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Refactory Inspection, Testing and deviation.

purpose : to produce a refractory lining according to specifications in the MR.

Scope: to procure , install and inspect refractory lining material in goal grassfires , fired heaters,
vessels and heat exchangers.

Use API standard 936 for design

Conflict of Specification and definitions, cost competitive design as stated in earlier projects.

Defenitions : Batch refers to the quatity of products being mixed at a time. General that number
is 1360kg.

Plastic refractories:

Plastic refineries are unformed refineries that are often used in the lining of furnaces. They
usually arrive at unfired condition and are often installed using a pneumatic mass. They are
made into cartons of 25 to 45 kg. Gunning of refactory lining is also possible if permission is
taken .
Gunning processs.

These are monolithic products that may be used for initial installation and patch works.

Monolithic refractory is the term normally used to refer all unshaped refractory products.

They usually Involve a aggregate dissolved in a suspension that forms a solid mass on hardening.
Aggregate material , binder and filler material constitute the monolith.

It requires a firing process to harden.

Installation of plastic refactories.

First anchors are installed on the furnace walls

Then the plastic is applied and rammed on the wall. strict quality control processes must be there
for optimum results.

Heat resistant aggregate and binders, calcium acuminate is the binders. The whole thing works
similar to cement mix, vibrate and gunning.

Castable Refractories has advantages over refractory bricks as it is easy and convenient to use,
requires no cutting , has less lead time in manufacturing, thereby reducing the cost of making a
new mould if an irregular shape is required, and is suitable for installing in an area where the
bricks installation cannot be. Also doesn’t require firing for setting the refactory. It hardens in 24

Castable refractory is composed and mixed of refractory aggregates, binding agent and

admixture. Similar with castables, plastic refractory is composed of refractory aggregates,
powder, binding agent and plasticizer.

Castable used in petrochemical and plastics used in iron and steel.

Refactory ceramic Fibre

These are man made fibres made of aluminate or silica. Has good heat resistance properties but
be sure toconsult HSE as they have carcinogenic elements.

Alkaline earth silicate wool unlike other ceramic fibres are less carcinogenic and hence does not
need a hazard label.

Alkaline hydrolysis : a destructive process that can harm your ceramic lining. Usually occurs in
sea side areas during storage. The main reason for this is carbonation of alumina cement.

Back up layer :the layer behind the hot face , provides thermal Insulation.

Cold face: The face of he refractory lining up against the metal surface.

Cold face temp: outside facin temperature

Blanket: A flexible unbounded ceramic fibrous insulation material with reasonable dimensions.

Dry out process: once the lining is installed there is a period of initial heating and holding rates
that are controlled to safely remove retained water without spalling . Proper dry out will preserve
the FCC for many years.

Spall are fragments of a material that are broken off a larger solid body. It can be produced by a
variety of mechanisms, including as a result of projectile impact, corrosion, weathering,
cavitation, or excessive rolling pressure. Wikipedia
Uneven heating and cooling of the refractory lining can cause spalling.

Expansion joint: A non bonded joint with a gap designed for thermal expansion. Thermally
resistive materials such as fibres are often used.

Hexa mesh is often used as anchoring to store hexa materials

Hot face layer and temp: the layer facig the extreme heat.

Haudrallic refractories: same as casables aggregates react with water to form a chemical

Insulation refractories: hae higher insulation properties. Applied at the back of bricks for further
economical fuel savings.

Key bricks:
Module: A prefab that can be applied on the inner lining.

Mortar: it is a paste that can be used to join or stick refractory bricks together. Its cement and
sand mixture but does not have a lot of structural strength like concreate.

Shelf support: an angle mechanically attached to the csing that acts as a support to the

Slag: A substance formed by the chemical reaction between the slag and the refractory lining.

