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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Villa Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City



The most important thing we learn from school is the ability to read and to make meaning
from text and learn through reading. This ability is not easy for students who have disabilities or
learning difficulty because their learning comprehension is not fully function to comprehend the
learnings in education system. When we say reading difficulty, it is connected to the four process
of reading; first we have phonetic knowledge wherein we are aware on different sounds of
words. Next we have decoding, wherein we break all the words down into different parts and
figure out how to pronounce those separated words. Next we have word recognition wherein
readers will be able to recognize the word and also the pronunciation of it without putting an
effort. Last we have comprehension wherein it is the most important process in reading because
we are not just going to recognize the words or the pronunciation of the word, instead in this
process, we are be able to analyze and to understand those words inside the content of what we
are reading. These processes are essential to all readers especially to the readers who have
learning difficulties. Despite of these, teachers must know what to look for on having learning
difficulties. Now there are several factors in having learning difficulties; the students are less
engaged in reading tasks, less confident in their ability to read what is willing to take risk in
reading new words, frustrated with difficult word tasks or maybe they are being discourages by
their lack of success. These factors being mentioned above teachers should focus on because
these factors serve as their barriers in comprehending the words correctly. To cope up these
factors teachers must focus also on the strategies that can eliminate those factors of learning
difficulties such as decoding, increasing fluency, comprehension. In decoding, they need to
understand how the letters and sound works such as phonics along with the phonemes. To create
fluency, they need to practice the sounds of the words until they master it and to have an accent
in speaking the word.

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