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Name: Stephanie Joyce M. Empleo

Grade and Section: 8 – Creativity
Teacher: Mrs. Ivee De Asis
Let’s Try This
Vital Me
Suggested Time Allotment: (30 minutes)
Recall situations from your younger years where you started helping your family and community. List
down the help you have been rendering since that age. Copy the table below on a sheet of paper and write
your answers.

Help Rendered in the Family

and Community
Ex.: watering the plants, washing the
dishes, running errands, throwing
garbage properly, working on
community project, volunteering in
tree planting activities
1 – 4 years old Watering the plants
5 – 8 years old Running errands, Sweeping the floor
9 – 12 years old Washing Dishes, Throwing Garbage
13 years old (present) Running errands, washing dishes,
doing household chores, planting

Processing Questions: Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

1. What do you notice on the things that you have done and currently doing in your
family and community? Can you cite the similarities and differences? Well, I noticed that
when I got older and older there is so much thing that I improved that can help my family
and community. The similarities is I’m doing those stuff and I’m helping both my family
and community and I guess there is no difference in the things that I’m doing.
2. What makes such similarities or differences? It makes those similarities because those
stuff or things that I’m doing really helps my family and community, like planting trees
and watering plants; if I water the plants for my Mother she will have less things to do
and if I plant trees it will help the community.
Let’s Explore This

Suggested Time Allotment: (30 minutes)

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest, how do you rate your self-discipline and the
discipline of the members of your family? Write the first name of your family members following the
table below on a piece of paper. Feel free to add or remove rows based on the number of your family
members. Then, provide the reason why you rated them such. Write your answers to the processing
questions after.

Family Self-Discipline Level Reason

1. Me 3/5 For me, there is still lot of
things I need to improve.
2. Parents 5/5 They know how to have a
self-discipline as a Parent and
as an individual.
3. Siblings 4/5 Sometimes they don’t have a

Processing questions: (Please answer on a sheet of paper)

1. What do you notice with your answers? I noticed or realized that we have so many differences
in self-discipline.
2. What were your considerations in writing your answers? My considerations in writing my
answers are the things I noticed and realization of having a self-discipline.
3. Do you think you can still improve your self-discipline? Yes, I personally think that I have to
improve my self-discipline.
You Can Do It!

Suggested Time Allotment: 30 minutes

Choose a family or household member and try to compare your responses on the following situations.
Write your answers on a clean piece of paper following the template below.

Situation Me Other Person

1. The number of Covid19 -I will not go out first to - I will only go out when
cases is increasing in your avoid this invisible disease. there is something important
barangay. to do outside.

2. Your family member broke - I'll just understand it -I will scold him/her because
something that is of great because maybe he/she didn't it is not right that he/she
value to you without any mean it. didn’t say sorry.
3. You are being tagged as a - I just won't talk because we - I will fight myself because it
liar in your family. might fight is not right.

4. Your friend revealed your - I'll talk to him because that's - I'll talk to him because that's
secret that he/she sworn to not right. not right. (2)
keep between the two of you.
5. You failed an important - I’m going to say sorry and - I’m just going to let go of it
test in school. I’m going to try it even because I really did my best
better. but I guess my best wasn’t
good enough.
Share Your Thoughts and Feelings
Suggested Time Allotted: 30 minutes

“We are All Unique”

Write your answers on a sheet of paper. Choose a situation at home where your family members are doing
their respective tasks and are showing self-discipline. Try to relate how it helps to build a good
relationship with them.

Situation: Every day as we awoke.

Everyday at home as we wake up we do the things that our Mother told us to do. We have
different things to do like my older sisters, they do the cleaning, cooking breakfast and assisting
our younger brother in his online class. As for me, I always do the dishes as we are done eating
and sweeping the floor after. I guess this helps us to build a good relationship because we help
each other in doing things to make our house clean and happy.

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