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Performance Task

Domingo Cas Balding

There is a woman whose name is Mariel Soria Lumbero of Barangay San Rafael which
located in Pilar. This woman becomes successful in her life when she once entered to
the world of entrepreneurship. Way back before, starving for food, and bearing
sicknesses are the two of the horrendous events that happened to her. In addition to
this, lacking of money was an irresistible hurdle to be successful she had encountered.
It was really the poorest life she had at that time. Facing so much hardships that almost
combat and fuck her up totally. Mariel's life was darkened by the diverse challenges.
The guts of raising herself up again have lost as if it was really the end. But life has been
changed for the better when she desperately took the opportunity to be driven by the
field of entrepreneurship. Mariel Soria Lumbero, the female entrepreneur commenced
her existence in abundance by means of selling breads. Fortunately, With the help of her
cousin, Manuel Soria Lumbero rendered financial help to at least support his cousin for
her small business. For the years of selling breads, she saved one-hundred fifty
thousand pesos which can be basically used to establish Bakery Shop. Luckily, when
the time of construction for her shop have been maximized, she started to make a
plenty of breads with only two men supporting the job. At first, it wasn't indeed her
capability to operate the Bakery Shop. But months have past, she becomes generally
accustomed to it. The food (breads), as it is the nature of her business become
prominent in the entire of Barangay San Rafael. Trying to make a capital out of the
event, Mariel even made many pieces of breads in it diverse formats such as sandwich,
donuts, pie, and so forth. The Bakery Shop has currently become functional and
significant which gives her the hope to live better and conquer different opponents that
would probably ruin her life in the general. Mariel is now stimulated by the light of her
business and is enthusiastic to move forward regardless of the hurdles that lie ahead.

Her vigorous existence can be seen on the eyes itself. But then, as the word "hurdles"
is mentioned above, Mariel concretely admitted that she got it through. Way back
before, when her Bakery Shop emerged, There were a lot of people who expressed their
hate: rumors everywhere, disapprobation, insecurities, and even the discredit against
her. For the moment she seemed panicking, it was her uncertain decision to close the
shop due to the repugnant quote unquote she have received. As she also uttered this: "I
almost devastated by the destructive situation." Putting Mariel back on the languor and
undermining the soul in its erroneous way. After the years of being on hiatus, Soria
Lumbero decided to go back to her business. She afterward created new strategies and
conducted an assessment where one unalterable fact appeared: Creating new palatable
breads can change their treatment. When then a few of people savoured the breads,
their expression toward it found to be very elated. She then received a lot of
compliments from different people: "kasiram kan tinda mong tinapay.", "tamang-tama
ang pakaluto." and so on. Due to this, she decided to sell online and considered delivery
just to make her business more prominent.

It has been twenty-one years of her business operation. Coming from Mariel, she
cannot obtain the good quality of her business and the productivity of life if God as an
omnipotent did not maneuvered her. With the exception of this, she is also very grateful
of Manuel Lumbero for giving her a capital of five hundred three thousand pesos to
support the construction of bakery. In this present and age, they both manage their
shop and earn money massively. According to the data of calculation of their business,
they earn seven thousand pesos per week and two-hundred seventeen thousand pesos
monthly. And so, this just actively demonstrates that they really belong to the list of
being successful entrepreneurs as they both involved to the business even up untill this
moment. Mariel and Manuel never fail to grow their very own Bakery Shop on their arms.
It is their piece of advice to all aspiring entrepreneur that they must be consistent in
moving forward. With its concomitant, they also addressed to the people that the field
of entrepreneurship does not always fall everybody behind the opulence. Whether It can
be very hard for them, but is meant for them or basically not for them. Clasping the fact
that not everybody wants to be entrepreneur would be successful entrepreneur in the
vitality of money.

From being undermined to stimulated, life has been transmogrified into massively
functional. In spite of the fact that an air of panic and lassitude ran through her, she
woke up in the morning with full of hope torching Mariel on the journey. Be that as she
may encountered so much difficulties along the way, it wasn't that horrendous reason to
let it overmaster and ruin her life. She may stumbled for several times, but that doesn't
mean that she would stay with that way because it was absolutely not her do's. The
people who challenged Mariel definitely strengthened that soul. The encounter of the
blues never subdued this woman simply because she did not let that to do so. There
might be the battle of will between Mariel and her destructive events, but at the end of
the day, she's the one who won. Mariel hampered and overcame those hindrances in a
way of being firm and bold. And now, the Bakery Shop expanded for more and her
breads become largest in its amount. Manuel Lumbero, her business partner is really
delighted for a certain. Never did he think about losing her hope to rise again from the
bitter adversity due to the verisimilitude that she is unbeatable. As they were both on the
process of composure, as a matter of fact, they gradually traced the pattern of stepping
stone and finally come to its pleasing end. Currently, Mariel's life is as colourful and
palatable as her breads. She comes into the conclusion of savoring the sweet success
despite all.

As they are being aligned with the victory— the prosperity of money, Mariel and
Manuel never ever forget and repudiate to help the people around them. As of this date,
they both keep rendering the assistance with overwhelming heart. The people who are
located nearby and far from them embrace what has been given. In spite of the fact that
Mariel was oppressed by the humans and by the egregious events, she never grow the
grudge which would probably pull the trigger to have the retaliation. To sum up anything
that has been stated so far, the nature of her business becomes the nature of her
money. The Bakery Shop is now her fittest feet. Mariel is a great survivor of a paper cut.
In this date, she still wandering along the way of her journey. Owing the success to the
people to believe in them.

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