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L- Attila

Q- Ans.

Ans. 1. There had been a sudden increase in the incidents of house-breaking and thefts in the
neighbourhood and the family became panicky. The householders decided to buy a dog whose presence
on the premises would rid them of the fear of a theft. So, they bought a puppy who would grow into a
fearsome dog.

Ans. 2. Attila showed a love of humanity and a gentle behavior that was something unexpected. He was
friendly towards strangers. A variety of people visited the house every day. He received everyone
warmly and did not obstruct anyone’s entry in any way.

Ans. 3. Attila did not oppose Ranga’s entry in the house in any way. He allowed him to steal. He was very
friendly to him. He licked Ranga’s hands and when Ranga was leaving with the valuables, he also left
with him.

Ans. 4. Ranga was a thief by profession and needed privacy. But Attila was so fond of him that he did not
leave him alone even for a minute so Ranga was fed up with Attila.

Ans 5. Ranga’s disappearance created a sensation. The mother said that it was a shame that their dog
had gone away with a burglar and father said that they should thank the burglar for taking the dog

Ans. 6. Attila knew that Ranga was fed up of him and wanted to get rid of him. But he liked Ranga a lot.
So when he saw Ranga running, he thought that he wanted to desert him so he ran after him. The
people who saw the chase thought that Attila was chasing him to get him caught by the police.

Q. Suppose you are Attila. Write a diary entry expressing how your felt after the police arrested Ranga,
the thief.


18th Nov. 2020


7:30 pm

Today was a strange day. Police caught Ranga, the thief who committed the theft at the
house and I lost my friend. He had helped me to fulfill my desire of roaming in the streets. I
became the hero of the day as everyone thought that I was following Ranga as a detective.
They don’t know that he was my friend and I loved him a lot. I could never do this. If I could
speak, I would have told everyone. But now what do I do. I really don’t know. The family who
owns me is very happy and thinks that I am such a hero which I am not. I really hope that
police releases Ranga and we can be good friends again. I am so sad and unhappy without my


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