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Quarter 1- Module4
How Society Is Organized

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Understanding Culture Society and Politics -Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1- Module 4: How society is organized
First Edition, 2020

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Quarter 1 – Module4
How Society is Organized
This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewedbyeducators from public and
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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippinesii


Overview General Instructions Content iv

What I Need To Know What I Know What’s In
What’s New What Is It?
What’s More
What I Have Learned What I Can Do
Additional Activities Answer Key

Hello dear learners! Welcome to this module on How Society Is Organized. Thismodule deals
with activities that could help the learners to explain the context, content, processes and consequences
of Socialization. The module is self – instructional andallowsyou to learn in your own space, at your own
pace. So, relax and enjoy learning.

To the teacher:

In this part of the lesson, the teacher presented the composition of society basedonvarious
groups in society. The series of activities is provided to identify the types of social groups that play in the
formation of identities, values, attitudes, and beliefs.

The primary goal of this module is to help learners engaged in some interestingandinnovative
activities in order to deeply understand the nature of social life and therulesgoverning behavior in society.

To the Learners:

The objectives of this module are best achieved if the learners fully understandtheir involvement
and participation in different social groups in society. This part of the lessonalsofocuses on society as a
diverse set of groups and explains how people organized.Astheyanalyze this aspects of social groups and
organizations, they will able to identify their roleinvarious social groups and networks within society.

1. Read and follow the instructions properly;

2. Write the answers in your notebook.
3. Answer the pretest prior to the lesson proper;
4. Take note of the terminologies (mark or labeled in bold words) citedrelevant to the
study of Social Sciences;
5. Self–check and compare your answers against the key answer foundat the end of
this module;
6. Perform critically the activities instructed in this module;
7. Answer the given assessment test after thorough study of thelessons;
8. Provide alternative formats for student work
9. Remind learners to write their answers in their Philosophy ActivityNotebook

The context, Content, Processes

and Consequencesof

5 Socialization.

This module provides activities on explaining thecontext,
content, processes and consequences of socialization.


After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Understand the nature of various social groups;
2. Define and identify the different types of groups in society; 3. Explain the role of social
groups in shaping identities of individual person.

Before heading on to our lesson, let us first check what you already

know. WHAT I KNOW?

INSTRUCTION: Write your answer in your activity notebook.
Identify the types of social groups by indicating a
Primary Secondary In-group/
Reference Networks

ex. family friends friends job try your self

clubmember and practice to
ship how make a
drawing in
most influential
to you...

1.facebook friends family job job job

friends family family family family family

3.barkada friends /friends friends friends friends
4.fraternity no /no no no no

5.sports self
self self self self

Great job! Later we will see if your answers are correct by reading therest of this module.

In the previous lesson, the learners identified their social
participation in the different agents of socialization. They
have critically understood the relevant mechanismof social
control in illuminating deviant behavior pre-existinginthe
society. They are now ready to be socially involvedintheir
preferred social groups and be able to explain thecontent,
processes and consequences of socialization.
Social group is a collection of individuals who have relations with one another that make them
interdependent to some significant degree.
Interdependence – a necessary condition that exists within social groupsbecause it is what enables
its members to pursue shared goals, value and principles.
It differentiates social group from an aggregate, or a mere collection of peoplewithina particular
place and time.
Members of society belong to the following social groups:
1. Primary group –a small, intimate, and less specialized groupwherebymembers engaged in
emotion-based interaction and interdependenceover anextended period of time.
2. Secondary group – a larger, less intimate and more specializedgroupwhereby members
engaged in objective-oriented relationships for alimitedperiod of time.
3. In-group- a group to which a person belongs, and with which he or shefeelssense of identity.
An out-group meanwhile, is a group to which onedoesnot belong and to which he or she may
feel hostility.
4. Reference group – a group which has a strong influence on an individual’s, beliefs, values,
behavior and attitude.
5. Network group –refers to the structure of relationship whichhasinterconnections, ties, and
linkages between people, their groups, andthelarger social institutions to which they all belong.
Fill in the information’s pertaining to what is asked below: 1.local
Religion:_________________________________________________________3. hobbies
and interests:_______________________________________________4. desired long-
term career:___________________________________________5. school/community-
based organization involvement:_______________________6. social – media
:_______________________________________8. Political Icon
:_____________________________________________________9. most Influential
person______________________________________________10. greatest achievement
in school/community: ____________________________

Shared your thoughts and impressions regarding your shared traits.

ACTIVITY 1. Directions: Identify the groups
(primary/secondary, in-group/out- group and referencegroup)
that you are involved or part of. Indicate a particular groupon
the drawing according to the most influential to you.


