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Rizal sa Dapitan (lit. 'Rizal in Dapitan') is a 1997 Philippine biographical film directed by Tikoy Aguiluz
about the four-year exile of Filipino propagandist and patriot José Rizal in Dapitan, starring Albert
Martinez as Rizal and Amanda Page as Josephine Bracken. The screenplay was written by Pete Lacaba.
It features arguably the best Rizal performance by a movie actor (Albert Martinez).
Jimmy Fabregas as Father Sanchez, Albert Martinez as Jose Rizal, Chris Micelena as Father Antonio
Obach, Amanda Page as Josephine Bracken, Candy Pangilinan as Maria Rizal, Rustica Carpio as Teodora
Alonzo Rizal, Junell Hernando as Joselito, Tess Dumpit as Narcisa, Roy Alvarez as Capt. Ricardo
Carnicero, Paul Holmes as George Taufer.
Rizal lived his life when he was exiled in Dapitan. As I have seen in the film, he was really productive
with his time. He got himself busy with taking good care of plants, teaching his young students,
maintaining his surroundings and the like. He being a teacher of a number of students was one of the
best things he had done for the people. He did this without charging the students or their families. He
shared knowledge to these young men who cannot afford to go to school. Along with teaching them
about mathematics, geography, science, etc., Rizal also taught them morals and was able to build a
good relationship with them. I saw in the film that he was a really good teacher just as a good father to
the young students.
Rizal used deep words, like a poet, like Edgar Allan Poe, the what we call as ‘matalinghaga’, and it
showed us how intelligent Rizal was. They also used Spanish words which made me say, ‘What? Anu
raw? ’ because there were no subtitles. The picture quality was not that good and the cutting of the
scenes was confusing. For example, Rizal was talking to Father Sanchez then it abruptly switched to the
scene when they were having some coffee. The movie also lacked music to add more emotion into
every scene. For example, in the scene when Josephine Bracken’s baby was being miscarried, there
should have been music with an emotion of fear or fright. In the scene when Rizal was burying the
baby, there should have been sad music. When it comes to the lessons that could be found in the
movie, certainly much can be found in Rizal sa Dapitan. It taught me about the value of life and the
beauty of children when Rizal and Bracken’s baby died. It taught me about the importance of freedom,
and how to still live normally and fully if it had been denied of me.
It taught me not to cease and wither when it comes to fighting for what I think is right. Rizal sa Dapitan
was good, the choice of characters was also good. I think the highlights of Rizal’s life was not just only
when he was in Dapitan, but during the climax of events before his execution. There are a lot of lessons
we can get from Rizal’s stay in Dapitan. First, we should not be prisoners of ourselves, instead we
should strive harder to achieve our goals and stand up for what we believe in. Second, we should not
let anyone put us down and belittle us, instead we must prove to the hat we Filipinos are equal and at
par with other people across the nations. Lastly we should learn to love our motherland and keep our
own identity as Filipinos because it is the only thing that we can pass on to the succeeding generations.
The movie helps us realize the fact that the freedom we have today is l because of Rizal and all the
brave Filipinos who fought for it.
José Rizal is a 1998 Filipino biographical film of the Filipino patriot José Rizal, directed by Marilou Diaz-
Abaya and starring Cesar Montano as José Rizal.
Cast of Characters in Rizal The Movie Cesar Montano as Dr. Jose Rizal, Joel Torre as Simoun, Jaime
Fabregas as Luis Taviel de Andrade, Gloria Diaz as Doña Theodora Alonzo, Gardo Versoza as Andres
Bonifacio, Monique Wilson as Maria Clara, Chin Chin Gutierrez as Josephine Bracken, Mickey Ferriols as
Leonor Rivera, Pen Medina as Paciano Rizal. Equivalent Cast of Characters In the novel Noli Me Tangere
And El Filibusterismo Dr. Jose Rizal as Simoun, Leonor Rivera as Maria Clara.
The film is an excellent portrayal of what the Filipino heroes went through for their love for the
country. The insertion of scenes from Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo also helps to remind the
audience how Dr. Jose Rizal assimilated the events of his own life to those of his characters. As a man
he was honorable; he showed the values of honesty, integrity, faithfulness, and perseverance, among
others. As a Filipino he used these values for the good of the country. He made considerable efforts to
strike a balance between the Spanish and the Filipino people, unhindered by the fact that by doing so
he would be putting his own life in danger. Jose Rizal’s example of patriotism will not be forgotten, and
modern-day Filipinos would do well to emulate his brave acts in their own little ways.
The problem with Jose Rizal is that it concentrates on historical accuracy rather than artistic
contribution. The film, as mentioned, is basically a history book adapted to film. My problem with this
Rizal film is that the depth of this film's Rizal is as much as the depth of Rizal you'd get from a high
schooler's Filipino textbook. Compare that to Tikoy Aguiluz's Rizal sa Dapitan, or Mike de Leon's
Bayaning Third World, all of which have their own historical inaccuracies, but the Rizals there are
definitely deeper, probably less a hero, but more a human. Nonetheless, it is a splendid film that
deserves much praise and acclaim.
I was really able to see how my fellow countrymen were oppressed, enslaved, tortured not only
physically but also mentally and also through their words. All i can say is “THANK YOU” to Rizal because
he went through all of the things i saw in the movie. He was brave enough to go through all of the
hardships just to liberate the country. I started to feel this deep emotion. I’m proud that Rizal was able
to make a big impact for Andres Bonifacio and other countrymen way back, up to now. I’m also
grateful that we can now feel the independence that other people didn’t experience way back. I
recommend this movie to all Filipinos, especially to young people like me. It will help them appreciate
life in general because independence wasn’t always there, it was fought for, fellow Filipinos died for it.
I thank Rizal for that and other Filipino heroes. Every time i see the Philippine flag, i remember those
who died to give us the independence we have.

