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Stress, June 2007; 10(2): 213–219

Glucocorticoid action networks and complex psychiatric and/or somatic



First Department of Pediatrics, Athens University Medical School, 11527 Athens, Greece, and 2Pediatric Endocrinology
Section, Reproductive Biology and Medicine Branch, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-1109, USA
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(Received 31 October 2006; revised 15 February 2007; accepted 20 February 2007)

Glucocorticoids contribute fundamentally to the maintenance of basal and stress-related homeostasis in all higher organisms.
These hormones influence a large percentage of the expressed human genome and their effects spare almost no organs or
tissues. Glucocorticoids influence many functions of the central nervous system, such as arousal, cognition, mood and sleep,
the activity and direction of intermediary metabolism, the maintenance of a normal cardiovascular tone, the activity and
quality of the immune and inflammatory reaction, including the manifestations of the sickness syndrome, as well as growth
For personal use only.

and reproduction. The numerous actions of glucocorticoids are mediated by a set of at least 16 glucocorticoid receptor (GR)
isoforms forming homo- or hetero-dimers. The GRs consist of multifunctional domain proteins operating as ligand-
dependent transcription factors that interact with many other cell signaling systems. The presence of multiple GR monomers
and dimers expressed in a cell-specific fashion at different quantities with quantitatively and qualitatively different
transcriptional activities suggests that the glucocorticoid signaling system is highly stochastic. Based on ample evidence, we
present our conception that glucocorticoids are heavily involved in human pathophysiology and influence life expectancy.
Common psychiatric and/or somatic complex disorders, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic pain and fatigue
syndromes, obesity, the metabolic syndrome, essential hypertension, diabetes type 2, atherosclerosis with its cardiovascular
sequelae, and osteoporosis, as well as autoimmune inflammatory and allergic disorders, all appear to have a glucocorticoid

Keywords: Chronic stress, cortisol, Cushing’s syndrome, hypothalamic –pituitary– adrenal axis, inflammation, insulin

Introduction in the transformation of a normal cell to a tumor cell

and involves a broad array of functions, affecting every
Glucocorticoids are among the most pervasive
hormones in mammalian organisms (Chrousos aspect of resting and stress-related homeostasis, as
2001; Franchimont et al. 2003). These steroid well as a large number of genes expressed by the
molecules reach all tissues, including the brain, readily immune system (Chrousos 1998; Galon et al. 2002).
penetrate the cell membrane, and interact with The pervasive nature of glucocorticoids, the rapid
ubiquitous cytoplasmic/nuclear glucocorticoid recep- advances in our general knowledge of the human and
tors (GR), through which they exert markedly diverse other mammalian genomes, and the massive amount
actions. Using DNA microarray technology, we found of information that increasingly accumulates, dictate
that about 20 percent of the expressed human a new model of thinking and testing of hypotheses
leukocyte genome was positively or negatively affected regarding the actions of these hormones and
by glucocorticoids (Galon et al. 2002). This is many- their involvement in human physiology and
fold higher than the proportion of genes that change pathophysiology.

Correspondence: G. P. Chrousos, National Institutes of Health, Clinical Research Center, Building 10, Room 1-3140, 10 Center Drive MSC
1109, Bethesda, MD 20892-1109, USA. E-mail:

ISSN 1025-3890 print/ISSN 1607-8888 online q 2007 Informa UK Ltd.

DOI: 10.1080/10253890701292119
214 G. P. Chrousos & T. Kino

Glucocorticoid receptor gene polymorphisms response to stress, the inflammatory reaction and the
and complex human pathophysiology consequent “sickness syndrome”, i.e. the collections
of “nonspecific symptoms” caused by excessive
Wust et al. (2004) recently reported a convincing
inflammatory cytokines during infectious or inflam-
association between the hypothalamic – pituitary –
matory illness, as well as the process of sleep, and
adrenal (HPA) axis response to a standardized
long-term functions, such as growth and reproduction
socio – emotional stimulus (Trier test) and polymorph-
(Chrousos 1998, 2000b).
isms of the GR gene. This study followed others that
As happens with many other homeostatic systems,
used a similar rationale and examined HPA axis
too much, as well as too little, of HPA axis and/or
indices and other end-points, such as arterial blood
glucocorticoid activity signify pathology, for instance
pressure, body mass index (BMI) and markers of the
Cushing’s syndrome vs. Addison’s disease, respect-
metabolic syndrome, and bone mineral density
ively (Chrousos et al. 1993; McEwen 1998; Chrousos
(Weaver et al. 1992; Buemann et al. 1997; Huizenga
2000a). Since the responsiveness of the target tissues
et al. 1998; Panarelli et al. 1998; Lin et al. 1999;
to glucocorticoids is crucial for the end-effect of these
Rosmond et al. 2000; Dobson et al. 2001; Ukkola et al.
hormones, similar pathology may result from hyper-
2001). These studies have in part overlapped and have
sensitivity or resistance of these target tissues to these
produced mostly concordant results, but have also
hormones, respectively (Chrousos et al. 1993; Kino
shown inconsistencies. This should have been
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et al. 2003b) (Table I). However, because the brain

