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How to Use the CSV File for Bulk Uploading of VPBs in the VMS

1. Download a copy of the csv template in the system.

2. Open the csv template using Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet sofware.
3. Fill-out the required information.
a. For Voucher Type, please refer to the following table:

Voucher Type Code

Public Grade 10 Completer PUB
Private ESC Grade 10 Completer PE
Private Non-ESC Grade 10 Completer PNE
ALS/PEPT Qualifier APQ

b. For ESC ID, QVR Certificate No., LRN, refer to the following

Code Required Field

PUB LRN is required
PE ESC ID and LRN is required
PNE QVR Cert. No. and LRN is required
APQ QVR Cert. No. and LRN is required

c. First Name and Last Name is required.

d. If the VPB has no middle name, type dash “-“.
e. Gender is required.
f. Birthdate is required. (Please follow the date format in the template.)
g. Date of First Attendance is required. (Please follow the date format in the template.)
4. Do not change any of the format in the spreadsheet.
5. Save the spreadsheet in .csv format.

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