhon. The
introduction of Christianity to the Philippines-just where was the first Holy Mas celebrated
On his arrival the Pope noted that the Church as the Philippines was preparing to celebrate
the fifth centunary of the first proclamation of the Gospel of Jesin Christ on these shores.

- The introduction of Chrimanty on Philippine shores is generally linked to the celebration of

the find Holy Mans, and Butuan City and Limasawa, Southern Leyte, both clam to be the
venue of this historical religious rite A dear friend, Rolly Narciso, is among those feverishly
pushing for the official recognition of Masau in Butuan City as the true site. It's hope that this
controversy in the country's history will have been resolved by March 31, 2015 whan the
Philippines celebrates m500 year of Christianization.

-Atually, the National Historical Instinne (NHI) has already reached a conclusion after a two
year study. In 1996, it maffirmed the popular belief propelled by Repilie At 2733 that the first
Holy Mass was celebrated in Limasawa Island on March 31, 1521 The NIE cted the mors of
Anton Pigalata, who chmucled the expedition of Fendmand Magellan, as "the only credible
primary source that yields the best evidence of the celebration of the first Christian Mato on
Philippine sol.

This is however, remains defutable despite the promuncement from the Tomas "Duddy"
Gomez III, a one time press secretary of President Coty, disagreed with the NHI on naming
Lamasawa as the true venue and called for the correction of this "long-standing
hotociclemo" No, he doesn't content that Pigafetta had indeed write that a Mms was held in
dut Easter Sunday, Match 31, 1321. "There un bowevat, on inescapable and imefunuble fact
"Pafta NEVER said that the Easter Mass in Limasawa wan the first Neither did any of the
survivors of Magellan's expedition, Buddy added in a post to his Facebook friends, including
this comment He noted fun while Jesuit wrote in 1663 fut the first Mass was held in
Limasawa, he considered this as a mere opinion and not a fut. He lamented that request
"opycat" historians entrenched this "historical error”.

The Stand

Positive Stand:

-The Limasawa has really strong arguments and evidences but even if it matches what was
stated on Pigafetta's journal, it doesn't mean that they celebrated the First Mass there
because there was no definite statement from the primary source that it is the first and there
is really a possibility that they celebrated it in other place but was only unrecorded or wasn't
mentioned on Pigafetta's writing

-The side of Masao, Butuan has strong evidences that it is the site of the First Mass
compared from the first two. It makes sense that the name of the place "Mazaua" which is
written from the journal Pigafetta, refers to the Masao of Butuan. Thus, it is really possible
that it was celebrated there. Butuan also has a lot of artifacts which prove that Magellan
really did arrive to their place including the piece of Balanghai which they believe came from
the ship of Magellan during his expedition.

-  The evidences from thomas "Buddy" Gomez lll claiming  that the site of the First mass
could actually have been held in Homonhon not in Butuan nor Limasawa is believable since
he cited records showing that Magellan stayed in Homonhon for eight days including the
Palm Sunday, also the fact that Pigafetta nor any of the survivors of Megallan expedition
didn't mention that the Easter Mass in Limasawa was the 'first' so there's a possibility that
the first mass happened in Homonhon but was only unrecorded

Negative Side:

-The Limasawa indeed has solid evidences and noticing how all the findings matches what’s

on Pigafetta’s writings makes it more reliable and credible as the place where the First Mass
was celebrated. The position of Mazaua in Pigafetta’s writings matched that of Limasawa. 
The measurement of distances between Homonhon and Limasawa, and
between Limasawa and Cebu, as computed by the Limasawa group, matches or
approximates the descriptions made by Pigafetta in his “The First Voyage around the World”

- The evidences from Tomas “Buddy” Gomez III claiming that the site of  the First Mass
could actually have been held in Homonhon and not in Butuan nor Limasawa is believable
since he cited records showing that Magellan stayed in Homonhon for eight days including
the Palm Sunday. Also, the fact that Pigafetta nor any of the survivors of Magellan expedition
didn’t mention that the Easter Mass in Limasawa was the ‘first’ so there’s  a  possibility 
that  the  First  Mass  happened  in  Homonhon  but  was  only unrecorded.

-The side of Masao, Butuan has strong evidences that it is the site of the First Mass
compared from the first two. It makes sense that the name of the place, “Mazaua” which is
written from the journal of Pigafetta, refers to the Masao of Butuan. Thus, it is really
possible that it was celebrated there. Butuan also has a lot of artifacts which prove that 
Magellan  really  did  arrived to  their  place  including  the  piece  of  the  balanghai which
they believe came from the ship of Magellan during his expedition. This shows that  there  is 
really  a  big  possibility  that  the  First  Mass  did  happen  at  Masao, 
Butuan because they are also claiming that Butuan is the first place where Magellan

- The  Limawasa,  on  the  other  hand,  has  a  lot  of  strong  evidences  as  well. According

to Pigafetta’s journal, the place where the first Christian Mass happened in the 
Philippine  soil  is  an  island  lying  on  the  Southwestern  tip  of  Leyte. 

Final Stand:

There are four places contesting for the real venue of the First Mass but we know that there
is only one place where it really took place and I believed that it is in the island of Limasawa.
Aside from the evidences, they have a record that the mass during Magellan’s expedition
happened there. Although, it wasn’t stated that it is the first, the fact that the place
of Limasawa matches the features of “Mazaua” is an enough proof and very strong evidence
compared to the three sites to conclude or to consider that the First Mass in the Philippines
took place in Limasawa Island in Visayas on March 31, 1521 officiated by Father Pedro De
Valderrama. It was also affirmed that in the same date, Magellan with his troops planted a
cross on the same site. There are four places contesting for the real venue of the First Mass
but we know that there is only one place where it really took place and I believed that it is in
the island of Limasawa. Aside from the evidences, they have a record that the mass during
Magellan’s expedition happened there. Although, it wasn’t stated that it is the first, the fact
that the place of Limasawa matches the features of “Mazaua” is an enough proof and very
strong evidence compared to the three sites to conclude or to consider that the First Mass in
the Philippines took place in Limasawa Island in Visayas on March 31, 1521 officiated by
Father Pedro De Valderrama. It was also affirmed that in the same date, Magellan with his
troops planted a cross on the same site. 

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