expected because they were performed on a limited
and the pituitary are also targets for glucocorticoids,
number of subjects in different ethnic populations,
and because the organism strives for homeostasis
and because the altered GR would have been expected
during time-integrated free cortisol exposure, any
to function differently in the context of different
generalized change in the glucocorticoid signaling
genetic backgrounds characterized by different panels
system would be followed by corrective, “compensa-
of genes with differing epistatic effects upon the ability
tory” changes in the activity of the HPA axis
of the GR to exert its actions (Chrousos 2000b).
(Figure 1A). However, absence of complete compen-
sation, be it slightly excessive or deficient, could result
For personal use only.

in allostasis leading to target tissue pathology, as

Glucocorticoid effects—physiology,
occurs in chronically stressed or depressed individuals
(Chrousos 2000a; Gold and Chrousos 2002). But this
Empirically, experimentally and intuitively, physicians has been known for several decades. A key question is
and scientists have made major advances in the whether it is possible to have discordance between
general understanding of glucocorticoids and their HPA axis feedback regulation by glucocorticoids and
involvement in human physiology and pathophysiol- peripheral target tissue sensitivity to these hormones
ogy, and in using these hormones extensively and in totally normal individuals.
effectively in the treatment of a wide spectrum of We propose that this is indeed so and elaborate
human diseases (Chrousos 2001; Franchimont et al. below. The glucocorticoid signaling system of the
2003). As the end product of the HPA axis, suprahypothalamic, hypothalamic and pituitary glu-
glucocorticoids are clearly involved in every organ cocorticoid-sensing network is different from the
system of the human organism, in almost every signaling systems of the reward, arousal, associative,
physiologic, cellular and molecular network, and in cardiovascular, metabolic and immune systems that
many crucial modules of these networks (Chrousos are influenced by glucocorticoids. The hypothalamic-
2000b; Galon et al. 2002; Franchimont et al. 2003). pituitary axis senses and thus determines the circulat-
Glucocorticoids, furthermore, participate in a pivotal ing glucocorticoid levels, while the rest of the tissues
fashion in the unfolding of vital biological programs passively accept the actions of the secreted glucocor-
employing several networks synchronously or in ticoids. Indeed, any change in one or more molecules
tandem, including the behavioral and physical or processes that participate in the glucocorticoid

Table I. Expected clinical manifestations in target tissue hypersensitivity or resistance to glucocorticoids.

Target area Glucocorticoid excess ¼ glucocorticoid hypersensitivity Glucocorticoid deficiency ¼ glucocorticoid resistance

Central nervous system Insomnia, anxiety, depression, defective cognition Fatigue, somnolence, malaise, defective cognition
Liver þ Gluconeogenesis, þ lipogenesis Hypoglycemia, resistance to diabetes mellitus
Fat Accumulation of visceral fat (metabolic syndrome) Loss of weight, resistance to weight gain
Blood vessels Hypertension Hypotension
Bone Stunted growth, osteoporosis
Inflammation/immunity Immune suppression, anti-inflammation, vulnerability þ Inflammation, þ autoimmunity, þ allergy
to certain infection and tumors

Modified from Chrousos et al. (2004), Chrousos and Kino (2005).

Glucocorticoids and pathophysiology 215

A Hypothalamus


(-) Pituitary Gland



Adrenal Gland

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Glucocorticoid Effects in
B Glucocorticoid Sensitivity
Liver/Fat/Blood Vessels
HPA Axis Liver/Fat/Blood Vessels

Free Cortisol High Normal

High Low Normal Low

For personal use only.

Low Very Low

High High

Normal Normal Normal Normal

Low Low

High Very High

Low High Normal High

Low Normal

Figure 1. A: Feedback regulation of the HPA axis. ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone; AVP, arginine vasopressin; CRH, corticotropin-
releasing hormone; DOC, deoxycorticosterone; B, corticosterone. B: Feedback-regulated compensatory changes in the activity of the HPA
axis and their effects in peripheral tissues, such as the liver, fat and blood vessels. Note that glucocorticoid sensitivity in the HPA axis and the
peripheral tissues can be independently regulated and the former determines the serum free cortisol levels, thus combination of their directions
of change from normal influence net peripheral action of this hormone. Modification from Kino et al. (2001), Charmandari et al. (2004).

