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AGENDA: Importance of body language in communication

SUBMITTED BY: Anushka Bhatnagar


Body Language is an inextricable part of communication, it is an amalgamation of everything

from gestures to postures, which is more than just the words we use. The tiniest movement of
your hands, the way you stand, and the way you express using body language is an incredibly
powerful and prominent form of nonverbal communication that most of us use and interpret
without paying much attention to, thus, happening instinctively. Presence is anyone's best asset
displaying their knowledge and power of and ability to access their most authentic and original
self. The most daunting segment of it all is to really bring your best personality forth when you
need to, which is frequently when we’re least likely to be able to do it but apprehending body
language and learning how to present yourself can tweak and enhance your daily interactions
whilst developing and ameliorating your communication skills and how you put forth your
perspectives and opinions. Body language covers a myriad of human expressions whilst the
most crucial aspects being one's posture, gestures used, eye contact, and the concept of personal
space followed. It can be anything, slouching on a video call, using your hands whilst
explaining something or sitting down with your hands up on your head as you sigh. Nonverbal
cues such as tone of voice, gestures, and posture all play their part while we converse, what's
significant is how you interpret body language to comprehend and communicate with people
more effectively and efficiently. When we hear the term body language, we may think about
how one's holding their body, or how their stature and posture is but the inevitable influence of
body language cannot be understated, especially because the way we hold ourselves can
completely change the course of an interaction. Any form of communication plays a pivotal and
vital role in effective communication, which is categorized as spoken language/ oration, written
language, and body language. However, written language assists to preserve perspectives,
ideas, views, and ideas of people for longer than any other form, mostly until communication
amongst people is not of their interest ends in monumental boredom.
The body language helps immensely and significantly to make our communication
more interesting and comprehensive which is also frequently known as non verbal
communication, it furthermore, can help in exposing one’s innermost feelings. It helps to
develop a better rapport with people whilst assisting them to express more intricately and
intensively in regard to how they feel. Body language is a range of non verbal signals that one
may use to communicate their feelings and intentions. These include your posture, facial
expressions, and hand gestures. Your ability to understand and interpret body language can
help you to pick up on unspoken issues or cynical parts in others, one can also use body
language in a sanguine way to add more strength to your messages. Body language is
instinctively interpreted only to a limited sphere, but the subject is potentially abundantly
intricate and complex, and perhaps infinitely so, especially given that the human body is said to
be capable of producing 700,000 different movements, as laid out by Hartland and Tosh, 2001.
Facial expressions are dynamic features which communicate the speaker’s attitude, emotions,
intentions, feelings, and thoughts. The face acts as the predominant and primary source of
expressing emotions. During communication, body language changes continually and
persistently are monitored and interpreted by the receiver on the other end. Body language can
be broadly defined by the bearing or the position of the communicator's body. It can be
characterised and assumed for an intended purpose or it can correspond to the normal
expectations in the context of a particular/ specific situation. Such elements, like those of, one
can be lying down, sitting, or standing of posture that convey messages. However, when
someone is slouched or erect, or has their legs or arms crossed and folded, further conveying a
degree of either formality or relaxation, which is why, it is good to adapt to the environment
and work on one's posture in accordance with that. Understanding body language can help you
to be aware of the situation and also take control, body language can often be studied
elaborately and intricately under kinesis which makes a scientific and analytic study of a
particular topic, speech, and how one converses. Body language is not only extremely crucial in
a plain mudane communication situation but also for the interpreter, as being open to subjective
interpretation. Apprehension of how to read and use body language effectively and
constructively makes it easier to see why it is not always a perplexing or tough place to be if
you are lost for words.

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