ACI – American corrects and institutes

EN European standards

ANEW Alkaline earth silicate wool

CCS cold crushing strength

MOR modulus of rupture

MSDS Material safety data sheet

PLC Permanet linear change

Rcf Refractory ceramic fibre

CF Ceramic fibre

FC Fire clay

HA High Alumina

LF low fire clay

IFB Insulating fire bricks

APQ application procedure qualifications

JIS Japanese Industrial Standard

PCE Pyro metric cone equalent

Reference codes and standards>> Refer

DESIGN Parameters

a)Besides operations will also consider the cost of construction and ease of maintainance

b).the refractory lining may be single layered or multi layered depending on the application. The
hot face may require additional backing layers to maintain necessary temperatures the layer
thickness shall be based on strength and insulation properties required.

c)Anchors shall include speed cells tack achors Hexcels d Y studs.

d) refer table for lining design cosidertions , factors affecting design considerations and variable
parameters of the refracting material chosen.

The bid must conain the following additional information

Thermal calculations.

Start-up and shutdown temperature rate.

Variation of feed stock.

Upset condition , refractory stability , under load high tempratre

Certificate for all material.

FOR hot has path vessels and hT HR boilers the following rewuiremnts shall be met

Shell material temperature shall be maintained at 149- 204 degree when ambient air is 27

The insulation materialshall be selected for a temperature 204 higher than the ho face

Types of lining

Unshaped refractory (vibra cast, self flow , moulded , rammed , gunned)

Pre shaped refactory (fire bricks , insulation bricks , insulation pads)

Ceramic fibres

Lining system distribution matrix is given please refer it categorises the properties of lining such
as ash resistance , condensate corrosion , tempraure resistance , erosion etc of diffrent lining as
High , medium or low.

Major design parameters to keep in mind are



Chemical environment

Mechanical wear

Diffrent types of stresses acting on the refractory lining is also mentioned in a table they include

Thermal, thermo mechanical, mechanical, chemical refer to know more details

Guide to selecting unshaped refractory material

These are materials that are gue like and cant be cast to any shape you desire.


Table 8-4 gives you a run down on diffrent unshaped refractory but unfortunately they don’t
specify the name of the unshaped refractory by name.

How should you go on to select a refractory material for an application?

Strength: when stacked on top of each other the refractory material should be capable of
withstanding its own weight,
Slag resistance- chemicals reactions may take place between surface of the refractory material
and the chemicals in the furnace that decreases the thickness of the material over time. Of the
thickess of the material has reduced to 1/3 of the orginal it must be replaced.

Anti spalling properties: spalling happens due to differential thermal expansion of the refractory
due to non uniform Thermal expansion and sress generated because of it the surface of the
material is at risk of cracking. This can be limited by providing some kind of expansion gaps and
ropely mixing he unshaped refactory so that the consistency of the mixture is maintained

Where are mouldable refracoymaterials used?

Ramming is useful for burner walls , burner throats, inspection window etc

The thickness of lining between 100 and 250 mm. Additional thickness may be used if spalling
of the surface is expected.

Anchors for the unshaped refractory lining include

Ceramic anchor bricks with cast or welded stainless steel claws

At temperature below 800 degrees stainless steel bell type hooks may be used.

Castable and gunned applied

Thickness 75-150mm

Additional to account for spalling

Erosion resistant can be as thin as 19 mm

Anchorages : V ancho, Y anchor, double v Anchor

Anchor material carbon steel upto 450

304 SS after 450

PMI to be conducted on alloyed achors before construction

Achor types
V anchors: anchor available in v shaped equal prongs available at heights of 40mm to 250 mm
generally 10 -15 mm shorter than the h\thickness of the refractory lining.

Speedcell, Hexcel and tacko achor according to licensor demands

Y anchors hand weld or stud welded.

For special shaped ceramic anchors the supplier shall provide detailed drawings for the design
engineer to evaluate.

Wire mesh width 50mm and wire dia 2.5-3 may be used in monolithic up to 60mm

The maximum temperature to which the anchors may be exposed are shown in the box given.


Surface prep

Clean the surface to be welded.


Pre eat temperature for welding are specified

Testing the anchor welds

The anchor shall be bend by 90 degrees and shall be rotated back to the original position without
causing damage to the weld or the anchor

Installation of speed cells
It consist of a threaded M8 stud and a hexagonal cell . After stud welding the appropriate stud a
cell is attached to the required height and tack welded to avoid loosening.