signaling system could potentially have a different associated with increased severity of coronary artery
impact in the HPA feedback system and the other disease. However, naturally the GR is not alone in
target tissues. Such discrepancy in the glucocorticoid defining the sensitivity of the feedback system and
sensing network between the HPA axis and peripheral other tissues to glucocorticoids. Numerous GR
tissues could, thus, produce peripheral tissue hyper- isoforms with different activities, other molecules or
cortisolism or hypocorticosolism depending on their processes with important input into the activity of the
combinations (Figure 1B and Table I) (Chrousos et al. cellular glucocorticoid signaling system have been
1993). In a recent study by Alevizaki et al. (2007), described (Table II) (Kino et al. 2003a; Kino et al.
both high HPA axis reactivity to stress and increased 2003b; Chrousos and Kino 2005; Lu and Cidlowski
peripheral tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids were 2005; Kino et al. 2006).
216 G. P. Chrousos & T. Kino

Table II. Factors influencing GR functions.

Ligands Membrane transporters of glucocorticoids
11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases
Agonists, antagonists (ex. RU 486)
Chemical compounds Ursodeoxycholic acid, cortivazol, thiredoxin, carnitine
Chemical modifications Phosphorylation, nitrosylation, acetylation, methylation
Chaperones, co-chaperones Heat shock proteins, RAP46, FK506-binding proteins
Receptor isoforms Glucocorticoid receptor a and b isoforms (16 or more, 256 or more combinations of dimers)
Transcriptional co-regulators Coactivators/corepressors, SWI/SNF, TRAP/DRIP complex, SMAD6
Viral proteins: adenoviral E1A, human immunodeficiency virus type-1 Vpr and Tat
Transcription factors Nuclear factor-kB, activator protein-1, CREB-binding protein, p53, chicken ovalbumin upstream
promoter-transcription factor-II, GATA-1, SP-1, nuclear factor-1, PPARa
Other proteins 14-3-3, FLASH, Rho-type guanine nucleotide exchange factors (Brx and c-Lbc), autoimmune regulator
gene (AIRE), guanine nucleotide-binding protein b
RNAs SRA, Gas5

Data from Lanz et al. (1999), Kino and Chrousos (2003, 2004), Kino et al. (2003b, 2003c, 2004, 2006), Chrousos and Kino (2005), Lu and
Cidlowski (2005), Ichijo et al. (2005).
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Glucocorticoids and the metabolic syndrome hypersecretion owing to real or perceived stress
(Chrousos 1998, 2000a; Phillips et al. 1998).
Endogenous or exogenous Cushing’s syndrome is
The opposite result is possible as well. Patients may
associated with the full metabolic profile of the
be protected from obesity, the metabolic syndrome,
metabolic syndrome and with substantially increased
and premature death because of favorable genetic
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (Friedman
variations causing a decreased activity of their HPA
et al. 1996; Miller and Chrousos 2001). Glucocorti-
axis and their tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids, as
coids directly cause insulin resistance of peripheral
well as by advantageous fetal programming and, or,
target tissues in proportion to their levels and to the
For personal use only.

decreased exposure to real or perceived stress

particular target tissue’s sensitivity to these hormones.
(Chrousos 1998, 2000a; Phillips et al. 1998). In
Over time, glucocorticoids also cause progressive
several studies favorable genetic variations in the
accumulation of visceral fat, leading to worsening
glucocorticoid receptor gene, in which carriers of a
manifestations of the metabolic syndrome. Thus,
particular polymorphism had peripheral target tissues
when polymorphisms of the glucocorticoid receptor
with decreased sensitivity to glucocorticoids, were
gene lead to an unfavorable discordance between the
found to result in increased sensitivity of the same
activity of the HPA axis and the sensitivity of muscle,
tissues to insulin and hence a healthier metabolic
fat and liver to glucocorticoids, the increased
profile (van Rossum et al. 2002, 2004; van Rossum
glucocorticoid effect in these tissues could influence
and Lamberts 2004; DeRijk and de Kloet 2005; Syed
the metabolic profile and the longevity of humans in a
et al. 2006).
negative fashion, similar to what occurs in Cushing’s
syndrome (Chrousos 2000a; Dobson et al. 2001;
Beyond glucocorticoids and the metabolic
Stevens et al. 2004; Buemann et al. 2005; DeRijk and
de Kloet 2005; Marti et al. 2006).
Genetic and developmental factors, nutrition, Despite their obvious importance, glucocorticoids and
lifestyle and cumulative chronic or intermittent stress their signaling system are only one of several
may lead to development of obesity, primarily of the physiologic and molecular networks that participate
visceral type, and hence the metabolic syndrome with in the development of obesity and the metabolic
its components of insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, syndrome, with a resultant adverse effect on longevity.
chronic smoldering inflammation, blood hypercoagu- Other major hormones of the stress system and their
lation and hypertension (Figure 2). These changes receptors also participate in these phenomena
lead to endothelial inflammation, atherosclerosis and (Figure 2) (Chrousos 1998; McEwen 1998).
cardiovascular disease, ultimately resulting in pre- The stress system includes brain nuclei, such as the
mature cardiovascular morbidity and death. Gluco- paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, and the
corticoids contribute to the pathogenesis of obesity brainstem locus caeruleus – norepinephrine/auto-
and the metabolic syndrome not only through nomic nervous system nuclei, and two powerful
unfavorable genetic variations that increase both the peripheral neuroendocrine limbs, the HPA axis and
activity of the HPA axis and the sensitivity of tissues to the systemic sympathetic and adrenomedullary sys-
glucocorticoids, but also because of fetal program- tems. The main central molecular mediators of the
ming of the HPA axis by an adverse intrauterine stress system are corticotropin-releasing hormone,
environment, which may lead to a postnatally arginine vasopressin, and norepinephrine. The key
hyperactive axis, and because of chronic cortisol peripheral molecular mediators are corticotropin,
Glucocorticoids and pathophysiology 217



