Practical Training Guide - Anti Icing

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Practical Training Guide, Performance,

and Evaluation


Name: Spvsr.:
ID Nbr: ID Nbr:
Sign.: Sign.:
1. Maksimum Student : 7 student
2. Time Practice : 2 hours
3. Job Practice :

a) Monitoring system indicator

b) Monitoring hot air gun
c) Monitoring chilling time
d) Write the conclusion
e) Monitoring the hot component
f) Checek all system works
Procedure Practical

Name: Spvsr.:
ID Nbr: ID Nbr:
Sign.: Sign.:
Anti Icing System
A. General
Anti icing system model AE17 is system can be generate condition, make
some indication for the anti icing run according the condition, the anti icing model
can reach temperature -15 ˚C and Relative humidity (RH) 90% with the condition the
model AE17 can used the anti icing condition. Where the regulate condition to
posible the anti icing at real condition is 0˚C (32 ˚F) dengan RH 96% AEA (Associate
of Europan Airlines).
B. Component at system
Component of model anti icing system devide into two major component :
a) Ice generator
Ice generator consist of Compressor, Condensor, Expansion Valve, and
Evaporator, the ice generator is build some condition for indicating the anti
icing running.
b) Anti icing system
Anti icing system consist of two major system :
1. System indicating : Sensing element, microcontroller, and
indicating panel board.
2. System remove some ice formation : hot air gun and selonoid
C. Procedure anti icing
1. Check ambient temperature :
2. Check potensial hazardous :
3. Check all placards :
No Procedure Checklist Remarks
1. Check all component ready to use.
2. Check all wire and piping conditions.
3. Put the wing section into the ice
4. Turn on the ice generator
5. Check the indicator, if the indicator
change is posible to practical.
6. Turn on hot air gun, and monitoring
the temperatur, and select into 30˚C
7. When the indicating ice generator
reach 0˚C (32˚F).
8. Valve solenoid are open with some
9. Check and monitoring the indicator
panel board.
Trainee/Student Evidence Report
Name: Spvsr.:
ID Nbr: ID Nbr:
Sign.: Sign.:

A/C Make: ……………………………………. Model: ………………………………

Man. Date: …………………. Constructor’s Name: ………………………………….
TC No. : ……………….. S/N.: ………………….. Reg. Nbr. : …………………....
Result of Visualisation

No Temperature RH Time Remarks

(˚C) (%) (menit)

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