Process Questions:

1. Who/ what group(s) is/are the groups that largely influence you?family, peers and society
largely and extremely influence since day one. They let me cope and develop
different traits as well as teach me to socialize and manage change itself. The
three main influencers in my journey always leave me to yearn and welcome
new steps on the way.

2. What do you think is the primary factor of the social groups identified as themost influential to your
personal growth? For me it's My family. For they are the closest primary factors of
the social group towards me they directly influence my own personality and
3. Who/ what group(s) is/are less influential to you? 4. What do you think is the primary factor of the
social groups identified as the less influential to your personal growth? I dunno
5. Are there groups that are connected with each other? What are they?

•Primary groups are generally small and include intimate relationships, while

secondary groups are larger and more impersonal. Reference groups provide

a standard for guiding and evaluating out attitudes and behaviors. Lastly,

social networks are increasingly important in modern Life, and involvement in

such networks may have favorable consequences for many aspects of one's


Identify the examples of social groups and find out the relevant contributions of these
social groups in your social orientationand
Type of groupexamples Contributory factor

1. social families, , companies,

2. circles of clubs, local fraternities and sororities
friends chapters

Directions: In your activity notebook, write a one paragraphessay how your
involvement and participation indifferent types of social groups influence your
thoughts, attitudes, values and behavior.


Directions: Answer the processed questions citedinthe
basic block list. Write your answer in your activity



Directions: Do what is asked and
write your answer in your activity

1. Explain your personal observations

regarding the relationship among
members of your own preferred group?
Me and my friends are close to
the point that we share our personal
problems and help each other in times of
need. We never fail to understand each
other’s sentiments and because of that our friendship remain
strong and fun.
2. Evaluate the impact of social media on the existing groups in society? Social media can
be very influential on society in both positive and negative ways. It gives people a
way to stay in touch with people who live far away. It lets people share fun,
interesting and informative content.
3. Make a concept map showing your relationship towards social network groups like school
and church and in your community. first draw a circle in the middle the label it
"studying" next is put an 8 arrow around the circle then make a 8 box then put
this words inside the box. "Emotional intelligence". "Organization". "Habits"
"Concentration" "Humor" "Reading" "To synthetize" and last is "Motivation"

Directions: Identify what is asked in the following items. Write your answer
in your activity notebook.
A Group 1.A collection of individuals who have relations with one another to make them
interdependent to some significant degree.
Primary group 2.A small, intimate and a less specialized group.
REFERENCE GROUP 3.A group which has a strong influence on an individual’s belief, values,
behavior and attitude.
Network Group 4.A structure of relationship which has an interconnections, ties, linkages between
people and the larger social institutions like social media
Sociologist 5.A group to which a person belongs and with which he or hefeelsasense of identity
Outgroup 6.A group to which one does not belong and to which he or shemayfeel a sense of
Interdependence 7.A necessary condition that exist within social groups because the members
able to share common values and principles __________
larger group 8.A larger group, less intimate and more specialized engaged impersonal and
objective-oriented Relationship for a limited time
Classmates example of a secondary group
primary group 0A basic primary social group
out-group11.An example of out-group
online platforms 12.An example of a network group
parents, siblings, teachers, peers,friends.13.An example of a reference group
social group 14 A mere collection of people in the same time and place whichdoesnot necessarily
influence individual’s social actions.
Social network or social media15. A source of a bigger pool of circle of friends using technology.




secondary group workplace reference group

fraternity(exclusive primary group for

Directions: Mark x and on the space providedin the matrix. These
are responses on some of thedetails concerning your experiences,
participationandinvolvement in social groups.
I had a goodfamily I possessed a goodcomm
I was bulliedclassmates. relationship.
I experienced a bad
by my leaders
circle of friends.
I loved to takethe community- I am a member of a
basedactivities inbarangay. part in
political organization


You have completed your journey in
this module. You did a great job! It’s
now time to go on to the next
adventure…Good luck!



Maria Ella Atienza, et. Culture, Society and Politics: Edition,
C&EPublishing Inc.



Political Organization. Retrieved from:
bal_organizations_chiefdoms_cultural_anthropology&b=98&c=25 Political

Organization: Bands, Tribes, Chiefdoms, & States. Retrieved from: Authority
and LegitimacY

Michael Lacewing. Retrieved from:

Traditional Authority.Boundless. Retrieved from: 15/politics-

Max Weber: Traditional, Legal-Rational, and Charismatic Authority. Retrieved from:



For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education - Alternative Delivery Mode (DepEd-ADM)
Office Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1, Cagayan de Oro City, Cagayan de Oro, Lalawigan
ng Misamis Oriental
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