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E-Commerce (CE52302-2) Individual Assignment Page 1 of 4

Learning Outcomes
• Demonstrate systematic knowledge of e-commerce environments from a technological
and business strategy viewpoint.
• Explain the difference between business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business
(B2B) e-commerce.

Assignment Description
This assignment represents 50% of the total INCOURSE marks for this subject.

a) You are required to read the “Marks & Spencer” case study.

b) Answer the following questions based on the case study:-

1. Identify and describe the business models used by M & S.

2. Explain the different EC transaction types used by M & S.
3. Discuss some of the benefits M & S derives from EC.
4. Relate this case to supply chain management improvements.

c) All answers must adhere to standard academic documentation:-

 Font Type: Times New Roman
 Font Size: 12 pts
 Line Spacing: 1.5-line spacing

d) The total word count must be between 2,000 to 3,000 words.

e) Students should state the number of words used on the cover of the assignment. You may
include diagrams or figures, reference and bibliography lists and any appendices without
word penalty. The standard University sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be
imposed. The penalties will be as follows:

1 -10% excess no penalty

11-20% excess 3 marks reduction
21-30% excess 6 marks reduction
31-40% excess 9 marks reduction

Marking Criteria

Components Marks

Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology

E-Commerce (CE52302-2) Individual Assignment Page 2 of 4

Question 1 - description of all the business models 20
with examples from the case study
Question 2 - explanation of the different EC 20
transaction types with examples
Question 3 - evaluate all the EC benefits with 20
appropriate examples
Question 4 - apply some supply chain management 20
improvements to the case study
Referencing - Harvard referencing system and 10
textual citation
Documentation - Standard academic format 10

Total 100

Mandatory requirements
Your opinion(s) regarding the issues or arguments raised in the case study need to be justified.
Evidence of wider reading of the relevant literature (not including the case study provided)
will be expected in those justifications, reflections and critical thought. You are expected to
use the academic format for documentation and the Harvard Name System for all references
and citations.

Performance Criteria

Marks are awarded based on the following guidelines:

Grade Description of performance level

70% – 100% You should be able to show good application of theories and concepts covered
in the module. Your analysis of the company or issues contains sufficient details
and relevant information with clearly written points and showing originality of
thought. You do not plagiarise and provide correct citations for resources used.
No grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and appropriate answers. Sufficient
references from various sources and not primarily from the Internet.
50% – 69% You should be able to shown proper understanding of the theories and concepts
chosen from the topics covered. Your analysis are clearly written and stated,
although the contents may not be properly described. Minimal citation problems

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relating to style and presentation. Sufficient points noted on company

performance and improvement recommendations. Minor grammatical errors,
spelling mistakes. Sufficient references but not varied.
40% – 49% You should be able to show understanding on theories and concepts taught in
the subject. Brief analysis given on the company issues raised in the case study.
Citation problems and minor referencing problems. Grammatical errors and
spelling mistakes. Poor references.
Below 40% You did not show understanding of the theories and concepts taught. No
analysis given or irrelevant points on the issues raised in the case study. Citation
and referencing problems. Grammatical and spelling mistakes. Minimum
references, questionable sources.

Additional Notes
• You are advised to make use of your word limit as a guideline for word allocation.
You are encouraged to use proper headings to differentiate each point in your answer.
• Students are advised to confirm and show draft points and information with the
lecturer half way into the assignment period.
• Students may only work as a group together to research on the same issues. However,
the submission of the report and work contents should be individually done. Similar
points, and analysis will be investigated and may be penalised.

Submission and Administrative Information

• Students should include the Coursework Submission and Feedback Form with their
submission. The lecturer will give the CSFF before the submission dates.
• Plagiarism is NOT acceptable. Representation of another person's work as your own,
without acknowledgement of the source, for the purpose of satisfying formal
assessment requirements is considered plagiarism. The possible consequences of
plagiarism include:
 Reduced grade for this module
 Referral for this module
 Failure of this module

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 Expulsion from the Institution

• You can avoid plagiarism by using correct referencing, attribution, and proper
research technique submission.
• You may not copy another student’s work in any way.
• All submissions must be made before the stipulated time. If the work is submitted after
this time it will be given 0 (zero).

Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology

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