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All school officials of GASTPE participating schools selected for monitoring are enjoined to carefully
read the following reminders and requirements for the GASTPE Monitoring Activity:
1. Confirm the receipt of the invitation to the monitoring activity with the PEAC Regional Secretariat
and inform them within two (2) working days upon receipt of letter if there is a conflict in the
monitoring schedule assigned to your school.
2. Call the PEAC RS if there are concerns or clarifications on the conduct of the monitoring activity.
3. Accomplish the Monitoring Checklist and follow the instructions on arrangement of documents.
4. Assign at least one school official and the school registrar to assist in the monitoring activity.
The school official shall be any of the following:
• School Principal
• School Director
(Viewing of the LIS records may be required during the monitoring activity, thus, it is strongly
recommended to bring the school personnel in-charge of the LIS.)
5. Limit the number of school representatives proceeding to the Monitoring Host Institution (MHI)
to three representatives.
6. Ensure that the school representatives have no COVID-19 symptoms before proceeding to the
7. Proceed to the MHI on the scheduled monitoring date and make sure that you arrive on time.
8. Ensure that all monitoring documents brought in the MHI are complete and in order (see the
Monitoring Checklist).
9. Refrain from taking photos, videos, and/or recordings of the monitoring activity.
GASTPE participating schools that fail to appear during the scheduled monitoring activity shall be
reported to the Department of Education and may result in sanctions which may affect the school’s
participation in the GASTPE Program.
The PEAC NS shall provide a staff to observe and assist the PEAC Monitoring Team during the
monitoring activity.
The PEAC NS may record the proceedings of the monitoring activity.

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