Hexcel anchors

Hexcels to be welded at three alternate sides. Weld length 20mm , leg length 2.5mm

Instalation of Y anchors

Y anchors to be laid in 60 64 sqauare pitch and anchor should be oriented as the mirror image of
the other.

Hexamesh panels

Hexamesh panels shall be installed according to manufactures specifications.

A good resource on anchors

Ceramic anchors

Used with rammed plastic refractory lining.

Ceramic anchor attachment

Stainless steel fibres in applications

Shall be limited to temperature below 815 and should be TP 304.

Ceramic fibre packing

Ceramic VS anoganic fibres depend on temperatures . anorganics used below 800 and have
limited chem. Resistance.
Organic fibres may not be used in environments rich in hydrogen gas. It must be used in
expansion joints ad nozzle necks

Installation of unshaped refactory materials

Specifications BS 7335-1 and BS 7335-2


The applicant doing the unshaped refractor lining must be qualified in doing the job. So he must
pass the Qualification test. Applicators procedure qualification.

The surface to be lined must be free from dust, greese, rust and other foreign materials

The mixture of the unshaped refractive materials must be in the right propotion

Recommended that small nozzles must be plugged

Until the whole process is complete te mixture must be kept within the specified temperature
range(10C to 25C). The temperature of the shell and he refactory must be monitored all
throughout the curing process. The lining and steel shall be protected from sunigh , moisture and

Since lining involves a lot of chemical processes all safety prequations must be taken while the
process is taking place.

Before the lining process begins the surface and the anchorage shall be inpected with the
necessary NDT procedure. Pressure testing NDE shall be carried out on the shell and the

Surface preparation of vessel

Anchors . edging bars and hexmesh shall be abrasive blasted cleaned of oil, greese , rust and
inhibitor , loose particle unless directed by the principal.

Abrasive blast material shouldbe free of silica. Specifics of blast material shall be forwarded for

Abrasive blsat cleaning shall be sspc 6 and surface cleaning shall be sspc vis 1 except for areas
succeptable to dewpoint corrosion.

The places that are succeptable to dew point corrosion shall have to be coated with a protective
coating. The coatig shall be applied right after the surface of the risky metal has been blasted.

The metalsurface shall be cleaned off of any abrasive particles before the application of the
refractory lining.
Installation of modular refractory materials (fire bricks)

in these applications the refactory is available in blocks of 60 -65mm width which is then
rammed on to the refractory walls using a pneumatic machine. (900-1200 rams per minute)

DOUBT in parah 3 and 4

A gunner may only be used if the application is large ad may only be used with the approval of
the buyer

After application of the refractory lining

The exta lining is scimmed off with the help of a scraper.

In large thickness application over a 100 mm thick venting holes of about 3mm dia shall be
provided for the safe venting of water vapour that exists during cure time. The spacing shall be
100 to 150 mm. 2/3 thickness

Doubnt here

Installation of castable refractory materials

Castable refractory materials are much ike cment and comes in bags. The cement like powder
shall be mixed with the appropriate amount of water. The directions of use are most probably
given on the bag. During storage and transotation lumps may be formed that canbe crushed and
mixd for application. After mixing the consistency may be checked via ball in hand method.


castable refacory shall be set behind suitable form work.

Form may be constructed with metal or wood. Treated to avoid water retension. Form work shall
exceed 10X of the lining thickness.

Once the process has started it shall continue without too much interruptions. The wet ending of
the lining shall be cut back. All materials ahead of the cut to be discarded

Compacting done by using a vibrator.

Horizontall lining should not contain layers

Woollen threads may be used to enhance evaporation of excess water.

The excess castable material shall be trimmed off.

Installation of gunning refactory materials

They arrive in ready to mix cement bags

Make sure the water to cement ratio is correct.

Small circular motion shall be used for application which will progress in an L shaped manner.
The gunning method shall not be used for positions between 4 and 8 such sections shall be
refractioned by rotating the elemnt if rotaing the element is not practical then refraction will be


The fnish shall be scrapped and not trovvel. , the thickness of the refractory lining shall also

Installation of vibracast , pumpable and self flow refractory materials

These are more fine particles preparation shall follow manufacturers recommendations


Similar to castable refractory but water used is very less so the mixture is too still and will ot
flow unless for significant vibrations.


