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Final exam


As humans increase their research and curiosity, technology and medicine also evolve.
So sometimes men forget that all they need is in their environment or the past that they do not
like anymore. How was traditional medicine lost? Is it possible to go back? What can be the
consequences of this loss? We will find answers and details to these questions in the following
We know that medicine is one of the details of a perfect life. So, when it is unable to
find cures for some of the illnesses, it becomes worrying. It is with the desire and the objective
of being able to find any solution and remedies for all human ailments that scientists are
evolving by discovering systems, products, therapies to fill the void. This system has gradually
moved man away from traditional medicine. Yet the evolution of medicine seems to be linked
to a common goal which is nothing more than the answer to all the ill health of the population.
But it turns out that medical enthusiasts do not take it that way. Because of them, the more
scientists try to want to cure everything the less they have control of what is happening and
even more diseases appear.
We will mainly talk about Africa, where many people think that traditional medicine
should be the return of man. Traditional medicine in Africa is becoming increasingly rare in
large urban areas [economic and political capitals, etc. …], in general, African parents have
specific knowledge of most of the plants that surround them. In case of any pain, they run
quickly behind the house and bring back some leaves. And they give them to their child, and
the pain never persists. For those parents traditionally treating their children is a sure way
because they have also had been treated in this way. And they often have a habit of saying that
what you do not know does not kill you.
Indeed, all parents do not think like that. Of course, some of them prefer to use hospitals
than traditional medicine. And for many cases, they try to explain to other parents that the
traditional way is dangerous for children's life. Since they do not know the quantities or the
chemical complements they can abuse or use it in a bad way. That sometimes creates an
abandonment of traditional medicine. This causes the people to abandon their traditional
medicine under the pretext that it would make them even sicker. Africans are increasingly
denying traditional healing techniques because, for them, everything that is linked to tradition
is far from scientific mastery and capable of causing us problems.
When we talk about the disappearance of traditional medicine, we immediately see the
development of medicine. Believing that modern medicine is just the evolution of traditional
one. Yet it is wrong too because there is a big gap between traditional and modern medicine.
According to research and my own experience in my country, the disappearance is scientific,
then cultural and results of neglect too.
-Scientifically: Indeed, the early man was treated with the help of plants. At that time, humans
had little idea of the existence of certain diseases. Yet they were healing and healing. But with
the advent of science, humans are starting to refrain from using plants for healing. He begins to
chemically manufacture remedies; using the microscope to discover microbes ... This quickly
created a vacuum between traditional medicine and modern medicine.
- Culturally: Man in his desire to create, to discover, has been able to detach himself from what
he was trying to move around with science. He broke away from his culture thus abandoning
his habits, including traditional medicine. If we can put education here, we will say that
education has also moved man away from traditional medicine. In school, teachers prioritize
science and scientific discovery. This is also one of the ways in which traditional medicine is
- Negligence is the particular reason that qualifies any loss.


After abandoning tradition to focus on science, denying the benefits and potency of traditional
products, could a man go back? The question is not with the continents but it is global. The
answer to this question might be the result of human consciousness. Is he aware that the more
he searches the more he returns to his beginnings? For a man to be able to accept the reverse,
he will have to accept that tradition has won. Now man today calls tradition by an old-fashioned
time forgetting that this is what strengthens him.
These plants which treat them and these herbal teas which remedy their pain there will
never be fleeting. Also, with the plants need to be transformed in laboratories. I remember my
parents used to relieve my cold with a plant. This plant did not need any modification. It was
just necessary to pass it on fire, to rub between the apples of hands, and to take out the liquid
to draw off the liquid. Finally, place it in the nostrils and just wait for the discomfort to pass. It
was so easy and efficient; I didn't need to get stung.
The return to traditional medicine is a possible parameter. Already the man does not know
how to move away. Indeed, in the markets, people think that good quality product are those
which are handmade, without chemicals, made from a plant. Even though man lies to himself
believing that he is perfecting nature, he knows very well that he is destroying himself.
There is also the fact that with modern medicine making poison or saying a drug that does not
treat the disease well is dangerous. With this medicine, humans by drinking too many products
risk diseases such as kidney failure, blood problems...
Also, during the production of a given product, an error. Too many chemicals are a
mistake that can kill an entire community. For example, some have said that the onset of
Covid-19 was due to a laboratory error. If we consider this, we will see how harmful this error
has been to human life. If man understood that nature is playing tricks on him, he would
immediately return to tradition. Return is possible, but once the man's thirst is over. That is
when the man by his research realizes that he is biting his fingers.
In short, reversing is predictable, but when? We do not know it.
What the world sees wrong with traditional medicine is that it is not developed. But
hold on, should everything be developed in order to be chosen, we guess not. Development
has become the center of human attention. Even forgetting that it is this development that he
wants everywhere in his life that is destroying his ecosystem.

From what we have just been talking about in lines above, we have realized that
traditional medicine beyond its consequences can be a possible return for man. It would also
be noted that it is only man s thirst of needing to lose sight of all his world that makes him
blind to see that nature would be his final choice at the end of the days. Beyond all this,
always wanting to treat sicknesses is a good thing, but the way and the approach that we take
are bases not to be forgotten.

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