Unit 3 Language Test: VOCABULARY: Adjectives + Prepositions

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Unit 3 Language Test

Name: _________________________________

VOCABULARY: Adjectives + prepositions mouth was 14 in / on fire! It was delicious but I

Match the sentence halves (1–7) with (A–G). couldn’t finish it all. I took it back to my room and left
it 15 in / on top of the table. I ate the rest for breakfast
before I got home!
1 I feel quite anxious D
2 I’m not very good F __/8

3 Some people say driving a car is similar A

4 Driving a car is completely different E VOCABULARY FILE
5 Cycling is fun, but I’m not keen C Complete the text with the words from the box.

6 I need to drive because it’s important B

7 The manager said that it’s typical G connect equipment invention managed
ring skills text turned upload webcam

A to driving any vehicle like a bus or lorry.

B for my job at a local supermarket. If I want to speak to someone, normally, I
C on driving and I find it a bit scary. just
D about my driving test next week. 16
__ring__________ them up, but my
E from a simple skill like riding a bike. daughter told me that nowadays most
F at parking the car or driving on busy people speak to each other on the
roads. computer. I decided to try, so I bought all
G of staff to make deliveries. the latest 17__equipment__________ like a
__/7 computer with a 18_webcam___________
so I can see other people. I
VOCABULARY: Prepositional phrases 19
__turned__________ the computer on,
Choose the correct options to complete the text.
but I couldn’t 20__connect__________ it to
the internet. My son came to my house and
I went in / on holiday to Italy recently. I had a lovely
he 21_managed___________ to help me do
time and I didn’t cook at all by / for a change.
Normally, I make all my meals 10 at / in home, so it
was nice to go out to restaurants 11 by / for breakfast, Well, now my life has completely changed! I
lunch and dinner. But on the last day, something think the internet is such a wonderful
funny happened. I was at a restaurant reading the 22
__invention__________. I have a social
menu. I was in / on a hurry so I ordered my food
media account and I can
quickly. The menu was all in Italian and I thought I 23
__upload__________ photos to it too! I
had ordered a small tomato pasta, but I had ordered
now use the computer to send
a huge family-sized pasta dish by / for mistake. It
had chillies on it too! It was so spicy that I felt like my
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2021
Unit 3 Language Test
Name: _________________________________
_text___________ messages to friends … these modern computer
I find it much easier than typing on my _skills___________ really quickly!
phone. In fact, my children say I’ve learnt

GRAMMAR: Narrative tenses and used to 7 We ____ my

Choose the correct option (A, B or C) to complete the grandparents every
sentences. Sunday when I was a

1 Karla ____ on holiday to Argentina last summer.

A used to visit B were visiting

8 What ____ on TV when

A been B went C used to go I called yesterday?
2 We stayed at home last night because it ____.

A had you B were you

A were raining B had rained C was raining watched watching
3 ____ anything interesting last weekend?
9 Suzanna ____ like
eating fish, but she does
A Had you done B Were you C Did you do
A didn’t use to B used to
4 I arrived home late and everyone ____ dinner already.
10 Steven ____ me a
ticket to the football match
A used to eat B ate C had eaten for my birthday.

5 Which part of Paris did you ____ in when you were a

A was buying B bought

A use to live B living C lived GRAMMAR: Narrative
tenses and used to
6 Marik went shopping after he ____ work. Identify the mistake in
each sentence. Then
write the correct form.
A was finishing B used to finish C had finished

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2021

Unit 3 Language Test
Name: _________________________________
11 The children was playing video games when I came ______ (fall) out of my
home. -> were pocket when I 24__was
sitting____ (sit) on the
12 Did you used to play the piano when you were younger?
-> use train.
Diana: Well, remember to
13 By the time Tara was 25, she was living in three
call the train company
countries. -> has lived -> had lived
tomorrow. It’s possible
14 Everyone was leaving the office at 6:00 pm yesterday. that someone
-> left 25
__found____ (find) it

15 I was very tired because I have run 10 km in the and handed

morning. it in.
 Had run
16 Tourists use to visit this beach a lot, but it’s less popular __/8

now. __/25

17 Frank met his best friend while he had studied at

university. -> was studying __/7

GRAMMAR: Past simple, Past continuous + Past perfect

Complete the conversation with the correct past form
of the verbs in brackets.

Diana: Hi Richard, how

are you?
Rich: I’m okay, but I think I 18_left_____ (leave) my mobile
phone on the train yesterday.
Diana: Oh, no! When did you notice that you
__has lost____ (lose) it?
Rich: While I 20_was cooking_____ (cook) dinner last
night. I wanted to check a recipe, so I went to get it from my
bag, but it wasn’t there.
Diana: I see.
Rich: I thought that I
_had put_____ (put) it in the lounge, but when I looked
around I 22__didn’t see____ (not see) it anywhere. I think it

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