“Ang Bayaning nasusugatan mas lalong tumatapang”

Bayaning 3rd World (lit. '3rd World Hero') is a 1999 Philippine mockumentary film directed by Mike de
Leon and written by De Leon and Clodualdo del Mundo Jr. and starring Joel Torre as José Rizal. It
examines the heroism of Philippine national hero Jose Rizal, particularly on his supposed retraction of
his writings against the Catholic Church in the Philippines during the Spanish colonization period in the
Joel Torre as Jose Rizal, Ricky Davao as Filmmaker 1, Cris Villanueva as Filmmaker 2, Ed Rocha as Padre
Balaguer, Joonee Gamboa as Paciano, Daria Ramirez as Donya Lolay, Rio Locsin as Trining, Cherry Pie
Picache as Narcisa, Lara Fabregas as Josephine Bracken.
Ricky and Chris in the film when they mentioned that “Rizal is bayaning Third World” and “marupok
(brittle)”. Although this seems very pessimistic, in my view, this is of significant value because it
conveys that Rizal has a human side and that he represents the struggle of the colonized people.
Because he is human, Rizal has weaknesses and committed flaws yet he was still able to rise beyond
the challenges during his time. Like the people in the Third World who sought for independence
against the hold of the major powers, he also struggled to challenge the status quo during his time
through his writings and opposed those abusive and exploitative social structures which undermine the
rights of the Filipino people. Indeed he was an epitome of the people in the Third World struggling for
self-determination and seeking for a right path that would lead them for a better future.
After watching the film, I asked myself whether Jose Rizal would have wanted the fame he has right now. Along
with the fame are cluttered stories and even different judgments. Would the humble Rizal like all of these? I
don’t think so. His last words to his mom, Teodora, can attest to this. He just wanted a simple burial and no
anniversaries. I think he even wanted to bury his living memories with him. Now, his memories are not just
remembered but questioned. I pity a dead man, who cannot even defend himself from all the judgments thrown
at him. If Rizal could just rise from the dead and answer everything or at least just The Retraction Controversy.

I like the film’s approach in searching for answers for the controversy, bringing to life important characters in
Rizal’s life like Paciano, Fr. Balaguer, Trining, Teodora, Josephine Bracken and even Rizal himself to personally
ask them about what really happened in Rizal’s last few days. Each character’s answers, I understood are
subjective or if not are from the different writings or diaries found. After all those effort of finding the truth
about Rizal’s alleged retraction, there has been no strong evidence that could put an end to it. Some believed he
wrote that just to marry Josephine, some says the signature was forged, some says everything was just all
invented by the Catholic Church at that time to erase to the notion of Rizal, mortal enemy of the Church, as our
hero. Indeed, Rizal buried with him the truth about this controversy and we are left to believe what we want to
individually believe.

Generally, this film is educational and can be viewed by all. And by this, they can acquire knowledge
and moral values in life. Finally, this film “Bayaning Third World” is enjoyable to watch, timely and does
have historical documentary background that embodies the entirety of our country.

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