Real or Perceived


Stress System
Systemic Sympathetic
HPA Axis
GH/IGF-1 Adrenomedullary Systems
LH, T, E2
Cortisol Target Tissues NE, E, IL-6

Insulin Resistance
Visceral Obesity,
TG Metabolic Syndrome ABP
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HDL APR Hypecoagulationr


Endothelial Dysfunction
Cardiovascular Disease
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Figure 2. Endogenous/exogenous inputs to the stress system and their effects on the metabolic and cardiovascular systems and bone. ABP,
arterial blood pressure; APR, acute phase reactants; AVP, arginine vasopressin; CRH, corticotropin-releasing hormone; E, epinephrine; E2,
estradiol; GH, growth hormone; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HPA axis, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis; IGF-1, insulin-like growth
factor-1; IL-6, interleukin-6; LC, locus caeruleus; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; LH, luteinizing hormone; NE, norepinephrine; T,
testosterone; T3, triiodothyronine; TG, triglyceride; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.

cortisol, arginine vasopressin, norepinephrine, epi- on longevity. Thus, chronic stress, an indolent
nephrine and interestingly, interleukin-6 (IL-6) infection, an active autoimmune process and visceral
(Chrousos 1995, 1998, 2000a). The genes that code obesity are all associated with mild hypercytokinemia
for the synthesis, regulation, actions and metabolism and low-grade inflammation, which ultimately results
of these mediators and their receptors are major in blood hypercoagulability, endothelial dysfunction,
participants in the adaptation to stress. The stress atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Finally, it is
system is activated in a coordinated fashion during evident that the metabolic syndrome, regardless of its
stress, influencing central and peripheral functions cause, is a major risk factor for the development of
that are important for adaptation and survival diabetes type 2 and the polycystic ovary syndrome in
(Chrousos 1998). Chronic activation of the stress patients with a genetic propensity to develop these
system, however, is associated with many negative very common disorders.
sequelae, including obesity/metabolic syndrome and We have survived and been “selected” as a species
loss of bone mineral density, i.e. osteopenia or because we were able to adapt to potentially lethal
osteoporosis (Chrousos 1998). evolutionary stressors during our life on earth. Thus,
In addition to noninflammatory stress, even very selective pressures on our genome have produced
mild, asymptomatic inflammation stimulates adaptive changes that, at this time in our evolutionary
secretion of IL-6 and other inflammatory cytokines, history, have become somewhat maladaptive in a large
while adipose tissue is a major source of circulating proportion of the population (Chrousos 1995, 1998;
tumor necrosis factor-a and IL-6 (Chrousos 1995, Papanicolaou et al. 1998; Gold and Chrousos 2002)
2000a; Papanicolaou et al. 1998). Both glucocorti- (Table III). Thus, gene networks dedicated to
coids and IL-6 synergistically stimulate the acute adaptation and survival, with a finite number of
phase response, including C-reactive protein, fibrino- members, are probably responsible for much of the
gen and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, all of which contemporary nosology of Western societies presented
increase the ability of blood to coagulate and through in Table III. Even though cancer is not included in this
their pro-atherosclerosis action have a negative effect Table, it is evident that modification of the immune
218 G. P. Chrousos & T. Kino

Table III. Gene networks subserving functions important for human survival and species preservation, which may produce pathology in
contemporary western societies.

Response to survival threat Selective advantage Contemporary diseases

Combat starvation Energy conservation Obesity

Combat dehydration Fluid and electrolyte conservation Hypertension
Combat infectious diseases Potent immune reaction Autoimmunity/allergy
Anticipate adversaries Arousal/fear Anxiety/insomnia
Minimize exposure to danger Withdrawal from danger Depression
Prevent tissue strain and injury Retain tissue integrity and reserve Pain and fatigue syndromes

Modified from Chrousos (2004).

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