The mixture shall be poured vertically. And continuously.

Windows shallbe placed at every 3 m to observe the work’

Te window shall be sealed shut while pouring.

All openings and nozzles must be plugged by suitable wood or metal jacketed plugs.


No trimming required

After form work is removed surface shall be kept moist until proper setting

Installation of erosion resistant , chemically bonding refractory castables

High purity alumina and plastic refectory mixes with high corrosion resistance properties.

Standard. Transportation shall be via drums or containers.

All necessary safety precautions shall be taken like safety googles, gloves respirator masks etc,
eye rinser.

If additional stainless steel fibres are required one percent by weight AISI 304 stainless steel
wires may be added .

The procedure used for mixing has been specified.

The procedure for installations are given.

Special arrangements for installations

Joints are avoided if applicable. Distinctions shall be ade between expansion joint and but joints.
Expansion joints re not required in monolithic refacory lining dur=e to shrinkage in refactory is
greater than expansion.


All nozzles and other fittings which protrude through or intersect the lining shall be wrapped
over the lining thickness by ceramic fibres

Unless if used inbutt joint ceramic fire paper may be treated as a non absorben t coating or foil


After application of the refactory material it shall be protected form extreme temperature

Hydraulic bonding refacotory materials shallbe kept moist to prevent cracking due to fast
evaporation. As analternative imprgnible organic cooling compound may be applied on the
surface of the refactory material.


At least for 24 hours after the application of the refractory material the surface shall be
maintained at a temperature been 10 and 25 degrres.

If the shell temperature becomes greater than 25 degree then it shall be cooled down by spraying
water or by filling with gummy bags which are wet.

Special prequations shall be taken like moisturising dry spots so that the surface of the water
does not evaporate away too quickly.

Proper ventilations shall be provided during the filling stage.

If temperature below 4 degrees is expected then the exterior needs to be insulated and warm air
need sto be passed through the interior the temperature needs to be constantly monitored during
curing and installation stage.

Curing of plATIC MOULDable refactory materials.

Air hardening plastic materials: cures on its own , dot need special proccesess. Can be left for
prolonged periods without firing internal pressures are in the outside range of 10 -25.

Chemically bonded plastics: need to be fired up to a temperature of 250 degrees.

Chemically bonded refactories curing: air curing, no water spraying , no inorganic material on
top. Suitable means of heating and cooling shall be proide dif required.

Temprture monitoring and maintain procedures shall be undertaken as reqired.

Casted and gunned hydraulic refactory\

The surface of the refactory ining must appear dry to touch.sprayed of water for a period of 24

As an alternative an organic resin may be applied on the surface of the refactory. It shall not be
applied on any other surface.

Surface to be maintained between 10 and 30 degree celcius.

Drying and firing up procedures

The contractor shall be consulted about the drying and firing methods before proceeding to do it.

If the refactory is to be exposed to the sub zero conditions it shall be done only after the refactory
is fully cued and heat treated.

Drying peiod

After installation the refactory lining shall undergo a period of drying for about 24 hours. With
natural air maintained at a temperature iof atlest 10 degree celcius. After the drying period is
over here shall be a peiod of inspection.

Firing of the chemically boded refactory.

After air drying the chemically bonded refactories must be heated. This heating procedure will
trigger chemical bonding that shall provide the refactory with the much needed strength it

I shall be carried out as per agreed procedure.

Curing compound

Curing compound color should contrast with that of the lining.

Thickness shall be 150- 200 micro metres

Shall not be flammable when it is fully cured

ASTM C 309

Inspection and testing

HOLD points

Refractory material identification

Test reports

Procedure qualification

Apllication qualification

Surface preparation

Conformity of drawings and standards

Execution of repairs

Drying and curing

Dimensional check verification.

Ataachment one contains the details of how metaerial sampling and testing and application
qualifications procedures.

Strict quality conrol procedures during each stage of lining

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