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Assignment 8: Works Cited Page

(100 points)

For this assignment, you will create a works cited page in proper MLA format. We are
using the latest version of MLA for this assignment, the 9th edition.
Please read these instructions carefully!! Contact me for help if you have any


 Create your works cited list in a blank document in your word processing program
(Word, OpenOffice, Works, Pages, etc.) and save it as either Word
document/.docx format or as a .pdf (these two formats allow us to easily grade
your assignment in our online class environment).

 Submit your completed assignment in our class website using the same
process you’ve followed for previous assignments.

 Choose a topic that interests you and find the required sources (see below) related
to that topic.

 Use the MLA handout (available as a download on our class website or in hard
copy at the MPC Library reference desk) as a guide as you work on your citations.
Also refer to the works cited page example file linked to in Module 8.

 This assignment is worth 100 points. At the end of this instruction sheet, I have
given you the table that shows how I assign points while grading this assignment. It
is easy to miss a lot of points for formatting details, so pay very careful attention to
your work!


Your works cited page must include a total of 6 sources (No more, no less). These
6 sources must include:
o 2 books
 Both books must be from our MPC Library Catalog.

 You can cite print or ebooks if you like, but be sure you have cited correctly!

o 2 articles from the library database Academic Search Complete

 Both articles must be originally from magazines, journals and/or newspapers
(no book chapters).

 Both articles must be from Academic Search Complete.

o 2 websites
 Cite two websites from the Internet. Any websites are okay, as long as they
relate to your topic. I recommend choosing websites that are easy to cite.

Library 50-Assignment8/Works Cited Page


 Format your entire document in proper MLA style, as described in MLA Citation
Style handout. To be correctly formatted, you must:
 Center the title Works Cited, one inch from the top of the page.
 Double space between the title and the first entry.
 Double space all your citations-they should be double spaced evenly
throughout the works cited page (see Works Cited Page example from
Module 8….it should look like that).
 Each entry should begin flush with the left margin. If the entry is more than
one line, indent the next line or lines one-half inch (or 5 spaces).
 Be sure to put your works cited list in alphabetical order.
 Do not put your works cited page divided by type of resource (books, articles
websites), put them all together in their overall alphabetical order.

 This assignment is worth 100 points. When I grade your assignment, I will use the
following rubric:

Possible Points
Unified topic/theme 10
Correct double spacing 10
Correct indentation 10
Correct alphabetization 10
Individual citations 10 points
 Proper type of source (2 books, 2 articles and 2 each x 6 = 60
websites total points
 All required elements of the citation are present
 Required elements of the citation are in the
correct order
 Date is formatted correctly for the type of
source being cited
 Correct capitalization
 Correct italics
 Correct punctuation


Library 50-Assignment8/Works Cited Page

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